

A Research on Middle School Students’ Class Emotional Experience

【作者】 张鹏程

【导师】 卢家楣;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 课堂作为教书育人的主要渠道和学生学习的主要场所,承担着传承与创造知识、满足学习者知识需求的重要使命,直接影响着教育的质量,影响着学生的发展,甚至关系着国家人才的质量。近年来,情感教学心理学研究表明,学生的情绪体验对其课堂学习效率有着重要的促进或阻碍作用。于是课堂教学情境下学生的情绪体验现象逐渐进入学术研究视野,业已掀起“课堂情绪体验”研究的热潮,并已取得了一系列值得肯定的成果。但该领域也存在一些不足或局限,主要表现为:概念研究不足,即情绪体验概念的内涵还有待进一步深化;研究对象不均,即目前多以小学生或大学生为主,致使中学生群体研究缺失;测量工具缺乏,即国内缺乏对该领域的中学生群体研究,致使其相应的课堂情绪体验测量工具也缺少开发;实证研究偏少,即目前学界主要采用理论思辨来考察学生的课堂情绪体验现象,致使研究结论缺乏说服力而备受质疑。本研究针对以往研究不足而提出双线研究构想,即以教育应用为导向的基础研究,具体而言,主要从以下几个方面开展研究:第一,情绪体验概念的内涵研究,即从情绪体验的“定义”和“特征”相结合的视角对情绪体验的内涵进行探讨;第二,依据情绪体验的特征,编制中学生课堂情绪体验问卷;第三,在前人研究基础上,从实践性出发,编制中学生课堂情绪体验影响因素问卷;第四,应用自编的两个问卷开展中学生课堂情绪体验的现状调查;第五,在现状调查的基础上,进行中学生课堂情绪体验的实验研究,内含两个研究:研究一,中学生课堂情绪体验对中学生工作记忆刷新功能的影响;研究二,中学生课堂情绪体验的干预研究——以厌恶情绪体验为例。通过上述研究,本文获得如下结论:1.情绪体验是作用于人的对象对人发生意义时而引起的在意识层面上的情绪反应。简言之,情绪体验是个体所经历的特定情绪在意识层面上的反应。情绪体验具有愉悦度、唤醒度、对立性等特征。2.本研究编制的《中学生课堂情绪体验问卷》和《中学生课堂情绪体验影响因素问卷》具有较高的信效度,可作为中学生课堂情绪体验及其影响因素的有效测评工具。3.中学生课堂情绪体验丰富,但各因子的均衡发展亟待优化;中学生课堂情绪体验存在显著的性别和年级差异;情绪体验的性质与学习成绩的自我评价密切相关;不同的课堂情绪体验对学生学习效率的影响有所不同,其中感动体验效果最好,而厌恶体验效果最差;中学生课堂情绪体验影响因素由四个维度构成:学生因素(内含思维方式、学习兴趣、学习预期和行为方式四个因子)、教师因素(内含课堂情绪、教学方法、教学态度和语言风格四个因子)、教学内容因素(内含情感性、关联性、熟悉度和难易度四个因子)、环境因素(内含师生关系、同伴关系、班级氛围和空间位置四个因子);教师的教学态度、教学内容的关联性,以及学生的思维方式对中学生课堂厌恶情绪影响较大。4.在低认知负荷上,被试在不同情绪体验下的反应时差异不显著,但在高认知负荷上,与中性情绪体验相比,被试在愉快情绪体验下的反应时显著增长,而在厌恶情绪体验下的反应时显著变短;在低认知负荷上,被试在不同情绪体验下的正确率差异不显著,但在高认知负荷上,与中性情绪体验相比,被试在愉快情绪体验下的正确率显著提高,而在厌恶情绪体验下的正确率显著降低。5.教师采取“下课拖堂型”的教学态度容易引起中学生的厌恶情绪;评价忽视、表情抑制、体验调节的三种干预方式能够有效降低中学生课堂上的厌恶情绪;厌恶情绪可能与血容量搏动振幅、血容量搏动频率、皮电、皮温等多项自主反应指标有关,当个体产生厌恶情绪时,其血容量搏动频率(心率)、皮温呈下降趋势,而血容量搏动振幅、皮电呈上升趋势。

