

【作者】 谌玉洁

【导师】 高新民;

【作者基本信息】 中共中央党校 , 党的学说与党的建设, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 当代中国正在从传统的农业社会向现代工业化、信息化转变,当代中国社会在政治、经济、文化、社会结构诸方面同时面临重大变革。在这一重大转变和变革中,农村作为中国社会的重要组成部分,也在经历着社会转型。面对这一转变和变革,中国共产党科学判断和准确把握自己所处的历史地位和历史使命,紧密联系治国理政的实践,为加强党的执政能力和先进性建设,进一步提高党的领导和执政水平,全面推进了党的建设新的伟大工程。农村基层党建是这一伟大工程的重要组成部分。中国农村是中国共产党最大的社会基础和群众基础之所在,是党政治体系的重要基石。做好农村基层党建,保持党组织在农村政治、经济和社会发展中的领导核心地位,充分发挥党组织的“推动发展、服务群众、凝聚人心、促进和谐”作用,必须研究转型期农村基层党建面临的挑战、存在的问题,以改革创新的精神规划农村基层党建的路径和实现方式,这既是为党加强自身建设、领导农村工作提供理论基石,丰富农村基层党建理论体系的需要;是巩固党的执政基础、提高党的执政水平的需要;也是推动和促进农村社会稳定、和谐发展的必然选择。本文由绪论、正文和结语三部分组成。其中正文部分分为四章,各章主要内容和逻辑关系是:第一章——“党的农村工作与农村党建的历史回顾”,是对新民主主义革命时期、社会主义革命和建设时期党的农村工作与农村党建的系统总结,这是本课题研究的起点,也是农村党建的历史基础。新民主主义革命时期、社会主义革命和建设时期党的农村工作和农村党建对中国农村和农民产生着深远影响,这种影响在今天的农村和农民中仍然存在,是今天社会转型时期农村党建的坚实基础之一,也为改革开放以来中国共产党重新认识和定位农村工作,加强和改进农村党建提供了理论和实践的历史借鉴。综观党的农村工作和农村党建的历史,党的农村工作和农村党建,随着不同历史时期党的基本路线的变化,始终服从、服务于党的基本路线;无论是新民主主义革命时期还是社会主义建设时期,中国共产党农村工作的基本宗旨没有变,即:组织农民、教育农民、引导农民、发展生产;中国共产党作为农村的领导核心,以维护农民的根本利益为农村工作的基础,领导、引导推动农民组织起来,实现自我管理与自我服务。第二章——“农村基层党建的当代社会环境变迁”,是通过对当代中国农村社会转型过程的研究,探究中国农村党建赖以依存的社会环境的变化,这是本课题研究的动因和基础。1978年以来,中国农村社会发生了翻天覆地的变化,这些变化既是中国社会整体转型的组成部分,又推动了农村社会的转型。社会转型是农村系列变革的宏观背景与基础,涉及到政治、经济与文化等各个领域,包含社会结构、社会运行机制以及人们观念的转变。这一系列深刻、动态的变化,从社会层面看,体现为农民职业化、农业现代化以及农村城镇化;从政治层面分析,展现为农村权力结构主体,即党、政府与社会的地位和作用的转变,三者之间互动关系的变化,这种变化集中体现在农村治理模式的改变。在农村社会中,坚持党的领导,与加强和改进党的领导方式、创新党的社会管理方式是分不开的。中国共产党在农村社会领导方式的改变,受到党的执政理念制约。它是通过整合、协调农村社会关系,充分实践党组织的服务功能,密切党群关系,稳固党的执政基础。第三章——“当前农村党建工作的现状分析”,是通过对改革开放以来各级党组织对农村基层党建探索与创新的研究,对农村基层党建所取得的成绩以及存在问题的剖析,探讨当前社会转型对农村基层党建的要求,这是本课题研究的基点。改革开放以来,农村社会由以血缘关系为基础的“熟人社会”向“半熟人社会”、“陌生社会”转变,业缘、地缘关系成为人们社会交往的重要因素;农村经济体制改革进程的加快,农业多种经营形式并存、新经济组织迅猛发展;村民自治改变了农村社会治理结构。农村社会转型,要求农村党组织应成为农村建设的领导者、农村利益的整合者、农村自治的引导者和社会稳定的推动力量。虽然,在社会转型的过程中,各级党组织围绕领导核心的实现方式、党建指导思想、党的组织架构以及党内民主制度进行了一系列的探索与创新。不容忽视的是,农村基层党建在一定程度上滞后于农村社会的发展变化,农村党组织的核心作用在某些地方弱化。农村党建需要顶层设计,以发挥农村基层党组织的核心领导作用,使农村党组织成为推动农村社会发展的引领和保证力量。第四章——“农村基层党建发展的路径研究”,是依据农村社会变化的内在要求,提出“大党建”的体系构架,进而规划设计农村基层党建的路径,这是本课题研究的实质意义与实际作用之所在。当代中国农村,既是地域行政的基层组织,村民们通过自我管理、自我服务实行自治;也是以集体所有制为基础的集体经济组织,其通过统分结合的双层经营体制,实现集体所有、合作经营、民主管理、服务农民;又是社会管理和社会服务的集合地。农村基层党的建设既要引导、保障农民的自治权利的实现,也要监督和保障集体经济的健康发展,还要服务、协调、整合各种利益诉求。中国共产党作为农村自治的保障者、农村建设的领导者、农村利益的整合者以及社会稳定的推动力量,要求党的农村工作必须是一个整体、一个系统,党建工作是这一整体的引领、协调和保证力量,且渗透到农村工作的方方面面。社会转型期的党建路径,涉及到理念、工作内容、工作方式、参与主体诸多方面,融合在农村社会的发展之中。农村基层党建的“大党建”体系包括:农村基层党组织的自身建设体系;中国共产党在农村自治中发挥引导政治方向作用的保证体系;基层党组织在农村新兴经济组织、非政府组织中的监督、协调体系,等等。其基本价值追求是更好地为农民服务;基本方式是以开放式、社会化的管理方式和工作方式,改变传统的垂直化、内部化、封闭化的管理模式;通过整合社会资源,扩大党的工作覆盖范围;以功能化的组织理念,使农村基层党组织的设置从单一走向多元;以社会服务和民主协商的方法理念确立党在农村和农民中的威信和核心地位。社会转型期的农村党建,就是要抓住农村社会转型的历史机遇,通过由传统的‘执政者’和‘管理者’向‘引导者’和‘服务者’角色定位的转变,保持党的执政资源在消耗与开发中的动态平衡。农村党建的过程,既是执政资源的积累过程,也是执政基础的筑造过程,是为了实现党的基层组织领导能力与农村经济社会发展的共赢。

