

【作者】 全亮

【导师】 曹旭;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 中国古典文献学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 范晔是刘宋时期著名的史学家,出身于士族家庭,博学多识却又恃才傲物,因此仕途坎坷。元嘉后期,宋文帝刘义隆和弟弟刘义康争夺最高权力。范晔卷入这场争斗,最后被刘义隆和大臣徐湛之诱杀。范晔之死象征皇权对相权的胜利,象征士族的衰落,象征私史传统的没落。范晔《后汉书》不但没有完成,而且立刻成为刘宋的禁书。到了南齐,史家开始重视范晔《后汉书》。可是文坛领袖沈约却努力抵制范晔及其《后汉书》,给此书的传播带来了严重的消极影响。范晔《后汉书》的史志基本上散佚,沈约难辞其咎。沈约也是一个博学多才的大学者,从范晔《后汉书》里面学到很多知识,比如声律论。沈约甚至仿效《后汉书?范滂传》写下《宋书?范晔传》。因为宗教信仰、家族利益、生活方式、现实利益、文学观点等原因,沈约抵制范晔及其《后汉书》。沈约在当时有不少追随者。刘勰《文心雕龙》、刘孝标《世说新语注》虽然也学习范晔《后汉书》,却故意不提及范晔及其《后汉书》。沈约的反对派开始为范晔鸣不平。他们肯定范晔的文史成就,恢复范晔的部分名誉,为范晔《后汉书》的传播奠定基础。陆厥肯定了范晔对音韵学的贡献,指出沈约剽窃范晔的音韵学成果。钟嵘肯定范晔的诗歌成就,也批评沈约的诗学观点。萧子显肯定范晔的史学、书法成就,揭露沈约利用编修史书的机会公报私仇。到了萧梁,萧衍对沈约逐渐失去信任,最终排斥了沈约。范晔《后汉书》实现了公开传播。刘昭和吴均都注解了范晔《后汉书》。吴均注解本大概是范晔《后汉书》的第一个注解本。刘昭将司马彪《续汉志》附在范晔《后汉书》后面,使全书成为整体,影响很大。萧统《文选》高度肯定范晔《后汉书》的文史成就,所收范晔《后汉书》论赞的数量超越了班固和沈约。随着《文选》的“选本的力量”逐渐加强,范晔《后汉书》的影响也越来越大。萧绎、萧方等、萧该等皇族成员也参与范晔《后汉书》的研究。萧梁前期是范晔《后汉书》传播的转折点。范晔《后汉书》在北方得到广泛传播,产生了较大影响。郦道元《水经注》、杨衒之《洛阳伽蓝记》、贾思勰《齐民要术》都运用了范晔《后汉书》的资料。其中郦道元《水经注》引用的次数较多。魏收《魏书》也比较重视范晔《后汉书》。东魏皇帝甚至公开朗诵范晔《后汉书》。南北朝末期,范晔《后汉书》取得了优势地位。文人、学者涉及东汉史书,基本上离不开范晔《后汉书》。徐陵《玉台新咏》、庾信的骈赋、颜之推的《颜氏家训》都运用了范晔《后汉书》。尽管颜之推并不喜欢范晔,对范晔进行了严厉的批评,但他对范晔《后汉书》却有精深的研究。考察《隋书?经籍志》,范晔《后汉书》在东汉历史书籍中已经占据优势地位。总之,范晔《后汉书》从刘宋的禁书,变成了南北朝末期的通书。范晔《后汉书》在南北朝的传播与影响是一个长期而曲折的过程。

【Abstract】 Fan Ye was a famous historian in Dynasty Liu Song. He was born in anaristocratic family. He was a clever but proud scholar. The emperor named Liu Yilongwanted to kill his little brother Liu Yikang who was threatening his throne.And Fanwas Liu Yikang’s old man. At last Fan was trapped and killed by Liu Yilong and hisminister named Xu Zhanzhi. Fan Ye ‘s Death meant the autocratic power defeatingthe aristocratic power. At the meantime the classical tradition of historiography wasdeclining. Unauthorized history was replaced by authorized history as the mainstream. Fan Ye ‘s the History of the Later Han was not completed. This book wasbanned immediately.In Dynasty Nan Qi, some historians paid attention to Fan Ye ‘s book. But theliterary leader Shen Yue hated and suppressed Fan Ye. Although Shen Yue hadlearned a lot of knowledge including phonology from the History of the Later Han.Shen Yue has brought a serious impact on the spread of Fan Ye ‘s book. Liu Xie ‘sCarving a Dragon at the Core of Literature and Liu Xiaobiao’s Notes of a New Accountof the Tales of the World also deliberately ignored Fan Ye ‘s book. Liu Xie and LiuXiaobiao were both Shen Yue’s disciples.Shen Yue’s opponents managed to restore Fan Ye’s reputation. They laid thefoundation for the spread of Fan Ye‘s book. Lu Jue affirmed Fan Ye’s contribution tophonology. Zhong Rong affirmed Fan Ye’s poetry achievement. Xiao Zixian affirmedFan Yes achievement of history and calligraphy.In Dynasty Xiao Liang, Shen Yue lost the confidence of his emperor named XiaoYan gradually. Xiao Yan knocked down Shen Yue at last. Fan Ye’book was publishedand researched to the public. Liu Zhao and Wu Jun both noted Fan Ye ‘s book. WuJun’s noted book probably was the first noted book of the History of the Later Han.Liu Zhao used parts of Sima Biao’s Continued History of Han as a continuous book ofFan Ye’s the History of the Later Han This book has a great influence in history as awhole. Xiao Tong highly affirmed Fan Ye’s literature achievement. Xiao Tong eventhought Fan Ye was a better historian than Ban Gu and Shen Yue. Xiao Yi, Xiao Fangdeng and Xiao Gai of the royal family also participated in the research of Fan Ye‘s book.Fan Ye’s book had been widely spread in the Northern Dynasties. Li Tao Yuan’sWaterways, Yang Xuanzhi’s Stories of Luoyang Temple, Jia Sixie’s Qi Min Yao Shu allused Fan Ye’s book. An emperor even recited Fan Ye’s book publicly.At the end of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, Fan Ye’s book becamedominant and popular during a lot of historical books about the Eastern Han Dynasty.Many scholars cannot ignored Fan Ye ‘s book. Even some of them disliked Fan Ye’spersonality.In a word, the dissemination and influence of Fan Ye‘s the History of the LaterHan experienced a long and tortuous process in the Northern and SouthernDynasties.


