

【作者】 安娜

【导师】 陈述;

【作者基本信息】 中共中央党校 , 中共党史, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 全国党代会报告是中国共产党的理论旗帜、政治宣言和行动纲领的集中体现,它反映了一定历史时期内中国共产党的认识水平、价值取向和任务目标,是中共党史研究的重要内容和领域。研究全国党代会报告,是为了深化中共党史研究和拓展中共党史研究的领域,还可以深入理解和系统探讨中国共产党波澜壮阔的光辉历史与马克思主义中国化的历史进程。中共八大至十二大的报告包含了社会主义革命和建设时期的理论创新和艰辛探索,同时又是新时期的崭新开端,在全国党代会报告史上起着承前启后的重要地位,是研究中共党史的重要节点。把中共八大至十二大报告作为整体来研究,一方面可以科学总结社会主义建设的正反两方面经验,另一方面又能理解和把握社会主义发展的历史规律。不仅如此,研究中共八大至十二大报告既符合事物发展的客观规律,又能深化和拓展中共党史研究的新领域和新视角。本文以辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义为指导,力求历史和逻辑、结构和内容的统一,把中共八大至十二大报告作为中国共产党在探索社会主义道路认识上的肯定、否定、否定之否定的三个必不可少的环节,进行系统的研究,并探讨中国共产党在解决马克思主义中国化的历史任务中如何深化对“什么是社会主义,怎么建设社会主义”这一基本问题的认识。论文共分引言、正文、结语三部分。正文分为五章。引言部分主要介绍选题意义、研究对象和主要概念的界定、研究现状综述、研究思路和框架结构、研究的重点、难点与创新点。正文以中国共产党在中共八大至十二大报告中探索什么是社会主义,怎样建设社会主义为线索,辅之以国情—理论—路线—党建的思路展开论述。第一章对全国党代会报告的发展历程进行了系统梳理,分别从新民主主义革命时期、社会主义革命和建设时期、新时期三个阶段对全国党代会报告作了历史性考察,为中共八大至十二大报告的研究作铺垫。这一章还分析了中共二大至十二大全国党代会报告的重要特点。第二章对中共八大政治报告产生的背景、起草的经过和具体内容进行了阐述。从报告产生的历史背景入手,说明了报告本身对国内形势和国际局势的分析。从社会主义理论的初步认识、社会主义建设的全面展开两个方面了论述了报告关于社会主义建设的全方位探索的问题。其中重点论述了社会主义理论的初步认识和社会主义建设的全面展开:从社会主义历史发展阶段、社会主义社会主要矛盾和社会主义根本任务三个方面论述了关于社会主义理论初步认识的问题,从国家建设的战略构想、经济建设总方针、民主法制建设和教育科学文化事业四个方面论述了社会主义建设的全面展开。最后强调要加强党的领导的新要求,并在全面阐述中共八大报告主要内容的基础上总结了中共八大政治报告的理论贡献。第三章阐述中共九大至十大报告对时代课题的曲折探索。对中共九大报告的研究是从五个方面展开的:分别是报告产生的历史背景和起草经过、对国内外形势的判断、无产阶级专政下继续革命理论、党在整个社会主义历史阶段的基本路线以及关于党的整顿和建设。对中共十大报告的研究也从报告产生的历史背景、对国内外形势的判断、继续坚持中共九大报告的理论和路线、加强党的一元化领导和错误路线产生的主客观因素五个方面进行了阐述。最后分析了中共九大和十大报告的特点和历史地位。第四章的前两节分别分析了中共十一大报告产生的历史背景、起草经过和国内国际形势。第三节重点阐述了中共十一大报告对“无产阶级专政下继续革命”理论的继续肯定。第四节从战略决策的中心任务、政治保障、经济政策、文化方面、军事方面等几个方面全面论述了建设社会主义的“抓纲治国”八项任务。最后分析了中共十一大报告未完成时代课题转折的原因及其具有的特点和历史地位。第五章突出强调了中共十二大报告对时代课题的新回答。在论述中共十二大报告产生的国际和国内背景之后,简要地概述了报告本身对国情和世情的分析,并在此基础上阐述了社会主义理论的再认识、社会主义现代化建设的新布局两个方面的内容。其中,从经济建设的宏观战略规划、新的经济建设手段、建设高度的社会主义精神文明和社会主义民主的新境界四个层面重点论述了社会主义现代化建设的新布局。最后强调加强党的领导的新要求,并分析了中共十二大报告的特点和对时代课题转折意义。结语部分分析全国党代会报告曲折发展的原因和启示。通过对中共八大至十二大报告的回顾,分析了报告曲折发展的原因。并说明了中共八大至十二大报告曲折发展的启示。

