

The Research on Contempoarry Chinese Core Socialist Values

【作者】 孙杰

【导师】 叶庆丰;

【作者基本信息】 中共中央党校 , 科学社会主义与国际共产主义运动, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 当代中国社会主义核心价值观是实现中国梦的价值引领。当代中国社会主义核心价值观研究与探索,对于巩固马克思主义指导地位,提升国家文化软实力,引领社会思潮、凝聚社会共识与推进中国特色社会主义伟大事业,具有重大意义。本文共分为导论、主体与结语三部分。导论部分分别介绍了选题背景与意义、国内外研究综述、基本概念界定、研究思路与方法以及重难点与创新之处。主体部分包括六章内容:第一章,社会主义核心价值观的历史渊源。中国优秀传统文化蕴含的思想资源主要是:重自强、重和谐、重爱国、重伦理、重民本等;空想社会主义核心价值观的基本内涵主要是:和谐、平等、民主、劳动、幸福以及人的全面发展等;资本主义核心价值观的基本内容可以概括为:自由、平等、法治、人权、博爱等。此外还介绍了空想社会主义核心价值观的贡献、局限性以及资本主义核心价值观的进步性、虚伪性。第二章,马克思主义经典作家论社会主义核心价值观。马克思、恩格斯关于社会主义核心价值观的基本思想主要是:解放、自由、平等、民主等;列宁关于社会主义核心价值观的基本思想主要是:人的自由全面发展的终极价值取向,建立新型民主制度的政治价值观,大力发展生产力的经济价值观以及培育共产主义新人的文化价值观等;斯大林关于社会主义核心价值观的基本思想主要体现在政治、经济、文化等方面。另外还概括了马克思、恩格斯、列宁、斯大林社会主义核心价值观的特点。第三章,中国共产党对社会主义核心价值观的理论探索。本章系统梳理了毛泽东、邓小平、江泽民、胡锦涛、习近平等几代中国共产党领导人对社会主义核心价值观的理论探索及其特点。第四章,当前我国社会主义核心价值观培育现状。本章主要探讨了当前我国社会主义核心价值观培育的必要性与紧迫性、所面临的现实困境、面临困境的主要原因及其产生的社会影响,并剖析了当前我国培育社会主义核心价值观所具备的现实条件。第五章,当代中国社会主义核心价值观的主要内容。本章首先从三个方面阐述了24字社会主义核心价值观,在此基础上高度凝炼、概括出社会主义核心价值观的基本内容,接着介绍了社会主义核心价值观的基本特征,最后论述了社会主义核心价值观与核心价值体系的内在关系。第六章,积极培育和践行社会主义核心价值观。本章主要谈论了培育和践行社会主义核心价值观的基本原则与机制。其基本原则主要是:坚持马克思主义指导地位、坚持人民群众的主体地位、蕴含社会主义先进文化的基本精神以及继承世界文明成果与优秀民族传统等;其基本机制主要是:建构制度保障机制、健全社会教育机制、规范舆论引导机制、推动实践养成机制、建立文化发展机制、加强道德建设机制以及完善法律规范机制等,以期推进社会主义核心价值观建设。结语:中国特色社会主义核心价值观的未来展望。重难点与创新之处:本文是在学术界对社会主义核心价值观研究的基础之上,进行相关思考与探索的。从多视角、多层面对当代中国社会主义核心价值观进行梳理和分析,力图有所新的突破,作出新的总结与概括。本文研究的重点主要是:当代中国社会主义核心价值观的主要内容、当前我国社会主义核心价值观培育现状以及社会主义核心价值观培育和践行的基本机制等。本文研究的难点是多方面的,主要是由于本文选题综合性强,理论要求高,学科跨度大。本文涉及挖掘梳理中国传统文化的核心价值、空想社会主义的核心价值、资本主义核心价值观,马克思、恩格斯、列宁、斯大林以及中国共产党对社会主义核心价值观的探索等,由于这些需要进行文本解读与中央重要文献解读,所以把握起来难度较大。本文的创新之处,比如,对中国优秀传统文化蕴含思想资源的挖掘,对社会主义核心价值观的提炼与总结,对资本主义核心价值观作出的概括与思考以及对社会主义核心价值观培育和践行机制的探索等。本文采用的研究方法主要是文献研究法、多学科交叉综合法、比较研究法以及理论和实践相结合的方法。

