【作者】 岳文典;
【导师】 张明;
【作者基本信息】 中共中央党校 , 国际政治, 2014, 博士
【摘要】 公共外交以外国公众为对象,以赢得他们对本国的认可、认同和追随为目标,要做到这一点,公共外交应该以寻求确立文化的公共权威作为其行动指南。①当今唯一超级大国美国正是以此行事的。二战后至今,美国实施了长时段、大规模的公共外交计划,其宗旨就在于树立以美国为首的西方文化在全世界的公共权威。从实际的效果观察,美国的公共外交是卓有成效的。因为,以美国为代表的西方国家所倡导的由公平竞争的市场经济、自由主义的政府、个人主义精神和高度发达的工具理性等构成的现代化模式已成为人们广为接受和认可的发展路径,甚至让人产生一种错觉,即凡是美国的东西都是好的,凡是美国的价值观念都是对的。就这一点来说,汉斯·摩根索对文化帝国主义的描述是正确的,摩根索认为“文化帝国主义的政策是最微妙的,而且如果它能单独取得成功的话,也是最成功的帝国主义政策。它的目的不是征服领土和控制经济生活,而是征服和控制人们的心灵。”②由此可见,公共外交绝非一个国家的政府为了国家利益而采取的权宜之计,而是有着深厚理论基础和价值内涵的外交行动。本文以“公共外交视阈下中国传统文化的价值分析”为题,意在深入剖析中国传统文化的公共外交价值,即中国传统文化的优秀基因和成分对于确立中国文化的全球公共权威所能发挥的作用与功能。助力中国文化确立全球公共权威的地位就成为中国传统文化公共外交价值的集中体现。为了更好地诠释这一点,本文重点从以下四个方面进行论述。一是论证中国传统文化对实现良好的国内治理所能发挥的作用。这是因为公共外交的开展总是以一个国家的内部治理为基础,而中国传统文化在助力中国重建文化自信、重现青山绿水、重建礼仪之邦以及和平崛起等方面将发挥重要作用。只有当中国在传统文化和现代文化的共同熏染下重新恢复其博大、文明、领先的历史地位时,中国文化确立其全球公共权威的努力才有了最基本的着力点,中国的公共外交才具备了坚实的基础。二是从中西方文化核心价值理念比较的视角凸显中国传统文化的价值合理性,以确立中国文化的全球公共权威。这主要体现在:西方文化的核心价值理念从人性的根源上支持和纵容人性“恶”的倾向,由此既促成了现代物质文明和科技文明的产生,也造成了诸如精神危机、生态危机、核战争危机等关系人类生死存亡的严重问题,因此,其价值理念的合法性和合理性遭受质疑;而中国传统文化则具有压制、改造和矫正人性本恶这一自然倾向的功能,如果成为主导全球的价值理念,则有助于世界向着和平、稳定、可持续的方向发展,这无疑更符合全人类的整体利益,因而更具有价值合理性。三是在西方文明危机的反衬下凸显中国传统文化的公共外交价值。“西方现代化发展到今天,它的种种弊病已经显现,而且如不改弦易辙,那么将使人类社会走向毁灭其自身的道路。”①著名战略学家布热津斯基也认为,“在下列诸因素——我们历史进程发展的迅猛,我们塑造世界的能力的增长,我们对物质欲望的快速膨胀,和我们在道德上的含糊不清——相互之间的作用正产生着空前的无法控制的变化的动力。……今天的世界更像是一架用自动驾驶仪操纵的飞机,速度连续不断地加快,但没有明确的目的地。”②总之,西方文化及其所孕育的现代化在取得辉煌成就的同时,也导致了深重的灾难与危机,而且这种灾难与危机植根于西方文化的核心价值理念,因此,“现代性的危机必定要由西方资本主义机体之外的文化元素来加以拯救——如果危机真能拯救的话”③,而中国传统文化也许就扮演着这种拯救者的角色,对现代性危机的缓解和拯救也是中国传统文化助力中国文化确立全球公共权威的重要方面。四是从新科学世界观的角度阐述中国传统文化的公共外交价值与作用。所谓新科学世界观是相对于以机械论、还原论、客观论为特征的传统科学世界观而言的,新科学世界观完全颠覆了传统科学世界观,它以有机论、整体论、生态论为典型特征,而中国传统文化恰是一种有机的、整体的、生态的宇宙观。也就是说,古老的中国传统文化蕴含着崭新的世界观元素,从这个意义上说,它代表了人类未来的发展方向,这一点对确立中国文化的全球公共权威也是至关重要的。从上述论述可以看出,中国传统文化的优秀基因和成分既有助于实现国内良好的治理,又能有效针对当前主流文化——西方文化——的缺陷,同时还可以缓解、稀释,甚至消除西方文明所导致的全球性危机,并因蕴含着崭新的世界观而代表着人类未来的发展方向,那么这种文化是否足以确立它的全球公共权威呢?答案是不言而喻的。中国传统文化具备成为全球公共权威的诸多要素,因此,如何确立其全球公共权威就成为中国公共外交的核心问题。当然,到目前为止,这种公共权威还只是一种理论上的论证,如何在现实的国际社会中真正确立这种公共权威恐怕还有相当遥远的路程。但是,“金子总会发光”,如果说从近代以来直到20世纪初,人们都处于迫切需要发展生产力以提高生活水平,争取自由、民主和人权的压力之下,因此,西方文化更具有价值合理性的话。那么,经过20世纪的高速发展,在21世纪初,人类更迫切需要的是适度节制和控制自己的欲望、贪婪,以及对技术力量的运用,以维护人类作为一个整体的可持续发展,而在这一点上,中国传统文化无疑具有更大的价值,这种价值既是其现代价值,也是其公共外交价值。结合上述四个方面的论述,本文在马克思主义辩证法的指导下,以历史叙述与比较分析相结合的方法,深入剖析中西文化的特质及利弊得失,梳理全球化时代现代化发展过程中所造成的严重危机以及西方文化在这一危机中所扮演的角色,从文化比较和未来发展的视角探讨并凸显了中国传统文化的公共外交价值和意义。全文由导论和正文组成。导论部分交代了选题的意义、研究现状、研究方法、创新之处以及重点和难点。论文的第一章主要从理论角度阐述了公共外交的概念、特性及其以赢得人心为核心目标的价值指向,同时介绍并界定了文化和中国传统文化的概念,分析了中国传统文化在中国公共外交领域中的定位,主要包括:传统文化是中国公共外交重要的非物质资源;传统文化是与西方文明相反相成的另一文明体系;传统文化是争夺全球价值制高点的核心资源;传统文化的扬弃与公共外交。第二章内容通过对1949年新中国成立以来中国传统文化在不同历史阶段在对外文化交流和公共外交中发挥的不同作用的分析,回顾了中国传统文化与对外文化交流和公共外交的历史渊源,并分析了中国传统文化在助力对外文化交流和公共外交开展的过程中所起的历史作用及缺失,为系统论述中国传统文化如何在当前公共外交中更有效的发挥作用作了铺垫。第三、四、五章分别从不同的角度分析和总结了中国传统文化的公共外交价值。具体来说,第三章从国内视角入手,阐述了中国传统文化在重建文化自信、恢复道德秩序和重建礼仪之邦、建设生态文明和重现青山绿水以及在中国和平崛起等方面的公共外交价值。公共外交总是以一国国内的现实状况为基础的,只有当国内实现经济繁荣、政通人和、山川秀美、人民安居乐业的时候,公共外交才具备了坚实的基础。第四章从国际视角,也就是东西方文化比较和西方现代危机反衬的视角来阐述中国传统文化的公共外交价值。由西方文化派生出来的现代化既在物质财富和科学技术方面取得了无与伦比的辉煌成就,也导致了当前世界深重的灾难和危机,如人与自身、人与社会、人与自然关系的疏离及相应的精神危机、生态危机等。那么,与西方文明相反相成另一文明体系——中国传统文化,在危机面前能提供哪些价值指导,就成为人们关注和迫切想要了解的问题,这同时也是中国传统文化公共外交价值的集中体现。第五章主要从中国传统文化的“新世界观”视角彰显其公共外交价值。所谓新世界观是相对于以机械论、还原论、客观论为特征的传统科学世界观而言的,新世界观完全颠覆了传统科学世界观,它以有机论、整体论、生态论为典型特征,而中国传统文化恰是一种有机的、整体的、生态的宇宙观,也就是说,古老的中国传统文化蕴含着崭新的世界观,从这个意义上说,它代表了人类未来的发展方向,这也构成了中国传统文化公共外交价值的一个重要侧面。第六章在上述内容的基础上,针对全球化的迅速发展提出了中国传统文化的全球公共外交意义,即从政治、经济、军事、文化、生态等五个方面提出了具有中国传统文化特色的全球性价值理念,它们分别是:天下意识——全球化时代的政治理念;义利兼备——全球化时代的经济理念;兵者,不祥之器——全球化时代的军事理念;和而不同——全球化时代的文化理念;天人合一——全球化时代的生态理念。至此,中国传统文化为世界的未来发展勾勒出了与当前西方价值观迥然不同的发展路径,这种路径不是简单地回归传统,而是在当前科学技术高度发达,人类对自然界有了深刻认识和了解的基础上的回归,既是“否定之否定”,更是一种螺旋式上升。统合西方文化在物质领域和科学技术领域的发展,以东方的价值理性驾驭西方的工具理性,以此确立中国文化的全球公共权威,这就是中国传统文化最根本的公共外交价值之所在。
