

A Study on Inspirational Education to College Students in the Period of Social Transformation

【作者】 吴冰

【导师】 李祖超;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学 , 思想政治教育, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 21世纪的中国正处于社会转型的关键时期,经济全球化带来社会政治、经济、文化领域的深刻变革,多样化的思想观念、多元化的价值取向对大学的教育理念、大学生的成才观念也产生重要影响;大学励志文化的偏差,导致大学生知识增长遮蔽道德提升、物质享受消解精神追求、自我导向淡化社会价值等问题凸显。以什么样的“志向”引领大学生成才的方向,用什么样的方式指导大学生在充分吸收知识营养的同时,实现人格、道德、信念等精神成人所必需的素质的提升,是思想政治教育理论与实践与时俱进的重要课题。本文以马克思主义历史唯物主义和辩证唯物主义为指导,通过文献研究、历史研究、实证研究、比较研究等方法,以人生“志向”为研究的逻辑起点和主线,深入分析当代大学生人生志向追求的新特点,结合高等教育培养目标和社会发展对大学生的成长要求,以人的全面自由发展为目标,比较系统地梳理分析了国内外励志教育的相关理论和教育实践,着力厘清大学生励志教育的基本概念、理论定位、目标与内容等问题,积极探索社会转型时期大学生励志教育的实施策略和保障体系,以期从理论上丰富转型社会大学生思想政治教育的方法和内容,在实践中指导大学生励志教育活动的有效开展,增强思想政治教育的实效,为大学生成长提供精神动力。基于此,本文对社会转型时期大学生励志教育问题进行了研究和探讨,全文除前言外共分为六章,主要内容概述如下:第一章,大学生励志教育的基本含义。大学生要立什么样的“志”、如何“励”志以及为什么要“励志”是本文研究的逻辑线索和理论基础;志向、意志、教育激励、自我磨砺是本文研究展开的基本概念。一方面,志向作为人所特有的一种精神需求和价值诉求,它的确立与实现,源自于内心,受动于外在的环境因素,特别是教育的力量;一个人立什么样的志,在很大程度上取决于自我意识的强弱、外在环境激发出什么样的内在需求,这个人生目标(目的)确立的过程需要教育激励。另一方面,志向的实现需要具有克服困难的强烈的意念和毅力;受人生目标(目的)的指引,人通过意志力根据社会化的要求不断调节、控制个人的观念和行为,在不断的自我磨砺中调整、提高自我的心智水平,从而实现预期目标的对象化。在明晰基本概念的前提下,本章探讨了励志教育发生的机制,即内部需求机制、外部强化机制、价值体认机制,并将大学生励志教育的基本理念定位于:启发理性自觉、引导精神自律、促进生命和谐。励志教育就是要帮助大学生实现人生目标(目的)的过程提升生命的质量和人生的价值。第二章,大学生励志教育的思想和理论基础。励志教育,古已有之,古今中外丰富的励志教育思想,是当代大学生励志教育开展的理论支撑。中国古代诸子百家均对励志问题进行了阐述,以“君子”“圣人”为做人的目标、以道德人格完善为理智的主要内容,以目标激励和意志磨砺为主要方法,这些励志教育思想虽然带一定时代和阶级的局限性,但在我国两千多年的封建社会中,“君子”“圣人”作为一面旗帜,造就了一代又一代的忠臣孝子,感召了无数忧国忧民、积极有为的仁人志士,成为中华民族的坚实脊梁。在西方古代历史中,古希腊哲学家们以揭示社会问题、洞察人生意义为己任,以“人”为本,关注心灵和谐、追求“至善”和幸福,深刻阐释了智慧、勇敢、节制、正义等传统美德的丰富内涵,是世界历史文化宝库中的精华。马克思主义是科学的世界观和方法轮,本章重点梳理了经典马克思主义的励志教育思想及其在中国的创新与发展。马克思恩格斯虽然没有明确提出“励志教育”这个名词,但其经典的理论中蕴含着丰富的励志教育思想内容:马克思主义的生命哲学深刻揭示了“有意识的生命活动把人同动物的生命活动直接区别开来”,对生命的超越使励志教育成为可能;马克思恩格斯明确指出“人使自己的生命活动本身变成自己的意志和意识的对象”,目的论理论为励志教育的开展提供了生物基础和社会基础;马克思恩格斯提出“劳动”是人同其他动物的本质区别,具体实践的各个环节,人的意志作用于其中,并以外化、对象化形式通过实践结果得以显现,意志理论指出了人类实现个人意志的具体路径;马克思恩格斯提出人存在的根本目的是“自由而全面发展”,教育是实现这一目的的一个条件,这也是马克思主义教育哲学的核心思想。新中国成立后,几代中国领导人紧密结合中国革命和建设的实际,丰富和发展了马克思主义的励志教育理论,构建了富有中国特色的励志教育思想。第三章,大学生励志教育的知识借鉴。本章主要探讨德国精神教育、美国成功教育、我国榜样励志的理念与实践,以期对当代大学生励志教育的开展提供启示与借鉴。德国精神教育萌发与19世纪末期,是伴随着工业化社会的高度发展、科学技术的高度发展带来现代文明的同时,人们精神世界极大地荒芜而发出的诉求,一批研究“精神科学”哲学家、教育学家,围绕人的精神性揭示生命存在的价值和意义:狄尔泰精神对生命意义的阐释、奥伊肯精神生活哲学对人生价值的升华、李特精神教育的陶冶路径,虽然具有唯心主义的阶级局限性,但对于青少年认识生命、获得生命的意义、提升生命的价值具有一定积极的意义。在美国,“成功学”也成为励志学,追求成功,是人类实现自我超越、引领社会进步的一个动因,奥里森·马登、戴尔·卡耐基、拿破仑·希尔等一批成功学的代表人物及其思想主张,对世界各国青少年乃至大学生影响深远;成功学极力推广西方价值观和生活方式,把成功的“标准”定位于金钱、财富等物质层面的追求,具有明显的拜金主义、功利主义色彩;但作为一种社会文化现象,成功学关注人的理想信念、目标行动等价值追求,并从心理、思维、行动上给人以指导和激励,为人的有效自我管理提供一定的理论依据与可借鉴的方法。选树榜样并通过榜样这一价值载体展现出生动的人格形象,自古以来就是我国是道德教育一种有效教育方法,建国以来,运用生动、真实的榜样人物对大学生进行思想政治教育,雷锋、张海迪、徐本禹、“中国大学生年度人物”等一批先进的榜样人物以人格化的形象展现社会道德、人类情感的审美要求,对于激发大学生提升自我需求层次、完善自我道德人格、实现人生理想追求等起到了积极、有效的作用。虽然各国意识形态领域的主张并不相同,对人的发展主要内容和理念也各不相同,但是以开放的视野进行学习和研究,是有效开展当代大学生励志教育应有的治学态度。第四章,大学生励志教育的时代环境与面临的问题。环境是教育过程的要素之一,社会转型时期,环境的多维性、复杂性和开放性增强,对大学生励志教育影响的功能不断强化。本章内容重点梳理当代经济环境、政治环境、文化环境、大众传媒的新特点及其正反两方面影响,并综合国内学者大量实践调研的第一手资料,客观分析了当代大学生励志教育面临的问题:政治志向是一定社会政治价值观的个体表象,大学生政治志向多元将带来大学生政治态度、政治信仰的挑战;道德志向体现一个人对自己道德品质、道德能力、道德行为以及具有终极意义的道德人格的期待与追求,大学生道德风貌总体良好,但也存在道德需要多元、道德行为能力偏弱、回避“崇高”等道德志向消弱的表现;职业一方面给人提供必要的生活资料,另一方面也是个人融入社会体现人生价值的重要载体,大学生职业志向存在过度重视个人价值、职业目标认识模糊定位不清等问题,表现出对职业选择的功利主义倾向;生活志向是在一定价值观念和生活信念的指导下,对理想生活状态和生活方式的期许,是实现各种人生志向的落脚点,大学生对美好生活、幸福观念等认识存在一定偏差,反映的也是价值观的一种偏差。第五章,大学生励志教育的基本目标和主要内容。励志教育作为大学思想政治教育的一个重要组成部分,不能脱离社会转型期的历史背景和大学生的发展基础,结合前一章对问题的把握,根据个人的传统和信仰,充分尊重多样化,促使每个人将其思想提高到普遍行为模式,使其精神某种程度超越自我的高度,是社会转型时期大学生励志教育的期盼。据此,本文并没有提出要求大学生树立无比高远的人生志向,把人格的和谐、精神境界的提高作为当代大学生励志教育的目标,把理想信念教育、道德信仰教育、幸福观教育作为主要内容,引导大学生不以追求世俗的成功而迷失人生的方向,无论何时何地,坚守人生的理想信念和道德信仰,秉持健康阳光的生活态度,在增强幸福能力的过程中提高个人的幸福指数,在对生命质量的提升中实现人生价值。