

Interaction between Thrust Load Caused Landslide and Antislide Pile in Jurassic Strata in Three Gorges Reservoir Region

【作者】 雍睿

【导师】 唐辉明;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学 , 地质工程, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 滑坡是斜坡破坏类型中分布最广、危害最大的一种地质灾害,其演化过程包含了从孕育、发展直至消亡的整个周期活动。随着我国经济建设的蓬勃发展,大批重大基础设施建设实施过程将受到滑坡灾害的严重威胁。因此,亟需对滑坡治理方法进行系统研究,并据此为工程实践提供科学依据。抗滑桩是滑坡治理的主要措施之一,具有抗滑能力强、适用条件广、施工安全简便、能核实地质条件等突出优点,得到了极为广泛的应用。但目前抗滑桩设计的理论方法还不成熟,抗滑桩承载特性、桩-土相互作用机理以及荷载传递规律等尚未十分明确。为此,深入开展抗滑桩与滑坡相互作用研究是当前迫切需要解决的应用课题之一。在建立滑坡地质力学分析模型并阐明滑坡基本演化特征的基础上,结合三峡库区侏罗系地层岩层结构特征,重点开展了基于推移式滑坡-抗滑桩体系演化过程的桩土相互作用研究,据此延伸出了相关抗滑桩优化设计方法并运用于工程案例。取得的主要研究成果如下:(1)基于“三段式”滑动模式的力学模型,对推移式滑坡与牵引式滑坡的力学成因机制进行了对比研究,讨论了两者的差异性。从地形地貌、地层岩性、地质构造、水文地质等方面分析了推移式滑坡的基本形成条件。总结了三峡库区典型推移式滑坡—新滩滑坡的变形破坏过程和裂缝配套体系的发展规律。从滑坡形态特征、物质组成、结构组成、动力因素四个方面,建立了推移式滑坡概化地质力学模型。提出了模拟渐进推移式滑坡演化过程的推力控制法以及适用于模拟突变推移式滑坡的位移控制法。总结了三峡库区侏罗系地层岩性特征和分布规律,对比分析了软、硬岩层物理力学性质的差异性,提出了软硬相间岩层概化分析模型。(2)采用室内物理模型试验方法模拟了推移式滑坡的演化过程。利用三维激光扫描技术监测滑坡不同演化阶段模型表面点云数据,揭示了滑坡演化规律和裂缝体系的分期配套特征。根据坡表代表性监测点位移时程曲线,采用广义关联维方法,分析了滑坡演化过程中多重分形维数变化规律,并以此为依据,将推移式滑坡演化过程划分为后缘压缩阶段、匀速变形阶段、加速变形阶段。其中,后缘压缩阶段对应的位移多重分维数呈降维特征,匀速变形阶段时多重分维数整体呈先减后增的变化趋势,加速变形阶段多重分维数表现出增维趋势。运用数值模拟方法再现了推移式滑坡的演化过程,计算结果与模型试验结果基本吻合,验证了推移式滑坡演化过程的阶段性,揭示了滑坡演化过程中稳定性系数的非线性衰减规律。(3)提出了兼顾滑坡自身特征和桩土相互作用的“半模型”试验方法,重点阐述了桩前滑体概化步骤;研发了一种多工况框架式滑坡地质力学模型轻便试验装置,利用该装置可模拟多工况条件下滑坡变形破坏特征与滑坡-抗滑桩相互作用过程;配套研发了一种模拟库水位升降过程的试验设备,可实现水位波动的自动化模拟;提供了一种滑坡物理模型试验多场信息监测方法,能实现滑坡演化过程中位移场、应力场、温度场多场变化特征的精确测量;考虑到干扰信号对试验监测数据的影响,采用LabVIEW程序开发平台,编程实现了基于Butterworth低通滤波器的可视化试验数据滤波软件。(4)通过物理模型试验方法研究了抗滑桩悬臂段与推移式滑坡相互作用过程。①抗滑桩改变了滑坡的演化过程,导致滑坡主要变形阶段占整个演化过程的比例增大,初始阶段比例减小,主要变形阶段的增长量与初始变形阶段的缩短量相当,而破坏变形阶段所占比例基本保持不变;主要变形阶段,抗滑桩发挥了加固效果,将加载作用通过抗滑桩和桩后滑体变形吸收,无桩条件下则通过大范围滑体变形来吸收推力作用;进入破坏变形阶段后,桩后滑体达到了极限承载能力,从桩顶附近剪出破坏,无法继续通过抗滑桩支挡吸收更大荷载,而未植入抗滑桩的滑坡沿着鼓胀变形前缘轮廓线发生剪切破坏。②采用三维激光扫描与计算机辅助检测技术,获取了坡体表面位移场信息,捕捉到了滑坡演化过程中产生的土拱效应现象。③通过桩后与桩间不同埋深处的土压力监测数据的分析,得到了应力土拱的演化规律:随着滑坡后部推力的增大,应力土拱的影响范围扩大,在水平方向表现出土拱拱高的增大,在竖直方向上表现出土拱效应影响范围的扩展;当滑坡由初始变形阶段过渡至主要变形阶段时,应力土拱空间形态变化明显;当滑坡由主要变形阶段过渡至破坏变形阶段时,应力土拱效应变化趋势不明显;滑体达到承载极限后,滑坡模型发生破坏,土压力迅速降低,应力土拱现象消失。④推移式滑坡演化过程中,桩后滑坡推力作用点位置是不断变化的;滑坡推力作用点变化规律与滑坡的演化阶段一一对应;推移式滑坡-抗滑桩体系处于初始变形阶段时,滑坡推力大小缓慢上升,滑坡推力作用点逐渐上升,相同埋深处抗滑桩受到的水平应力值彼此接近;主要变形阶段时,滑坡推力呈线性增长趋势,滑坡推力作用点逐渐下降;破坏变形阶段时,破坏前滑坡推力呈线性增长趋势,但增长速率小于主要变形阶段,滑坡推力作用点缓慢下降并趋于恒定。(5)通过物理模型试验方法研究了抗滑桩嵌固段与推移式滑坡相互作用过程。①抗滑桩桩侧土压力、嵌固段弯矩演化特征呈先增大、后逐渐趋于恒定的变化趋势。嵌固段弯矩、桩侧土压力对加载响应的敏感性随着距离滑带埋深的增大而减小。②抗滑桩嵌固段桩前土压力呈上大下小倒三角形分布规律;抗滑桩嵌固段桩后土压力总体较小,桩底附近土压力较大;抗滑桩悬臂段土压力分布规律呈抛物线型分布。相同加载条件下,嵌固段不同埋深处土压力值变化幅度与滑床岩性有关,以硬岩为主的滑床结构受到的最大土压力值大于以软岩为主的滑床结构,嵌固段发生弯曲变形的中心位置也较高。③抗滑桩嵌固段弯矩值总体满足随距离滑面埋深增加而减小的变化规律;相同岩性条件下,嵌固段最大弯矩值随着岩层倾角的增大而增大;不同岩性条件下,滑带附近以硬岩为主的滑床结构所对应的嵌固段弯矩值大于以软岩为主的滑床结构。(6)桩后滑坡推力分布规律不仅与滑体介质有关,还应该由滑坡演化阶段、地质结构特征、几何形态、岩土体性质以及抗滑结构的受力变形特征等诸多因素综合确定。滑坡推力分布形态总体满足抛物线型分布规律。随着滑体抗剪强度参数的增大,滑坡推力逐渐减小,作用点逐渐上升;滑体内摩擦角对滑坡推力分布的影响比粘聚力敏感;悬臂段中上部,桩身受到的水平应力与坡角、滑带厚度呈负相关关系,而与滑面坡度呈正相关关系;悬臂段中下部,抗滑桩桩身受到的水平应力与坡角、滑带厚度呈正相关关系,而与滑面坡度呈负相关关系;抗滑桩嵌固长度对滑坡推力分布规律的影响较小。滑床岩体结构特征对抗滑桩嵌固段受力与变形影响显著:①滑床岩层倾向为顺倾向时,岩层倾角对抗滑桩受力和变形影响显著,滑床岩层为逆倾向时,影响较小;顺倾向条件下,随着倾角的增大,抗滑桩悬臂段和嵌固段受到的内力绝对值呈增大趋势,桩顶水平位移呈增大趋势,最大弯矩值点、最大剪力值出现的位置呈下降趋势,抗滑桩变形范围逐步扩大。②当层厚比较大时,抗滑桩受力与变形特征由硬岩控制,软岩起辅助作用;当层厚比较小时,受力特征主要取决于软岩,硬岩起辅助作用;随着层厚比的增大,抗滑桩嵌固段承受的最大弯矩绝对值、最大剪力绝对值呈增长趋势,桩顶位移呈减小趋势,抗滑桩发生明显变形的长度减小。③岩层厚度相似比越小,抗滑桩嵌固段单位长度穿越的软弱层位越多,对桩身受力和变形影响越大;岩层厚度相似比达到一定大小后,抗滑桩穿越的硬岩达到一定层厚,桩身受力与变形特征由硬岩控制。④抗滑桩冗余嵌固长度随顺倾向岩层倾角的增大而减小,逆倾向岩层的影响不显著;抗滑桩冗余嵌固长度随层厚比w、岩层厚度相似比v的增大而增大,有效嵌固深度则随之减小;当层厚比w、岩层厚度相似比v分别增大到一定值后,抗滑桩冗余嵌固长度趋近均质硬岩滑床所对应的冗余嵌固长度,有效嵌固长度趋于恒定。