

Research on the Impact Mechanism of Carbon Labeling on Low-Carbon Product Consumption Behavior

【作者】 张露

【导师】 帅传敏;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 气候变化可能引致双重灾难,即人类发展进程的倒退和后代子孙生存的威胁。随着气候变化问题日益成为社会关注的焦点问题,无论政府组织还是商业组织,均面临着与气候相关的成本、风险、收益和机会。越来越多的国家和组织已经将低碳管理纳入其发展战略之中,碳标签与低碳产品的产生和推广就是这一趋势的显著表征。欧美的英国、法国、美国和德国,以及亚洲的日本、韩国和泰国都相继启动了碳标签方案来推广低碳产品。然而,中国对于碳标签与低碳产品的探索仍处于起步阶段。这一方面使得中国落后于世界低碳管理发展的步伐,另一方面,中国出口产品将面临进口国低碳壁垒的威胁。因此,中国政府组织和商业组织积极地融入世界低碳管理进程,推广碳标签以引领低碳消费,并以此来发展低碳产品,已是大势所趋。那么,碳标签通过何种路径或机制影响消费者对低碳产品的购买决策?不同类型的消费者是否存在显著差异?差异的程度有多大?如果差异存在,政府和企业又应采取何种措施来应对,以达到通过推行碳标签实现低碳消费和减排的目标?本文在文献综述、理论基础探讨和对比世界碳标签推广实践的基础上,采用探索性因子分析、验证性因子分析、结构方程模型、多组比较分析、独立样本T检验与中介效用分析方法,就碳标签对低碳产品消费行为的影响机制进行了理论和实证研究。全文共分七章。第一章:绪论。本章主要阐述研究背景、研究问题、内容和意义。首先概述西方发达国家在碳标签及相关规范方面的进程与成效,由此说明中国已然落后于西方发达国家,需要借由碳标签来发展低碳产品。进而提出厘清消费者对于碳标签的行为响应模式,是本文关注的焦点问题。对这一问题的研究不仅能为各类组织制定碳标签和低碳产品发展战略提供借鉴,同时可在一定程度上丰富和发展对消费者行为及其干预策略的理论研究。第二章:国内外研究现状综述。本章在就“消费者对碳标签的态度”,“低碳消费行为的影响因素”和“低碳消费行为的干预策略”三类研究进行文献回顾和评述的基础上,指出研究消费者对于碳标签的行为响应模式,是学界对于碳标签问题研究的发展趋势和必经之路。而已有的相关研究存在若干问题,包括关注对消费者偏好的调查,忽略对消费者行为的观察;研究样本的选取仅为某一地区的特定群体,结论的普适性有待考证;研究何种因素影响低碳消费行为者偏多,缺乏针对碳标签如何影响消费者行为的探索等。第三章:相关理论基础。本章首先对“碳标签”和“低碳消费”两个核心概念进行了探讨与界定。随后列表归纳了社会心理学中的行为改变理论,并选择其中与本文联系密切的理论进行了详细阐述。基于说服理论,本文明确需要发掘不同类型的消费者在接收碳标签信息进而改变行为方面的异同,以达到说服效果的最大化;基于合理行为、人际行为与计划行为理论,本文明确需要区分行为意向与实际行为,通过对实际行为的观测或实验而非调查问卷来对这一变量展开测度;基于价值-信念-规范与态度-行为-情境理论,本文明确在重点考虑消费者的个体内因(如环境意识、低碳认知)影响其亲环境行为的同时,也要兼顾外因(如宣传教育)对于其亲环境行为的潜在影响。第四章:碳标签引领低碳产品消费的国际实践。本章首先对于碳标签引领低碳产品消费的逻辑依据进行了探讨,继而对世界各国运用碳标签引领低碳消费的实践进行了回顾和比较,并在此基础上,提出了国际上碳标签推广实践的问题和启示。碳标签推广的核心要素可归结为组织者、参与者、标签类型、认证标准、推广强度、覆盖范围五个方面;目前,国际上对于碳标签的推广存在碳足迹测度标准多元化以及碳标签推广缺乏规范性的问题;未来中国推广碳标签需要由政府组织完成中国碳足迹测度标准的顶层设计,明确碳足迹认证的官方审核机构,对碳标签的授予和推广活动进行规范管理。第五章:碳标签影响低碳产品消费行为的理论模型。本章首先对碳标签引领低碳消费行为的关键要素进行理论分析,由此衍伸出观测变量来测度碳标签对消费者行为的影响。然后通过对试调研地区样本的探索性因子分析,修正观测变量并锁定其所属的潜变量;继而通过对样本的验证性因子分析,进一步检验因子结构与实际数据的吻合度。最后通过潜变量之前关系的探讨,提出研究假设,构建出碳标签对低碳产品消费行为的影响机制模型,涵盖宣传教育、环境意识、消费者认知、消费者偏好和消费者行为五个维度。第六章:碳标签影响低碳产品消费行为的实证检验。本章首先对分析方法和样本数据进行了描述,然后对测量模型与结构模型的信度与效度进行了分析。根据所构建的结构方程模型,本文继而对所搜集的全部样本数据进行统计分析,并从学历、收入、消费额、性别与年龄五个维度出发,开展维度内的多组比较分析。同时,为明确部分假设被拒绝的原因,本文进一步引申出相关的中介作用假设,并运用中介效应的分析方法进行验证。另外,为细致分析各个维度内不同组别消费者的差异,本文还对不同类型的消费者展开了观测变量层次的独立样本T检验。第七章:研究结论与展望。本章主要是总结全文,归纳本文的研究结论与创新点,提出相关政策建议,并指出研究不足和未来研究方向。本文基于6个城市873位消费者的问卷调查与情景实验,采用结构方程模型方法与中介效用分析方法对提出的假设进行了验证,并利用多组比较分析与独立样本T检验方法对不同类别的消费者进行了比较研究。得出以下研究结论:1.消费者认知对消费者偏好产生显著影响,消费者偏好对消费者行为产生显著影响,消费者认知通过消费者偏好的中介作用影响消费者行为。研究表明,“消费者偏好”对“消费者行为”产生显著影响,而“消费者认知”又对“消费者偏好”产生显著影响。同时,通过中介变量“消费者偏好”,“消费者认知”对“消费者行为”产生间接影响。无论是总体样本模型,还是收入、农产品消费额、性别、年龄维度的多组比较分析模型,最显著的路径均为:消费者认知→消费者偏好→消费者行为,且“消费者偏好”是“消费者认知”和“消费者行为”的中介变量。例如,样本总体模型最为显著的影响路行为:宣传教育(0.344)→消费者认知(0.537)→消费者偏好(0.710)→消费者行为。2.对高学历、高收入以及高农产品消费水平的消费者群体而言,宣传教育对消费者认知的影响相对显著;对低学历、低收入以及低农产品消费水平的消费者群体而言,环境意识对消费者认知的影响更为显并。研究表明,对于受教育程度在本科及以上的消费者群体、月收入3000元及以上的消费者群体以及月农产品消费额1000元及以上的消费者群体,“宣传教育”对“环境意识”产生显著影响。同时,对上述群体而言,较之于“环境意识”对“消费者认知”的影响,“宣传教育”对“消费者认知”的影响更为显著。上述各类群体最为显著的影响路径均为:宣传教育→消费者认知→消费者偏好→消费者行为。相反,对于受教育程度在专科及以下的消费者群体、月收入低于3000元的消费者群体以及月农产品消费额低于1000元的消费者群体,“环境意识”对“消费者认知”的影响更为显著。以上这三类群体最为显著的影响路径均为:环境意识→消费者认知→消费者偏好→消费者行为。3.女性消费者在消费者认知和消费者行为两个维度的表现弱于男性消费者,但环境意识对女性消费者偏好产生的影响高于男性消费者。研究表明,男性消费者与女性消费者在“消费者认知”维度存在显著差异,且前者的表现优于后者。同时,男性消费者相对女性消费者具有更高的购买低碳产品的意愿。另外,在消费者行为方面,男性消费者相对女性消费者采购低碳产品的金额比例更高,并且具备更少的碳排放量。但是,对男性消费者而言,“环境意识”对“消费者偏好”没有显著影响;而对女性消费者而言,“环境意识”对“消费者偏好”具有显著影响。4.中老年消费者在环境意识维度和宣传教育维度的表现优于青年消费者,但环境意识对青年消费者偏好产生的影响大于中老年消费者。研究表明,年龄在29岁及以下的消费者(青年消费者)与年龄在30岁及以上的消费者(中老年消费者)在“环境意识”的2个显变量(“日常生活中采用低碳行为的意识度”和“对低碳环保政策措施的关注度”)上,青年消费者与中老年消费者两组之间存在显著差异,且后者的表现好于前者。同样,在“宣传教育”的3个显变量上,青年消费者与中老年消费者两组之间也存在显著差异,且后者的表现好于前者。但是,对中老年消费者而言,“环境意识”对“消费者偏好”的影响不显著;而对青年消费者而言,“环境意识”对“消费者偏好”的影响具有显著性。根据上述研究结论,本文提出四点政策建议,包括加大碳标签的宣传教育力度,提高广大消费者对碳标签的认知度;针对高端消费者开展碳标签主题宣传活动,充分发挥其引领示范作用;加强对女性消费者的宣传教育及环境意识培养,释放我国低碳消费潜力;努力营造时尚低碳生活理念和氛围,提高青年消费者对碳标签的关注度和认知度。本文的创新点在于于:(1)构建了碳标签对低碳产品消费行为影响机制的理论模型。与以往的研究不同,本文提出消费者的低碳消费行为是个体内部心理因素与外部社会参照因素共同作用的结果,并由此构建了一个整合的理论模型,反映碳标签引领低碳产品消费行为的作用路径。(2)采用实验研究方法,开展了情境实验研究。为避免问卷调查对于行为意向与实际行为的混淆,本文采取情境实验的方式,提供给实验参与者20元采购经费,以及不同类别碳标签的产品进行模拟购买决策。(3)揭示了我国不同类型消费者碳标签行为响应模式差异的内在规律。本文充分考虑经济发展水平与地域分布选择调研城市,对研究样本分别依照学历、收入、消费额、性别与年龄五个维度分组,运用结构方程模型的多组比较分析技术,细致比较研究不同类型消费者对碳标签在行为响应模式上的异同,并提出针对性的政策建议。

