

【作者】 刘明

【导师】 刘德喜;

【作者基本信息】 中共中央党校 , 国际政治, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 中国是陆海复合型国家,建设海洋强国必须坚持陆海统筹。本文以“陆海统筹”为研究对象,从战略、权力域、经济和软环境四个方面加以系统阐释。其中,陆海统筹发展战略是指导,统筹陆海权力域和统筹陆海经济是两翼,统筹陆海软环境是保障。陆海统筹体现了中国和平发展的战略选择,凸显了中国合作性参与的政策取向,彰显了中国海洋发展的和谐理念,是具有中国特色的海洋强国发展道路。在研究过程中,本文基于国际政治学视角,借鉴了地理学、经济学、法学和社会学等相关学科的知识;运用系统性、整体性和立体性思维,将陆海统筹大系统及其各个子系统进行综合抽象,形成简约的菱形模型作为分析工具;综合运用历史分析法、案例分析法、文献分析法和调研法,以求更为全面和准确地把握各方面文献,从而使论文的研究建立在更为科学的基础之上。本文框架总体上采用总分结构,系统地阐释陆海统筹的相关议题,由此将论文划分为五大章,具体内容如下:第一章,陆海统筹的系统分析。本章旨在对陆海统筹的概念内涵、产生背景和战略意义进行探讨,并建立理论分析模型,对陆海统筹的各要素进行系统性分析。第一节梳理了陆海统筹概念的源起及其发展历程,并对这一核心概念及其特征作出界定,认为“陆海统筹是指基于地缘战略视角处理好陆地发展与海洋开发利用的关系,在国际社会中充分发挥中国陆海复合型国家的地缘优势、规避风险,并围绕这一国家定位制定‘和平、合作、和谐’的国家陆海发展战略,形成集陆海权力、陆海经济、陆海文化和陆海法律等于一体的宏观战略布局,推动国家全面协调均衡可持续发展,营造和平有力的周边环境,达到和谐世界的终极追求,走超越西方的中国特色海洋强国发展道路,实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦”。基于此,本节着重探讨了中国推动陆海统筹战略的深刻的时代背景和深远的战略意义。第二节主要介绍本研究的分析思路和理论工具,构建菱形分析模型并解释说明陆海统筹系统本身及其子系统之间的相互关系,并针对陆海统筹的行为主体——人、国家和国际体系作出层次分析。第二章,陆海统筹发展战略。本章旨在探讨陆海统筹发展的战略依据、战略取向和战略规划。第一节重点介绍陆海统筹发展的战略依据,这些依据不仅表现为陆海地理属性、文明属性和人文属性本身所具有的生态价值、文化价值和人际价值,更表现为中国在地缘结构、地理区位和文明成分等方面具备推动陆海统筹战略的强大优势。第二节在对比世界主要海权国家崛起模式的基础上,总结出中国陆海发展战略的特色和取向应当是新型海洋强国与和平发展、合作性参与和全球治理以及世界和谐海洋秩序的构建。第三节基于中国陆海观的嬗变以及国家海洋意志的强化,建议将海洋强国战略纳入到国家发展总体战略之中,并探讨陆海统筹均衡协调发展的战略规划,即充分认清国家所具备的陆海战略资源、确立与地缘属性相匹配的陆海战略目标、坚持协调均衡可持续的陆海战略原则、制定系统性和全局性的陆海战略举措以及从多维视角全方位审视陆海战略的长远价值。第三章,统筹陆海权力域。本章旨在评述地缘学说的基础上,结合实际,分析中国在陆海乃至空天网范围内的大国权力博弈和国家权益维护。第一节在梳理西方地缘学说基础上,将陆权、海权和空权等权力界定为一种空间维度,即“域”,体现的是关系范畴或互动范畴,并强调“陆海和合论”为中国应对国家间权力博弈、维护国家权益以及拓展权力域提供的理论基础。第二节指出中国面临陆上边界问题、海上划界问题、岛屿争端问题和南海问题等领土主权争端问题,并伴随着资源的争夺、科技的较量和通道的竞争,这些现象的背后是大国战略遏制和权力博弈的实质。第三节指出随着科学技术的进步和大数据时代的来临,国家之间的竞争与合作从空间实体拓展到无形联系,权力域正在由“陆海”二维扩大到“陆海空天网”五维,公海、南北极、天空和外太空乃至网络空间将是国家权力较量、利益追逐和权益保障的重要场所。第四章,统筹陆海经济。本章旨在说明陆海统筹在经济领域的内在要求是陆海经济一体化,通过陆海两栖经济格局整合、陆海经济产业结构优化以及国家海外利益拓展,最终实现国家经济均衡协调可持续发展。第一节讨论陆海经济一体化的概念及其目标价值。第二节指出中国陆海经济格局正在由单一陆地经济向陆海两栖经济转型,海洋经济布局是陆海经济发展的战略必需,进一步对外开放和实施走出去战略有利于中国确立外向型经济开放体系,增强在世界经济市场中的竞争力。第三节从战略保障的角度出发,关注陆海经济发展的生态文明建设和可持续发展能力,以中华文明转型为切入点,寻求中华文明传统价值观念中超越西方工业文明的因素所在,从而推动海洋生态文明建设、确保海洋经济可持续发展,最终实现人地关系和人海关系的双重和谐、经济价值和环境价值的双赢。第五章,统筹陆海软环境。本章旨在从国际政治软实力理论的基本要素出发,探讨陆海统筹软环境建设所必需的制度因素、思想文化因素以及涉及人类共同利益的国际贡献能力因素。第一节指出中国特色法律体系的建设与海洋法律的完善以及陆海机构的设置与管理职能调整为海洋强国建设创造了良好的国内环境。第二节从中国的古代陆海思想出发,探求中国传统地缘思想中的陆海观念,并通过梳理近代中国陆海关系实践历程,总结中国陆海观念的当代价值,以及如何对其思想精华进行继承与宣传。第三节指出,作为国际社会的一员,中国不能忽视周边经略与国际合作。中国奉行“睦邻、安邻、富邻”的周边外交政策,构建中日韩自由贸易区,推动东北亚区域一体化,加强与俄罗斯、东盟的安全对话和经贸合作,实现与周边国家和地区的共赢发展;中国借助多边外交的平台,缓和各种潜在的安全困境,以负责任的大国姿态积极参与国际海洋事务,合作性地参与国际机制,在国际社会中重塑良好形象,营造有利于中国特色海洋强国建设的国际环境和舆论氛围,构建以和谐世界为目标的国际秩序。

