

【作者】 李辉

【导师】 蔡林慧;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 科学社会主义, 2014, 博士


【摘要】 社会主义制度自诞生以来,以其固有的优越性,在世界范围内产生了巨大的影响,这其中,管理是一个绕不开的课题,缺乏有效的管理支撑,社会主义只能停留在蓝图设计的阶段,社会主义制度的优越性也就无法体现。以比较分析的视角从理论和实践的双重维度来探寻社会主义管理的历史与逻辑,进而预测其未来的发展趋势并以此为依据展开对中国特色社会主义管理体系的研究,不仅有利于正确解读社会主义事业进程中的波澜起伏,更能将其与当前社会主义国家的管理改革相互印证,这对世界范围内的社会主义运动都有着积极的意义。本文大致分为6个部分:第1章绪论,就选题缘由与意义,目前国内外的研究现状及本文的研究方法等作出详细说明。第2章社会主义管理概述,则由管理的概念、起源、职能到管理和国家间的关联论证,透过“国家管理”和“管理国家”之争,对社会主义管理的基本概念和特征进行界定。第3章社会主义管理的理论与实践,笔者会对社会主义过往的管理理论和实践进行系统的梳理与思考。其中,理论梳理聚焦于马克思主义经典作家的管理思想和理论,实践沿革则主要通过对社会主义管理的阶段性划分予以阐述,滥觞于上世纪80年代的社会主义国家的管理变革是本文关注的重点。第4章社会主义管理的逻辑,经由对管理一般逻辑的分析,社会主义管理的理论和实践已经充分证明其运行逻辑包含三个层次:与稳定性相统一的以利益为核心的根本逻辑,与动态性相统一的以权变为特征的现实逻辑,此外还有落实于不同管理场域的操作性的功能逻辑,三者耦合互动,相辅相成,共同决定社会主义管理的具体模式、方法及走向。第5章社会主义管理的未来趋势,是将之前分析的结论与当代语境下影响未来社会主义管理的三大要素相结合所做出的预测,社会主义管理理念的重塑,社会主义管理系统的升级,社会主义管理战略的创新是未来社会主义管理的发展趋势。第6章中国特色社会主义管理体系的建构,由剖析这一体系的内涵和特征入手,依据对党的十八大报告等权威文件的解读,依次对如何建构中国特色社会主义政治管理体系、经济管理体系、社会管理体系及文化管理体系进行了详细阐述。最后,关于社会主义管理还需澄清以下几点:①社会主义管理模式的成败无关乎社会主义制度的优劣②有共性,无模式是社会主义各国管理应坚持的基本原则③社会主义管理必须不断完善顶层设计④社会主义管理必须强调开拓创新,动态发展⑤社会主义管理必须坚持执政党的领导。本文的创新之处体现在以下五个方面:第一、从政治、经济、社会、文化等多个角度系统地对社会主义管理进行全景式解剖,归纳总结社会主义管理的共性与个性,明确提出社会主义管理不可能也不应该有统一的模式,“有共性,无模式”是社会主义各国在管理实践中最为现实和理性的选择。第二、打破对社会主义管理研究的传统范式,合理界定社会主义管理与国家管理二者之间的界限(之前的研究在这一问题上总是纠缠不清),正视社会主义管理中的意识形态因素,以国家作为主要框架来研究管理,跳出抽象的意识形态窠臼,使得社会主义管理更丰满、更真实、更加具有可操作性。第三、正视并尊重管理自身的规律,社会主义并不能改变客观存在的管理规律,如何正确认识并利用管理规律来为社会主义服务才是更重要的目标,因此管理工具价值的日益彰显(而不是被蒙蔽)才是社会主义管理应有的特征。第四、从社会主义管理的基本概念出发,于社会主义各国的管理理论和实践中逐步发掘其中隐藏的管理逻辑,并以此为依据来对社会主义管理的未来趋势作出预测,整体结构一气呵成,更具有条理性。第五、在全球化背景下把握社会主义管理的最新脉搏,关注各国的管理变革浪潮,探寻其逻辑的演变,使得本文的研究具有更强的时代性,以我国建国以来尤其是改革开放以后的管理变革来作为重点个例进行分析,对中国特色社会主义管理体系的建构进行系统的阐述,进一步提升了本文的实际应用价值。本文将在一定程度上解决一直以来对社会主义管理的研究缺乏系统分析,从而显得支离破碎的问题,将社会主义与管理进行有效结合基础之上的跨学科分析虽然艰难,但无疑将更加全面和客观。本文竭力解决如下关键问题:社会主义管理中的意识形态因素究竟发挥何种作用;社会主义管理的逻辑起点源自哪里;苏东剧变与社会主义管理的传统模式有无关联;社会主义管理在逻辑上是否存在共性;社会主义管理从理论到实践的深刻演变如何影响国际共产主义运动的发展。随着社会主义管理变革的不断深入,后续的研究将持续展开。

