

【作者】 吴霁霁

【导师】 杨朝明;

【作者基本信息】 曲阜师范大学 , 专门史, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 改革开放以来,独立的政治、腾飞的经济以及复兴的文化,使中国的综合国力日益增强,中国在国际事物中发挥越来越重要的作用。就国家综合国力来说,在全球信息化的时代,虽然经济、军事、科技以及矿产资源等传统有形的“硬”实力亦然很重要,文化软资源影响力、文化软实力就已成为衡量一个国家、区域综合实力的重要指标。作为中国最重要的文化软资源之一,孔子文化如何走向世界,一方面让世界更深入地了解中国、理解中国文化,一方面提升中国的文化软实力,增强中国综合国力、提高在世界事务中的影响力,都是亟待解决的课题。第一章绪论部分分析了在全球化背景下,中国文化的最为重要的文化软资源孔子文化走向世界问题研究的意义、研究现状及研究思路。该研究的意义表现在:首先,推进实施山东“文化强省战略”;其次,可以使国人更加清楚以孔子文化为代表的优秀传统文化的历史地位和永恒价值,提升文化自觉和自信。最后,有利于提高中国文化软实力,增强中国在国际舞台上的话语权和影响力。通过对既有成果的分析,可以看出,至今尚无系统地就孔子文化走向世界的历史、现状及未来走向进行全面研究的论著。可以说,在今天的形势下,这一研究是既具有理论价值又有现实意义的课题。我们根据文化学理论来分析孔子文化之不同部分的价值高低,并根据历史经验教训进行理论总结,结合国家政策和具体实践,从国内、海外两个角度找出问题和困境所在,并试着提出解决之道,以便能够更好地推动孔子文化走向世界。第二章“孔子文化的‘地域性’与‘世界性”,主要分析了孔子学说与孔子文化的关系,尤其是指出了孔子文化自始就具有中国文化主流的基因,这是由于孔子文化的母体鲁文化本身的特性及孔子本人“集大成”的工作所决定的。孔子文化由“地域文化”走向“主流文化”的过程实际上是孔子文化“走向世界”的最初的步骤,同时正因为孔子文化成为主流文化,孔子对中国乃至世界的意义更为突显。我们通过分析孔子文化所具有的“地域性”、“特殊性”与“世界性”、“普遍性”的二重品格,指出孔子文化走向世界的必然性与可能性。第三章“孔子文化的海外传播”,将历史上孔子文化在东亚和欧洲、美洲的传播历程进行了研究。指出孔子文化在东亚传播的成功是多方面因素促成的,其中当地政府的倡导孔子文化教育、在制度上有科举制度的建立为保障、派遣留学生来华学习、大量儒家典籍文献的输入和刊刻、通过设立孔庙举行释奠礼来扩大孔子的影响等多管齐下的措施,都是重要因素。而在孔子文化西传欧洲的过程中,最初起主要作用的主要是传教士,其次有海外华人及欧洲学者的推动。孔子文化在美国的传播开始较晚,但是由于美国政府的推动、海外华人的努力、美国学者的推动及媒体的宣传,取得了较为可观的成果。但是综合起来看,孔子文化在海外传播不是主动的,而是由对方主动实施的。这在一定程度上是由中国文化“礼闻来学,不闻往教”的传统有关的。第四章“‘孔子文化走向世界’的初步实践”,主要探讨了新时期以来,中国在“孔子文化走向世界”方面的既有经验。一方面分析了国家战略层面的“文化走出去”战略实施的背景、内涵和意义,一方面对我国各地在文化“走出去”战略实施方面取得的较为成功的经验、思路进行了分析,“他山之石,可以攻玉”,这些成功经验可以为孔子文化更好地“走出去”提供借鉴。最后我们将孔子文化故乡济宁在推动孔子文化“走出去”过程中所作的工作进行归纳与总结,这些“济宁经验”可以为全国的孔子文化“走出去”提供范例,具有典型的意义。本文第五章“孔子文化怎样更好地走向世界”,则是在总结既有经验基础上,对孔子文化“走向世界”存在的困境和挑战进行了分析,包括:传播者——人才匮乏,主体意识缺失;传播内容——内力不足,缺乏创新;传播渠道——模式单一,缺少话语权;受众——外部环境面临挑战等方面。除了这些困境和挑战之外,孔子文化走向世界还有诸多制约因素亟待解决。其中包括:国外因素——西方国家对孔子文化的偏见和误解;国内因素——文化传统的断裂;文化自身因素—孔子文化传统的特质。在此基础上,我们试着提出推动孔子文化更好“走向世界”的若干建议。第一,破除“礼闻来学,不闻往教”的传统心态,树立积极主动的文化传播信念;第二,地方政府和国家层面都应该继续加大力度,组织文化界、学术界、教育界、企业界人士进行联合攻关,确立切实可行的文化走出去战略;第三,加强国内传统文化尤其是经典教育和人才培养,为孔子文化的世界传播提供可靠的人才储备;第四,提升和优化孔庙功能,使其充分发挥教化国民、尊敬圣贤的场所,切实提升国民素养和德行,给孔子文化海外传播提供最深厚的底气和动力;第五,优化整合曲阜及其周边孔子文化资源,对内保护和传承孔子文化,对外展现孔子文化之魅力;第六,在曲阜筹建孔子学院总部体验基地,为海外学生提供更真切体验孔子文化打造新平台;第七,做好中国经典的外译工作,这就需要加大翻译人才的培养;第八,充分利用不同国家的审美、心理、习俗,借助科技手段、多角度、多形式展现孔子文化;第九,充分发挥孔子学院在海外孔子文化的传播的作用;第十,充分发挥海外孔庙在孔子文化走向世界过程中的作用。

【Abstract】 Since the reform and opening up, the independent politics, the booming economy and the rejuvenated culture has continuously strengthened Chinese comprehensive national strength, and made China play a more and more important role in international affairs. As far as comprehensive national strength is concerned, in the global information age, although the traditional "hard" power including economy, military, science and technology, and mineral resources is still important, the cultural soft resources influence and cultural soft power have become an important indicator in measuring the comprehensive strength of a country and a region. As one of Chinese major cultural soft resources, how to promote Confucius culture to the world, in order that on one hand, the world could know and understand Chinese culture more thoroughly, on the other hand Chinese cultural soft power could be improved, Chinese comprehensive national strength could be strengthened, and China’s influence in world affairs could be improved, is a significant topic to be solved.The first chapter is the introduction, which analyzed the research significance, the research status and the research ideas of the issue that under the context of globalization, Confucius culture, which is Chinese most important cultural soft resources, go to the world. The research significance lies in as follows:firstly, it promotes the implementation of "the strategy of strengthening the province through culture" of Shandong province. Secondly, it could make the public have a clearer