第六章,大学生励志教育的实施与保障。励志教育既是帮助大学生追求人生志向并为其实现志向创造条件的活动,也是大学生自我发展精神世界和价值生活的活动。这个活动得以实施,教师、学生、学校环境,是基本要素也是条件保障。本章内容主要从三个方面探讨大学生励志教育的实施和保障:第一,教育者的价值引导,即思想政治教育基于对社会、人生、生活、生命等意义的理解,以一定社会主导意识形态和主流价值观念为指导,通过培养学生价值思维、价值判断、价值选择的能力,引导学生树立正确的人生志向,激发主体精神,最终实现人生价值;价值引导要坚持生命存在的合目的性与合规律性相统一、教师的主导与学生的主体相统一的基本原则,在价值引导中应对学生成长中的模糊认识予以价值澄清,合理引导;有效价值引导实现的保障是思想政治教育着教育素养的提升。第二,通过价值引导,帮助大学生了解、认识社会主义的核心价值观,并期望以核心价值观为引领下提升大学生的精神追求,而学生作为受教育主体,要实现教育由外在向内心的转向,则需经过自主构建;充分认识自己、认同主导价值是自主建构的前提,自我教育和自我磨砺则是自主建构的主要方法。第三,充分整合社会环境并使其各要素之间保持平衡,使学生在校既接受广阔的外部世界,又能够始终保持其思想的独立性,是学校环境应发挥的基本职责。第四章的基础上,本章节在进一步分析了社会转型时期社会环境的变化对学校环境的影响,提出优化学校环境、提高环境育人的基本理念:一是以社会主义核心价值体系引大学领励志文化方向,二是以时代精神充实大学励志文化的精神内核,三是以文化的自觉与创新激励大学生智慧品格的生成。

【Abstract】 In the key period of social transformation in the21st century, China is in a great era: economic globalization has brought about political, economic and cultural changes; pluralism in ideologies and values influences the ideas in college education and college students’development; deviation in college inspirational education results in problems in moral regulation, spiritual pursuit and social values. Therefore, it is an important topic to investigate how to inspire college students to success, or how to improve their overall quality (personality, morality, belief, etc.) when they learn knowledge in colleges. Guided by Marxism, historical materialism and dialectical materialism, adopting the methods of literature review, empirical and contrastive studies, focusing on the main line as well as the logic starting point of "ambition", this dissertation attempts to explore the implementation strategy and security system of inspirational education to college students in the period of social transformation. All conclusions are drawn based on analyzing the features of college students’ life aspiration, on reviewing inspirational education theory and practice home and abroad, and on clarifying the basic concepts, theoretical orientation, goals and contents of inspirational education to college students. The purpose of this study is two-folded: in theory, to enrich the approaches and contents of ideological education to college students in the period of social transformation; in practice, to promote the efficient implementation of inspirational education and to provide intellectual impetus to college students’ growth. The contents of the six chapters of this dissertation, apart from the introduction, are summarized as follows:Chapter One advances the theoretical framework of inspirational education to college students. The logic line of this study centers on:what kind of aspiration college students should cherish; how to encourage them to aspire; why it is necessary to aspire. For one thing, as a human-specific spiritual desire, the setting up and realization of ambition comes from the innermost, while they’re influenced by circumstances, especially by education. The setting up of one’s ambition depends on his self-awareness and internal needs, in which education and inspiration are indispensable. For another, strong perseverance is necessary for the realization of the aspiration. Directed by life goal, people regulate and control their ideas and behaviors in response to the need in socialization, so as to improve their mental ability and realize their goals. Based on defining the concepts, this chapter investigates the mechanism of inspirational education, namely, that of internal need, external reinforcement and value