

【作者】 史为磊

【导师】 杨玲玲;

【作者基本信息】 中共中央党校 , 科社, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 当前我国正处于全面深化改革的新阶段,经济体制、社会结构、文化观念发生了深刻的变化,同时,我国进入了全面建成小康社会的关键时期。这要求我们必须加快形成与经济结构相协调的社会阶层结构,而中等收入阶层的发育和成熟则是建立现代阶层结构的关键所在。本文从社会学、经济学、政治学领域梳理了中等收入阶层(中产阶层或中产阶级)研究的理论基础,并立足于制度变迁的研究思路,在进行实际调查和跟踪访谈的基础上,形成了“历史演变考察——现状与问题分析——发展路径探究”的理论分析框架。本文共分成六个部分,即绪论和后五章正文。整个篇章结构,根据学术论文提出问题、分析问题与解决问题的一般要求进行有序排列,形成较为完整的研究体系。绪论部分,阐述了社会主义和谐社会视野下我国中等收入阶层的研究背景。分析了研究这一问题的理论价值和现实意义。梳理了国内外理论界关于中产阶层与社会和谐关系的研究现状,针对其研究不足,介绍了这一问题的研究方法、研究思路与研究框架、研究难点与创新之处,并提出了若干政策性建议。第一章,分析了中等收入阶层与和谐社会的内在关系。本章是全文的逻辑起点和立论之基。首先从界定“中等收入”的概念开始,比较了“中等收入者”、“中等收入群体”和“中等收入阶层”之间的异同,明确了“中等收入阶层”的划分标准,认为“中等收入阶层”是比较适合中国国情的一种提法。然后重点考察了社会主义和谐社会与中等收入阶层之间的内在关系:构建社会主义和谐社会要求形成以中等收入阶层为主体的社会结构,并为中等收入阶层提供可持续的发展平台;中等收入阶层是经济建设的生力军,是社会稳定和谐的基石,是民主政治的推动力量,是先进文化的践行者;两者具有共生的内在关系和一致的实现过程。本章的创新:吸取了西方“中产阶级”概念和我国“中等收入者”概念的精华,既避免了西方“中产阶级”概念过于看重主观认同的缺陷,又突破了我国“中等收入者”概念仅从以经济尺度作为划分标准的局限,并在此基础上提出了“中等收入阶层”的核心概念。第二章,在文本考察的基础上,对国内外关于中等收入阶层与经济社会发展相互作用的理论进行了梳理研究。首先,对马克思恩格斯、列宁、斯大林的“中间阶级”思想进行了文本研究。其次,考察了西方新马克思主义中产阶级理论和新韦伯主义中产阶级理论,分析了中产阶级在西方社会经济发展中的历史作用。再次,分析了以毛泽东、邓小平、江泽民、胡锦涛、习近平为代表的中国共产党人对“中间阶层”的思想认识。本文还尝试梳理和研究十八大以来习近平有关中等收入阶层的论述。第三章,考察我国中等收入阶层的历史演变和现状特征。首先,将中国中产阶级的发展演变历程分为萌生、消失和重生三个阶段,又将重生阶段分为重新成长与开始兴起、快速发展与基本定型、迅速增长和多元发展等三个发展时期。其次,分析了我国中等收入阶层的生存状况、发展问题,并提炼出中等收入阶层的基本特征:数量规模偏小、来源构成广泛、地域分布不均、职业构成多样、文化观念多元、消费上的前卫性和发展性、政治上的依附性和建设性并存、自身发展的不稳定性。本章的创新:一是在问卷调查和跟踪访谈等形式的调查研究基础之上,力求做到掌握真实可靠的第一手数据,准确描述当前我国中等收入阶层的现实境遇;二是比较全面地揭示了中等收入阶层的基本特征,既看到其积极的建设性的一面,也指出了其自身劣根性的一面。第四章,揭示了我国中等收入阶层在成长过程中所遇到的发展瓶颈问题,包括中等收入阶层有萎缩的苗头、内部结构差异过大、阶层意识难以形成、社会功能发挥不足、阶层素质不高等突出问题,并分析了产生这些问题的深层次原因,包括收入差距拉大趋势仍未根本扭转、贫富分化开始从单纯的量变向阶层分割的质变转化、农民工进城的规模速度正在和改革“赛跑”、劳资关系矛盾成为我国社会的主要矛盾之一、群体性事件处于高位运行的态势、腐败现象在多个领域蔓延、社会组织建设发展比较滞后和混乱等。第五章,指明了和谐社会条件下我国中等收入阶层的发展和培育。本章首先论述了中等收入阶层发展的理念和原则;提出了“稳中”与“扩中”并重、重视培育中等收入阶层后备军的发展策略,其中包括工人阶级主体、小微企业主、大学生就业群体、新生代农民工和农村先富人群等重点人群的发展策略;考察了英国、美国、瑞典、俄罗斯、印度等国家中产阶级的发展经验,以期对我国中等收入阶层的发展提供有价值的借鉴。全文的落脚点放在了和谐社会条件下中等收入阶层的培育机制上,从中等收入阶层与和谐社会的互动机制、内生动力、制度变迁、结构动因、社会力量和教育孵化等方面深入阐述了我国中等收入阶层的发展路径。