【Abstract】 The reports of National Congress Party of CPC is the important Marxism doctrine.It reflects the level of understanding, value orientation and the goal in the certainhistorical period. It is the important content and research field of the history of theCPC. The research of the report of National Congress can not only understanding theglorious history of CPC, but also investigating the historical process of Sinicization ofMarxism. The reports also highlight the process of construction of CPC. The Eighthto Twelfth reports of National Congress Party of CPC plays an important status in thehistory of the reports of National Congress Party. It is also the important node of thehistory of CPC. On the one hand, it contains the theory innovation and the hardshipsin the In the period of socialist revolution and construction. on the other hand, it is anew start of the new period. The study of The Eighth to Twelfth reports of NationalCongress Party of CPC not only in accordance with law of the development, but alsodeepen and expand the research of the history of CPC. It is can also summarizepositive and negative experiences of the socialist construction and the law of thedevelopment of socialist.Based on the dialectical materialism and historical materialism, the paper unifiedthe history and logic, structure and content. The Eighth to Twelfth reports of NationalCongress Party of CPC can be seen as three indispensable links: affirmation, negation,negation of negation. The study of the Eighth to Twelfth reports of National CongressParty of CPC can also deepen "what is socialism, how to build socialism " in this era.The thesis has three parts: introduction, body and conclusion. The body is dividedinto five chapters.The introduction mainly introduces the significance of the topic, research objectand the definition of the main concepts, research review, research ideas andframework, research priorities, difficulties and innovation.The study of The Eighth to Twelfth reports of National Congress Party of CPChas the clue of what is socialism, how to build socialism. The first chaptersystematically the history of the reports of National Congress Party of CPC,Thesecond chapter to the fourth chapter, according to the development of the reports ofNational Congress Party of CPC, analysis the situation at home and abroad, thefundamental basic theory. The fifth chapter is the reason and revelation of the The study of The Eighth to Twelfth reports of National Congress Party of CPClabyrinthian development.The first chapter is an introduction of the history of the reports of NationalCongress Party of CPC. The explanation divided into three stages: the newdemocratic revolution, the socialist revolution and construction period, the newperiod.At the same time, the first chapter also focused on the various characteristic ofthe the National Party Congress Party of CPC. The first chapter pave the way for thefurther research.The second chapter set forth the background, drafted condition and specificcontents of the The report of the Eighth National Congress Party of CPC. The reportanalysis the historical background of emergence,the domestic situation and theinternational situation. The chapter research the the socialist construction from threeaspects: the preliminary understanding of socialist theory, the active exploration of theline of the eighth National Congress Party of CPC, strengthening the party’sleadership. It focuses on exploring the preliminary understanding of socialism and theline of the eighth of National Congress Party of CPC. The chapter analysis thecharacteristics and theoretical contribution of the report of the eighth NationalCongress Party of CPC.The third chapter expounds the report of the ninth、the tenth National CongressParty of CPC respectively. At last, analyze the features and historical status. Thispaper outlines the background of the the three National Congress report, analyze thesituation at home and abroad, analyze of the theory of "continuing revolution underthe proletariat dictatorship" and the basic line throughout the historical period ofsocialism. Finally, analyze the characteristics and historical status of these tworeports.The fourth chapter describes the reasons of failure to correct the “left-leaning” themistakes.In this chapter also analyze "continuing revolution under the proletariatdictatorship" and “grasp the key line”. Finally, analyze the characteristics andhistorical status of these three reports.The fifth chapter emphasizes the topic of the times of the report of the twelfth National Congress of the CPC. After the analysis of the local and the world situation,this chapter research the content of the socialist theory, the new layout of socialistmodernization, the new requirements of the construction of CPC. The new layout ofsocialist modernization can be researched from four dimensions: the macro strategicplanning of the modernization construction, new economic construction methods, theconstruction of socialist spiritual civilization, the construction of the socialistdemocracy. Finally this chapter analyzes the characteristics of the twelfth NationalCongress of the CPC.The conclusion of this paper, mainly analyzed the reason and the Enlightenmentof the reports of National Congress Party of CPC. The reasons include “left-leaning”mistakes, lacking of mental preparation and practice experience enough. In order tocontinue the construction of the theoretical system of socialism with Chinesecharacteristics. finally analyzes the inspiration for today.

  • 【分类号】D220
  • 【下载频次】627