mind of the historic status and eternal value of excellent traditional culture represented by Confucius culture and improve the culture self-awareness and confidence. Lastly, it could help to improve Chinese cultural soft power, strengthen the say and influence of China in international stage. Through the analysis of the existing research achievements, it is apparent that by now there is still not any works that make comprehensive research on the history, present situation and future trend of Confucius culture’s going to the world. Therefore, in this circumstance, this research has both theoretical value and realistic significance. In this paper, the author will in accordance to the theory of culture, analyze the varied values of the different parts of Confucius culture, on the basis of the historical experience and lessons, summarize the theories, combined with national policies and specific practices find out the problems and plight from the domestic and overseas perspectives, and try to pose the solution in order to better promote Confucius culture to the world.The second chapter is the "regionalism" and "globalization" of Confucius culture, which chiefly analyzed the relationship between Confucian doctrines and Confucius culture, and the author especially pointed out that Confucius culture embodies the genes of the mainstream of Chinese culture from the very beginning, the reason of which lies in the characteristic of Lu culture and Confucius’"epitome" work. In fact, the course that Confucius culture develops from "local culture" to "mainstream culture" is the preliminary procedure of Confucius culture’ going to the world. Meanwhile, thanks to Confucius culture becoming the mainstream culture, Confucius’ influence on China and even the world becomes more evident. The author pointed out the inevitability and possibility of Confucius culture’going to the world by analyzing Confucius culture’double character of "regionalism", namely "particularity" and "globalization", namely,"universality".The third chapter is "the overseas spread of Confucius culture", which researched on the course of Confucius culture’ spreading to East Asia, Europe and America. The author points out that the successful spread of Confucius culture in East Asia is caused by many factors such as the local government advocating Confucius culture education, the guarantee of the imperial examination system, the international students studying in China, the input and publication of massive Confucian classics, and the multi-pronged measures including enlarging the influence of Confucius by setting Confucian temple and holding Memorizing Confucius Ceremony. In the course of the spread of Confucius culture to Europe, the major agent is the missionaries, the secondary agents are the overseas Chinese and European scholars. The spread of Confucius culture in America started comparatively later, but made considerable achievements, due to the promotion of American government, the endeavor of overseas Chinese, the pushing of American scholars and the publicity of the media. However, on the whole, the overseas spread of Confucius culture is not an active conduct, but implemented the counter part, which is to some extent related to Chinese culture tradition of "the learner rather than the teacher should be active in the teaching of ritual".The fourth chapter is "the preliminary practice of’Confucius culture going to the world" which mainly discusses China’s existing experience in terms of Confucius culture going to the world since the new era. On one hand, the author analyzed the background, connotation and significance of "Confucius culture going to the world" in the national strategy level, on the other hand, the