cognition. Further, this chapter frames the basic ideas of inspirational education to college students:to initiate rational self-consciousness, to guide spiritual self-discipline and to promote life harmony. It is held that the purpose of inspirational education is to help college students raise the quality of their life.Chapter Two probes into the theoretical basis of inspirational education to college students. The ideas from time-honored inspirational education, both home and abroad, are the theoretical basis of the points put forward in this dissertation. In ancient China, representative figures of various academic schools, such as Confucius and Mencius, elaborated their viewpoints on inspirational education:setting the life goal of being a "gentleman" or a "sage", so as to improve the personality in the process of tempering willpower. In spite of certain limitations, such ideas of inspirational education not only produced generations of loyal subjects for the country and dutiful children for the family, but also impelled lots of people with lofty ideas who showed great concerns to their motherland and tried to contribute a lot to the Chinese nation. In ancient Greece and other countries, lots of philosophers interpreted the connotations of the traditional virtues such as wisdom, brevity, temperance and justice, so as to expose social problems and apperceive the meaning of life. They advocated the ideas of "being people-oriented", centering on spiritual harmony and the pursuit of happiness and perfection, which becomes the treasures of world history and culture. Besides, this chapter reviews the classic theory of Marxist inspirational education, its innovation and development in China. Although Karl Marx and Frederick Engels did not use the term of "inspirational education", their classic theory included rich contents in this respect:they held the life philosophy indicating that "conscious life activity directly distinguishes man from animal life activity", and such life transcendence makes it possible to practice inspirational education; they believed that "man makes his life activity itself an object of his will and consciousness", which, in the framework of teleology, is a biological and social basis for inspirational education; they argued that it was "labor" that distinguished man from animals and man’s willpower was externalized in each link of the practice, in the form of products, which, in the framework of voluntarism, directed the path of realizing individual’s will; they took "full and free development" as the fundamental goal of man’s existence while education was the condition in achieving this goal, which is the core idea of Marxist educational philosophy. As far as the leadership in China is concerned, proceeding from the reality of the country, generations of state leaders have enriched and developed Marxist theory of inspirational education and constructed the theory with Chinese characteristics.Chapter Three centers on the references in related fields both home and abroad, discussing spiritual education in Germany and success science in the United States, the theory and practice of example education in China. Budding in late19th century, together with the development of science and technology in the industrialized society, the spiritual education in Germany reflected people’s appeal for spiritual richness against the barren in the context of industrialization. Dozens of philosophers, educationalists who devoted to spiritual science research tried to