【Abstract】 Climate change may lead to a double-disaster, including the potential to reverse human development progress and the threat to humanity’s survival. With the issue of climate change becoming a social hot topic, both governments and companies are facing climate-related costs, risks, benefits, and opportunities. Countries and organizations are increasingly embracing low-carbon management strategies, which could be seen clearly from the generation and popularization of carbon labeling and low-carbon products. Western countries (UK, France, USA and Germany) as well as Asian countries (Japan, South Korea and Thailand), have started carbon labeling schemes in succession for popularizing low-carbon products. However, China is currently being at the initial stage of exploring carbon labeling and low-carbon products. For one thing, it makes China fall behind the pace of gobal low-carbon management; for another, it makes the export of Chinese products blocked by importing countries’ carbon barriers. Therefore, for the Chinese government and companies, it is an irresistible trend to integrate into gobal low-carbon management process, and popularize carbon labeling and low-carbon products.Thus, by which route or what kind of mechanism does carbon labeling influence consumers’ purchasing decisions on low-carbon products? Are there any statistically significant differences between different types of consumers, and to which degree do the differences differ? Also, what measures should be taken by government and companies to cope with these differences, so as to popularize carbon labeling schemes, stimulate low-carbon product consumption, and reach carbon reduction goals?Based on literature review, the discussion of theoretical framework and the comparison of carbon labeling practices, this dissertation respectively adopts exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, structural equation modeling, multiple-group analysis, independent-samples T test, and mediation test, to research on the impact mechanism of carbon labeling on low-carbon product consumption behavior, both theoretically and empirically. The full text consists of seven chapters.Chapter1:Introduction. This chapter presents research background, the research question, research contents, and research significance. Firstly, the proceeding and impact of carbon labeling schemes and related standards in developed countries are summarized. It illustrates that China has fallen behind developed countries in terms of popularizing carbon labeling, and it is necessory for China to accelerate the promotion of carbon labeling, so as to stimulate low-carbon product consumption. Thus, clarifying the impact mechanism of carbon-labeling on low-carbon product consumption behavior turned out to be important. Research on this topic can provide references for organizations to develop low-carbon management strategies, as well as enrich theoretical research on consumer behavior and intervention measures.Chapter2:Literature Review. According to the review of