【Abstract】 Public diplomacy targets at foreign civilians and aims at their agreement,approbation and following to the country who conducted the public diplomacy. Inorder to do this, public diplomacy should pursue the establishment of public authorityfor their own culture as its action guide. The United States of America,the only superpower for now, has been doing so for a long time. After World War II, the UnitedStates carried out long-term and broadscale public diplomacy scheme aims at theestablishment of public authority for U.S-led western culture. Viewing from the actualaffect, its public diplomacy is highly fruitful because the modernization mode theU.S-led western countries advocate, which consists of free competition marketeconomy, liberal government, individualism and highly-developed tool reason, hasbeen widely accepted and recognized as a development pattern by people all over theworld. This even makes an illusion or a misconception, that is, all that the U.Sprovides is good, all values the U.S.A support is correct. In this respect, Hans J.Morgenthau correctly depicted the cultural imperialism,“cultural imperialism is themost subtle one, and the most successful one if it may succeed independently. Its aimis not to conquer land and control economy, but to overmaster and dominate people’sminds.”Evidently, public diplomacy is absolutely not an expedient measure one countrymay take for national interest, but a diplomatic action with deep theory basis andvalue connotation. This dissertation named “Value Analysis of Traditional ChineseCulture From The Perspective of Public Diplomacy” aims to deeply dissect the publicdiplomacy value of Traditional Chinese Culture, that is, what kind of role TraditionalChinese Culture may play to establish the global public authority for Chinese culture.Assisting Chinese culture to set up the position of global public authority is theconcentrative reflection of the public diplomacy value of Traditional Chinese Culture.In order to better explain this point, this dissertation mainly discusses thefollowing four aspects. Firstly, try to prove that Traditional Chinese Culture is helpfulfor better internal governance. Because public diplomacy is always based on theactual internal governance of a country, and Traditional Chinese Culture plays animportant role in assisting China rebuilding cultural confidence, returning to greenhills and clear waters, reconstructing a state of courtesy and rising peacefully etc. Only if China restores its broad and profound, civilized and advanced historicalposition under the influence of Traditional Chinese Culture and modern culture, mayChina’s efforts to establish its global public authority have a fundamental acting pointand China’s public diplomacy have a strong foundation.Secondly, highlight the value rationality of Traditional Chinese Culture bycomparing the core