

【作者】 崔海鹰

【导师】 黄怀信;

【作者基本信息】 曲阜师范大学 , 专门史, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 《古文尚书》的真伪问题一直是中国学术史上的重点课题,影响深广。其中,清代学者《古文尚书》辨伪的方法、成果,尤为后世疑古辨伪学者所崇重、借鉴和推衍。不过,清人的辨伪工作并非完美无缺,也存在不少可议之处。近年来,随着大量战国秦汉时期的简帛古书问世,前沿学者倡导对古书成书问题展开反思,一些学者由此对《古文尚书》案进行反思和检讨,并探索新的研究理路与方法。最近,由于清华简《尚书》类文献的面世,使《古文尚书》问题的探讨愈发地展现出复杂性与深厚的学术、文化内涵。本文企望在此学术背景下,将《古文尚书》问题的讨论落脚于对其成书过程与特征的具体认识上。旨在由“对古书的反思”角度,探论孔安国传本《古文尚书》的系列成书问题,具体即从上溯其渊源所自入手,考察其传流、演变以及在西汉时期的整理成书过程,以求更深刻地理解《尚书》类文献的本质,及其传流、演变的各种特征,进而为《古文尚书》案的重新认识和解决提供新的视角和研究思路。第一章为引论部分,主题是对《古文尚书》问题的反思以及新研究理路的探讨。首先回顾《古文尚书》问题的由来,继以综述现今学术背景,特别是现当代学者对《古文尚书》问题的反思与新探讨,以及相关出土文献所带来的《古文尚书》问题的新进展,进而提出在此新背景下,由“对古书的反思”视角,具体、分步骤地考察《古文尚书》的成书问题。第二章追溯《尚书》类文献的起源,特别是其与上古王官传统的关系,以从内在理路上对《尚书》类文献可靠性加以论证。这类文献来自史官记录,并经过相续的编纂、整理,与王官传统,尤其是史官制度密不可分,并为史官赞治的重要途径和工具。因此,《尚书》类文献重在承载历代王道、治法,为现实政治提供制度、思想、文化资源。在此试举一端:儒家所传“中道”思想渊源深厚,而将清华简《保训》篇与今本《尚书》、《逸周书》等相关记载相结合,可明显看出《尚书》类文献中系统的“中道”思想传承。第三章探讨东周时期《尚书》类文献的传流问题。在政治、文化分裂的背景中,《尚书》类文献亦在不同地域与文化区中继续传播、传流,并随即发生相似却又不尽相同的演化、改易,造成样貌、特征等的各具特色。由新出简帛文献可见,东周时期的学术、文化、文献等已有非常广泛的传播,许多文献,包括《尚书》类文献,都有多种文本在各地传流。通过比较典籍引文与《尚书》原文,出土《尚书》类文献与今本《尚书》的异同,大致可见,即使在政治分立、文化差异的背景下,《尚书》类文献的精神、本质基本不变,但其不同文本间会产生、存在诸如字体、文句、篇目、篇名等的各种差异。第四章主要讨论孔子儒家与《尚书》的关系,以及由此产生的对《尚书》文本的各种影响。孔子熟习《尚书》类文献,并对其性质、内涵、功能等有深刻认识,他对这些文献的整理、研习和讲论,是其继承、发展王官之学与先王之道的重要体现。正由这一过程,形成孔门《书》说,以及孔门《尚书》传承。其中,所谓孔子“删书”,其实质并非将一部分删去、弃之,而是择取其中内容重要、主题鲜明、文本完善的一部分,从而形成已知《尚书》学史上第一个定本。但除此以外,由子思、孟子引《书》可见,孔门中还当有其它《尚书》类文献的文本传流。第五章主要讨论孔安国与《古文尚书》的关系。首先由汉初政治、学术的特殊背景,考论孔壁所出《古文尚书》在学术史上的地位和意义。继而结合相关文献,考察孔安国的学术背景、渊源及学风特点。又结合现代简帛文献的整理方式,以求更准确地理解孔安国对《古文尚书》的整理和改编过程。其间,为了澄清一些重要论据,对孔安国《尚书序》做了专门考证。最后推论孔安国整理《古文尚书》,既有对字体的隶定,也包含对文句的改读、疏通,意在保证《尚书》大义的前提下,在形式上作出适应时代的改变。孔安国对《古文尚书》的整理、训传工作,开启了汉魏孔氏家学中的《古文尚书》传承历程。第六章为后论部分,提出由对《古文尚书》真伪之疑辨,到现代学者对疑辨之反思、检讨,再到出土文献带来的新问题与新认识,不能简单地视为机械地否定之否定,而应在新的学术背景下,将研究重点引申、整合到对《古文尚书》成书问题的具体认识上。再以论文主题部分为基础,总结《尚书》传流中多本并传,以及文本屡屡改易等特征,指出在此过程中“变”与“不变”的辨证性:文字、形式常应时而变,而本质、主旨等则大体不变。这些传流特点对认识孔传《古文尚书》的成书及其面貌、特征具有关键意义,并对《古文尚书》真伪问题及其它文献的相关问题均大有裨益。