【Abstract】 In terms of school education, the classroom is not only the main channel ofteaching, but also the learning place of students, which bearing the heritage and createknowledge, with important mission of meeting the demand of learners’ knowledge,having a direct impact on the quality of education, influencing the development ofstudents, even the quality of the national talent. In recent years, The research ofemotional teaching psychology shows that students’ emotional experience has animportant promote or hinder role to the classical learning efficiency, which thestudents’ emotional experience phenomenon of the classical teaching situationgradually went into the vision of academic research, and it has already lifted" classicalemotional experience" research upsurge. The theme on classical emotional experiencehas acquired a series of rewarding results and is showing a striking tendency.However, currently, the study on emotional experience still has its shortcomings andlimitations which reflect on: The concept of emotional experience requires furtherdeepening; The object of study is unbalance lacking of the middle school students;The measurement tools on classical emotional experience requires furtherdevelopment; The current academic circles are mainly the theory to examine students’classroom emotional experience phenomenon, but fewer empirical research.Therefore, it is extremely meaningful and practical to carry out the educationalapplication oriented research on the emotional experience in class of the middleschool.Focuses on the shortages of previous studies, the paper starts the detailedresearch from the followings: Firstly, the concept study on the emotional experience,that is to say, we study on its concept by combining the “definition” and “feature” ofemotional experience. Secondly, On the basis of the characteristics of the emotional experience, the formulation of the questionnaire on middle school students’ classemotional experience. Thirdly, On the basis of previous studies, starting from thepractice, the formulation of the questionnaire on the influencing factor of middleschool students’ class emotional experience. Fourthly, the investigation on middleschool students’ class emotional experience. Fifthly, the experimental research onmiddle school students’ class emotional experience which consists of2studies. Study1: The effect caused by middle school students’ class emotional experience on theirmemory refreshing functions. Study2: the intervention study on middle schoolstudents’ class emotional experience---taking aversion experience as example.From the above study, the paper draws the following conclusions:1. The emotional experience is the response of emotion psychology on human’sconscious level when the objectives act on the human body. In brief, the emotionalexperience refers to the response of special emotion on human’s conscious levelexperienced by each individual. In classroom teaching, the outstanding features ofemotional experience are pleasantness, arousal, and contrariety.2.The “the questionnaire on middle school students’ class emotional experience”and “the questionnaire on the influencing factor of middle school students” classemotional experience” demonstrate high reliability and validity and can be used asthe effective measurement tools on emotional experience and influencing factor ofmiddle school students.3.The emotional experience in middle school class is various, while theindividual factor highly requires updating; The emotional experience in middle schoolclass has outstanding difference between their genders and grades; The nature ofemotional experience is in close relationship with self-evaluation of the school record;Different emotional experience in class has different influence on students’ studyefficiency, among which the rewarding experience is moved and the worst experienceis disgust. There are four factors which consist of the influencing factors of emotionalexperience in middle school’s classroom which can be listed as the follows by itsinfluence degree: students (thinking mode, learning interest, learning expectation andbehavior), teacher s(classroom emotion, teaching style, teaching attitude and linguistic style), teaching material (emotionality, relevance, familiarity and difficulty level) andenvironment (teacher-student relationship, classmate relationship, classroomatmosphere and spatial location). Among all of these influencing factors, there arethree major factors which influence the aversion emotion in middle schools’classroom. Those can be listed as follows by its influence degree: the teaching attitudeof the teacher, the relevance of teaching materials and the thinking mode of thestudent.4. In the low-level of awareness, the reaction time difference of differentemotional experience is not significant, while in the high-level of awareness,compared with neutral emotion, the reaction time in pleasant emotion lasts longer andthe reaction time in aversion emotion is significantly shorter. And in the low-level ofawareness, the difference of accuracy rate under different emotional experience isnot significant. However, in the high-level of awareness, compared with neutralemotion, the accuracy rate under pleasant emotion is higher and the accuracy rateunder aversion emotion is significantly lower.5. If the teacher extend the class time, it is easy to arouse the aversion emotion ofthe students in middle school. The three intervention strategies named evaluationignorance, expression depression and experience regulation can effectively reduce theaversion emotion of students in middle school. The aversion emotion may be relevantwith the several indexes of automatic response, such as beating range of blood volume,the beating frequency of blood volume, galvanic skin and skin temperature, etc. If theaversion emotion is aroused, the beating frequency of blood volume (heart rate) andskin temperature decreases, while the beating range of blood volume and galvanicskin increases.