(7)基于弹性力学理论,建立了桩后滑体应力分析模型,得到了不同时间(演化阶段)、不同空间位置、任意桩数条件下的桩后滑体应力分布函数,并由此开展了不同桩数、桩间距、桩截面尺寸下桩后滑体的土拱效应研究。探讨了该应力分布函数在抗滑桩设计中确定最大桩间距的运用,以及在物理模型试验中估测滑体空间应力的方法。以滑坡推力及其作用点位置函数关系为基础,提出了基于模型试验结果求解滑坡推力作用位置的方法,据此计算得到了更符合抗滑桩真实受力条件的弯矩值。针对滑床岩体结构特征,对传统线弹性地基系数法“K”法进行了修正,提出了一种软硬相间滑床岩体结构条件下抗滑桩嵌固段内力与位移的计算方法。该方法中引入了岩层倾角α、层厚比w、岩层厚度相似比v0岩层结构特征参数,属于抗滑桩嵌固段内力、位移计算的矩阵分析方法。基于极限平衡理论,给出了一种适用于评价三峡库区侏罗系复合层状岩质斜坡稳定性的方法及实现的技术路线图。该方法综合考虑了岩层几何特征、岩体强度参数的空间变异性,能求解复合层状岩体稳定性系数和搜索最危险滑动面位置。(8)选择三峡库区秭归县马家沟滑坡为研究对象,结合区域地质环境背景,在系统总结研究区工程地质条件的基础上,进行了滑坡稳定性评价和稳定性影响因素分析。以滑坡物理模型试验成果为依据,确定了滑坡推力作用点的区间范围。通过岩层厚度相似比、层厚比、倾角等岩体结构参数,细化了抗滑桩嵌固段与滑床岩层的接触关系。通过与假设滑坡推力呈矩形分布、未考虑滑床岩体结构特征的常规设计方法比较,认为基于滑坡推力作用点位置和考虑滑床岩层结构特征的优化设计方法,更能真实反映抗滑桩悬臂段与嵌固段的受力特征,得到的弯矩和剪力更加合理。对马家沟滑坡防治工程而言,抗滑桩常规设计方法与优化设计方法相比,设计方案偏于危险。本文的主要创新点是:(1)从滑坡力学成因机制出发,建立了推移式滑坡概化地质力学模型,采用室内物理模型试验方法模拟了推移式滑坡的演化过程,揭示了滑坡演化规律和裂缝体系的分期配套特征,根据位移多重分形维数变化规律,将推移式滑坡演化过程划分为后缘压缩阶段、匀速变形阶段、加速变形阶段。(2)通过物理模型试验方法研究了抗滑桩与推移式滑坡相互作用过程,基于试验多场信息对比分析了抗滑桩对滑坡演化过程的影响。探讨了滑坡演化过程对抗滑桩受力、变形的影响,揭示了推移式滑坡演化过程中桩后滑坡推力变化规律,分析了滑坡推力作用点变化规律与滑坡演化阶段的对应关系。从理论上详细推导了不同演化阶段、不同空间位置、任意桩数条件下桩后滑体应力分布函数。(3)结合三峡库区侏罗系软硬相间岩层特点,提出了复合层状岩质斜坡稳定性评价方法。从岩层倾角、层厚比、岩层厚度相似比方面系统研究了滑床岩体结构特征对抗滑桩受力、变形和有效嵌固深度的影响。基于滑坡推力作用点和滑床软硬相间岩层结构特征,提出的优化设计方法为抗滑桩设计提供了参考依据。

【Abstract】 Landslide is the most widespread and serious geological hazard in slope destruction types, and the evolutionary process contains the beginnings, developing and dying from the entire cycle activity of the landslide, therefore, the study for the landslide evolutionary process plays a significant role in understanding the geological transformation function, the development trend forecasting and the control measures design with different times of the landslide. With the economy developing, a large number of the important fundamental constructions about the national economy and people’s livelihood may be seriously harmed and potentially threatened by landslide disasters. Hence, it is urgent to carry out the research of the landslide treatment method systematically and provide scientific basis for the engineering practice.The antislide pile conducted as the main control measures in landslide treatment with the advantages of the good antislide capacity, the widespread application conditions, not easily deteriorating the state of landslide, safety and convenient operation and the further verifying the geological conditions, has being widely used. However, the antislide pile design theories and methods are not mature, and the antislide pile bearing behavior, the pile-soil interaction mechanism, the load transfer mechanism and the slope failure mechanism are not clear and need to be deeply studied. Those disadvantages to a large extent affect the accuracy and the reliability of the design, and can’t meet the need of the growing engineering construction. Therefore, the study for the interaction mechanism of the antislide pile and the slip mass is one of the important application problems which need to be solved urgently in antislide pile engineering.On the basis of the establishment of the landslide geological analysis model, the illuminating of the landslide fundamental evolutionary characters, and the rock stratum structure characteristics of the hard and soft interbedded Jurassic strata in Three Gorges Reservoir Region, the study for pile-soil interaction mechanism based on the thrust load caused landslide-antislide pile system evolutionary process was analyzed in this paper, and the correlation method