interpret the value and meaning of life:Wilhelm Dilthey interpreted the significance of life, Rudorf Eucken elucidated the value of life, Theodor Litt pointed out the path to temperament cultivation. Despite the idealistic limitations, all of these theories played a positive part in helping adolescents understand life and its meaning so as to enhance its value. In United States, success science is also termed as ambition encouragement, which regards pursuit of success as a motive for realizing self-transcendence and promoting social progress. Actually, the ideas of the representative masters like Orison Marden, Dale Carnegie, Napoleon Hill, etc. have exerted far reaching influence on youth all over the world. According great importance to western values and life styles, success science mainly sets some material aspects like wealth as the criterion of success, thus it is featured with money worship and utilitarianism. However, as a socio-cultural phenomenon, success science mainly focuses on people’s ideals and beliefs, and encourages people in their thinking and behaving. Setting an example and showing good personality through examples has been a time-honored and efficient approach in moral education in China. Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, lots of examples such as Lei Feng, Zhang Haidi, Xu Benyu, etc. have been set up, all of whom have played an effective and positive role in encouraging college students to raise their self-demand levels, perfect their personality and realize their ideals. Though different views held in the ideological sphere in different countries have brought about different ideas and contents in personality development, in the research of inspirational education to college students, it is necessary to have an open view and rigorous scholarship.Chapter Four discusses current environments and the problems in the inspirational education to college students. As an important element in education, environments do influence the inspirational education to college students, especially in the period of social transformation featured with multi-dimension, complexity and openness. Based on parsing the economic, political and cultural environments and the features of mass media, together with the firsthand data from surveys implemented by scholars at home, this chapter analyzes the problems in the inspirational education to college students:since political ambition is a sort of representation of each individual, the feature of its pluralism challenges their political attitudes and beliefs; overall, a fairly good picture can be seen about college students’moral ambition, which reveals their expectation for their moral personality through their moral trait, ability and behavior, but weaknesses, such as the plurality in moral demands, deviation in moral behavior and evading from "loftiness", still exist; while they overemphasize individual value, there’s still fuzziness in their understanding of the career goals so that they show obvious utilitarianism in choosing their professions; they have some bias in understanding what is good life and what is happiness, which reflects the variation of their values.Chapter Five focuses on the goals and contents of inspirational education to college students. As an important component in ideological and political education, inspirational education is closely connected with both the context of the social transformation period and the personal development of college students. Based on the problems