research in consumer’s attitude towards carbon labeling, influencing factors of low-carbon consumption behavior, and intervention measures of low-carbon consumption behavior, study on the impact mechanism of carbon-labeling on low-carbon product consumption behavior is indicated to be a trend of carbon labeling related study. However, existing studies related to this topic have several weaknesses, including:these researches focus on the survey of consumers’preferences, but ignore the observation of consumers’behaviors; select samples from specific groups, so the universality of conclusions yet to be verified; mainly concentrate on the influencing factors of low-carbon consumption behavior, but lack of exploration to that how carbon labeling influences the consumers’ behavior, etc.Chapter3:Theoretical Framework. Two core concepts, carbon labeling and low-carbon consumption, are discussed and defined in this chapter. Then behavior change theories in the realm of social psychology are summarized, and some of these theories that are closely related to this research are elaborated. According to persuasion theory, to maximize the effect of persuasion, it is necessary to explore the distinctions of different types of consumers in terms of receiving carbon labeling information and turning to low-cabon consumption. According to the theory of reasoned action, the theory of interpersonal behavior, and the theory of planned behavior, it is necessary to distinguish behavioral intention and actual behavior, so situational experiment instead of questionnaire is applied to measure the actual behavior. According to the value-belief-norm theory and the attitude-behavior-context theory, exploring the influencing factors of pro-environmental behavior, it is necessary to give full consideration to both internal psychological factors (such as environmental awareness, low-carbon cognition), and external social factors (such as education).Chapter4:International Carbon Labeling Practice. This chapter elaborates the logical basis of carbon labeling guiding low-carbon product consumption. Then, carbon labeling practices all over the world are carefully reviewed and compared, based on which the problems and implications of carbon labeling practices are concluded. In brief, the core elements of popularizing carbon labeling can be summarized as five aspects:organizers, participants, labeling types, certification standards, popularization strength, and coverage area. Current carbon labeling practices have the problems of lacking consistency in terms of carbon footprint standards and lacking normalization in terms of carbon labeling promotion. Therefore, for popularizing carbon labeling in China, it is necessory for the Chinese government to design standards at the top level, authorize specialized agency to be in charge of cabon footprint certification, and supervise carbon labeling certification and promotion strictly.Chapter5:Theoretical Model of Impact Mechanism. This chapter firstly refines key factors in the process of carbon labeling guiding low-carbon consumption behavior, therefrom identifies manifest variables to measure the impact of cabon labeling on low-carbon product consumption behavior. Then by adopting exploratory factor analysis, manifest variables are modified and their corresponding latent variables are matched; also by adopting confirmatory factor analysis, the fitness of factor structure and given data are further confirmed. At last, by discussing the relationship of latent variables, this chapter proposes hypotheses, in turn, builds