

The Study on the Mechanism and Prevention of Dynamic-loading Rockburst

【作者】 刘少虹

【导师】 李凤明; 毛德兵;

【作者基本信息】 煤炭科学研究总院 , 采矿工程, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 按照载荷的来源和加载形式,可将冲击地压分为静载冲击地压和动载冲击地压。动载冲击地压是在动、静载荷叠加作用下发生的突然失稳现象。现有的冲击地压发生机理研究主要从煤自身性质或煤岩体结构特性角度展开,而对煤及煤岩体结构特性受动静载荷影响的研究较少。基于此,本文根据动载冲击地压的发生特点,首次提出并设计了改进的霍普金森杆实验,并与分形断裂力学、波动力学、突变理论和混沌理论相结合,分析了动静载荷下煤及煤岩体结构的破坏特性、机制以及应力波传播规律,探讨了煤及煤岩体结构特性在动静加载下发生显著改变而导致动载冲击地压发生的机理;建立了动载冲击地压的分源防治体系,并在古山煤矿生产实践中得到有效验证。论文的主要研究内容及成果如下:(1)进行了煤的改进霍普金森杆实验,并基于分形断裂力学,探讨了动静加载下煤的破坏特性及冲击倾向性。分析认为,在动静加载下煤的冲击倾向性比静载下的更强,且煤中的裂隙数目和静载大小对动载的作用效果具有显著影响。(2)通过分析动载冲击地压的发生特点,并结合量纲分析方法,获得了动载冲击地压的9个主要影响因素。进行了煤岩组合试样的改进霍普金森杆实验,分析了动载加载下组合煤岩样的破坏特性,进而探讨了煤岩体结构特性对动静载荷的破坏效果的影响。(3)将突变理论和时效损伤本构模型相结合,推导了动静加载下煤岩组合模型的失稳判据、突跳位移以及释放总能量的数学表达式;在此基础上,探讨了煤岩体结构特性对动载冲击地压的发生条件、顶板下沉量和冲击强度的影响。通过建立组合煤岩体的非线性动力学模型,分析了动载冲击地压发生过程中的混沌机制。(4)将煤岩组合试样的改进霍普金森杆实验与波动力学相结合,探讨了动静加载下组合煤岩样中应力波的传播机制和能量耗散规律,分析了动静载下煤岩体破坏对动载的传播和耗散的影响。分析表明,当动、静载荷均较大时,才会有较多的动载参与到煤岩体结构的破坏失稳,否则动载将以反射或透射为主;并且随着动载能量的增大参与破坏的动载比重逐渐增大。动静载下煤岩体结构失稳可分为动载主导型和动载诱发型。(5)在总结上述理论和实验结果的基础上,提出了动载冲击地压的扰动失稳机理。并依据扰动失稳机理,初步建立了动载冲击地压的分源防治体系。通过对古山煤矿东069-2工作面动态防治实践可知,动载冲击分源防治体系有效的促进工作面的安全生产。

【Abstract】 In accordance with the form and source of loading, rockburst can be divided intostatic-loading rockburst and dynamic-loading rockburst. Dynamic-loading rockburst(DR) isa sudden instability phenomena under coupled dynamic and static loading. However theexsiting rockburst mechanism is mainly from nature of coal and compound coal-rockangles, and the study on the effect of coupled static and dynamic loading on nature of coaland compound coal-rock is few.Based on the occurrence characteristics of DR, first proposed and designed to improvethe Hopkinson bar experiment, and combined with the fractal fracture mechanics, wavemechanics, catastrophe theory and chaos theory, analyzed failure characteristics of coal andcompound coal-rock and stress wave propagation mechanism under coupled static anddynamic loading, and discussed the mechanism of DR caused by the significant change ofthe characteristics of coal and coal-rock structure under coupled static and dynamic loading.The seprating source control system for DR was established and was got effective result inproduction practice of Gushan Mine. The main aspects are as the following:(1) Proceeded the improved Hopkinson bar experiment of coal, and based on fractalfracture mechanics, discussed the failure characteristics and outburst proneness of coalunder coupled static and dynamic loading. It is considered that the outburst proneness ofcoal under coupled static and dynamic loadings is stronger than that under static loading,and fractures number of coal and the size of static loading have a significant impact on theeffect of dynamic loading.(2) Based on the occurrence characteristics of DR, combined with dimensionalanalysis method, obtained the9main factors of DR. Proceeded the improved Hopkinsonbar experiment of compound coal-rock, analyzed failure characteristics of compoundcoal-rock, inquired effect of coal-rock structural characteristics on destruction undercoupled dynamic and static loadings. (3) The judgement formula of failure, catatrophic displacement and the total releasedenergy of compound coal-rock under coupled static-dynamic loading are obtained throughtheoretical analysis and time dependent damage model. Discussed the effect of thecoal-rock structural characteristics on the occurrence conditions, roof subsidence andimpact strength of DR. Through establishing nonlinear dynamic model of compoundcoal-rock combination, analyzed the chaotic mechanism in the occurrance process of DR.(4) By the improved Hopkinson bar experiment of compound coal-rock and wavemechanics, inquired stress wave propagation mechanism and energy dissipationsignificantly under coupled dynamic and static loading, discussed the effect of coal androck mass destruction on propagation and dissipation of dynamic loading. It is consideredthat When the dynamic and static loading are both large, more dynamic loading willinvolved in the destruction of compound coal-rock, otherwise dynamic load will be mainlyreflected or transmitted.(5) Based on summing up the theoretical and experimental results, proposeddisturbance instability mechanism for DR. And based on disturbance instability mechanism,initially established the seprating source control system for DR. The dynamic preventionpractice of Gushan Coal Mine shows that the seprating source control system for DR caneffectively promote safe production ultimately.


