

A Study on Market Positioning of the Rural Banks in Shandong Province

【作者】 王海波

【导师】 史建民;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 村镇银行的设立是我国农村金融改革的一次创举,是金融监管部门着眼于农村经济的长期可协调发展做出的一次新制度安排。村镇银行自诞生那天起,就受到社会各界的广泛关注。本研究依据市场定位理论,在对全国村镇银行的发展现状进行分析的基础上,运用比较分析、规范分析和实证分析等方法,基于山东省村镇银行市场定位现状,探究了村镇银行市场定位可能的影响决定因素,并进一步对村镇银行目前市场定位战略下的经营绩效进行实证分析,以检验村镇银行目前的市场定位,能否实现其商业可持续发展。全文共分五部分:一是村镇银行市场定位的一般分析(第1、2章),包括导论,相关概念界定与理论阐释;二是村镇银行发展现状分析(第3章),主要分析了村镇银行产生的背景及发展历程,并从四个方面对全国范围内的村镇银行进行了比较;三是村镇银行市场定位现状及影响因素分析(第4、5章),主要依据市场定位理论,从目标客户、经营区域、业务产品等三个方面,对市场定位现状进行了深入剖析研究,然后采用理论和实证相结合的方法,对影响村镇银行市场定位的因素进行了深入分析;四是村镇银行经营绩效分析(第6章),主要从效益和效率两个方面对村镇银行的经营绩效进行了实证研究;五是研究结论及对策建议(第7章),在基于前文分析基础上,进一步提炼观点,对论文进行总结。通过研究,本文得出如下主要结论:(1)村镇银行市场定位战略符合设立的政策初衷,且实现了可持续发展。截止2011年底,山东村镇银行涉农贷款占全部贷款的比重为74%,58.06%的村镇银行该比重超过了90%,村镇银行通过发放涉农贷款实现了服务当地农村经济建设,为“三农”提供金融服务的政策目标。通过对村镇银行经营绩效的实证分析发现,村镇银行经营的安全性较高,但由于贷款的集中度较高,存贷比较高,使其面临一定的经营风险。村镇银行的整体盈利水平处于上升趋势,表现出较强的后续发展能力,而且成立时间较长的村镇银行已为股东带来了“超额利润”。通过对村镇银行进行X效率的实证分析发现,由于商业化经营,村镇银行的配置效率普遍较高,且村镇银行处于规模报酬递增状态。(2)村镇银行的目标客户定位于农户和中小微型企业。作为商业性金融机构的村镇银行,村镇银行基于农村金融供需现状,结合自身特点,按照商业经营逻辑,将服务对象主要定位于农业大户、中小微型企业。同时,基于金融共生理论分析认为,作为“小”银行的村镇银行与同样属于“小”客户的农户、中小微型企业存在较强的金融共生度,至于农户户均贷款余额较大一方面是由于农户大额的生产性资金需求引起的,另一方面是由于村镇银行的注册资本金额越来越大,对同一借款人的最大贷款余额随之变得越来越大。(3)村镇银行经营区域出现一定的政策偏离。从全国范围看,41.04%的村镇银行位于东部经济发达省份,就山东而言,48.57%的村镇银行位于东部发达县市,且村镇银行76.76%的营业网点位于县城的城区或地级市的市辖区,位于乡镇一级的营业网点全部为村镇银行的分支机构,村镇银行的主发起人在进行网点选址布局时,更倾向于经济较发达地区,65.71%的村镇银行法人经营区域的金融机构网点覆盖率高于全省平均水平,市场竞争程度强的县市已经成立村镇银行,竞争程度弱的县市大部分尚未成立村镇银行,一定程度上偏离了先欠发达县、后发达县的村镇银行组建原则,与通过组建村镇银行解决农村地区金融网点覆盖率低、金融市场竞争不充分的目的相背离。(4)村镇银行业务产品种类少,同业存放业务功能异化,资金来源渠道有限。村镇银行的资金主要用于发放贷款和存放其他银行同业,贴现、投资等其他业务开展较少。贷款以保证贷款为主,抵押贷款和质押贷款较少,针对农户的信用贷款和联保贷款更少。以方便资金清算为目的的同业存放业务,在村镇银行的业务实践中出现异化。同业存放业务已成为村镇银行解决资金流动性,获取盈利,实现资金收益最大化的主要手段之一。村镇银行由于自身支付结算系统不畅,不能加入同业拆借市场,支农再贷款的限制条件较多,资金来源渠道有限,主要依靠吸收的存款,在出现资金紧缺时,唯一能依靠的只有主发起人。村镇银行中间业务的开展受到诸多限制,业务量很少。(5)村镇银行的主发起人将村镇银行作为风险转移的工具。在村镇银行开办的返售金融资产的买卖、转贴现业务中,村镇银行的主发起人均充当了重要“角色”,主发起人利用控制村镇银行的便利性,通过开展以上业务将承担的风险转移给村镇银行,同时实现自身的利益最大化。出现该现象的主要原因是由于村镇银行主发起人的持股比重越来越高,处于绝对控股地位,甚至完全控股,危急了村镇银行的独立性,使村镇银行成为主发起人的“工具”。