the impact mechanism of cabon labeling on low-carbon product consumption behavior, which involves "Publicity and Education","Environmental Consciousness","Consumer Awareness""Comsumer Preference", and "Consumer Behavior".Chapter6:Empirical Test. This chapter describes analytical methods and sample data, and then analyzes the reliability and validity of the measurement model and the structural model. Next, all sample data without grouping are statistical analyzed by structural equation modeling, meanwhile, respectively from the perspective of education, income, spending, gender, and age, grouped data are statistical analyzed by multiple-group analysis. In addtion, to figure out the reason why several hypotheses are rejected, this chapter proposes further hypotheses and adoptes mediation test to verify these hypotheses. Besides, at the level of manifest variable, independent-samples T test is adopted to carefully refine the distinction of different types of consumers.Chapter7:Conclusions and Prospects. This chapter reviews the full text, summarizes conclusions and innovations, and then proposes policy recommendations. In addition, it elaborates on the weaknesses of this research and points out future research directions.Based on questionnaire survey and scenario experiments toward873consumers in6cities, major hypotheses are tested by structural equation modeling and mediation test. In addition, different types of consumers are compared using multiple-group analysis and independent-samples T test. The following conlusions are drawn as the result of these empirical tests:1."Consumer Behavior" is significantly affected by "Consumer Preference" on which "Consumer Awareness" has a significant effect, and "Consumer Preference" mediates the "Awareness-Behavior" relationship. Empirical work shows that "Consumer Preference" affects "Consumer Behavior" significantly and "Consumer Preference" is influenced significantly by "Consumer Awareness". Meanwhile, the effect of "Consumer Awareness" on "Consumer Behavior" is mediated by "Consumer Preference". The overall model using sample data without grouping and sub-dimensional models using grouped data manifest that the most significant path is "Consumer Awareness"→"Consumer Preference"→"Consumer Behavior". Fox eample,"Publicity and Education"(0.344)→"Consumer Awareness"(0.537)→"Consumer Preference"(0.710)→"Consumer Behavior" turned out to be the most significant path in the overall model. 2. For consumers with "higher education","higher income" or "higher cost of living","Consumer Awareness" is significantly affected by "Publicity and Education", whereas, for consumers with "lower education","lower income" or "lower cost of living","Consumer Awareness" is significantly affected by "Environmental Consciousness". Empirical work indicates that the effect of "Publicity and Education" on "Consumer Awareness" is more significant among populations with undergraduate or higher degrees, or having a monthly income of more than3000yuan, or spending at least1000yuan in each month for groceries. Also, for these groups, the most significant path is "Publicity and Education"→"Consumer Awareness"→"Consumer Preference"→"Consumer Behavior". In contrast, for their counterparts,"Environmental Consciousness", compared with "Publicity and Education", has more significant impact on "Consumer Awareness". Their path is "Environmental Consciousness"→"Consumer Awareness"→"Consumer Preference"→"Consumer Behavior".3. For female consumers,"Environmental Consciousness" has more significant effect on "Consumer