values of Chinese and western culture so as to establish the globalpublic authority for Chinese culture. This mainly manifests in following aspects: thecore values of western culture support and connive at human beings’‘evil’ preference,which is of human nature. This not only brings about modern material civilization andscience and technology civilization, but also causes disastrous crises such asecological crisis and nuclear war crisis that are related to human beings’ existence,thus the legitimacy and rationality of the core values of western culture are doubtful.However, Traditional Chinese Culture is capable of suppressing, transforming andcorrecting human beings’‘evil’ preference. If it could become the leading value, thewhole world would be more peaceful, stable and sustainable. This is profitable forhuman beings as a whole, thus Traditional Chinese Culture is more rational in value.Thirdly, expound the public diplomacy value of Traditional Chinese Culture inthe light of western civilization crisis.“Nowadays, western modernization has shownmany maladies, if not to sing another tune, human society may destroy itself.”American famous strategist Zbigniew Brzezinski also believed that “the interactionamong the following elements: the rapid development of our history, the increase ofour ability to shape the world, the quick expansion of our material desire and theobscure of our moral, produces unprecedented, uncontrollable driving force forchange. Today’s world is more like a plane manipulated by autopilot, whose speed isfaster and faster, but with no clear destination.”Overall, western culture and the modernization it breeds achieved greataccomplishments, and meanwhile caused profound disasters and crises which aredeeply rooted in the core values of western civilization. Thus,“the salvation ofmodern crisis must be done by other cultural elements apart from western capitalisticorganism, if crisis can really be saved.” Traditional Chinese Culture might probablyplay the role of savior. To reduce the crisis and save the day is a very important partfor Traditional Chinese Culture in establishing global public authority.Fourthly, talk about the public diplomacy value of Traditional Chinese Culture from the perspective of new scientific worldview. So-called new scientific worldviewis opposed to traditional scientific worldview, which characterized with mechanism,reductionism and objectivism. Traditional scientific worldview was subverted by thenew one, which is organic, integral and ecological. And the philosophy of TraditionalChinese Culture happens to be organic, integral and ecological. That is to say, ancientTraditional Chinese Culture contains the elements of brand new worldview. In thissense, Traditional Chinese Culture represents the future development direction ofhuman being, this is also vital to establish global public authority for Chinese culture.From the above we can see that the excellent elements of Traditional ChineseCulture can not only help realize better internal governance, but also counter thenegative effects of western culture. Meanwhile, they may reduce or even eliminateglobal crises caused by western civilization and represent the future developmentdirection for the new worldview elements it