

【作者】 肖灵

【导师】 王立新;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 思想政治教育, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 当代大学生红色文化教育,就是教育者根据教育目的,结合受教育者身心发展规律,以生活实践为基础,以红色文化为教育载体,借助一定的介体,通过教育者的引导和革命先辈的示范,激发学习者的内在道德动力,引起内心的情感共鸣,增强心理认同,以促使当代大学生参照学习,最终达到内化革命先辈的精神品格,养成正确的世界观、人生观、价值观和培养健康道德人格的教育活动。开展红色文化教育具有重要的理论和实践意义。它有利于丰富大学生思想政治教育内容、完善思想政治教育理论体系和改进思想政治教育工作方法,也有利于维护中国共产党的执政安全、培育大学生的社会主义核心价值观和提升大学生个体道德素质。建国以来特别是改革开放以来,红色文化教育实践活动取得了极大的成效,显示出了蓬勃的生机与活力。在充分看到成绩的同时,我们也要清醒地看到红色文化教育所存在的不足,充分认识到所面临的挑战。一方面,党继承了建设和改革过程中开展红色文化教育的宝贵实践经验,为红色文化教育积累了丰富的财富;另一方面,在经济全球化浪潮席卷全球、各种思想文化相互激荡、西方敌对势力西化分化活动频繁的严峻挑战面前,我们开展红色文化教育面临着不少前所未有的挑战,这就给高校开展红色文化教育增加了不少难度。在深入分析调查研究红色文化教育历史的基础上,我们选择了一些高校作为样本,开展了问卷调查研究,重点找出红色文化教育所存在的突出问题,并总结出了红色文化教育的历史经验——高度重视先进人物的示范效应、注重结合形势开展红色文化教育、发分发挥宣传媒体作用开展教育。新时期高校开展红色文化教育,首先要明确大学生红色文化教育的目标和原则,科学设定红色文化教育目标,准确把握红色文化教育原则,努力掌握红色文化教育的基本规律;其次要善于科学选择大学生红色文化教育资源,重视物质类和非物质类红色文化教育资源的开发利用,把握大学生红色文化教育资源的内在要求;再次要积极探索大学生红色文化教育新路径,善于将红色文化资源与学校教育、家庭教育、社会教育相结合,运用好“潜移默化法”、“比较学习法”、“红色旅游体验法”、“实践锻炼法”、“红色文化现代传播法”等教育方法;最后要积极构建大学生红色文化教育新机制,重点构建好红色文化教育激励机制、运行机制、实现机制、评估机制和教育保障机制,从而助推大学生红色文化教育取得新成效,实现提升受教育者思想道德素质、助力实现中华民族伟大复兴梦、确保红色江山永不变色的教育目标。

【Abstract】 Revolutionary culture education is an activity in which educators, resorting to the revolutionary culture materialized in some form of medium and with the revolutionary predecessors as models, motivate learners morally, elicit their sympathy with the culture and urge them to model on the forerunners, and learners are made to internalize the spiritual qualities of the predecessors, to develop a correct outlook on world, life, values, and to develop healthy morality and personality. The revolutionary culture education among contemporary college students should be in line with the educational purpose, abide by the laws of their physical and mental development and apply to their practical life.Launching the revolutionary culture education among contemporary college students has significant theoretical and practical values. It is beneficial to enrich the contents, perfect the theoretical framework and improve the methods of ideological and political education; it helps to secure the leadership of CPC, cultivate college students’ core values of socialism and upgrade their individual moral qualities.Since the founding of PRC, especially since its reform and opening up, the revolutionary culture education has achieved a great success and showcases exuberant vigor and vitality.While celebrating the achievements, it is cautioned to notice soberly the deficiencies and challenges in the revolutionary culture education. On the one hand, in the process of construction and reform, the Party has inherited valuable experiences in the practice of carrying out the revolutionary culture education, and has accumulated a rich wealth for it. On the other hand, with the economic globalization sweeping across the world, the ideas and cultures clashing with one another, the westernization and differentiation activities from western hostile forces, colleges and universities are facing unprecedented challenges and difficulties in extending the revolutionary culture education.Relying on the research upon the history of the revolutionary culture education, the writer has selected some sampling universities where the questionnaire survey has been conducted, which identifies the critical problems in the revolutionary culture education and sums up its experiences---attaching great importance to the exemplary effect of grand figures, combining the revolutionary culture education with the current situation and fully exploiting the function of mass media.In the new era, the following are proposed in fulfilling the revolutionary culture education.First of all, clarify the objectives and principles, set the educational goals in a scientific way, and grasp accurately the principles and the basic laws of education.Secondly, select scientifically the resources of the revolutionary culture education, value the development and utilization of the tangible and intangible resources in the revolutionary culture education and grasp the inherent requirements of the educational resources.Thirdly, explore initiatively new approaches to the revolutionary culture education, integrate the educational revolutionary culture resources into school education, family education, social education and apply scientifically such teaching methods as "the subtle influence method,""the comparative learning method","the experience method,""the rehearsal method","the modern media method of revolutionary culture ".Fourthly, build actively new educational mechanisms with emphasis on the incentive mechanism, the operating mechanism, the implementation mechanism, the assessment mechanism and the educational guarantee mechanism, so as to ensure the educational goals of making new achievements in promoting the revolutionary culture education, of enhancing learners’ ideological and ethical quality, and of safeguarding the Party’s leadership from never being toppled.