【Abstract】 In the current, our country is in a new stage of comprehensively deepen reform,economic system, social structure and cultural concepts is witnessing profoundchanges. At the same time, our country has entered a crucial period of the building ofa morderately prosprouus society in all respects. To realize the grand goal, we mustspeed up the adjustment and formation of the modern social structure which iscoordinated with the economic structure.This thesis analyzes the theoretical basis of the middle-income class (middleclass or middle class) from the field of sociology, economics, political science. Fromthe research idea of institutional change, it forms the theoretical analysis frameworkof "evolution history, current situation and problem analysis, exploring thedevelopment path" on the basis of the actual investigation and follow-up interviews.The thesis includes the introduction and the five chapters. The structure is orderlyarranged according to the academic paper’ generally requires which is putting forwardproblems, analyzing problems and solving problems, and it forms a relativelycomplete research system.The introduction part discusses the research background on the middle incomeclass in the perspective of a harmonious socialist society. It analyzes the theory valueand practical significance of this problem. It summarizes the research status about themiddle class and social harmonious’ relations in the theoretical circle both at homeand abroad. Based on the study’s shortage, this thesis introduces the method of theresearch, the research ideas and research framework, the research difficulty andinnovation, and puts forward several policy suggestions.The first chapter analyzes the inner relations of the middle income class and theharmonious society. This chapter is the theoretical basis of the full text. First, startingfrom defining the concept of "middle-income", it compares similarities anddifferences among the "middle-income","middle-income groups" and"middle-income class", and expounds the partion criterion of middle-income class,then draw the conclusion:"middle-income class" is the most suitable one for China’snational conditions currently. Then the chapter focuses on the internal relationsbetween the socialism harmonious society and the middle-income class. Building aharmonious socialist society needs to form a kind of social structure whose main body is the middle-income class. The harmonious socialist society provides sustainabledevelopment platform for the middle-income class. The middle-income class is themajor force of economic construction, the foundation of social stability and harmony,the driving force of democracy, and the practitioners of advanced culture. They havethe intrinsic relations and consistent implementation process. The innovation of thischapter: It absorbs the essence of the western concept of "middle class" and the"middle-income earners" in our country. Then it avoids the defect of the westernconcept of "middle class" which pays too much attention on subjective identity, andbroke through the limitation of the concept of "middle-income earners" which regardsthe economic scale as the only partion cretrion, and then the chapter advances the coreconcept of "middle-income class".Researching on the classic text, the second chapter analyzes the theory both athome and abroad about the middle-income class’s important role in economic andsocial development. Firstly, this chapter analyzes Marx and Engels, Lenin, Stalin’sidea of "middle class". Secondly, it researches the neo-marxism middle class theoryand the neo-weberian middle class theory, and the the western middle class’simportant role in economic and social development. Thirdly, it analyzes the "middleclass" thoughts of the Communist Party of China People represented by Mao Zedong,Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin, Hu Jintao, Xi Jinping. This paper also attempts to comband research Xi Jinping’s discourse on middle-income groups since the18th CPCNational Congress.The third chapter analyzes the historical evolution, status and characteristics ofChina’s middle-income class. First of all, the development course of the Chinesemiddle class is divided into three stages. The rebirth phase can also be divided intothree stages: growing again and beginning to rise, rapidly developing and basicallyfinalizing the design, rapidly growing and diversely developing. Secondly, it describesthe survival condition, development problems, and the basic features of themiddle-income class: small quantity and scale, wide composition and distribution,diverse occupational structure, multivariate cultural concept, advancement anddevelopment in consumption, dependency and constructiveness in political, and itsinstability. The innovation of this chapter: Firstly, on the basis of investigation andresearch, such as the questionnaire and tracking interview, it tries to grasp the realreliable first-hand data, reveals the most prominent problem of the middle-income class’s development. Secondly, it fully reveals the basic features of the middle-incomeclass, it not only elaborates the actively constructive side of the middle-income class,but also points out its deep-rooted bad habits.The fourth chapter reveals the middle-income class’s development "bottleneck"problem encountered in the process of it growing. The middle-income class has atendency to shrink, its internal structure difference is too big, its class consciousnessis difficult to form, its social function is difficult to play, its class quality is not high.Then the chapter analyzes the deep reasons of these problems. On current, the incomegap widening trend is still not fundamental change. The gap between rich and poor istransforming from a pure quantitative change to qualitative change of class division.The scale of migrant workers into the city is racing with the reformation. Laborrelations contradiction has become one of the main contradiction in our society. Themass incidents are in a high trend. The corruption is spreading in many fields. Thesocial organization’s construction and development is slow and in chaos.The fifth chapter explicates the middle-income class’ development andcultivition under the condition of the harmonious society. This chapter firstlydiscusses the development ideas and principles of the middle-income class. It putsforward the development strategy, such as attaching importance to both "stabilizingthe middle-income class" and "enlarging the middle-income class",and cultivating thereserve army of the middle-income class. Then it analyzes development strategy ofthe working class main body, small business owners, university students’ employmentgroup, new generation of migrant workers and rich group in rural areas. In order toprovide valuable reference for the development of China’s middle-income class, itdiscuses the development experience of the middle class in Britain, the United States,Sweden, Russia, India and other countries. The final objectives lies in the cultivationmechanism of the middle-income class under the condition of the harmonious society,so it in detail expounds the growth and development path of China’s middle-incomeclass, including the interaction mechanism between the middle-income class andharmonious society, the endogenous power, institutional change, structural dynamics,social forces, the hatch of education and so on.


