

【作者】 张灵

【导师】 孙逊;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 宝卷是一种十分古老的、在宗教和民间信仰、民众娱乐活动中,按照一定仪轨演唱的说唱文本。学界目前对宝卷的研究很大程度上还停留在宝卷文体起源与发展、宣卷仪轨,以及其宗教、文化意义的研究阶段,对同处叙事文学系统中的宝卷与小说两种文体之间的相互联系研究很少。二者在题材上有很大一部分重合内容,值得更深层次的探讨与研究。宝卷文本的查阅相对困难,笔者通过到各大图书馆访书,大量目验原卷,进行翔实的文本解读,整理出多种与古代小说有关联的宝卷,并对其题材分门别类,在对宝卷进行版本考察和文学、文化角度解析的基础上,总结出宗教人士、说唱艺人编写的民间宝卷与变文、话本、文人创作小说在题材内容、叙事手法,以及文化意蕴、传播方式等方面的关联与差异,并对二者的双向互动关系进行了探讨。论文正文部分七章二十一节,主要内容包括以下方面:第一章为“宝卷综论”,从宏观视角对宝卷进行研究,是整部论文的基础部分。从内容题材上概述了宝卷文体早、中、晚三期的发展演变;从印本形式上考察了宝卷从早期宗教典籍的经折装到晚期通俗读物的木刻线装、石印本的变迁,以及作为俗文学出版典范的古代小说的出版方式对晚期宝卷印本的影响;从民间神谱系的生成、民间色彩情节类型的设置、民间教化观的植入来分析宝卷的民间文化蕴含。第二章为“宝卷与变文”。变文中的佛菩萨成道故事和世情题材故事对演绎佛教故事的早期宝卷和晚期世俗宝卷均有影响,说明宝卷对变文在题材上有着承袭关系;而学界对宝卷渊源于变文还是俗讲的争议,前者着眼于题材内容与文本形式,后者着眼于说唱仪轨,二者其实是并行不悖的。第三章为“宝卷与话本”。从题材上看,话本是宝卷所叙故事在俗文学系统中的较早形态,宝卷对其有着间接的借鉴成分;同时,话本叙事手法对宝卷也有所影响,二者在套语模式、叙事视角的运用两方面具有说唱文学的共性。第四章为“宝卷与历史演义、英雄传奇”。虽然宝卷中的历史演义、英雄传奇题材源自小说,但有着与小说截然不同的存在形态;这种不同不仅表现在宝卷杂糅众多故事以达到其辅助叙事、佐证说理、劝道行善的创作目的,还从民间心理诉求的角度改造小说故事,并将英雄进行神格化处理,以彰显宝卷的宗教信仰属性。第五章为“宝卷与神魔小说”。从“西游”、“八仙”等故事系统,探究这一题材类型的宝卷与小说的文本异同;通过对神魔故事在宝卷中的素材杂糅及其叙事功能的变异、宗教色彩的进一步强化三个方面,分析神魔小说情节进入宝卷之后形态的异化。第六章为“宝卷与侠义、公案小说”。以包公故事为切入点,对相同题材的宝卷与小说的文本差异及这种差异形成的原因进行解析;在叙事上,宝卷对小说中的“箭垛式”人物进行故事分解,从单篇故事连缀组合而成的小说中选取某一故事加以情节的扩充与逻辑的完善,从而形成一种独立传播的宝卷;在文化内涵上,两种文体最大的差异就在于宝卷中清官的神道化、神鬼成分以及民间文化书写的加入。第七章为“宝卷与才子佳人小说”。论述了才子佳人小说在题材内容、叙事模式等方面对宝卷的影响;并从民间说唱艺术手法的运用、才子佳人的仙道化、民间信仰的渗透等方面探究才子佳人故事在宝卷中的异变。最后,以宝卷对小说的三种改编方式为基础,对二者的双向互动关系进行宏观考论,并对宝卷在文学史中的历史坐标进行定位。

