

Research of American Citizenship Education Curriculum Models

【作者】 杜海坤

【导师】 傅安洲;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学 , 思想政治教育, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 美国是较早实施公民教育的国家。美国公民教育深植于正式的学校教育中,将课程作为实施公民教育的主要载体。在美国,系统性的公民教育课程主要存续于基础教育和中等教育阶段,这段时期是公民的道德品格和行为习惯形成的基础性阶段,对于“好公民”的形成至关重要。至今为止,美国公民教育课程已有百余年的发展历史。从19世纪发展到今天,课程形式从最初的历史和公民学课程,发展为以社会科课程为主。课程结构渐趋复杂,从单科性课程发展为多科性、综合性课程体系。课程功能也趋向融合,从单一的爱国主义价值观教育,发展为社会科学领域的认知教育,直到形成今天的融合性公民能力教育。可以说,在长期发展和变革中,美国公民教育课程积累了丰富经验,形成了明确的教学理念、完善的内容体系和实效性的教学方式,具有一定的理论和实践研究价值。美国公民教育课程的形成并不是自然而然的,而是教育理论与社会现实融合的过程,是联邦意志与州权博弈的过程,它的历史发展受到某种客观规律的驱动。本文基于长波段视角,依据美国公民教育的理念变化和课程改革节点,将美国公民教育课程的历史发展划分为三个阶段:(1)自1776年至1916年社会科课程设立。在此期间,美国学校所实施的是狭义的公民教育。为了维护新生国家统一,促进民众对资本主义政治制度的接受与认同,公民教育课程致力于传承盎格鲁撒克逊民族文化和资产阶级政治文化。围绕这个目标,美国公民教育课程注重宣扬爱国主义、促进国家认同。但是,课程的形式与结构比较单一,主要以历史、英语读写和公民学单科性课程为主。课程内容集中在历史与清教伦理,主要讲授建国时期的历史事件和英雄人物,或者灌输自由、统一、爱国、勤劳等世俗化宗教精神和道德。在教学方式上,受当时教育条件限制,主要以说教和灌输式方法为主。(2)自1916年社会科设立至80年代。在进步主义教育运动推动下,美国学校教育开始关注社会需求、塑造人的社会属性。反映在公民教育课程方面,1916年新设立的“社会科”成为学校实施公民教育的主要载体。社会科是一门伞状的多科性课程,教学内容覆盖历史、地理、公民学、经济等社会科学领域知识,致力于培养学生对社会的理解能力。在国家教育委员会推动一下,社会科在各州的中小学校广泛应用,成为美国学校公民教育的主要课程,这种状况一直持续到二战后。二战后,在冷战思维主导下,联邦政府推动了“新社会科运动”,通过加大对社会科课程教学项日的研发和资助力度,试图推动学校课程的教学改革,以快速培养具有国家认同的“战时公民”,并建立在社会科学领域的人力资源储备。在当时看来,此次改革成效并不显著。总的来说,这个阶段的美国公民教育课程结构渐趋合理,教学内容也更加丰富,在强调知识讲授的同时,也开始关注提升认知思维能力。(3)自20世纪80年代至今,美国公民教育课程发生了较大变化。在美国民权运动激发下,民众的公民意识开始觉醒,参与社会和政治活动的热情迸发,导致大规模和非制度性的政治参与活动频繁发生,并严重影响到资本主义政治制度和社会的稳定。在这种情况下,美国学校公民教育理念开始发生转变,以前培养“被动”或“服从”型公民的教育已经不能适应社会的发展,要求建构一种培养“主动公民”的教育,使学生以积极和理性的态度参与公共生活,通过对话与合作解决日益严峻的社会问题。在90年代的美国“标准化”教育运动后,美国相继制定了社会科、公民学与政府等课程国家标准,并通过立法和经费划拨等方式推动各州制定和实施相应的州级课程标准,从而推动全国性公民教育目标的实现。社会科课程国家标准明确指出:“公民教育的关键是公民能力培养,在民主和多元美国社会,公民教育就是促使学生形成主动维护公共利益的的意愿,并为此付诸“知情”且“理性”的公民行动”。这意味着美国公民教育课程的功能目标已经转向培养主动参与公共生活的现代公民。教学内容更加具有综合性特征,包括公民认知、参与技能与公民品格三个维度,涵盖历史、公民学与政府、地理、经济、自然科学等众多领域。教学方式更加注重培养学生的自主体验与社会实践能力,通过构建“学校-家庭-社区”的公民教育体系,采用以服务学习、争议问题讨论、合作学习等多样化实践教学方式,系统地培养“主动”公民。本文运用了模式研究、历史与文献分析等研究方法,分别对上述三个发展阶段中美国公民教育课程的功能目标、理论基础、课程教学内容与结构、教学方式、教育环境和支持系统等要素进行深入分析,凝练出各阶段的美国公民教育课程模式。模式是从经验或事实中经抽象和升华提炼出的知识体系。课程模式是对课程整体和要素的一种简约且凝练的表达方式。美国公民教育课程模式具有鲜明的主题特征、特定的课程功能与结构,最能综合反映出美国公民教育的价值取向、教育理论与教学实践。在以上论述的基础上,本文认为,美国公民教育课程相继经历了“文化移植”、“社会学习”和“主动公民”模式三个发展阶段。此外,本文还基于公民身份理论的视角,深入发掘美国公民教育课程模式的历史与演变逻辑。认为自由主义和共和主义是解释美国公民身份的两大理论,它们经历了从古典自由主义、现代自由主义到共和主义的历史变迁,并在不同时期交替主导美国公民教育理念。这意味着在不同的历史阶段,美国社会所倡导的公民观也相应地发生变化,分别从自由放任的“被动”公民观,发展为国家有限干预的“服从”公民观,直到上世纪80年代后形成的“主动”公民观。这种理论变迁使公民教育课程的理论与教学实践发生相应的转变,从而驱动美国公民教育课程模式的发展。全文内容包括六个部分。第一章绪论部分。首先回答本文选择美国公民教育课程模式作为研究问题的原因。根据选题,本文系统性阐述现有的国内外相关研究,具体包括美国公民教育及课程的史学研究、美国公民教育及课程的相关理论研究、美国公民教育课程教学的相关研究,以及公民教育课程模式分析框架的相关研究。在此基础上,提出本文所具有的理论和实践研究意义,并针对性地提出研究目标、研究思路和方法,指出可能存在的研究创新点,为深入研究做好铺垫。第二章论述美国公民教育课程模式的分析基础。结合选题,初步讨论了与美国公民教育课程模式相关的基础性概念和理论,选择公民、公民身份、美国公民教育、社会科等基础性概念进行深入剖析。在此基础上,依据美国公民教育理念变化和学校课程改革的历史节点,分别将1776至1916年、1916至1980年,以及1980至今作为美国公民教育课程模式所经历的三个不同发展阶段。在此基础上,本文进而提出美国公民教育课程模式的研究框架。第三章研究建国至1916年的美国公民教育课程模式。本文客观论述了这段历史时期的分析美国公民教育课程的理论基础、功能目标、教育内容与结构、教学方式和特征等,在此基础上,分析美国公民教育课程在宣扬爱国主义,实施“美国化”教育和促进国家认同中的积极作用,并指出在美国公民教育课程所承担继承美国民族文化和传播政治文化中的积极作用。最后归纳出这段时期的美国公民教育课程采取了“文化移植”模式。第四章论述1916年至80年代的美国公民教育课程模式。1916年在美国公民教育史上具有里程碑意义。这一年新设立的社会科课程具有多科性特征,其教学内容涵盖历史、英语读写、公民学和地理等单科性课程,是这段时期美国学校公民教育的主要课程形式。本文深入分析了社会科的形成以及相关的理论争辩,指出社会科倡导一种对人类社会的理解与能力教育,致力于塑造人的社会属性,满足社会的发展需求。社会科的这种特性在冷战时期的“新社会科运动”中得到强化,在对“新社会科运动”进行详细阐释之后,本文分析和归纳了公民教育课程的主要理论依据、教学内容、教学方式和主要特征,指出这阶段美国公民教育课程模式明显早现出“社会学习”主题特征。第五章研究20世纪80年代至今的美国公民教育课程模式。首先,分析美国公民身份理论转变的历史背景,论述共和主义为自由主义公民身份理论提供一种有益的补充资源。在此基础上分析共和主义公民身份理论对美国公民教育理念和实践的影响,指出共和主义公民身份所倡导的“主动”公民观具有建构性意义,它鼓励公民以主动和理性的态度参与资本主义政治制度的运转中。在这种观点影响一下,作为美国公民教育的主要课程,社会科的课程目标致力于培养综合性的公民能力,鼓励学生以维护“公共善”为出发点,主动地进行政治和社会参与,掌握与“理性参与”相关的知识和道德。教学内容包括公民认知、参与技能和公民品格的三个维度,并形成以十大主题轴为中心,覆盖历史、地理、公民学和经济等课程的知识体系。教学方式重视服务学习、志愿者服务等多样性的社会实践途径。本文在分析美国教育“标准化运动”后指出,作为学校公民教育的载体,社会科等课程国家标准的制定和实施,实际上是政府意志问接主导学校教育的结果,其最终目的是通过教导公民进行理性的参与,使资本主义政治体系获得民主的“合法性”基础。最后,本章认为,20世纪80年代后美国公民教育是“主动公民”课程模式,具有内容融合性、文化包容性和能力综合性等特征。第六章总结美国公民教育课程模式的历史发展和逻辑。讨论了美国公民身份理论的变迁,以及对学校公民教育理念和教学实践的影响,深入发掘了美国公民教育课程模式发展的驱动力。认为公民身份理论支配着美国公民教育课程的功能目标,对教学内容、教学方式等产生决定性影响。而且,随着公民权利的发展,公民身份呈现出民主性或民族性趋向,使公民教育课程表现出不同的特征。另外,多元化公民身份也在很大程度上丰富了美国公民教育的教学实践。最后,本文对美国公民教育课程模式的合理性与局限性作出了判断。

