

【作者】 全津

【导师】 曹普;

【作者基本信息】 中共中央党校 , 中共党史, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 计划生育作为我国的一项基本国策,对国家的经济社会产生深远的影响。江西计划生育是根据国家的总体要求开展,在国家的总体框架下进行的,由于全国经济文化水平发展不平衡,江西计划生育呈现出阶段性、行政主导性强、地区发展不平衡等特点。因此,研究当代江西计划生育历史,对于把握计划生育自身发展规律、研判江西未来人口发展形势、适时调整计划生育对策以及促进人口与经济社会、资源环境的可持续性发展无疑具有理论价值与现实意义。除导言外,本文共分为五章。导言部分阐述了选题的缘起和意义、研究现状、相关概念、研究方法和创新之处。第一章介绍了改革开放前江西计划生育的状况及特点。全国解放初期,人口快速增长,由此产生的问题开始引起中央的重视。1953年,江西卫生厅转发卫生部《限制节育及人工流产暂行办法(草案)》,由此拉开了江西计划生育的序幕。1953‐1965年,江西在一些重点城市开展了避孕知识宣传和节育技术指导,满足了部分群众的节育需求。但随后“文化大革命”爆发,江西计划生育陷入停滞。1971‐1978年,中央重启计划生育,江西计划生育开始起步,计划生育机构得以恢复,围绕国家“晚、稀、少”的生育政策,计划生育宣传和节育措施开始普遍进入农村,节育率有所上升,但与全国的差距很大,体现出相对滞后的特点,计划生育任务非常艰巨。第二章分析了江西计划生育政策调整及阶段性成效。1978年十一届三中全会召开,给计划生育事业带来巨大的活力,江西计划生育进入了一个全新的发展阶段。1980年中共中央发表的《公开信》,提倡“一对夫妇只生育一个孩子的同时,还要适当强调晚婚晚育”,直接促进了江西计划生育政策的调整。1979‐1989年,江西各级地方成立了计划生育委员会,根据国家计划生育“三为主”方针,计划生育宣传教育和节育措施逐步深入到城乡,自觉实行计划生育的群众增多,与全国的差距逐渐缩小,计划生育成效得到进一步体现。但是,由于这段时期江西人口的变化趋势几经反复,波动较大,省内各地区间的计划生育发展也不平衡,控制人口数量不容乐观。第三章论述了地方性法规的制订与江西计划生育的转折。20世纪90年代,计划生育积累的丰富经验,促使国家逐步探索出一条符合国情的综合治理人口问题的道路。计划生育法律法规建设得到国家的高度重视,这直接加快了江西计划生育地方性法规的制订和修改。1990年《江西计划生育条例》首次出台,随后于1995年和1997年进行了两次修订。这一时期,江西计划生育基础得到夯实,计划生育宣传继续拓展,特别是在国家计划生育“三结合”方针的号召下,江西开始注重计划生育的优质服务导向,将计划生育与生殖保健、扶贫致富结合起来,减少了计划生育的阻力,受到群众的普遍欢迎,计划生育面貌发生重大转变。1990‐1999年,江西人口出生率和自然增长率明显下降,人口再生产类型实现了从“高出生、低死亡、高增长”到“低出生、低死亡、低增长”的重大转折。第四章阐述了稳定低生育水平目标与江西计划生育的综合改革。2000年,中共中央、国务院作出“稳定低生育水平”的决定,这为21世纪中国计划生育的发展定下了基调。围绕稳定低生育水平的总体目标,根据统筹解决人口问题的新思路,江西开始计划生育综合改革探索,计划生育政策进行了适时的调整,《江西计划生育条例》进行了第三、四次修订,实行“双方或一方为独生子女可生二胎”新的生育政策。同时围绕健全计划生育利益导向机制、综合治理出生人口性别比偏高和构建流动人口计划生育区域“一盘棋”,展开了扎实有效的行动,取得了不错的成效,在某些方面甚至走在了全国的前列。但总体上看,江西计划生育整体水平依然偏低,各地方计划生育发展不平衡的状况长期存在,这也说明计划生育综合改革探索是一个渐进的过程。第五章展开了关于江西计划生育的几点思考。在总结江西计划生育政策的基础上,重点提出未来的政策调整建议。江西计划生育漫长而曲折的历史,既有反映了与全国类似的普遍性规律,又具有鲜明的个性特征。总体上看,江西计划生育卓有成效,为经济发展、社会进步作出重要贡献。但是,江西计划生育目前也存在着领导层认识有所松懈、整体水平偏低、利益导向机制还不够完善等问题,而且未来还面临着低生育水平反弹、人口仍然较快增长等严峻的人口形势。因此,必须继续坚持计划生育的基本国策,积极稳妥实施“单独两孩”的生育政策,稳定低生育水平,构建计划生育工作长效机制,促进人口长期均衡发展。