author analyzed the successful experiences and ideas of varied regions of China in the implementation of "going out" strategy in order to provide reference for Confucius culture going to the world. At last, the author summarizes the work that Confucius’hometown Jining has done in promoting Confucius culture to go out, and these "Jining experiences" could set a good example for Confucius culture in other regions of China to "go out".The fifth chapter is "how Confucius culture better go to the world", which analyzes the plight and challenge that Confucius culture confronts in "going to the world", including the lack of talents and the deficiency of subject consciousness, the lack of innovation in content, the lack of say because of the singleness of spreading mode, the challenge of the external environment that the audience are facing, and so on. In addition, there are a lot of restricting factors to be solved, including the foreign factor, namely, western countries’ prejudice and misunderstanding to Confucius culture; the domestic factor, namely, the fracture of traditional culture; the cultural factor, namely, the idiosyncrasy of Confucius cultural tradition; and so on.We should optimize and integrate Confucius culture resources in Qufu city and its surroundings, to protect and inherit Confucius culture internally and exhibit the charm of Confucius culture externally, we should prepare to construct experience base of worldwide Confucius Institute headquarters to provide new platform to vividly experience Confucius culture for overseas students.we should strengthen the overseas spread of Confucius culture, especially exerting the role of Confucius Institute and overseas Confucian Temples.On this basis, We tries to pose several suggestions to promote Confucius culture better "going to the world". Firstly, we should break the traditional mentality of "the learner rather than the teacher should be active in the teaching of ritual", and set active and positive cultural spreading belief. Secondly, the local government and the national level should increase the intensity, and organize relative talents from the cultural circle, the academic circle, the educational circle and the business circle to jointly establish feasible strategy of culture going out. thirdly, we should strengthen domestic traditional culture, especially the classics education and the talent training, to provide reliable talent reserves for the spreading of Confucius culture to the world. Fourthly, we should improve and optimize the function of Confucian Temples, making it fully play the role of teaching the public, respecting the passed sages, and effectively enhancing the attainments and virtue of the public, in order to provide the most profound motivation for the overseas spreading of Confucius culture. Fifthly, we should optimize and integrate Confucius culture resources in Qufu city and its surroundings, to protect and inherit Confucius culture internally and exhibit the charm of Confucius culture externally. Sixthly, we should prepare to construct experience base of worldwide Confucius Institute headquarters to provide new platform to vividly experience Confucius culture for overseas students. Seventhly, we should do the classics translation work satisfactorily, which requires us to further cultivate and train the translators and interpreters. Eighthly, we should make full use of the aesthetics, psychology, and custom of different countries and use high-tech means to exhibit Confucius culture from many angles and in many forms. Ninthly and the last, we should strengthen the overseas spread of Confucius culture, especially exerting the role of Confucius Institute and overseas Confucian Temples.