【Abstract】 China is a land-sea country which needs to coordinate land and sea inorder to build up a Sea Power.“Coordinated development plans for land andsea” will be my research object and be explained in four aspects which arestrategy, Power-field, economy and soft-environment. Among them, thestrategy is the guide, the Power-field and the economy are the wings and thesoft-environment is the guarantee. Coordinated development plans for landand sea is the strategic choice of China’s peaceful development and a road toSea Power with Chinese characteristics, which highlights the Chinesecooperative participant in policy orientation and reveals the harmony idea ofChina’s ocean development.On the basis of the international politics, geography, economics,jurisprudence and sociology will be utilized. The land-sea coordination systemand its subsystems will be abstracted comprehensively under the systemtheory to form a rhombus model. The combination of historical analysis, caseanalysis, literature analysis and investigation method, which can grasp theliterature comprehensively and accurately, will make the research morescientifically.The paper is divided into five chapters:The first chapter is the system analysis on land-sea coordination, whichaims to discuss the concept, background and strategic significance and set upan analysis model. After combing the origin and development of the concept inthe first section, the definition comes out. On account of it, the background andstrategic significance of promote the “Coordinated development plans for landand sea” will be discussed. The second section mainly introduces the researchmethod and theoretical tools, constructs a rhombus model to interpret therelations between the system and its subsystems, and research the actors–men, states and the international system in AHP.The second chapter is the coordination of development strategy for landand sea which explores the basis, orientation and planning of it. The basis notonly displays the ecological value, cultural value and human value of geographical, civilization and cultural attribute, also shows the advantagesChina’s land-sea coordination strategy. The orientation should be a new typeof Sea Power and peaceful development, the cooperative participation andglobal governance, and the construction of a harmonious Marine world order.The planning suggests that the government should clarify the strategicresources, build up a suited target, formulate systematic measures andexamine the long-term value.The third chapter is the coordination of Power-fields which analyses howChina protects interests in land, sea, air, space and cyber. On one hand, landpower, sea power and air power are all a kind of spatial dimension and thecoordination theory on land and sea provides China a theoretical basis toengage in the power bargaining, protect national interests, and expand thepower-field. On the other, China is confronted with several territorial disputes,as well as competition of resources, techniques and channels, which revealsthe containment from great power and the essence of power game. At last,along with the development of techniques and the coming of the big data era,the competition and cooperation among countries has expanded from the realworld to visual space. The power game will exist in land, sea, air, space andcyber at the same time.The fourth chapter is the coordination of land-sea economy which aims toexplain the economic target and measure. First, the concepts and value ofeconomic integration of land and sea will be discussed which includesintegrating the economy of land and sea, optimizing the industrial structure,exploiting two kinds of resources in land and sea, realizing the sustainableeconomic development, etc. Then, the article will point out that the economiclayout of China has become a land-sea dualistic structure instead of theonly-land pattern. Marine economy is dispensable. Hence, opening to theoutside world and Going-Out Policy are beneficial to China’s export-orientedeconomy and the enhancing of China’s competitive force in the world market.Finally, I will account for the necessity of the construction of ecologicalcivilization and the transformation of economic development mode for thesustainable land-sea economic development by interpreting the threetransitions of Chinese civilizations, which surveys the harmony, economic value and environmental value within men-land and men-sea.The fifth chapter is the coordination of land-sea soft-environment whichaims to emphasize the function of law, system, idea, culture, mechanism andorder in the coordination of land and sea and the Sea Power construction. As itturns out that the constructing of legal system with Chinese characteristics, thecompleting of ocean law and the establishment of land-sea institutes aremeaningful to create a good domestic environment. Meanwhile, the transitionof land-sea concept, the reinforcement of maritime consciousness, theimplementation of land-sea cultural policy and the establishment of maritimepropaganda system have offered immaterial elements to build up a Sea Power.As a member of international community, China cannot ignore the peripherydiplomacy and international cooperation. In the guide of the policy of fosteringan amicable, secure and prosperous neighborhood, we should construct theChina-Japan-South Korea FTA, promote the integration of northeast Asia,reinforce the cooperation on security, economic and trade with Russia andASEAN and realize a win-win development with our neighbors. The Chinesegovernment should moderate the security dilemma with the help of multilateraldiplomacy, participate the international marine affairs as a responsible power,engage in international regimes cooperatively, restore a good image in theinternational community, create a world opinion which is in favour of China andstructure a harmonious world order.

  • 【分类号】D820
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】1818

