

【作者】 韩荣荣

【导师】 陈书录;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 本文以雍正乾隆时期的女性词人词作为研究对象,通过文本解读与对比分析,旨在展示此时期女性词坛的发展脉络与总体特征。同时,本文还从原始资料入手,深层考察了女性词与当时社会背景、文学思潮的关系。绪论中首先界定了本文的研究范围,接下来对清代女性词的研究现状做了梳理,意欲整理出一条清晰的研究脉络,为本文的研究做好铺垫,最后简述了本文的研究方法及创新之处。正文分为上编综论与下编作家论。上编综论主要是从整体上把握雍乾女性词的创作现状、创作特色、与周围社会环境的关系等等。其中第一章旨在从史的角度对此时期女性词做整体研究。首先介绍了雍乾时期女性词坛最显著的结社现象及其特点与成因,其次详细论述雍乾女性词与当时文学思潮的关系,以及两者的互动渗透。第二章旨在从女性自身及作品的角度对当时词坛的现象进行分析。首先结合女性的实际生活情况,对其生存状态与创作环境详细论述,其次解读了此时期女性作品中最为常见的两种现象:“脂粉气”与“姊妹情谊”。第三章旨在探讨雍乾女性词创作的总体特征,这包括创作主体特征、题材特征以及艺术特征。其中重点阐述了雍乾女性词的题材新变特征及其意义。第四章旨在做雍乾女性词的比较研究,以对其独特的面貌进行更加明确的体认。这包括雍乾女性词与顺康女性词的比较、与女性诗的比较、与男性词的比较。下编作家论主要立足于作品解读,以对此时期成就突出,个人特色鲜明的女词人给予详细研究。第五章研究了此时期成就最高的女词人熊琏,首先论述生平与交游对其词作的影响,其次全面考量其《淡仙词钞》的意蕴与她对人生的超常思索,再次从艺术风格、词境、表现手法等角度对其词作艺术成就进行了分析总结。第六章论述了最具闺秀当行本色的女性词人李佩金,首先解读其作品的主要内容、分析其哀怨清绮的词情、阐述其作品与《红楼梦》的关系,其次将时人常与她相提并论的女词人杨芸与之作比较研究。第七章主要分析此时期最显著的女性社交团体随园女弟子的词作,其中选取孙云凤、孙云鹤、张玉珍、屈秉筠、汪玉轸为代表,结合其生平遭际,对她们的词作作全面细致的分析论述。第八章意在研究雍乾时期独树一帜的女性词人,她们的创作不同于当时词坛的整体风貌,有极其鲜明的个人特色。其中沈彩词在俏皮流丽之外,带有非常浓厚的书香气息;王贞仪词古典厚重,是其游历颇广,知识全面的文字流露;戴澈词荒寒意味颇浓,是其旅居边塞多年真实的生活体验。

【Abstract】 This paper aims to show the development and general characteristics of women poems in Yongzheng and Qianlong dynasty through the analysis of text interpretation and comparison. Meanwhile, the paper also starts from the raw data, deeply studying the relationship between women poems and the social background of the word and the literary trends.The introduction defines the scope of this study firstly. Then we sorted out the research status of women poems in the Qing dynasty. The purpose of doing so is to sort out a clear research context, to pave the way for the study of this paper. Finally, the author briefly describes the research method and innovation.The text is divided into the review and the writer analysis. The review mainly analyzes characteristics of creation, and the relationship between creation and social environment of the female poems in this period from the grasp of the overall the situation. The main content of the first chapter is to studying the female poems from the perspective of history. Firstly, it introduces the most significant association phenomenon and its features and causes of female poems in Yongzheng and Qianlong period. Secondly, it discusses the relationship between the female poems and overall literature in detail. The second chapter aims to analyze the phenomenon of female poems from the perspective of women themselves. Firstly, it combined with the actual life of women, describing the survival condition and the creation environment of them. Secondly, it explains the two of the most common critical terms:"feminine" and "sisterhood" in female works in this period. The third chapter focuses on the general characteristics of the female poems creation in Yongzheng and Qianlong dynasty. This includes the creation subject characteristics, creation characteristics, and artistic characteristics, which focuses on the new characteristics and its significance mostly. The fourth chapter aims to do a comparative study of the female poems in this period. This includes the comparison of the female poems in Yongqian period and Shunkang period, the female ci poems and female poems, the female poems and male poems.The second part mainly discusses the outstanding poetess through their works in this period. The fifth chapter introduces the highest achievements of poetess Xiong lian. First, it discusses the effect of the life and friendship on her poems. Next, It discusses the contents and artistic style of Xionglian’s poems. The sixth chapter discusses the female poet Li Peijin. Firstly, it introduces the main content of her works, the style of her poems, and the relationship with "a dream of Red Mansions". Then it compares Yangyun to Li Peijin. The seventh chapter mainly analysis the most significant female social groups of Suiyuan women, which chooses Sun Yunfeng, Sun Yunhe, Zhang Yuzhen, Qu Bingyun, Wang Yuzhen as representative, combined with their life experience, make analysis and discussion for their words. The eighth chapter aims at introducing the female poet who have very distinctive personal characteristics. These poets include Shen Cai,Wang Zhenyi and Daiche.