for the optimization design of antislide pile was extended from the results of the study and applied to the engineering cases. The main achievements are as follows:(1) Based on the mechanical model of the three-phase sliding pattern, the genetic mechanical mechanisms of the thrust load caused landslide and the retrogressive landslide were compared and the differences were discussed. The thrust load caused landslide fundamental formation conditions were analyzed in the aspects of landform conditions, formation lithology conditions, geotectonic conditions and the hydrogeology conditions. The development laws of the deformation failure process and crack complete system of the typical thrust load caused landslide—Xintan landslide in the Three Gorges Reservoir Region were summarized. The thrust load caused landslide generalized geological mechanical model was established from the aspects of landslide shape characteristics, the material composition, the structure composition and the dynamic factors. The driving force control method of simulating the progressive thrust load caused landslide evolutionary process and the displacement control method of the applicable mutational thrust load caused landslide were proposed. The formation lithology characteristics and the distribution laws of the Jurassic strata in Three Gorges Reservoir Region were summarized, the differences of the physical and mechanical properties of the soft and hard rock were compared and analyzed, and the generalization model of the hard and soft interbedded rock strata was proposed.(2) The evolutionary process of thrust load caused landslide was simulated by indoor physical model test method. The cloud data of the landslide model surface in different evolutionary phases were obtained by three-dimensional laser scanner, indicating the deformation evolutionary law of the thrust load caused landslide and the matched properties by stages of the crack system. Based on the displacement time history curve of the typical monitoring points from landslide surface and the generalized correlation dimension method, the multiple fractal dimension change rule in thrust load caused landslide evolutionary process was analyzed, and on this basis, the thrust load caused landslide evolutionary process was divided into the trailing edge compression stage, the uniform deformation stage and the accelerating deformation stage. The displacement multiple fractal dimension corresponding to the trailing edge compression stage has a tendency of dimensionality reduction, the multiple fractal dimension in the uniform deformation stage has a trend of decreasing first and then increasing, the multiple fractal dimension in the accelerating deformation stage has a tendency of increasing dimension. Based on the model tests, the thrust load caused landslide evolutionary process was reappeared by numerical simulation method. The results fit the model tests well, verifying the stages in thrust load caused landslide evolutionary process and indicating the nonlinear decline rule of stability coefficient in landslide evolutionary process.