

【作者】 奥莉娅

【导师】 曹秀玲;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 本文以现代汉语范围副词作为研究对象,从句法、语义、语用三个平面对范围副词的两个次类——总括和限定进行全面细致的描写和分析,在此基础上通过历时语料考察现代汉语范围副词语法化的过程和机制,然后通过汉语和俄语范围副词用法的比较分析,试图探讨两种语言范围副词用法的共性和差异。第一章为绪论,在简单回顾汉语副词研究和范围副词专题研究的基础上,界定本文的研究对象和范围,说明研究的理论背景和采用的研究方法,同时交代语料来源。第二章从范围副词的句法作用和语义特点两个方面描述汉语总括和限定副词的句法功能。研究发现,范围副词的句法功能虽然相对单一,但是能够与之组合共现成分的性质比较复杂,由此形成句法结构关系和语义结构关系不相对应的局面,本章同时还考察了范围副词的语义指向规律。第三章先从范围副词两个次类内部连用入手,即总括范围副词内部成员之间、限定范围副词成员之间以及总括范围副词和限定范围副词之间的连用规律,再考察范围副词重叠表达的语用效果,最后讨论范围副词与否定副词组配形成的有无标记模式。第四章结合语法化理论和机制探讨汉语总括和限定范围副词成员的历史来源、语法化轨迹和演化规律,并对此加以解释。第五章通过汉语总括范围副词和限定范围副词的两个典型代表——“都”和“只”与俄语中的对应形式“весь”和“только/лишь”的句法功能、语义特点、语用价值进行对比分析。第六章为结语,总结全文内容并指出本文的不足之处和今后努力的方向。

【Abstract】 Present thesis mainly concerns adverbs of scope in modern Chinese language,conducts the detailed analysis on the syntactic, semantic and pragmatic features oftwo subgroups of scope adverbs, i.e. all-inclusive and limitative ones. Besides that,the corresponding conclusions are made about the peculiar grammmaticalizationprocesses and mechanisms of Chinese scope adverbs, based on diachronic analysis oflinguistic material, combined with the synchronic research mentioned above. Finally,through comparative analysis in the context of the usage of scope adverbs in Chineseand Russian languages, present thesis intends to examine universal and differentialfeatures of delivering scope limitation means in the two languages.The first chapter, introduction, provides the brief reference to previousresearches on Chinese adverbs and studies on scope adverbs; defines the object ofresearch of present paper; determines theoretical background, present researchrelies on; explains applied research methods, and the sources of language material.The second chapter describes the syntactic functions of the Chinese all-inclusiveand limitative scope adverbs from the viewpoint of syntactic role and semanticfeatures. A conclusion drawn, is that even though the syntactic role of the scopeadverbs is comparatively uniform, the nature of components capable ofco-occurrence and grouping with the above mentioned adverbs is quite diverse; thisresulting into the situation when syntactic and semantic relations of certain scopeadverbs fail to coincide. Besides, present thesis also conducts a research on patternsof semantic orientation of scope adverbs.The third chapter, proceeding from the subgroup division between all-inclusiveand limitative scope adverbs, investigates the principles of successive usage of thescope adverbs within, as well as between, corresponding subgroups. After that,special attention is paid to the pragmatic effect delivered by the reduplication of thescope adverbs. Finally, a research on the possibility of labeled patterns emerging,subject to scope and negative adverbs being used successively, is carried out.The fourth chapter, integrating the theory and mechanisms of grammaticalization, explains the historical origin of Chinese all-inclusive andlimitative scope adverbs, backtracks the grammaticalization processes, and thusderives conclusions on the evolution patterns of the scope adverbs.The fifth chapter is conducting a comparative analysis of two representativeChinese scope adverbs–“DOU”(all-inclusive subgroup) and “ZHI”(limitativesubgroup)–with Russian correspondences“весь”and“только/лишь”from theviewpoint of syntactic functions, semantic features and pragmatic value.The sixth chapter, conclusion, summarizes the contents of present paper, as wellas outlines the direction for the further possible research work.

  • 【分类号】H146
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】383

