

【作者】 程李华

【导师】 王军;

【作者基本信息】 中共中央党校 , 政治学理论, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 政治制度的理性建构为了维持社会秩序的正常运行。国家治理体系事关重大公共利益决策,对社会资源、社会利益进行制度性分配,以及对社会价值进行权威性分配。现代国家治理体系与传统国家治理体系的区别在于:国家与社会关系、政府与市场关系更加规范化和法治化,实现对政治资本和社会资本的有效结合,实现国家公平有效地汲取和分配资源、供给公共产品的能力。现代国家治理体系规定了公共权力运行的基本框架,因为国家治理过程是规范和约束公共权力运行的过程。现代国家治理体系离不开这些构成要素:公共权力严格按照依法治国的原则运行,政府权力与社会权力边界清晰,政府职能体系法定化,政府职能行使规范化,用制度保障政府权力的有限性、有效性和公共性。现代国家治理要实现经济社会可持续发展,维持社会秩序长期稳定,通过政府合理地行使职能来实现。政府通过调整经济关系,促进生产力发展,为市场主体提供增加物质财富的条件;调整社会关系和利益格局,对经济权益和政治权益在社会公众中进行公正分配。国家治理的目标对政府有效行使职能具有决定作用,现代国家治理体系对政府职能转变具有顶层设计意义。现代化进程实际上是从传统社会向现代社会的过渡,传统社会的国家治理体系呈现统治型和管理型特征,现代社会的国家治理普遍淡化统治,突出管理和服务职能,寓统治于管理与服务之中。自然,政府职能因应国家治理体系进行转变。现代国家治理体系从宏观上规划政府职能转变的方向,对政府职能结构、职能重心以及职能方式的调整具有指向性。论文从传统社会到现代社会的国家治理体系背景下,对政府职能变迁的历史逻辑和新中国成立后政府职能转变的历程进行演绎分析,在此基础上,对影响政府职能转变的系统因素进行归纳概括,针对当前政府职能转变存在的问题提出建议。中国实行计划经济时期,政府职能具有全能型的特征,政府全面控制和管理社会,压制经济主体的创造活力,经济社会发展一度陷入停滞状态。改革开放以后,国家治理的目标转变为以经济建设为中心,引导着政府职能类型从全能型政府向发展型政府转变,实行市场经济体制改革,市场化改革激发了经济活力,国家治理从管制社会、限制市场的思路中摆脱出来,收缩国家权力,扩大了社会自治的范围;政府调整与市场的关系,政府职能从干预经济活动向宏观调节转变。进入新世纪以后,国家治理的思路调整为科学发展、建设和谐社会,政府职能向服务型政府职能转变。当前,影响中国政府职能转变的因素分为以下几类:首先,现代国家治理目标对政府职能转变起到宏观规划作用。中国现代国家治理的目标是实现富强、民主、文明、和谐的社会主义现代化国家,政府在国家治理中承担者关键治理者的职责。其次,是推动因素。市场经济的发展完善促进政府进一步向市场放权,收缩干预职能,社会群体多样化带来社会利益多元化,政府向社会放权,调整社会管理职能,社会组织能力和自治能力得以提高,加强社会公共服务功能,履行公平分配职能。信息化为政府职能转变提供了技术支持,20世纪80年代以后,世界范围内兴起了政府分权化和市场化改革,为社会公众提供更好的公共服务,对加强政府服务职能具有推动作用。再次,是阻碍因素,分为思想观念和制度因素。21世纪之初,中国政府提出建设服务型政府,然而,至今政府的服务意识尚未普遍形成。另外,规范政府合理、高效履行职能的法律体系尚需完善,政绩考核机制不够健全,问责制度不够规范,这些因素对政府职能转变到位起着制约作用。政府职能转变存在以下问题:政府职能转变缺少宏观规划,政府职能结构不够均衡,经济职能权重过大;行政干预过多;监管职能不到位;公共服务投入不足。政府职能转变可以从以下关键环节着手,政府公共服务供给采用多元化方式,充分发挥市场主体和社会组织的作用,在协商合作中实现治理目标;改革行政审批制度,减少对市场和社会的干预;转变政府职能方式,减少对市场和社会的管制,加强政府监督职能和服务职能。通过完善法律体系、问责机制、政绩考核机制,保障政府职能转变方向符合现代国家治理体系的要求。