【Abstract】 The contemporary Chinese core socialist values are the essence of thecontemporary Chinese core socialist values system, they are the value guide ofChinese dream of realizing Chinese rejuvenation. The study on contemporary Chinesecore socialist values have the great significance on consolidating the guiding positionof Marxism, improving the country’s cultural soft power, leading the trend of socialideologies, cohering social consensus and promoting the great achievement of thesocialism with Chinese characteristics.This paper consists three parts which are introduction, main body and conclusion.The introduction contains the background and significance of the topic, the domesticand international literature reviews, and the definition of basic concepts, the idea andway of researches, points of importance, difficulties and innovations.The main body includes six chapters. The first chapter is the history of the coresocialist values. The thoughts of the excellent Chinese traditional culture mainlycontain self-improvement, harmony, patriotism, ethics and sovereignty of the people,etc. The basic contents of Utopian core socialist values are equality, harmony, love,work, happiness, and overall human advancement, etc. The basic contents of the corevalues of capitalism can be summarized as freedom, equality, human rights, rule oflaw, fraternity, etc. Also, it discusses the contribution and limitations of Utopian coresocialist values, and the progress and hypocrisy of the core values of capitalism.The second chapter is the classic Marxism’s researchers’ works on the coresocialist values. The thoughts of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels on the socialist corevalues basically are liberation, freedom, equality, democracy, etc. The thoughts ofLenin on the core socialist values primarily are about the ultimate value orientation offree overall human advancement, the establishment of a political value on the newtype of democratic systems, the economic values of progressively developing theproductive forces and the cultural values of cultivating new communists, etc. Thebasic thoughts of Joseph Stalin on the core socialist values are manifested in theaspects of politics, economy, culture etc. This chapter summarizes the characteristicsof Marx’s, Engels’, Lenin’s, Stalin’s core socialist values.The third chapter is Chinese communist party’s theoretical exploration on the core socialist values. This chapter systematically combs the theoretical explorationand their characteristics of the core socialist values that have been done by differentgenerations the Communist party leaders who are Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, JiangZemin, Hu Jintao and Xi Jinping.The fourth chapter is the current situation of the cultivation of Chinese coresocialist values. This chapter introduces that it is necessary and urgent to cultivate thecore socialist values in the current state of our country. Moreover, it explains thatChina has the realistic difficulties in cultivating the core socialist values, its mainreasons and its social impacts. And the chapter suggests the realistic conditions whichare needed to cultivate the core socialist values in the contemporary China.The fifth chapter is the main content of the contemporary Chinese core socialistvalues. First, this chapter elaborates twenty-four words core socialist values fromthree different aspects, and refines the basic meanings of the core socialist values,which are freedom, democracy, civilization, prosperity, justice and harmony. Then, itintroduces the basic features of the core socialist values. Other than that, it analyzesthe internal relations between the socialist core values and the system of the corevalues in the contemporary China.The sixth chapter is actively cultivating and practicing the core socialist values.Cultivating and practicing the core socialist values has some basic principles whichare persisting in the guidance position of Marxism, containing the basic spirit of theadvanced culture of socialism, following the objective laws of development of thecore values, persisting in the principal status of the people and inheriting theachievements of world civilization and outstanding national traditions, etc.Cultivating and practicing the core socialist values has the fundamental mechanismswhich are perfecting the social education mechanism, standardizing the publicopinion guiding mechanism, constructing the mechanism of system safeguard,establishing the mechanism of cultural development, strengthening the moralmechanism and improving the legal mechanism, etc. It is expected to promote andpractice the core socialist values by following the mechanisms.The conclusion is about the future expectation on the core socialist values withChinese characteristics.This paper has points of importance, difficulties and innovation as well. On thebasis of the research of the core socialist values in academia, this paper has independent thoughts and exploration. It organizes and analyzes the core socialistvalues in the contemporary China from multiple perspectives and different levels. Ittries to have new breakthrough and to make new summaries and generalizations. Theresearch focuses on the current situation of cultivating the core socialist values in thecontemporary China, the main content of the core socialist values and the basicmechanism of cultivating and practicing the core socialist values. The difficulties ofthis study are various, specifically because that the selected topic is comprehensiveand required a higher level of theoretical academic skills. The topic also involves alarge amount of different subjects which make it more difficult to study. This paperrequires to dig into the core value of Chinese traditional culture, the core value ofUtopian socialism, the core values of capitalism, the exploration of the core socialistvalues that Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin and the communist party have done. Since itinvolves different text interpretation and interpretation of important literaturesinterpretation, the research is even harder.The points of innovation are everywhere in this paper, such as the deeperresearches on the thoughts of Chinese traditional culture, the summary and reflectionto the core values of capitalism, the conclusion and the new defining to the coresocialist values socialism, and the new exploration of the mechanism on cultivatingand practicing the core socialist values. The methodologies adopted in this paper arethe method of unity of logic and history, literature research method, method ofmultidisciplinary cross synthesis and comparative research method.

  • 【分类号】D64
  • 【被引频次】18
  • 【下载频次】15190