【Abstract】 The authenticity of Guwen Shangshu has been the important issue on the research ofChinese ancient history,which is so influenced. Especially the methods and achievement ofdistinguishing the truthfulness of the Qing dynasty version of Guwen Shangshu have been themain focus and reference for scholars on Ancient History Discrimination Mythology. However,the work of discrimination in the Qing dynasty was not perfect and there are still some doubtfulpoints.In recent years, as many scripts on wooden and bamboo slips and silk from Qing and Handynasties have been discovered, academic viewpoints on ancient books have accordinglychanged, some scholars begin to restudy the issues of Guwen Shangshu, review the books,explore new theory and methodology. Recently, the discussion of the Guwen Shangshu issuereveals the complexity, deep academic and cultural intrinsic values.Under the academic background, this article focuses on the becoming papers andcharacteristics on the Guwen Shangshu issues. In order to study the origin of GuwenShangshu written by Kong Anguo from the perspective of ‘reviewing the ancient books’, it startsby analyzing the origin of the book, investigating the process of spreading and evolution, as wellas writing and becoming papers during the western Han dynasty; the study seeks deeperunderstanding on the essence of document resources such as Shang shu, and the characteristicsof spreading and evolution; also provides new viewpoints and thoughts on recognition andresolving the issues on Guwen Shangshu.The first chapter is introduction, which reflects the Guwen Shangshu issues and exploresthe new research methods. First of all, the study reviews the origin of Guwen ShangShu issues;summaries the contemporary academic background, especially the reviews of modern scholars,and new developments on research that produced by unearthed documents; takes steps to explorethe specific issues of the books and retrospect the origin by combining the background andperspective of ‘reviewing the ancient books’.The second chapter reviews the origin of the document resources such as Shang shu,especially the relationship between that and the dynastic officers system to demonstrate thereliability of the document resources such as Shang shu. This kind of documents came from therecord of the official historian and was compiled by the official historian of the later ages, whichemerged together with the dynastic officers system, especially the official historian system. They are the important ways for the official historian assisting government. Therefore, the documentresources such as Shang shu aimed at the inheritance of the kingly way and the methods of theadministration of a country, in order to provide the institutional, mental and cultural resources.For example, the Confucian metal inheritance Zhongdao has a deep origin. Referring to theShangShu, Yi Zhoushu and the Qinghua Bamboo script named Baoxun, we can find that therewere systemic inheritances of the Zhongdao in the document resources such as Shangshu.The third chapter discusses the spread issue of the document resources in the Dong ZhouDynasty. In the background of the politic and culture split, the document resources such asShangshu spread in different areas and cultural areas and appeared evolution, change with thecharacteristic on appearance. From the new unearthed bamboo slip and silk documents, We canfind the wide rand spread of the academics and culture in the Dong Zhou Dynasty.of thedocument resources. From the new unburied bamboo and silk script we can find the wide randspread of the academics and culture. Different kinds of the documents were spread in differentplaces, including the document resources such as Shangshu. With the comparison between thequotation from the ancient books and records and the Shangshu we can find the differencesbetween the document resources such as Shangshu and the version of it by now. Even in thebackground of the political split and the cultural difference, the essence of the documents wasnot changed, but there must be some differences between the different versions in the aspects ofthe script, sentences, chapters and the name of the chapters.The forth chapter discusses the relationship between Confucius and the ShangShu and theinfluences from this to the Shangshu text. Confucius knew very well the document resourcessuch as Shangshu and deeply understood the nature, connotation and function. He put thedocuments in order and studied them, which in the important reflection of his inheritance,development of the official study and the ancestors methods. With this progress, function of theShangShu and the connection between the Confucius education and the Shangshu were formed.The named deletion of the Shangshu by Confucius was not the deletion and discard but thechoose of the parts that were important in content, vivid in theme and integrated in version. Inthis way, the first version of the famous Shangshu was formed. However, there were otherversions of the document resources spread in the Confucian school, which can be found in theversions of Zisi and Mengzi.The fifth chapter discusses the relationship between Kong Anguo and the Guwen Shangshu.First of all, we study the position and the influence of the Guwen Shangshu hidden in the wall inthe academic history. Then, with the use of the documents we study the academic backgroundand origin of Kong Anguo as well as the style of study. In order to make a good understanding ofthe progress of the sorting and the recomposing of the Guwen Shangshu by Kong Anguo, we used the bamboo slip and silk. Among that, we also make a special reference work on theShangshu Xu to clarify some important arguments. At last, we infer that Kong’s sorting of theGuwen Shanshu included both the determination of the script and the correction of the sentences,which mean to make a change of the form according to the ages on condition that the theme ofthe Shangshu was not changed. All of these work opened the Han and Wei Dynasties inheritancecourse of Guwen Shangshu.The sixth chapter is the conclusion part, we point out that we should not simply grid outnegation of negation that from the discrimination of the Guwen Shangshu to the introspection ofthe modern scholars or the new questions and new understanding of the unearthed documents.Under the new background, we should focus on the study of the formation of the GuwenShangshu. Based on the main part of the essay, we make the conclusion of the characteristics ofthe Shangshu, which includes the combination of different versions and the modification of theversions. We point out that the dialectics of ‘change’ and ‘not change’ in this process, whichmeans the words and the form changed according to ages but the essence and the theme weresame in general. All of these characteristics are meaningful to understand the formation and theappearance of the Guwen Shangshu, which will help us to recognize the issues about the GuwenShangshu and other relevant issues.