【Abstract】 America is one of the earliest countries which implemented citizenship education. Generally, citizenship education deeply roots in formal school education, and takes curriculum teaching as the main supporter. In U.S, systematic citizenship education curriculum mainly endures in elementary and secondary education phases, when the child and youngster usually form ethnic and behavior in a foundational way, is also the key period to cultivate a good citizen.Nowadays American citizenship education curriculum has been developing for more than one hundred years. The curriculum form has developed from history, civics in19th century, to social studies formed at the beginning of20th century. The curriculum structure tends more complicated, mainly from single-subject from a multi-subject and a comprehensive one. The curriculum function tends blended, from patriotism education, social sciences education to civic abilities education. The development of American citizenship education is the process of fusion between education theory and social reality, competitive game between federal willingness and state power, rather than evolution in a natural way. Until today, American citizenship education has already accumulated rich experience, in field of educational idea, teaching content system and a methodology, which embraces much research value both in theoretical and practical fields.From long-term perspective, the paper divides the historical development of American citizenship education curriculum into three phases, according to the key points of American citizenship education idea change and curriculum reforms:(1) from1776-1916, during this period American school implementes citizenship education in a narrow way. In order to promote the new-born country unity and political identity from people, the curriculums are devoted to inherit Anglo-Saxon ethnic culture or pass on Capitalism political culture. Around the target, the curriculum focuses on patriotism and national identity education. But Forms of the curriculum are such single-subjects as history, English literacy and civics. Content of the curriculum mainly is historical knowledge and Puritan ethics, mainly concerns about historical events and heroes during the founding era. Teaching methods relies on cram-teaching in limited education condition.(2)From1916-1980, driven by progressive education movement, school education begins to concern social need and consolidate human social attributes. Social studies as the main citizenship education curriculum in school, is an umbrella-like multi-subject covering history, geography, civics, economy knowledge, and provides an systematic understanding in society. Promoted by national education committee, social studies is widely implemented in American schools, and becomes the main citizenship education curriculum. After the Second World War, dominated by cold-war thought, federal government promotes the "New Social Studies movement", which drives involving research and sponsorship into social studies teaching, in order to improve school citizenship education curriculum, and aim to cultivate "war-time citizen"with national identity and build up human resource reserve in social sciences fields in an effective way. During the period, outcome of the movement is not obvious. Generally speaking, structure of American citizenship education curriculum tends more rational, teaching methodology starts to focus on training in cognitive ability to study knowledge.