【Abstract】 Historical Research on Family Planning of Comtemporary Jiangxi ProvinceFamily planning as a basic national policy of our country,has profound influenceon national economic and society. Under the overall framework and requirements ofthe national family planning, family planning in Jiangxi Province has beenimplemented.Because of the different level of social and culturaleconomic development,Jiangxi family planning shows its own characteristics ofperiodicity,administrative dominance and laocal differences.Therefore,the research onthe history of family planning of comtemporary Jiangxi Province undoubtedly hasgreat theoretical and practical significance on grasping the law of familyplanning,analyzing polulation situation and countermeasures,and promoting thesustainable development of population with society,economy,resources andenvironment of Jiangxi Province.This dissertation includes five chapters besides the Introduction.The Introduction sets forth the reasons and meanings of the topic selection,researchstatus quo, the relatedconcepts, research methods and innovations.ChapterⅠintroduces family planning status and characteristics of Jiangxiprovince before the national reform and opening up policy. At the beginning of thenational liberation, the problem of the rapid growth of population attracted theattention of the central government. In1953,"limit the forwarding the InterimMeasures of birth control and abortion (Draft)" was published by the Jiangxi HealthBureau, opening the prelude of Jiangxi family planning. In1953-1965years, Jiangxicarried out the publicity and birth control technical guidance of family plaaning in anumber of key cities, meeting some people’s contraceptive needs. However, as the"Cultural Revolution" outbreak, Jiangxi family planning stalled. In1971-1978years,family planning was restarted by the central government, Jiangxi family planningagencies recovered, around the national "late, thin, less" fertility policy, familyplanning publicity and contraceptive measures generally began to enter the rural areas,contraceptive rate increased, but the gap with the whole country was great, reflectingthe feature of relative lag, family planning task was very formidable.Chapter Ⅱ analyzes Jiangxi family planning policy adjustments and its results. In1978, eleven of the Third Plenary Session convened, bring enormous vigor tofamily planning, Jiangxi family planning entered a new stage of development,especially in1980, the CPC Central Committee "open letter" was published,advocateing "one couple, one child, late marriage and late childbirth", directlypromoting Jiangxi family planning policy adjustments. In1979-1989years, Jiangxilocal Family Planning Commission had been established, according to the national"three oriented" family planning policy, family planning publicity and education andcontraception gradually emtered into the urban and rural areas, more and more peopleaccepted family planning mass increases, and the gap with the whole country wasnarrowing, family planning had yielded results. However, in this period, but the trendof Jiangxi population was fluctuated, and the family planning development wasunbalanced, population control task was not optimistic.Chapter Ⅲ discusses the Jiangxi local regulations of family planning and itsgreat turning. In the1990s, the country gradually had explored an integrated approachto solve population problems.The construction of the family planning laws andregulations got the attention of national government, which accelerating theformulation and amendment of local regulations of Jiangxi family planning. In1990,"Jiangxi family planning regulations" was published for the first time, and thenin1995and1997were revised. During this period, the foundation of Jiangxi familyplanning was consolidated and family planning publicity was expanded, particularlyunder the national call of "three combination", Jiangxi began to focus on orientedfamily planning services, considering family planning reproductive health and povertyalleviation together, reducing the resistance of family planning. Family planning waswidely welcomed by the masses and hadundergone major changes. In1990-1999years, the natural growth rate of Jiangxi decreased and population reproductionpattern changed from "high birth rate, low death, high growth" to "low birth rate, lowdeath a major turning point, low growth".Chapter Ⅳ describes the target of stabilizing low fertility level and Jiangxifamily planning comprehensive reform. In2000, the CPC Central Committee and theState Council decided to "stabilize the low fertility level", which setting the tone ofJiangxi family planning in the twenty-first Century. Based on the goal of stabilizingthe low fertility level, according to the new thinking of solving the populationproblem, Jiangxi began to explore the comprehensive reform of family planning. Family planning policy had been adjusted and "Jiangxi family planningregulations" were revised, including the family planning policy of "one or both of theone-child can have two children". At the same time, aronding the interest orientedmechanism of family planning, high birth sesx ratio and "a dish of chess" of familyplanning in floating population areas, Jiangxi launched a solid and effective action,achieved good results and even in some aspects walked in the forefront of the country.However, the overall level of Jiangxi family planning is still low and the imbalance oflocal family planning still exists, indicating the comprehensive reform of familyplanning research is a gradual process.Chapter Ⅴ expounds the some thinking of Jiangxi family planning. Jiangxifamily planning has experienced a long and tortuous history, showing its ownregularity properties. The fruitful Jiangxi family planning has accumulated a wealth ofmaterial for the successful experience. At the present, Jiangxi family planning isconfronted with some problems as the slacking of leadership, the overall low leveland the faulty of interest oriented mechanism combined with the severe populationsituation of rapid growth, therefore, Jiangxi must take effective measures such asadhering to the basic state policy of family planning, active and steady implement ofthe family planning policy of "one or both of the one-child can have two children" tostabilize the low fertility level and establishment of the long term mechanism offamily planning, to promote the long-term balanced development of population.

  • 【分类号】C924.21
  • 【下载频次】299

