

【作者】 胡芳

【导师】 俞良早;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 科学社会主义, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 从1848年马克思、恩格斯发表《共产党宣言》时起,“东方”就被纳入到世界共产主义运动的总体战略,到二十世纪初的社会主义革命“东移”,再到“中国模式”的伟大创造,俄国、中国等经济文化落后的东方国家,在马克思主义意识形态的指引下,进行了不同于西方资本主义道路的新建设探索,他们对落后文化的改造与建设成为东方道路发展成功与否的重要因素。本文“由点及面”,在国际共产主义运动的背景下,以马克思、恩格斯关于东方社会的道路发展的关注为线索,全面揭示了马克思、恩格斯早期和晚年对东方文化研究视角转变的演进过程,深刻阐述了马克思、恩格斯辩证统一的东方文化思想。在“使东方从属于西方”视域下,早期马克思、恩格斯对俄国、中国、印度等东方国家的文化落后性进行了深刻地批判;而在《资本论》揭示了资本主义文化矛盾与资产阶级文化的腐朽性和没落后,晚年马克思转入人类学的研究,提出辨证分析西方殖民主义对东方社会文化影响,落后国家存在实现文化跨越式发展的可能性,未来社会文化旨趣“将是古代氏族的自由、平等和博爱的更高级的复活”。而这个过程也推动了历史唯物主义的完善。列宁俄国无产阶级革命的文化建设实现了马克思主义东方文化思想由理论到实践的飞跃与艰辛。无论是东方革命(包括资产阶级民主主义革命和社会主义革命),还是东方社会建设(无产阶级专政下的经济建设和政治改革)都遭遇到东方特有的、复杂的、落后的文化困境。东方文化的“附属性”,决定了无产阶级革命的文化建设的复杂性,因此其文化建设是多维度的、系统工程,但它们之间的地位却是不平等的:政治革命成为东方无产阶级文化革命的先导,以革命意识的培养为主要任务,以资本主义经济意识为基本手段,以社会主义吸引科学来驱散宗教的迷雾为大众化工具。俄共(布)执政后,沙俄旧的“官僚或农奴制等等”的政治文化传统极大地阻碍着苏维埃的政治和经济的发展,俄国社会各群体阶层都与俄共(布)文化的现代化严重“脱节”。因此“文化革命”成为列宁晚年执政的主要任务。苏维埃俄国开展历史上第一次属于劳动人民的文化建设运动,并为东方落后国家提供了范式,而东方国家尤其要重视政治文化的建设。中国共产党继承并发展了经典作家的东方文化建设思想。从毛泽东新民主主义文化理论的提出到中国特色社会主义文化建设理论的新发展,马克思主义东方文化建设理论得到了很大的发展。“中国梦”科学地回答了新时期我们应该“树立什么样的理想,怎样实现理想”、“树立什么样的目标,怎样实现目标”的时代问题。它凸显了马克思主义文化解放的“人的自由”解放的价值特征,深深体现了今天中国人的理想。但是“中国梦”的实现并不是乌托邦的幻境,而是马克思主义实践本质的根本论文化价值诉求。而“中国梦”的实现迫切需要马克思主义“文化解放”的价值突破。推进中国特色社会主义文化强国建设,需要从思想认识、制度建设、经济文化、政治文化和社会文化五个方面来实现突破。

【Abstract】 Eastern countries were backward in economy and culture such as Russia, but China has undergone renovation and construction which is different from the road of those of the western capitalist, because it was under the guidance of the scientific culture banner of the Marxist. From Marx and Engels’ publication of the\"communist manifesto\" in1848when the "eastern" has been incorporated into the overall strategy of the world communist movement, to socialist revolutions have been moving to the east in the early20th century, and then to the divine creation of "China model", these explorations and renovations carried out in backward culture by Marxists have contributed a lot to the success of the development of the east road.This paper penetrates into the thinking of Marx and Engels dialectical unification of Oriental culture and their shift of perspective of research of Oriental culture based on their early and later life, under the background of the international communist movement, and Marx and Engels’ hyper-development east road as the clue. Marx and Engels profoundly criticized the culture backwardness in countries like Russia, China, India and other eastern countries under the horizon of "the bourgeoisie made east belonging to the west" in their early years. Marx moved on to the research of anthropology in his late years, after "Das Kapital" revealed that the cultural essence of contradictions of capitalism, and he put forward the dialectical analysis of western colonialism influence on the social culture of the east and backward countries, which have the possibility to achieve the leap development of culture, and the future of the culture would be "the more advanced resurrection of the ancient clan of freedom, equality and fraternity ". These processes have promoted the perfection of historical materialism.Lenin’s theory of Russian proletarian revolutionary cultural construction has realized the leap and experienced the hardships of Marxist Oriental culture from theory to practice.Both the Oriental revolution and Oriental society construction were encountered the same cultural dilemma, that was, the unique, complex and backward Oriental culture. The subjunctive nature of Oriental culture determined the complexity of the construction. Lenin and the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks) have carried out proletarian revolutionary culture construction from muti-dimensions, like political culture, economic culture, social culture and so on.Political revolution became the forerunner of the great proletarian cultural revolution. After the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks) took the power, the old political cultural tradition of Soviet Russia has seriously restricted the political and economic development, so the "cultural revolution" has become the main task of Lenin’s task in his later life. And Lenin pointed out that the eastern countries, in particular, should attach great importance to the construction of political culture.The communist party of China has inherited and developed the thoughts of these classical writers about the construction of the Oriental culture. Marxist Oriental culture construction theory has made great development from MAO Zedong’s new-democratic culture theory, which was put forward to new development of the theory of socialist cultural construction with Chinese characteristics."China dream" embodies the ideals of the Chinese today, and it highlights the "freedom" of Marxist cultural liberation value characteristics of liberation. This paper brings forward that the construction of the power of socialist culture with Chinese characteristics from five aspects of the ideological understanding, that is, to construct system from the perspective of economic, cultural, political, cultural and social culture, with the ultimate goal to achieve breakthroughs.

【关键词】 经典作家东方文化建设中国梦
【Key words】 Classical WritersOrientalCulture ConstructionChina dream