contains. Then, shall this culture be goodenough to establish its global public authority? The answer is self-evident. Here themain problem for China’s public diplomacy is how to establish the global publicauthority for Chinese culture. For the time being, it’s only theoretical because there’sstill a long way to go to build up this kind of global public authority. But “gold is theluminous”. If we may say that western culture is more of value rationality from theyear of1500till the beginning of20thcentury because people are under pressure todevelop productivity to enhance living standard and fight for freedom, democracy andhuman rights, we may also have to say that at the beginning of21thcentury whathuman beings urgently need to do is to mildly restrain and control their desire, greedand the use of technological power after the rapid development of the whole20thcentury, so as to maintain the sustainable development for human beings as a whole.In this point, Traditional Chinese Culture is obviously of more value rationality.Combined with the above four parts, under the guidance of Marxist dialecticsand by using the method of historical narration and comparative analysis, thisdissertation will discuss the characteristics of Chinese and western culture and theirpros and cons, hackle the serious crises during modern development in global timesand the role that western culture plays, talk about and highlight the public diplomacyvalue of Traditional Chinese Culture from the perspective of cultural comparison andfuture development.This dissertation composes the introduction and the main body. The introduction part covers the significance of the study, research status, research method, creativeideas, emphasis and difficulties.The first chapter theoretically expounds the concepts, properties of publicdiplomacy and its value orientation of winning hearts and minds. Meanwhile, thischapter also introduces and defines the concepts of culture and Traditional ChineseCulture, analyzes the position of Traditional Chinese Culture in China’s publicdiplomacy, which mainly includes: Traditional Chinese Culture is importantintangible resources for China’s public diplomacy, Traditional Chinese Culture isanother civilization system that is contrary to western one, Traditional ChineseCulture is the core resources that may help gain the commanding heights of globalvalue, the sublation of Traditional Chinese Culture and public diplomacy.Chapter two reviews the role that Traditional Chinese Culture played for foreigncultural exchange and public diplomacy in different history stage since the funding ofChina in1949and analyses the historical merits and demerits of Traditional ChineseCulture, which paved the way for explaining how Traditional Chinese Culture shouldfunction in today’s public diplomacy.Chapter three, four and five summarize the public diplomacy value of TraditionalChinese Culture from different angle respectively. Specifically, chapter threeexpounds the public diplomacy value of Traditional Chinese Culture for rebuildingcultural confidence, restoring moral order and state of courtesy, setting upeco-civilization and helping the reappearance of green hills and clear waters, andfinally for the peaceful rise of China. Public diplomacy is always