(3) From1980until today, American citizenship education curriculums have changed a lot. American civil rights movement inspires civic awareness and enthusiasm into social and political engagement, and leads large-scale and institutional political engagement frequently, which affect the stability of capitalism system and society. The shift drives the citizenship education idea to change, from passive or submissive to initiative citizenship education. The Initiative citizenship education educates students to master abilities of dialogue and cooperation, to engage in public life in an active way. After standard education reform in1990s, America has already built up curriculum standards in of nation and state levels, and national curriculum evaluation system, by through legislation and funding allocation, in order to realize aim of national citizenship education. The national standard of social studies curriculum points out:"The key of citizenship education is civic ability. In this democratic and multi-cultural society, citizenship education aims to promote the willingness of students to protect common good, and corresponding civic action in a informative and rational way." During this period, functional objective of citizenship education curriculums have shifted to cultivate modern citizen who is willing to participate public life. The content has been expanded to cover cognitive, participative and ethic diamensions, including history, civics and government, geography, economy and natural sciences knowledge. The teaching methodologies pay more attention to students’self-experience and social practice competency, by methods as service learning, problem discussion, cooperative study through approch of "school-family-community".Using research methods of model research, historical and text analysis, the paper describes effectively the functional objective, theoretical foundation, curriculum content and structure, methodologies, educational supporting environment etc. in the three phases, and then refines respectively the main thematic characteristics of American citizenship education. Model is knowledge system refined from experience and fact, and curriculum model expresses the entity and elements of curriculum in a brief and abstract way. American citizenship education curriculum possesses distinctive theme features, functions and structures, which comprehensively reflect the value orientation, educational theory and practice. Accoding to the above-mentioned, the paper summarizes three phases named"cultural transmission","social study"and "iniative citizen" of American citizenship curriculum models. From perspective of citizenship theory, the paper deeply analyzes history and development logic of American citizenship education curriculum. The paper insists that liberalism and republicanism are two main branches of theory explaining American citizenship, and develop through classical liberalism, modern liberalism and republicanism, which dominate the ideas of citizenship education. With historical development, the views of citizen in American society shifts from passive, submissive to initiative view of citizen. As a consequence, the theory and teaching practice of the citizenship curriculum undergo corresponding change, push the models of American citizenship education curriculum forwards.The paper includes six parts.In the first chapter, the paper explains reasons to choose curriculum models of American citizenship education as the research topic. The chapter summarizes and analyzes current involving research achievement data, including historical data, theoretical date, teaching practices and analysis framework of American citizenship curriculum. Based on the data analysis, the paper states the theoretical and practical research significance, and then explains the research objective, thinking and methods. Finally clarifies the potential creative points.In the second chapter, the paper discusses the research foundation of American citizenship