

【作者】 王永收

【导师】 华明;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 影视文学, 2014, 博士


【摘要】 大卫·波德维尔(David Bordwell,1947—)是当代美国知名电影理论家,美国电影理论界“新形式主义”学派、认知主义学派的奠基者和代表人物之一,为1980年代以来美国电影理论的发展做出了相当的贡献。其电影理论体系内容庞杂,涵义广泛,研究领域涵盖电影叙事、电影风格、电影历史、地区与导演个案研究等多个方面。如以一条主线贯穿他三十余年来的电影研究,“电影诗学”无疑是其电影理论中最为核心和关键的概念。作为一种研究设想和框架,他的电影诗学研究从电影自身的形式问题出发,结合认知建构理论的模型分析,集中探讨了电影艺术形式系统运作的原则与效果问题,以“电影是怎样为了得到特定的效果而被制作出来的”作为研究的基本论题。“中观”研究、形式本体、认知建构这三者彼此联系、相辅相成,共同支撑起了波德维尔电影诗学的理论框架。“中观”研究的理论范围限定决定了波德维尔从解决具体问题出发、经验与理性相结合、以具体解释和知识获得为目标的电影诗学研究思路;形式本体的研究立场选择为电影诗学的具体运作提供框架支撑,受其影响,波德维尔视电影为一种艺术形式,并对其进行系统、历史地分析,探寻形式运作基本原则与效果,形成了分析诗学、历史诗学与效果诗学相结合的整体研究框架;认知建构理论为形式系统运作研究与观众能动性研究搭建了意义生成模型,为波德维尔电影的电影叙事研究和电影阐释研究提供了独特的切入角度。通过这种“中观”视阈下形式本体研究和认知建构研究的结合,波德维尔的电影诗学在电影理论、电影批评与电影史研究领域都取得了丰富的成果。在电影研究中,波德维尔所提倡的电影诗学能起到基础性的作用,具有重要价值。从特定角度而言,它对宏大理论的激进态度可视为争夺理论话语权而采取的相应策略,并确实在一定程度上对宏大理论研究中过度抽象、空泛无物的一些倾向起到了约束、反思作用。但是,无论从形式本体立场还是意义的认知建构方式来看,波德维尔电影诗学的这种“中观”研究同样存在着一定的简约化风险是一种“有限”研究;电影研究应以兼容并包的态度,统合利用各种理论的优势,共同致力于各类问题的解决。

【Abstract】 David Bordwell(1947-),a famous American contemporary film theorist, is the founder and one of the representatives of the Neoformalism and Cognitivism. What’s more, he makes great contribution to the development of the American film theory since the1980s and gains fruitful research results. His research involves many aspects such as the history of film, case studies of areas and directors. As to the main line throughout his thirty years’film studies,"Poetics of Cinema" is undoubtedly the core and the most critical concept of his film theory.This thesis regards Bordwell’s Poetics of Cinema as the research object. Specifically, the thesis first analyzes the three aspects—the definition in the scope of middle-level study, the researching standpoints of formal ontology and the meaning of cognitive construction, which pointes out the inter-relation of the three aspects. Secondly, by Bordwell’s explorations in narrative and interpretive researches of films and history researches, the thesis gives a detailed study on the utilization of Poetics of Cinema in present research scales. In the following steps, the contradiction and disputation between Bordwell’s Poetics of Cinema and Grand Theoretical researches are discussed from the angles of formal ontology and meaning construction. Then, the core of disputation obtains corresponding analysis and appropriate comments following. On a full overview, the thesis ends with the conclusion about the theoretical advantages and disadvantages of Bordwell’s Poetics of Cinema, for the purpose of advocating the prosperity of theoretical researches on films with comprehensive attitude.This thesis considers that Poetics of Cinema can play a fundamental role in film study. From a particular viewpoint, its radical attitude towards Grand Theory can be regarded as corresponding strategies to win over theoretical speaking rights. Meanwhile, such attitude indeed has some restrictive and reflective functions in the trend of excess abstract and vagueness in Grand Theory study. However, there also exists certain risk of simplicity in Bordwell’s middle-level study either from the standpoint of formal ontology or the form of cognitive construction of meaning. In order to solve the multifaceted issues, the film research should be carried out with attitudes of inclusiveness and the comprehensive utilization of various theories.