(3) The half-model method considering the landslide characteristics and the pile-soil interaction was proposed, which emphasizes the generation procedure of the slip mass before piles, and the reliability of the generation model was verified. The portable test device of the multi-loading frame type landslide geological mechanical model was invented, which can be used to simulate the landslide deformation failure characteristics in multi-loading conditions before or after the treatment and the interaction process of landslide and the antislide piles. A test equipment is developed to realize the automation of water level fluctuation simulation. In the same time, a multi-field monitoring system is provided to realize the monitoring of displacement, stress, temperature and so on. Considering the effect of disturbance signal on the monitoring data, a platform based on Lab VIEW program is established to realize the filter of monitoring data.(4) The interaction process between cantilever end of the antislide piles and the thrust load caused landslide was studied by the physical model test method.①The adding of the antislide piles changed the landslide evolutionary process, leading to the results that the proportion of the main deformation stage of the landslide in the whole evolutionary process became larger, the proportion of the initial stage became smaller, the increasing amount and the decreasing amount was the same, and the proportion of the failure deformation stage is about the same. In main deformation stage, antislide piles played a role in reinforcement. The driving force loads was absorbed by the deformation of the antislide piles and the slip mass, and absorbed by producing large range of slip mass deforming when there was no antislide piles. After changing into the failure deformation stage, the slip mass behind the piles reached the ultimate bearing capacity, became shear failure from the nearby of the pile top, was unable to absorb more driving force load through the antislide pile retaining wall, and the landslide without embedding the antislide piles became shear failure along the bulge deformation leading edge contour.②The displacement field from the slope surface and the soil arch effect in landslide evolutionary process were obtained by the3d laser scanning and the computer aided testing technology.③The evolutionary law of the stress soil arch was achieved by the soil stress testing data from the area behind or between the piles in different depth:with the increasing backside driving force of the landslide, the influencing range of the stress soil arch became large, and the landslide presented the changing trend of the increasing soil arch height in horizontal direction and the increasing soil arch depth in vertical direction. When the landslide changed from the initial deformation stage to the main deformation stage, the form of the stress soil arch space changed a lot. When the landslide changed from the main deformation stage to the failure deformation stage, the change of the stress soil arch was not obvious. When the slip mass reached the ultimate bearing capacity, the landslide model was damaged, the soil stress decreased quickly, and the stress soil arch disappeared.