

【作者】 张红锋

【导师】 贾建芳;

【作者基本信息】 中共中央党校 , 马克思主义中国化, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 本文从历史、理论与现实的维度研究经济社会发展和人的发展之间的关系,在此基础上,着重分析我国社会主义市场经济发展对人的发展的影响,并进一步分析社会主义市场经济和人的发展之间的关系,探索在社会主义市场经济条件下实现人的发展的基本路径。全文包括导论和四章。导论部分界定了本文的基本概念——“人的发展”、“经济社会发展”,述评了国内外学界关于经济社会发展和人的发展的关系、社会主义市场经济条件下人的发展问题等研究成果,阐述了本文的研究意义、基本方法、主要创新之处。第一章考察了经济社会发展与人的发展的历史进程及其关系。马克思认为,人的发展大致要经历三个阶段,即人的依赖性阶段、物的依赖性阶段、人的自由全面发展阶段,相对应的经济形态分别是自然经济、商品经济、产品经济,相对应的社会形态分别是前资本主义社会、资本主义社会、共产主义社会。人的发展和经济社会发展的历程表明,不同经济社会形态下人的发展状况也不同,特别是在商品经济条件下,人的发展呈现出非常鲜明的特点——商品经济既提升了人的创造力,增强了人的自由、平等的观念等,从而有利于人的发展,同时也带来了人的物化和片面发展等问题。经济社会发展与人的发展具有互动性和统一性,一方面,人的发展是经济社会发展的动力和根源,经济社会发展反过来也会推动人的发展;另一方面,人的发展是经济社会发展的价值目标,经济社会发展是人的发展的必然结果。经济社会发展与人的发展相互影响、相互制约,总体上一致,都是由低级阶段向高级阶段不断发展。第二章阐述了近代以来中国人的发展要求、计划经济条件下人的发展状况和我国经济体制的转型及其人本意义。实现人的解放和发展是近代以来中国人民的愿望,是中国共产党人的不懈追求,也是社会主义的价值目标和本质规定。新中国成立以后,前30年主要是实行计划经济体制,中国人民翻身作了主人,为人的解放和发展创造了条件,但僵化的体制也使人的发展受到束缚。1978年以后,我们逐步认识到我国初级阶段上的社会主义不同于马克思恩格斯预示的“社会主义”、“共产主义”,商品经济发展是个不可逾越的历史阶段,社会主义也可以搞市场经济。我国从计划经济逐步向社会主义市场经济转型,进一步促进了中国人民的解放和发展,社会主义市场经济的特点也彰显出很强的人本意义,对人的发展影响深远。第三章分析了我国社会主义市场经济的发展状态和人的发展状况。我国的封建传统思想根深蒂固,并且建国后从半殖民地、半封建社会迅速进入到社会主义阶段,超越了生产力发展水平。改革开放后市场经济的发展极大地解放了社会生产力,但社会主义市场经济体制还不够完善,整个社会仍将会处于很长的一个转型时期,这个时期出现了市场主体多元化、市场运行机制不断完善和政府与市场的关系明晰化等,各种利益关系也变的错综复杂,社会面临深刻变革,这些都对人的发展产生了重要影响。对个人发展而言,社会主义市场经济提升了人的素质,使个人的权利与义务发生了改变,也使人的观念、意识不同于以往计划经济时期。社会主义市场经济也使人与人、社会、自然的关系也发生了改变。从人与人之间关系的发展来看,人与人之间交往范围扩大,表现为人际关系的多元化、复杂化、金钱化;从人与社会之间的关系的发展来看,人与社会之间的关系深化了,表现为人与社会关系的内涵扩大、人在社会中主体地位的确立和人与社会的关系由封闭走向开放;从人与自然关系的发展状况来看,人对自然的影响不断增大,主要表现为人改造自然能力的提升和人与自然关系的恶化。上述这些情况说明我国社会主义市场经济条件下人的发展现实状况是非常复杂的。第四章提出了促进社会主义市场经济和人的发展的路径。我国社会主义市场经济体制的建立为人的发展开辟了道路,但是我国的社会主义市场经济还不够完善,制约了人的发展,因此,还需进一步完善现代市场体系、完善市场经济机制、理顺政府与市场的关系,从而推进社会主义市场经济向前发展,创造出适合人的发展的基本条件。人的发展在现阶段主要体现为人的现代化,必须充分发挥市场配置资源的决定性作用,通过市场化促进工业化、城市化、民主化、法制化、社会化、文化现代化等等,进而推动人的现代化。人的现代化与社会现代化也是一致的,社会主义市场经济不断向前发展,社会现代化程度也会越来越高,这既对人的现代化提出了要求,又将促进人的现代化、人与自然关系的和谐。要树立以人为本的理念,坚持社会主义核心价值观,遏制市场经济的负面效应,推进人的现代化,实现社会主义市场经济发展与人的发展良性互动。