education curriculum. First discuss the basic conception and theory, including citizen, citizenship, American citizenship education and social studies. Then according to historical key points, divide historical development of American citizenship education curriculum into three phases, respectively from1776to1916, from1916to1980, from1980to today. Finally, the paper analyzes the research framework of American citizenship education curriculum models.In the third chapter, the paper discusses the curriculum model of American citizenship education since1776-1916. Mainly explains the citizenship theory, functional objective, teaching content and structure, teaching methodologies and model characteristics. The paper finds out positive functions of the curriculum model in process of ethnic and political culture transmission, by Americanization and national identity education. Subsequently, the paper clarifies the model of American citizenship education is "culture transmission".In the fourth chapter, the paper clarifies the curriculum model of American citizenship education since1916-1980. In1916American citizenship education made significant progress. In this year, the new social studies curriculum embraces history, English literacy and civics as a multi-subject. The paper explains the forming background of social studies, mainly includes involving theoretical debate and new social studies reform, and points out that social studies proposes to educate understanding in human society, to build up human society attributes, in order to meet the social needs. Besides, after analysis of the "new social studies movement", the chapter thoroughly discusses theoretical foundation, teaching content and methodologies etc., and summarizes the theme of the curriculum model as "Social study".In the fifth chapter, the paper researches the curriculum model of American citizenship education from1980s to today. Firstly, the paper states republicanism provides a beneficiary resource to substitute defects of liberalism, explains the influences of republicanism citizenship onto idea and practice of American citizenship education, and then points the initiative view of citizen proposed by republicanism is very constructive. As the main curriculum of citizenship education, social studies aims to cultivate comprehensive civic ability, and encourage student to participate public life and learn knowledge and ethic involving of rational civic engagement based on public good. Social studies curriculum covers three dimensions of civic cognitive, participative skills and civil moral, which includes history, geography, civic and economy etc.. Besides, curriculum methodology of citizenship education focuses on social practices teaching, including service learning, volunteering service etc. In addition, the paper finds out that application of national citizenship education curriculum standard relects government willingness which obtains legal foundation for democracy political system from civic engagementFinally, the chapter points the characteristics of iniative citizenship curriculum since1980are fusion in content, tolence in culture teaching, and integrity in ability education.In the sixth chapter, the paper discusses the historical logic of American citizenship education curriculum, and explains the influence of American citizenship theory on ideas and practices of school citizenship education curriculum. The paper insists American citizenship theory dominate functional objective, teaching contents and methodologies, and governmental policies about citizenship curriculum. With development of civic right, citizenship tends to be democratic, national or multi-cultural directions, which have great impact on citizenship curriculum. Finally, the paper analyzes the the rationalities and limitations of American citizenship education curriculum.