【Abstract】 The establishment of the rural bank is an innovation of rural financial reform in ourcountry. It is also a new system arrangement financial supervision departments take toachieve long-term coordinated development of rural economy. Since its birth, rural bankhas attracted wide attention from the society. On the basis of market positioning theory,this study analyzes the current situations of the rural bank in our country. Meanwhile,with the use of comparative analysis, normative analysis and empirical analysismethods, it also explores the probable influencing factors of rural bank’s marketpositioning after description of its market positioning status in Shandong province. Thisstudy further demonstrates empirically operating performance under rural bank’s currentmarket positioning strategy, with the aim to test whether the current market positioningof rural bank can realize sustainable development of its business.The thesis consists of five parts: the one is the general analysis of the rural bankmarket positioning (Chapter1,2), including introduction, the definition of relatedconcepts and theoretical explanation; the two is the analysis of the current situations ofthe rural bank (Chapter3), which mainly describes the background and development ofrural bank and nationwide ones are compared from four aspects; the three is the analysisof the current status and influencing factors of rural bank market positioning (Chapter4,5). Mainly on the basis of market positioning theory, this section explores in depthcurrent status of rural bank market positioning from the three aspects of the targetcustomers, operation area and business products, while using the method of normativeand empirical analysis, analyzes the influencing factors of the rural bank marketpositioning; the four is the analysis of operating performance of rural banks (chapter6),mainly empirically from two aspects of the effectiveness and efficiency; the five is theconclusions and suggestions (Chapter7). Based on the above analysis, this sectionfurther refines the above arguments and summarizes the whole paper.The study arrives at the following main conclusions:(1) The rural bank market positioning strategy accords with the original policy, andrealizes sustainable development. By the end of2011, the proportion of agriculture-related loans to total loans ofShandong rural banks has reached74%,and this ratio of58.06%rural banks exceeded90%. Rural bank, through the issuance of agriculture-related loans, has achieved thepolicy objectives of serving local rural economic construction and providing financialservices to the "rural economy, rural development and rural demography ". Theempirical analysis of operating performance finds high safety of rural banks business,but because of high concentration of loans and deposit-loan ratio, they are also facedwith certain risks. The rural bank’s overall profitability is in an upward trend, showingstrong subsequent development ability. Long-established rural banks have brought"excess profits” to shareholders. The empirical analysis of X-efficiency finds that, dueto the commercial operation, the allocation efficiency of rural bank is generally high,and in a state of increasing returns to scale.(2) Rural bank targets farmers or Small and Medium-sized and micro enterprises.As commercial financial institutions, rural bank combines the rural financialsupply and demand situation with its own characteristics, and in accordance with thebusiness logic, locates its main service object at large farmers or Small andMedium-sized and micro enterprises. Meanwhile, Financial Symbiosis Theory holdsthat as a “small” bank, rural bank and farmers or Small and Medium-sized and microenterprises, which also belong to the "small customers ", have strong financialsymbiotic degree. The greater Loan balance to farmer household, on the one hand, iscaused by the large productive capital needs of farmers and on the other, because theregistered capital of rural bank grows larger, the maximum loan balance to the sameborrower is increasing.(3) The operation area of rural bank appears a certain deviation from policyintention.Nationally,41.04%of the rural banks are located in the eastern developedprovinces, and in terms of Shandong,48.57%in the eastern developed cities andcounties.76.76%business outlets of Shandong rural banks are situated in the countyseat or municipal district, while outlets in villages and towns are all branches of ruralbanks. The main sponsors tend to lay business outlets at more economically developedregions. In corporate management area, coverage of65.71%of rural banks is above the provincial average. The fact that rural banks are established in the areas with fiercemarket competition and not in the counties and cities with weak market competition, toa certain extent, deviates from the building principle of underdeveloped county first andthe developed second, and the building aim to raise coverage in rural areas andstrengthen competition in financial markets.(4) Business product of rural bank has few varieties, alienation appears in theInterbank deposit business and channels to obtain capital are limited.Rural bank funds are mainly used for the loan and deposit with other banks.Discount, investment and other business are rarely carried out. Guarantee loanpredominates, while mortgage loan and pledge loan are less, and credit loan and jointguarantee loan are even less. For the Interbank deposit business which aims to facilitatethe settlement of funds, alienation appears in the practice of rural bank. Interbankdeposit business has become the main method to achieve capital fluidity, gain profit andrealize the income maximization. Because poor banking payment and clearing systemrestricts rural bank from entering interbank lending market, and there exist manyconstraints to further loan to agriculture, rural banks can only obtain capital fromlimited channels. In the presence of a shortage of funds, rural bank can only rely on themain sponsor. Intermediate business of rural bank is subject to many restrictions, so thebusiness volume is at a low level.(5) Rural banks are acted as a tool to transfer risks by the main sponsor.In the resale of financial assets and rediscount business, the main sponsor acts asan important role: with the convenience of controlling rural bank, the main sponsortakes advantage of these businesses to transfer risks to rural bank and meanwhilemaximize their own interests. The main reason is that shareholding proportion of mainsponsors is higher and higher, sometimes in a position of majority shareholding, or evencomplete control. This phenomenon endangers the independence of rural bank. Ruralbank is reduced to the "tools" of main sponsors.