【Abstract】 China is country which transformed from the traditional agricultural to a modernindustrialized, information-based society, also faced major changes in economic,political, cultural and social aspects at the same time. In this major tranformation, asan important component part of the Chinese social, the farming village is alsoundergoing social transition. In the face of this transformation, the Communist Partyof China scientifically judged and accurately grasped its historical status and mission,combined all theories with governing practices. In order to strengthen the Party’sgoverning capability and advanced nature, and further improve the Party’s leadershipand governing quality, the Party decided to comprehensively promote a great newproject of party building. The grassroots party building of faming village is animportant part of this great project.The farming village is the largest social basis and mass basis of the Communist Partyof China, and an important cornerstone of the party’s political system. In order toaccomplish the rural grassroots party building, maintain the party organizations’leadership during the social development in farming village, and fully play a positiverole in "enhancing development, serving the people, rallying public support andpromoting harmony", we must study the challenges and problems happed in the ruralgrassroots party building in the Period of Transition, as well as make plan for it andfigure out the method to do it with an innovative reform-driven spirit. This is therequirement of extending theoretical system of party building, which can provide atheoretical foundation for the party leadership of rural work and self-construction;and also the requirement of consolidating the party’s base and improving the Party’sart of leadership, furthermore the inevitable choice of promoting and facilitating theharmony and stable development of rural society.This article is composed of introduction, body and conclusion. Among them, bodypart consists of four chapters, and the main content of each chapter and the logicalrelationship is in the following:The first chapter is named as "Historical Review of the Party’s Work in FarmingVillage and Rural Party Building". It is a systematic summary of party work andparty building in farming village. in the period of the new-democratic revolution andsocialist construction, which is the starting point of this research, and the historical foundation of Party-building in rural areas. The work and Party-building in ruralareas in new-democratic revolution period and socialist construction period,produced a far-reaching impact which still influences today’s farming areas andfarmers. It is one of the solid foundation of today’s rural party building during socialtransition. all of these provides a historical reference of theory and practice forre-understanding and re-defining of the Party’s work in farming village after thereform and opening up, and also strengthening and improving it. Throughout thehistory of the Party’s work in farming village and Party-building in rural areas, wecan see the Party’s work in farming village and Party construction in farming areasfollow and serve the Party’s basic line. With the change of the party’s basic line indifferent historical periods, the policy of Party’s work in farming village also changes;Whether during the new-democratic revolution or socialist construction period, thebasic purpose of the Party’s work in farming village has never changed, which is, toorganize,educate, guide farmers and develop production; As the core of leadership infarming area, The Communist Party of China pays attention to protect fundamentalinterests of the farmers during its work in farming area, promotes the farmers to getorganized in a way of leading and guiding, to fulfill self management and selfservice.The second chapter’s title is “Change of societal environment in the rural grass-rootsparty construction”. Through a carding of the process of social transformation inChinese Farming Village, exploring the changes of societal environment which Partybuilding depend on. It is the motive and basis for this research. Since1978,influential changes have taken place in the society of Chinese Farming Village.These changes are not only the component of the overall social transformation, butalso promoting the transformation of rural society. As the macro background andfoundation of series changes in farming village, social transformation involves invarious political, economic and cultural fields,including the social structure, socialoperation mechanism and the change of people’s notion. This series of profound anddynamic changes, from the perspective of rural society, show as the professionalismof farmers, the modernization of Agriculture, the urbanization of farming village;while from a politica-level analysis, show as the changes of status and role of theParty, government and society which formed the main body of power structure infarming village, and the changes in the interaction between the three, which mainly reflected in the farming village governing mode.In rural society, adhere to theleadership of the party, strengthen and improve the party’s style of leadership, andthe party’s innovation in social management are inseparable. The change of CCP’leadership style in rural society, is restricted by the party’s ruling concept. Throughintegrating and coordinating the rural social relations, and fully practicing the servicefunctions of Party organizations, the