

Research on the Development Course of Yunnan Minority Film

【作者】 吴丽

【导师】 马翀炜;

【作者基本信息】 云南大学 , 民族文化产业, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 在中国这样一个多民族的国家,民族电影一直是以近乎独立的“类型片”的形式和地位而存在的。民族电影因为展示了众多少数民族的社会生活内容而给人留下了深刻的印象。无论是独特的自然景观、优美的音乐歌舞、绚烂的民族服饰,还是鲜明的民族性格,都是中国电影史上值得骄傲的美好画面。然而,作为一种文化产业事项,当今的民族电影由于在经济价值实现方面存在较大的问题,从而也使民族电影可以发挥的丰富人类文化多样性、推进民族平等团结、传播社会主义核心价值观、增强各民族的国家认同意识等重要功能未能很好的实现。云南有25个世居少数民族,民族文化资源的丰富是举世公认的。然而,云南少数民族题材电影从诞生以来,在经历了20世纪50-60年代的高潮之后,几经起伏,至今仍然还没有形成一个真正意义上的文化产业。云南少数民族题材电影在云南民族文化产业发展中应该具有的核心作用并未得到充分的显现。云南少数民族题材电影面临的最大难题就在于难以在电影产业的三大属性即政治性、艺术性与经济性之间达成平衡。而这一困境的形成是与早期国产电影(含中国民族电影)在产生之初及其早期发展以及云南少数民族题材电影发展历程中对这三个属性的处理一直存在失衡状态有着紧密的关联的。对云南少数民族题材电影发展困境原因的深刻思考就必须要在对早期国产电影以及云南少数民族题材电影的发展历程的回顾与分析中才能实现。电影这一新的艺术形式传入中国的时代正是中国处于内忧外患之际。在清末民国时期,救亡图存是整个中国所面临的最为急迫的任务。电影成为民族解放下宣传爱国主义的重要工具,其盈利潜力并未受到足够的重视。即使有人意识到了电影的发展可以带来经济利益,但在当时的社会背景下,这一经济目的也是难以实现的。此后,从作为抗日救国情景下唤醒爱国热情的工具到担负着新中国培养各民族的国家意识的使命,从“文化大革命”时期作为政治宣传与政治斗争的工具到“文化大革命”结束以后成为拨乱反正的表征,再到当下成为提升文化软实力的战略工具,电影的意识形态功能在中国的不同历史时期一直都在发挥着重要的作用。由此也就造成了电影产业的艺术性、娱乐性和经济性虽不时地被提到,但始终未能上升到与电影产业的意识形态功能等量齐观的地位。电影产业本身各个属性之间应有的平衡关系难以达成,从而制约了中国电影、包括云南少数民族题材电影的产业化发展。在云南少数民族题材电影的发展历程中,也出现过所谓“叫好又叫座”的案例。这些电影的一个共性就在于:既契合了当时的政治语境与大众的社会文化心理和精神需求,同时又具有良好的艺术表达和商业回报。当下,电影作为文化产业的观念已经在国家大力发展电影产业的体制保障下逐步得到社会的认同,云南少数民族题材电影也在努力地走向市场,但电影产业的意识形态属性、艺术性、娱乐性和经济性之间的关系并没有达到一种新的平衡状态,其效果也依然不尽如人意。云南少数民族题材电影的产业化发展应该涵盖电影制作、发行、放映和后电影产品的开发、经营与管理等一系列的环节,而其中电影产品本身的开发是整个电影产业发展的核心和现实基点。在新的历史语境下,云南少数民族题材电影需要以差异化的产品突显比较优势、用“世界的语言”讲述民族的故事、以产业化的运作达成真正的“叫好又叫座”。具体而言,云南少数民族题材电影需要将民族文化的资源优势转化为经济优势,使良好的经济效益能够成为民族电影进一步发展的坚实基础,在满足人们尤其是广大少数民族群众日益增长的精神文化需求、促进少数民族地区文化建设和交流的同时,为社会尤其是广大的少数民族群众带去实惠,增强其幸福感,提升文化自觉与文化保护意识,提升国家软实力,为国家的可持续发展奠定坚实的基础。云南少数民族题材电影的良好的产业化发展将在促进少数民族文化建设进而也是中华民族文化建设的同时,促进人类文化的多样性和多元性的发展,也将为人类生存方式与发展方式的更多的可能性提供参考,使不同的文化持有者能够相互理解,相互包容,和谐相处,共同发展。