【Abstract】 The rational construction of the political system is in order to maintain thenormal operation of social order. The national system of governance matters of publicinterest policy consists of institutional allocation of social resources, social benefits,as well as the authoritative distribution of social value. The difference betweengovernance system of modern country governance system and traditional country liesin the relationship between state and society, the relationship between government andmarket, more standardized, the rule of law, and realize the effective combination ofpolitical capital and social capital, further improve the national system, to enhance theNational Drawing and allocation of resources, the supply of public product ability.The modern state governance system provides the basic framework of public poweroperation, because the state governance process is to standardize and restrict thepublic power operation. The modern state governance system cannot do without theseelements: public power in strict accordance with the principle of the rule of law, thegovernment power and social power boundary is clear, the function system of thegovernment regulation, government functions exercised standardized, with limitedgovernment power, system security and effectiveness of the public. The governmentthrough the adjustment of economic relations, promote the development of productiveforces, for the market players to provide increasing material wealth condition;adjusting the social relationship and the pattern of interests, the economic rights andpolitical rights of fair distribution in the public. National governance objectives for theeffective performance of the functions of government plays a decisive role, modernstate governance system on the significance of the transformation of governmentfunctions is the top-level design.Modernization is actually the transition from traditional society to modernsociety, the national governance system of traditional society of rule and managementcharacteristics, state governance in modern society generally desalination rule,outstanding management and service functions, combining rule in management andservice. Naturally, the functions of the government from national governance systemtransform into modern governance system. The modern state governance systemplanning from the macro direction of the transformation of government functions, has the directivity of the functions of the government, the center of gravity of the functionstructure and function adjustment. The background of national governance system ofa modern society from traditional society, the government function change changeafter the founding of new Chinese historical logic and the functions of the governmentprocess deduction analysis, on this basis, the system factors that influencetransformation of government functions are generalized, aiming at the existingproblems of the transformation of government functions, and put forward someproposals.China period of planned economy, government function has the all-round, fullgovernment control and management of social, creative vitality of pressing economicsubject, the economic and social development was stagnated. After the reform andopening up, goal of the transformation of governance for taking economicconstruction as the center, leading the type of government functions transition fromomnipotent government to the development of government, market economy systemreform, the market reform to stimulate the economic vitality, state governance systemof market ideas emerge from social control, limiting state power, shrinkage, expandthe scope of community autonomy; the relationship between government regulationand market regulation, government function change from intervention in economicactivities to the macro.At present, factors affecting the China government function are divided into thefollowing categories: first, the modern state governance objectives to macro planningof government function transformation. China modern state governance is to achievethe goal of a prosperous, democratic, civilized socialist modern country. The rulingparty is playing a leading role, the government of key management in nationaladministration duties. Secondly, promoting factors. The development of the marketeconomy to improve the promotion of further government intervention to marketdecentralization, systolic function, social group diversification of social interests, thegovernment decentralizes power to the society, adjust the social management function,social organization ability and autonomous ability to improve, strengthen the publicservice function, fair distribution function. Information technology provides technicalsupport for the transformation of government functions, in twentieth Century80yearslater, the worldwide government decentralization reform, to provide better publicservices, has promoting effect on strengthening the service function of the government. Thirdly, hindering factors, divided into Ideological and institutionalfactors. At the beginning of twenty-first Century, Chinese government proposed tobuild a service-oriented government, however, has not yet formed the governmentservice consciousness. In addition, the legal system to regulate the governmentreasonably, to perform the functions of high efficiency need to be improved, theperformance evaluation mechanism is not perfect, the accountability system is notstandard, these factors on the transformation of government functions in place to playa restrictive role.The transformation of government functions has the following problems: thetransformation of government functions and the lack of macro planning, governmentfunction structure is not balanced, the economic function of weight is too large;excessive administrative intervention; supervision is not in place; inadequateinvestment in public services. The system needs to solve the problem of path. Thetransformation of government functions can proceed from the following key links inthe supply of public services, the diversification of means, give full play to the marketmain body and the strength of social organization, achieve the goal of governance inconsultation and cooperation in the reform of the administrative examination andapproval system; not banned, according to the principle of reduction, on the marketand social intervention; the transformation of government functions, reduce themarket and social control, strengthen government supervision and service functions.The perfection of the legal system, accountability mechanism, performance evaluationmechanism, guarantee the transformation of government functions meet the directionof modern state governance system requirements.

  • 【分类号】D630
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】6164