based on the actualinternal status of a country, it will have a strong foundation only if a country isprosperous economically, the government functions well and people live in harmony,the mountains and plains are beautiful and graceful, the civilians live and work inpeace and contentment.Chapter four states the public diplomacy value of Traditional Chinese Culturefrom the international perspective, that is, the comparison of sino-western culture andthe contrast of crises of western modernization. The modernization that springs fromwestern culture achieved glorious accomplishments in material and science&technology. Meanwhile it also caused worldwide disasters and crises such as thealienation between man and himself, mankind and society, human beings and thenature, accordingly there comes spiritual crisis and ecological crisis. Under this circumstance, people would wonder what Traditional Chinese Culture, the civilizationsystem that is contrary and complimentary to western culture, may provide to lead thewhole world? This is something that manifests the public diplomacy of TraditionalChinese Culture.Chapter five mainly demonstrates the public diplomacy of Traditional ChineseCulture from the perspective of “new worldview”. The so-called new worldview iscontrary to traditional scientific worldview that is characterized of mechanism,reductionism and objectivism. This new one makes a feature of organism, integralityand ecology. And somewhat Traditional Chinese Culture is some kind of worldviewthat is organic, integral and ecological. That is, ancient Traditional Chinese Culturecontains this brand new worldview. In this sense, it represents the future developmentdirection of human being, which composes an important part for the public diplomacyvalue of Traditional Chinese Culture.Chapter six figures out the global meanings of Traditional Chinese Cultureagainst the rapid globalization based on the above statements. That is, to put forwardfive globalized values with Traditional Chinese Culture characteristics for politics,economy, military, culture and ecology respectively. They are as follows: worldconsciousness, the globalized value for politics; combining benefit with justice, theglobalized value for economy; armed forces are something ominous, the globalizedvalue for military; harmonious but different, the globalized value for culture; natureand man in one, the globalized value for ecology.Have come this far, Traditional Chinese Culture draws an outline for the futuredevelopment of the world, which is contrary to western development path. This is nota simple return to tradition, but a return based on highly advanced science&technology and a deep understanding for nature. Thus, this is both “negation ofnegation” and a spiral rise. Unifying the development of western culture in materialand science&technology, dominating the instrument rationality by value rationalityfrom the oriental so as to establish the global public authority for Chinese culture, thisis exactly where the public diplomacy value of Traditional Chinese Culture exists.
【Key words】 Public diplomacy; Traditional Chinese Culture; Value Analysis; Cultural Comparison; Public Authority;
- 【网络出版投稿人】 中共中央党校 【网络出版年期】2014年 10期
- 【分类号】D822.3
- 【被引频次】1
- 【下载频次】2075