④In the process of thrust load caused landslide, the landslide trust point position coefficients behind the piles were changeable. The changing law of the landslide trust point position was in correspondence with the landslide evolutionary process. When the thrust load caused landslide-antislide piles system in initial deformation stage, the landslide trust increased slowly, the point position raised gradually, and the horizontal stress of the antislide piles in the same depth was close. When the thrust load caused landslide-antislide piles system in main deformation stage, the driving force point position behind the piles declined step by step, and the trust presented a linear growth trend. When the thrust load caused landslide-antislide piles system in failure deformation stage, the resultant force point behind the piles dropped slowly and tended to be constant, and the driving force had the tendency of increasing but the increasing rate was smaller than main deformation stage.(5) The interaction process between the fixed end of the antislide piles and the thrust load caused landslide was studied through the physical model test method.①On the condition that the displacement was the loading control term, the pile lateral soil stress and the fixed end bending moment increased first, then decreased gradually until constant. The response sensitivity of fixed end bending moment and the pile lateral stress to loading decreased with the increasing depth of the slip band.②The soil stress of the fixed end before the piles presented the inverted triangle distribution law. The soil stress of the fixed end behind the piles was small on the whole, and the soil stress near the pile footing was large. The distribution law of the cantilever end of the antislide piles was an approximation parabolic shape with the properties that large in the middle, and small in the ends. In the same loading condition, the changing range of the soil stress of the fixed end in different depth was related to the slide bed lithology, the maximum soil stress of hard rock composing the slide bed was larger than the soft rock, and the center of the bent deformation position for the fixed end was higher.③The bending moment of the fixed end on the whole met with the distribution law of decreasing with the depth from the sliding surface increasing, and the maximum bending moment of the fixed end was increasing with the increasing of the dip angle of the rock stratum on the condition of same lithology. On the condition of different lithology, the fixed end bending moment of the hard rock containing the slide bed closer to the sliding surface was larger than the soft rock.(6) The results from numerical simulation show that the distribution rules of landslide driving force at the back of the piles is related not only to the materials in sliding body, but also to the sliding stage, the geological structure, the shape of the landslide, the soil and rock mass characteristics, the strain and stress of the antislide structures and so on. The overall distribution of landslide driving force form meets the parabolic distribution. With the increase of shear strength parameters of sliding body, the landslide driving force would decrease as well as the gradually rising of acting point of force. The distribution of landslide driving force at the back of antislide piles is more easily effected by the friction angle rather than cohesive force in sliding body. The part of the antislide piles outside the sliding body forms a cantilever. At the top central segment of the cantilever, the horizontal stress is negatively related with the thickness of the sliding band and positively related to the angle of the slope. At the lower central segment, the horizontal stress is positively related with the thickness of the sliding band and negatively related to the angle