CCP maintain close ties with the masses, andconsolidate ruling foundation of the party.The third chapter is called "Analysis of current status of rural Party constructionwork".Through the study of exploration and innovation about rural grassroots partybuilding by the Party organizations at all levels since reform and opening up, as wellas the analysis of achievements and existing problems acquired by rural grassrootsparty building, to discuss the requirements of rural grassroots party building causedby today’s social transformation. This is the basis point of this research. Since thereform and opening up, the rural socity began the transition from the"acquaintancesociety"which based on blood relationship to the "semi acquaintance society","thestrange society". The geopolitical, ground predestined relationship began to becomean important factor in people’s social communication; the accelerating of the processof the rural economic system reform, the coexistence of a variety of agriculturalmanagement form, and the rapid development of new economic organizations; theautonomy of villagers has changed the governance structure of rural society. Thetransition of rural society requests the rural grass-roots party organizations has to bethe guarantor of farming village’s autonomy, the leader of farming village’sconstruction, the integrators of farming villagers’ interests, and the driving force ofsocial stability. Party organizations at all levels made a series of exploration andinnovation in the implementation of the core of leadership, the guiding ideology ofrural party building, the party’s organizational structure which can adapt with thenew social-structure of farming village, as well as in the construction of inner-partydemocratic system and mechanism. However, what can not be ignored is, because ofthe system construction of Party Construction in rural areas lagged behind the ruralsociety, and due to the unperfect villager’s autonomy system mechanism, the corerole of Party organizations in rural areas tend to weaken in some places. All thisrequires not only the top-level design, needs more of rural grassroots partyorganizations playing a core leadership role, to be the leading force to promote the development of rural society.The fourth chapter is titled as "Study on the Path of Rural Grassroots PartyConstruction". Through the study on the inevitable requirement of the transformationof farming village society for the grass-roots party organizations, to propose "largeParty-building" concept, furthermore plan and design a path for rural Party building.This is the real meaning and function of this research. The contemporary rurualChina, is the regional administrative organizations,where the villagers ensuresautonomy by self-management and self-service; also an economy organization basedon collective ownership, in the two-tier management system that integrates unifiedwith separate management, it is collective ownership, cooperative, democraticmanagement, service to farmers; as well as the social management and social serviceset. The Party Construction in rural areas is not only to achieve to guide, safeguardfarmer’s autonomous right, but also to supervise and ensure the healthy developmentof the collective economy, as well as to the service, coordination, integration ofvarious interests. The rural grassroots party organizations is the guarantor of Ruralautonomy, the leader of rural construction, the integrators of rural interests, and thedriving force of social stability. which require that the Party’s rural work must be anoverall, a system, Party building work should be the overall guidance andcoordination of power, and it must permeate all aspects of rural work. Party buildingpath during the period of social transformation, related to concept, work content,work way, participants, etc. It is integrate among the development of rural society.The "large Party-building" system, including the self-construction system of ruralgrassroots party organizations; the system which guarantee the CPC play a leadingrole in the political direction of rural autonomy; the relationship between grassrootsorganizations, emerging economic organizations, and non-governmentalorganizations, and so on.Its basic value pursuit is to better service for the people, thebasic way is open, socialized management and working mode, changing the oldvertical oriented, internalized, closed-oriented management style; expand thecoverage of the party’s work by integrating social resources; make the ruralgrassroots organizations setting from single to multiple by using the functionalorganisational philosophies; establish the prestige and core position of Party infaming areas and farmers with the concept of social service and democraticconsultation. The rural party construction during the period of social transition is to catch thehistorical opportunity of social transformation of farming village. Through thetransformation of the role of the traditional ’rulers’ and ’administrators’ to the role of’guider’ and ’service providers’, to maintain a dynamic balance in the consumption ofresources and development. The process of rural party construction, are both theaccumulation process of governing resources, and the manufacturing process to buildthe foundation of ruling, which is in order to realize a win-win situation between theleadership of grassroots party organizations and social development of farming area.

  • 【分类号】D267.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】2009