【Abstract】 The minority film always exists with an almost independent of the form of "genre" and status in China which is a multi-ethnic country. The minority film has left a deep impression to people because of showing the social life of many ethnic minorities. Whether it is a unique natural landscape, beautiful music and dancing, gorgeous costume, or a distinctive minority character, they are all good pictures to be proud of in the Chinese movie history. However, as a kind of cultural industry, today’s minority film is no good implement some important function in enriching the diversity of human culture, promoting ethnic equality and unity, spreading the socialist core values and enhancing the sense of national identity of ethnic minorities because there is a big problem in terms of economic value.There are25indigenous minorities in Yunnan. Yunnan is rich in ethnic minority culture resources are universally acknowledged. However, since birth, the peak of the ’50s and’60s of the20th century and several ups and downs, Yunnan minority film is still not a mature culture industry. Its central role in the development of Yunnan ethnic cultural industry has not been fully revealed. Yunnan minority film’s biggest problem is that it is difficult to reach a balance between the three attributes (the political attribute, art attribute and economic attribute) of the film industry. And the formation of this dilemma is closely related to the state of imbalance of handling of these three attributes in the beginning of the generation of Chinese film (including Chinese minority film) and its early development and the development of Yunnan minority film. Deep thinking of the reasons for difficulties in Yunnan minority film development can be achieved in the review and analysis of the development course of the entire Chinese film including Yunnan minority film.Movie as a kind of new art form was introduced into China when China was in the problems at home and abroad. In the late Qing dynasty during the period of the republic of China, the anti-aggression was the most urgent task for China. Film became the important tool of promoting patriotism in the context of national liberation, and its profit potential was not given enough attention. Even if some people realized that the development of the film could bring economic benefits, but under the social background at that time, the economic purpose was also difficult to be achieved.After that, from as the tool of arousing the patriotic enthusiasm in the context of the anti-Japanese national salvation to assuming the mission of cultivating the national consciousness of the various nationalities in the People’s Republic of China, from as an instrument of political propaganda and struggle in the "cultural revolution" period to becoming a sign of right after the end of the "cultural revolution", to becoming a strategic tool of promoting cultural soft power in the present, the ideological function of the film has been playing an important role in different historical periods of China. It also creates a result that although the art attribute, entertainment attribute and economic attribute of the film industry have at times been mentioned, but always fail to rise to the equally important position as the ideology function. It is difficult to achieve a proper balance between the three properties of the film industry itself, thus restricting the industrialization of Chinese film including Yunnan minority film.In the development of Chinese film including Yunnan minority film, also there are some "popular and profitable" cases. These films have a commonality which both agrees with the prevailing political context and the public’s social cultural psychology and spiritual demand and has good artistic expression and commercial return. At present, the notion of "film as a cultural industry" has been gradually obtained the social approval under the country’s security to vigorously develop the film industry. And Yunnan minority film is also hard to march towards the market. However, the relationship between the ideological attribute, art attribute, entertainment attribute and economic attribute of Yunnan minority film can not reach a new equilibrium, and the effect is still unsatisfactory.The industrialization development of Yunnan minority film covers a series of links, including the film production, distribution, screening and the development, operation and management of derivatives and so on. And the development of the film product itself is the core and realistic basis of the whole film industry development, In the context of the new era, Yunnan minority film needs to highlight the comparative advantage with differentiated products, tell the story and human nature by using "world language" and skills, produce really "popular and profitable" films through the industrialization of works, in order to change the minority culture resources advantage into economic advantage, make the good economic benefit as the solid foundation for the further development of Yunnan minority film. At the same time of meeting the growing spiritual and cultural needs of people especially the ethnic minority people, promoting the cultural construction and communication in ethnic minority areas, Yunnan minority film industry can bring benefits to society especially the broad masses of ethnic minorities, enhance their happiness, promote their cultural consciousness and culture protection consciousness, strengthen the national soft power, thus will lay a solid foundation for the sustainable development of the country. The good development of Yunnan minority film industry will promote the construction of ethnic minority culture which is a part of the Chinese nation culture. In the meantime, it will promote the diversity and pluralistic development of human culture, also provide a reference for the possibility of a more human way of life and development, and allow different cultural holders to understand and tolerate each other, live in harmony and develop collectively.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 云南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期