【Abstract】 This article discuss the relationship between human development and the economic andsocial development, especially the relationship between human development and the socialistmarket economy, from the dimension of history, theory and reality.On this basis, this articlefocus on the analysis of the impact of China’s socialist market economy on human developmentand explore the path to realize people’s development under the condition of socialist marketeconomy.This article includes Introduction and four chapters. Introduction section of this articledefines the basic concept-"human development","economic and social development". Itreviews of domestic and foreign scholars on the relationship between human development andeconomic and social development, development of man in the socialist market economy and soon. At last it explains the significance of this article, the basic method, and the main innovations.The first chapter examines the historical process of human development and economic andsocial development and their relationship. Marx believed that human development generally gothrough three stages, namely people’s-dependent stage, material-dependent stage, and the freeand comprehensive development stage. The corresponding economic patterns are naturaleconomy, commodity economy,and product economy. The corresponding social forms arepre-capitalist society, capitalist society and communist society. The history of humandevelopment and economic and social development shows human development is different underthe different forms of economic and social development, especially in the commodity economy,human development shows a distinct characteristics, such as commodity economy improvespeople’s creativity force, enhances the concept of equality, which is conducive to humandevelopment, but it also brings people materialized and one-sided development. and so on.Human development and economic and social development are interactive and unity. On the onehan, human development is the driving force and the root causing of economic and socialdevelopment, in turn, economic and social development promotes human development.On theother hand, human development is the value goal of economic and social development.Economic and social development is the inevitable result of human development. Humandevelopment and economic and social development are mutual influence and mutual restriction.They are evolving from lower stage to the advanced stage.The second chapter describes the requirements of the development of the Chinese people,human development under the planned economy and the change of operating mechanism of economy and its humanistic significance. Realization of human liberation and development isaspirations of the Chinese people in modern times, is the relentless pursuit of the ChineseCommunists, and is also the value objectives and the essence of socialism. After the founding ofNew China, on the first30years it mainly carried out the planned economy.It makes the Chinesepeople stand up and creates the conditions to human liberation and development, but the plannedeconomy also makes human development to be bound. Since1978, we gradually realize that theprimary stage of socialism differs from Marx and Engels heralded "socialism","communism".The development of commodity economy is insurmountable historical stage.Thesocialism can also practice market economy. China gradually shifted from a planned economy tothe socialism market economy further promoting the development of Chinese people’sliberation.The socialist market economy is characterized by a very strong humanisticsignificance and has also far-reaching impact on human development.The third chapter analyzes the state of the development of socialist market economy andhuman development. The feudal traditional thought deeply rooted in our country.After thefounding of New China, our country immediately entered the stage of socialism from thesemi-colonial and semi-feudal society.It is beyond the level of productivity development. Afterthe reform and opening up the development of market economy has greatly liberated theproductive forces, but the socialist market economy system is not perfect enough, the wholesociety will remain in a long transition period.In this period, our country comes up manyphenomena such as the diversification of market players, perfection of market operationmechanism, clarity of the relationship between the government and the market, etc. Variousinterest relations are also complex. Society faces profound changes, which has importantinfluence on the development of people. For personal development, socialist market economyimprove people’s quality, make the individual rights and obligations changed, and also make theperson’s idea changed, which is different from the past planned economy period, such as thediversification of values, money worship, hedonism, and so on. The socialist market economymakes the relationship between people, society and nature changed. In terms of the developmentof interpersonal relationship, the scope of interpersonal communication is enlarged, characterizedby diversified and complicated. As far as the development of the relationship between man andsociety, the relationship between people and society is deepened, characterized by theconnotation of the relationship between human and society expand, establishment the subjectstatus of people in the society and the relationship between people and society from closed toopen. From the perspective of the development of relationship between man and nature, man influenced on the natural is increased characterized by transformation natural ability of ascensionand the deterioration of relationship between man and nature. These situations show thatpractical condition of human development in our country is very complex under socialist marketeconomy condition.The fourth chapter put forward to the paths that promote the development of socialistmarket economy and human development. The establishment of socialist market economysystem in our country is opens the way for the human development, but socialist marketeconomy in our country is still not enough perfect, which restrict human development. Therefore,we also need to further improve the modern market system, perfect the market economymechanism, and straighten out the relationship between the government and the market, so as topromote the socialist market economy forward and create the basic conditions suitable humandevelopment. People’s development in the present stage mainly reflects human modernization.So we must give full play to the decisive role of resource allocation in market. Through themarket we promote industrialization, urbanization, democratization, legalization, socializationand cultural modernization, and then promote the modernization of people. Development of thesocialist market economy must build up the idea of people-oriented, adhere to the socialist corevalues, curb the negative effect of market economy, promote human modernization, and realizethe benign interaction of the socialist market economy and human development. Man’smodernization and social modernization is consistent.The socialist market economy isdeveloping constantly, the degree of social modernization is becoming more and more high,which put forward the request for the person’s modernization, and will promote the person’smodernization and the harmonious relation between man and nature.

  • 【分类号】D64
  • 【被引频次】3
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