of the slope. The landslide driving force is slightly effected by the length of the piles that in the soil. Meantime, the structure of the sliding bed rock mass has a great effect on the stress and deformation of the embedded antislide pile segment. In detail, when the sliding bed is formed with bedding rock, the angle of the bedding rock has a great effect on the stress and deformation of the antislide piles. But this affect turns to be small when the sliding bed in formed with inverse rock. In bedding rock, with the increase of bedding rock angle, the stress on the cantilever segment and bedded in soil segment of the antislide piles will increase as well. The displacement at the top of the piles increases as well as the enlargement of the deformation band of the antislide piles; when the layer is thick, the stress and deformation of the antislide piles is controlled by hard rock and the soft rock plays a support role. This condition will turn opposite when the layer is not that thick. With the increase of the thickness of the rock layer, the bedded in soil segment suffers an increasing trend in the absolute value of maximum shear strength and maximum bending moment while the displacement at the top and the deformation part of the antislide pile show a decrease trend; the smaller the ratio of similitude of the thickness of the rock layer is, the more the soft layer is through by the embedded in the soil part of the antislide piles in a unit length. When the ratio of the similitude of the rock layer thickness reached a certain value, the stress and deformation on the piles are controlled by the hard rock; the length of the redundancy of the embedded in soil piles will decrease with the increase of the angle of bedding rock whole the length will not change that much in inverse rock. The length will increase with the increase of the thickness ratio w and the increase of the similitude ratio of the rock layer thickness v. In the meantime, the effective soil bed depth will decrease with them. When w and v reach a certain value, the redundant length of the soil-bed depth is similar to that in the soft had rock sliding bed and the effective soil-bed depth tends to be constant.(7) Based on the method of elasticity mechanics, the stress analysis model of the sliding body at the back of the antislide piles is built and the stress distribution function can be obtained in different evolution stage, in different space position and in the condition with any number of piles. From this, the soil arching effect at the back of the antislide piles is studied under the condition that the piles is of different number, space and sectional dimension. Based on the function of the landslide driving force and the application point position of it, a solution is proposed to find the application point position of the landslide driving force based on physical model test. A more real moment value can be obtained with the position. Based on the limit equilibrium theory, a method that is more suitable for evaluating the stability of the composite layered rock slope of Jurassic in Three Gorges reservoir region and a technique road map is given based on the real steps. The method takes the geometrical characteristics of the rock layer, the strength parameter into consideration and is able to find the factor of safety and the most dangerous sliding surface location of the composite layered rock mass. A new method is put forward on reverse of the traditional "K" method.