【Abstract】 Since the birth of the socialist system, with its inherent superiority, has great influence in the world, of which, management is an important topic, the lack of effective management support, socialism can only stay in the blueprint phase, the superiority of the socialist system will not be reflected.To explore the history and logic of socialist management from the perspective of both theory and practice, then forecast its future development trends,not only conducive to a rational view of our socialist frustration,also can use it as the basis to confirm current management practices, which has a positive significance for the world socialist movement.This article is divided into5parts:The first chapter, mainly points out the reason and significance of this topic, the current research and the research methods of this article. The main content of the second chapter is to discuss the management concept, origin, function and the relationship between management and country, through the "state management" and "managing state" dispute, defines the basic concepts and characteristics of socialist management. In the third chapter:the theory and practice of socialist management, we review and thinking systematically to the past management theory and practice. Among them,We focus on Marxist classical writer’s management ideas and theories, As for the management practice of the socialist state, We discuss it through periodic division,the socialist countries management reform beginning in the80’s of last century is the focus of our attention.Through the analysis on the general logic of management, the author thinks that, the theory and practice of socialist management has been fully demonstrated, its logic contains at least three levels, The fundamental logic to benefit as the core, it has stability, practical logic to change as the characteristic, it is dynamic, in addition to operating function logic, it acts on different areas. Three interrelated and jointly decide the specific models, methods and trends of the management. The fifth chapter:the future trend of socialism management is the prediction which combines the previous analysis with three key factors, the remodeling of the management, Management system upgrade, Management strategy innovation, is the future trend of socialist management.Finally, about the socialist management also need to clarify the following points:(Dsocialist management model’s success or failure has nothing to do with the merits of the socialist system.②have in common, no model is the basic principles of management which the socialist countries should adhere to.③The socialist management must constantly improve the top-level design.④cialist management must emphasize innovation, dynamic development.⑤The socialist management must adhere to the leadership of the governing party.Thus, this study comes to an end, but a follow-up study will continue to expand.The innovation of this paper lies in the following five aspects:First, from the political, economic, social, cultural and other perspectives socialist management to conduct a comprehensive analysis, summarize the commonness and individuality of socialist management, clearly put forward the socialist management can not and should not have a unified model,"have in common, no mode" should be the most realistic and rational choice of the management practice in socialist countries.Second, to break the traditional paradigm to the study of socialist management, reasonably define the boundaries between socialist management and state management (previous studies on this issue are always tangled), a correct understanding of socialist management ideological factors, the state as the main framework for management research, out of abstract ideological point of view, making socialist management more specific, more real, more operational.Third, to acknowledge and respect the laws of the management, socialism can not change the existence of the law, how to correctly understand and use management rules to serve socialism is the more important goal, so the increasing of management tool value (not deceived) is the characteristic of socialist management.Fourth, from the basic concept of socialist management, gradually explore the management logic hidden in the management theory and practice of the socialist countries, and as a basis to predict the future trend of socialist management, the overall structure is more rational.Fifth, grasp the pulse of the latest socialist management in the context of globalization, concerned about the change wave of national management, to explore their logic of evolution, This make the research has more characteristics of the times, the analysis on management reform in our country enhance the practical value of this paper.This paper will be solved to a certain extent have been due to the lack of research on the management system of socialism, which appears to be reduced to fragments, the socialism and management are combined based on the analysis, will undoubtedly be more comprehensive and objective. We tried to solve the key problems as follows:what role should the ideology factor of socialist management in the play; where the logic starting point of socialist management; if the traditional mode of management has relevance with the drastic changes in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe; if the socialist countries in the management of logic have in common; socialist management from theory to practice how to influence the profound changes in the international communist movement trend.With the development of socialist management reform,follow-up research will continue to expand.


