

【作者】 刘坛茹

【导师】 杨文虎;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 文艺学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 在当代文艺理论界对于西方形形色色的身体话语研究上,西方马克思主义理论中是否具有身体话语,以及具有何种类型的身体话语,并没有得到认真的挖掘和认识。实际上,在阿多诺、本雅明、马尔库塞、伊格尔顿、列斐伏尔等西方马克思主义学者的著作中,都有着或多或少的关于身体话语的论述。这就为我们研究西方马克思主义身体话语提供了事实存在和逻辑可能性。之所以从身体话语角度研究西方马克思主义,缘由主要在于三个问题域:是西方马克思主义仅仅注重意识形态批判吗?二是是否存在一种能够弥合身体本质主义和建构主义之争的身体话语呢?三是在身体被异化本论题主要选择了法兰克福学派(阿多诺、本的消费社会,如何恢复身体的抵抗潜能和革命力量呢?对于这三个问题域的回答,将是研究西方马克思主义身体话语的动力和意义。雅明、马尔库塞)、伊格尔顿、列斐伏尔的身体话语为研究对象,围绕身体的异化与抵抗进行研究。经典马克思主义虽然并未明确把身体作为其理论体系的主要议题,但在其著作中,时有关于身体的话语,人的身体以对象性、社会性、异化形式存在;在美学话语上,也具有身体之维。马克思主义关注的是如何克服身体异化,使人成为完整的个体存在。但现实语境的变化,马克思主义未能详细探讨的许多问题,在后继的西方马克思主义那里得到了进一步探讨。法兰克福学派(阿多诺、本雅明、马尔库塞)、伊格尔顿、列斐伏尔等人便分别在自己的理论视域内,探讨了身体的异化和抵抗。例如,阿多诺分析了启蒙辩证法语境下的女性主义身体话语和奥斯维辛集中营以及大众文化;本雅明探讨了现代性语境中的身体异化以及政治身体的培育;马尔库塞探讨了现代工具理性对于身体的异化及新感性的培育;伊格尔顿探讨了审美意识形态和文化政治中的身体话语;列斐伏尔则探讨了日常生活政治和空间政治中的身体话语。尽管他们的问题域和思维路径并不完全相同,但旨归皆是恢复人的身体的完整性。在此基础上,西方马克思主义身体话语对于上述三个问题域作出了较为满意的回答。他们在注重意识形态批判的同时,也注重身体批判,从而克服身体和精神的异化,成为“完整的人”。他们的身体话语是本质主义和建构主义的融合,从而得以弥合建构主义身体观和本质主义身体观的彼此局限。西方马克思主义身体话语是注重劳动、阶级和民族关系的,不仅并未陶醉在消费社会的温柔乡里,而且更多时候抵抗着消费社会对于身体的异化,从而能够恢复身体在消费社会的抵抗潜能和革命力量。同时,也对西方马克思主义的身体话语进行了反思,指出他们未能建构出系统、完善、成熟的身体理论,身体反抗也具有不彻底性等。

【Abstract】 As for the studies on western’s diverse body discourse from contemporary literary theory community, the Western Marxist theory did not get serious exploration and knowledge about whether there is body discourse, as well as what type of body discourse. Factually, among the writings of Western Marxist scholars, such as Adorno, Benjamin, Marcuse, Eagleton, Lefebvre and so on, there are more or less discussion on the body discourse. This provides the possibility of existence and logic for studying body discourse of Western Marxism.The reason for studying Western Marxism from the perspective of Body Language mainly lies in three domains:First, is Western Marxism focused solely on the critique of ideology? The second is whether there is a bridge of Body Language between body essentialism and constructivism dispute? Third, when the body be alienated in the consumer society, how to restore the body’s resistance potential and the revolutionary forces? Domain for these three questions to answer, is the power and significance of studying the physical discourse of Western Marxism.Although traditional Marxism does not definitely take body as the main discussion topic of theoretical system,in the writings, it seems that the body’s languages always exists in form of objection, sociality, heterization. In aesthetics words, it also possess the thought of body. Marxism’s concern is how to overcome the body’s heterization, making people exist to be the individuality. However, the change of actual context makes many problems to be solved by succeeded western Marxism, which has not been discussed in detail by Marxism. Frankfort School(Adorno, Benjamin, Marcuse), Eagleton, Lefebvre, etc. have all discussed the body’s heterization and resistance in their own theoretical vision. For instance, Adorno has analysed feminist body discourse of Auschwitz Concentration Camp and Popular Culture in the enlightened dialectical context. Benjamin has investigated the body of contemporary context and the cultivation of the political body. Marcuse has investigated the body’s heterization by contemporary tools and cultivation of new sensibility. Eagleton has explored the discourse of aesthetic ideology and cultural politics of the body. Lefebvre has investigated daily body discourse in life politics and space politics. Although their questions territory and thinking ways are not the same, they could recover the body integrality.On this basis, the body of discourse of Western Marxism has made a more satisfactory answer to these three problem domain. Western Marxism pay particular attention to the critique of ideology and the body of criticism, and ensure the completion of human body and spirit which makes human beings into the main body of physical and mental harmony. Their body discourse is the integration of essentialism and constructivism, thus allowing to bridge the physical concept of constructivism and essentialism concept of body limitations. Western Marxism body of discourse is to focus on labor, class and ethnic relations. They did not revel in the gentle village of consumer society, but more often to resist the alienation of the consumer society for the body to be able to recover the body in the resistance potential of the consumer society and the revolutionary forces. But also a reflection of body discourse of Western Marxism, they failed to construct a systematic, improved, mature body theory. Secondly, the resistance of body has thoroughness.