【Abstract】 Baojuan is a kind of ancient talking and singing text which is used following specific rules in civil religion movements.The scholars concentrated on the problems such as the origin and development of Baojuan literary style, the relation of Baojuan and civil religion, the order of Baojuan singing at present. Most of them are still interested in the collection arrangement for catalogue, the researchment of its religious meaning and cultural meaning. The investigation about the connection of Baojuan and novel is relatively weak. Since they are all narrative literature, there’re a lot of doublication content which were worth to discuss.After mass textual reading, find the Baojuan which’s related to ancient novel,compare them, summarize the connection and difference of Baojuan with Bian Wen, Hua Ben, ancient novel from some aspects as subject matter, recounting method, cultural transmission, then analyze them from the literature angle and cultural angle.The doctoral dissertation text is devided into7chapters,21sections, including the following content.Chapter1,The summary of Baojuan. I studied it on the macro level, overviewed its literary style development as3parts, investigated the printed copy change from early folded edition to late thread-bound edition and stone printed edition, surveyed the influence of ancient novel publish mode as folk literature paragon to Baojuan publishment. I analyzed its civil culture meaning from the enormous folk god pedigree and its forming process,3typical story mold of the inferno tour,women bhavana-marga,pray for kid, the embedding of folk education view.Chapter2,Baojuan and Bian wen. Based on subsistent Bian Wen text, discussed the subject matter continuation between Baojuan and Bian Wen which were all folk religious literature in view of the Buddhism Bian Wen’s influence, the secular subject Bian Wen’s influence, and reconsidered their relationship.Chapter3,Baojuan and Hua Ben, Ni Hua Ben. I discussed the doublication details between Baojuan and Hua Ben, Ni Hua Ben in view of its subject matter. The latter should be the former story’s early pattern in folk literature field. I found the similarity of their idiom usage pattern and the polytropism of its recounting angle, then used them to research the Hua Ben’s influence on the narrate style of Baojuan. It could be considered as the generality of singing literature.Chapter4, Baojuan and Historical novel, saga. I began from the comparison of specific text, analyzed the different existence form of historical novel and saga in Baojuan and novel. I found3subject usage pattern as the mixture of historical novel and saga in Baojuan, state the truth, induction to goodwill, and made use of them to discuss the Baojuan’s reform for novel subject matter. I also discussed the essential difference for Baojuan and novel of same subject from the deification of hero in Baojuan and its utilitarian feature of the faith.Chapter5, Baojuan and novel of Chinese fantasy. I studied Journey to the West, the Eight Immortals, discussed the textual difference of the Baojuan and novel, from the view angle of mixture and reform of Chinese fantasy novel in Baojuan, the functional change of role and story in Baojuan, the further strengthen of religious color in Baojuan.Chapter6, Baojuan and chivalrous novel, legal case novel.I took Bao-gong both case as the entry point, analyzed the textual difference between Baojuan and novel of same subject, concluded its forming reason. I discussed the recounting style connection of Baojuan, chivalrous novel and legal case novel from the view angle of the individual stories cluster, the arrow mound roles’ departure, the story plot summarization, the detail description in Baojuan and its adaption about story plot logical enrichment. I conclude the feature of Baojuan’s rewriting about chivalrous novel and legal case novel from the view angle of honest official became god, the folk demand of honest official, the fantasy plot embedded in Baojuan and its function, the bright-colored recounting of popular culture.Chapter7, Baojuan and love novel. I discussed the love novel’s influence on Baojuan in subject matters and recounting style. I studied the essential change in Baojuan from the view angle of the usage of folk singing artistic expression, the handsome boys and pretty girls’ apotheosis in Baojuan, the percolation of civil faith.In the end, I took the3rewriting style of Baojuan to novel as foundation, summarized their relationship on the macro stuff, and relocated its historical coordinate in narrative literature, folk literature, singing literature and religious literature.