(8) Majiagou landslide in Zigui county in Three Gorges reservoir region is taken as the research object. Based on the engineering condition of the landslide, the stability and the factors that affect its stability is analyzed. The position region of the application point of landslide driving force can be confirmed with the results of the physical model test of the landslide. The sliding bed is divided into serveral layers according to the intersection relation of the antislide piles and the landslide bed rock with the parameters of thickness ratio, rock bed angle and so on. With the compare of rectangular distribution hypothesis and the normal design that not consider the sliding bed structure characteristics, it is considered that the optimum design method considered the application point of the landslide driving force and the rock layer of the sliding bed is more close to the real condition. For Majiagou landslide prevention and control engineering, it is more dangerous to use the normal design method than the optimum design method.The principle innovation points in this thesis are:(1) On the basis of the landslide’s formation mechanism of mechanics, the generalized geo-mechanical model is established. The evolutionary process of the thrust load caused landslide is simulated by the indoor physical model test, which discovers the evolution law of thrust load caused landslide’s deformation and the suiting characteristics of generated cracks in different evolution stages. Based on the changing law of multi-fractal dimension in the evolutionary process of thrust load caused landslide, the process is partitioned as the rear edge compressing stage, uniform speed deformation stage and accelerated deformation stage.(2) The interaction process between the antislide piles and the thrust load caused landslide is studied by doing the physical model test, and the impact on the evolutionary process from the piles is contrastively analyzed based on the multi-field test information. Through investigating the force and deformation of antislide piles in different evolution stages, the change law of the landslide driving force on the piles’ back surfaces is revealed, and the correspondence between the action point of the landslide driving force and different evolution stages is also analyzed. For the condition of different evolution stages, different spatial position and arbitrary pile quantity, the stress distribution function for the soil mass is theoretically derived in detail.(3) Combined with the hard and soft white characteristics for the Jurassic strata in the Three Gorges Reservoir Region, the stability evaluation method for the composite bedded rock slope is proposed. In the points of the stratum dip, the thickness ratio of soft and hard layers and the similitude ratio of stratum thickness, the impact on the force, deformation and the effective embedded depth of antislide piles from the structural characteristics of the slide bed is systematically studied. The proposed optimum design method, based on the action points of the landslide driving forces and the hard and soft white structural characteristics for the slide bed, provides a reference frame for the antislide pile design.

  • 【分类号】TV221.2;P642.22
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】553
  • 攻读期成果