Preference" than male consumers, however, they perform worse in terms of "Consumer Awareness" and "Consumer Behavior". Empirical work manifests that with respect to "Consumer Awareness", there is a distinctive difference between male and female consumers, and the former shows a better performance. Meanwhile, male consumers are more willing to purchase low-carbon products. Besides, in terms of "Consumer Behavior", male consumers have a higher ratio in purchasing low-carbon products and their carbon emissions are lower accordingly. However,"Environmental Consciousness" has no significant impact on "Consumer Preference" in the model for male consumers, but the impact is significant for female consumers.4. Middle-aged and elderly consumers show better performance both in "Environmental Consciousness" and in "Publicity and Education", whereas, for young consumers,"Environmental Consciousness" has more significant effect on "Consumer Preference". Empirical work suggests that consumers of different ages are at different levels of "Environmental Consciousness" and the elderly group performs better. A similar pattern could be seen in the dimension of "Publicity and Education", where significant difference exists between the younger and the older, and the latter perform better too. However, for the younger population,"Consumer Awareness" could be significantly influenced by "Environmental Consciousness", while the elderly could hardly be affected.According to all above results and conclusions, this dissertation proposes following policy recommendations:strengthen publicity to enhance consumer awareness of carbon labeling; play the demonstrative role of the high-end consumers in low-carbon consumption; reinforce publicity and education activities targeting female consumers to release their untapped potential; shape the young people’s perception in favor of a low-carbon lifestyle.The key innovations of this dissertation can be summarized as follows:(1) Built a theoretical model to indicate the impact mechanism of carbon labeling on low-carbon product consumption behavior. Different from previous research, this dissertation proposes that consumer’s low-carbon consumption behavior is stimulated by both internal psychological factors and external social factors. Thus, it builds an integrated theoretical model for reflecting the impact mechanism of carbon labeling on low-carbon product consumption behavior.(2) Conducted a scenario experiment by using the experimental research methodology. Adopt a scenario experiment to obverse consumer’s purchasing behavior, so as to make the purchasing situation as realistic as possible. To avoid confusion between behavioral intention and actual behavior, this dissertation adopts scenario experiment instead of questionnaire, which provides each participant with20yuan and different types of carbon labeling products, and then obverses his or her purchasing behavior.(3) Revealed the inherent laws of differences in terms of behavioral responding model towards carbon labeling between different types of consumers in China. This dissertation chooses samples with consideration of economic development level and geographical distribution, and then groups samples respectively by education, income, spending, gender, and age. After that, by adopting multiple-group analysis in structural equation modeling, it compares these groups’ behavioral responding model towards carbon labeling, and proposes policy recommendations accordingly.

  • 【分类号】F205;F126.1
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】906
  • 攻读期成果