discussed in the previous chapter, the vision of inspirational education to college students in the period of social transformation is proposed here:esteeming students’personal tradition and belief, respecting the variety of their personalities, promoting the elevation of their morality to the universal framework and that of their spirit to self-transcendence. Accordingly, the author of this dissertation is not so demanding as to require college students to set up life ambition at extremely high level. Instead, she presents the following proposals:the goal of inspirational education to college students is to achieve the healthy development of personality and mental realm; the contents include educations in their ideal and faith, their morality and belief, and their views on happiness. Within this framework, it is hoped that college students can uphold their values and beliefs, adopt active attitudes so that they won’t get lost in their life, and at the same time they can raise their happiness index in the process of improving their ability to be happier, and can upgrade their life quality and realize their life values.Chapter Six offers suggestions on the implementation and guarantee of inspirational education to college students. It is held that such education is not only an activity for teachers and colleges to help students to pursuit and realize their life ambition, but also an activity for students themselves to develop their own spiritual world and life. To ensure the implementation, teachers, students and the environments in colleges are all fundamental. This chapter discusses how to implement and guarantee inspirational education to college students in three aspects:1) Value guidance is important. To be more exact, the ideological and political education is based on the understanding of the meaning of the society and life, and guided by the dominant ideology and mainstream values of the society. Students’abilities should be cultivated in value cogitation, value judgment and value selection, so that they can set up right life ambition and realize their life value. In the process of value-orientation, two principles should be adhered to:the integration of purposiveness and regularity of life; the integration of teachers’guidance and students’ autonomy. At the same time, students’misconceptions about values should be clarified so as to benefit their development.2) The internalization of students’self-construction is a must. It is hoped that students, as the main parts of education, can achieve the internalization of education, through self-construction. In doing so, the prerequisite is knowing themselves better and accepting the dominant values; the approach is self-education and self-steeling. Only in this way can we expect to upgrade college students’spiritual pursuit.3) Environments in colleges need optimizing. The responsibility of the environment is to keep the balance of all social elements, so that individuals can survive various environments without being restricted by castes. Based on the discussion of Chapter Four, to achieve the goal of increasing the efficiency of education, this chapter further analyzes the effect of environment change in the period of social transformation on college environments and put forwards the idea of how to optimize them:guiding students in the right direction with socialist core value; enriching the spiritual core with Zeitgeist; cultivating students’self-consciousness and innovation as to form their wisdom and character.


