

Study on Plantation Modified by Acrvlate/Silica Emulsion and Grain Manifestation

【作者】 张彦娟

【导师】 傅峰;

【作者基本信息】 中国林业科学研究院 , 木基复合材料科学与工程, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 对人工林木材进行改性处理,是扩大其使用范围的重要手段之一。有机树脂复合木材耐热性不好,冲击强度小,无机质复合木材耐水性较差,脆性较大,韧性较低。为此,本研究以人工林木材为研究对象,在分析国内外研究成果的基础上,采用试验研究与理论分析相结合的方法,研究硅溶胶/丙烯酸酯复合增强处理液,改性人工林木材的工艺和性能,并通过拉丝显纹处理,加工出具有凹凸纹理的木材表面,提高人工林木材的表面肌理特征。最后将处理材制成人工林杉木实木地板,既拓宽了人工林木材的利用途径,也为优质硬阔叶材的节约代用提供支持。主要研究结论如下:1实验室制备硅溶胶丙烯酸酯乳液最佳的制备方式是通过乳液聚合的方式合成;傅里叶红外光谱分析表明有机高分子和无机粒子之间通过化学键作用结合;工业化合成最优的温度为70℃,时间为1.5h;SDS与OP比例为1:2合成乳液处理材的处理效果最好。2从处理材的综合性能考虑,硅溶胶/丙烯酸酯复合乳液浸渍处理人工林杉木优化的处理工艺为,前真空时间10min,处理压力1.0MPa,处理时间90min,后真空时间10min。处理人工林马尾松优化的处理工艺为,前真空时间10min,处理压力0.8MPa,处理时间30min,后真空时间10min。3处理材、未处理材和复合乳液三者的傅里叶红外光谱分析显示,处理材的-OH的吸收峰强度减弱,复合乳液的-C=O吸收峰在处理后变得不明显,-O-吸收峰相对与未处理材增强,且-Si-O-Si吸收峰变得不明显,说明复合乳液与木材细胞壁上的-OH和C=O分别形成了Si-O-C和-C(=O)-O-酯键;通过热特性分析,处理材的热稳定性得到了改善,失重率降低,燃烧后固体残余物的重量约为未处理材的两倍;通过X射线衍射分析得出,处理材的衍射峰强度降低,结晶度略有减小,衍射峰的位置没有发生变化,处理材的结晶结构在处理过程中没有发生变化。4处理后人工林杉木的抗弯强度、抗弯弹性模量和硬度都有不同程度的提高,三者分别增加了10.27%、17.26%和17.75%;经过复合乳液处理,人工林杉木的干缩率降低,尺寸稳定性有所提高;复合乳液处理材和未处理材的胶层剪切强度和木破率无显著差异,说明复合乳液浸渍处理不会影响木材的胶合性能;复合木材被点燃时间略长,平均有效燃烧热略低于未处理材,综合分析质量损失率、热释放速率和热释放总量,复合木材阻燃性能好于未处理材,复合木材和未处理材的比消光面积在燃烧的不同时间变化不一致,复合木材总发烟量高于未处理材,未处理材的CO和CO2产率较低。复合乳液改性处理并未对人工林杉木板材的导热性能产生明显的负面效应,反而还使板材的导热系数有所提高。复合木材的漆膜附着力和漆膜硬度略高于未处理材,说明复合乳液改性处理并未对人工林杉木板材的涂饰性能产生明显的负面效应。5通过对人工林木材表面纹理显化分析和复合乳液处理木材的应用研究,得出:对于杉木来说,选择0.4mm-0.5mm的拉丝深度比较合适。同一拉丝深度下,密度越小,越容易起毛刺,从而影响拉丝效果。拉丝深度表征图谱信息与表面纹理的表征信息一致,拉丝深度在0.4-0.5mm时美观度最好,因此可以通过数码显微镜来评价拉丝处理对表面特征的影响。6人工林杉木经过硅溶胶/丙烯酸酯乳液增强处理后,加工成拉丝实木地板和平面实木地板,板材各项性能指标均达到GB/T15036.1~2-2009《实木地板》各项性能指标要求。

【Abstract】 Modification is an important method for improving the performance and extendingapplication field of wood. Wood organic functional composite has low heat resistance and badimpact strength, while wood inorganic functional composite has bad water resistance andtoughness. Selecting plantation as experiment material, in the base of analyzing home andabroad research results, with the combination of experiment and theoretical analysis, theresearch focused on the technology and performance of Chinese fir treated with siciliasol/acrylate emulsion. For improving aesthetic in appearance, the lumbers were brushed. Then,the treated wood was made into solid wood floor. The research will widen the application fieldof plantations, also will open up new avenues for the efficient use of plantations and providesupports for saving and substitution of hard wood.The main research results are as follows:1Under the test, the best preparation of sicilia sol/acrylate emulsion was synthesized byemulsion polymerization. The results of FTIR indicated that organic polymer and inorganicparticles were united by chemical bond. When preparation in quantity, the optimal temperaturewas70℃, reacting time was1.5h, and the ratio SDS to OP was1:2.2Considering the compositive performance, in the experimental range, the optimalimpregnating process parameters of Chinese fir were as follows: the vacuum time beforeimpregnating was10minutes, impregnating pressure was1.0MPa, impregnating time was90minutes, and the vacuum time after impregnating was10minutes. The optimal impregnatingprocess parameters of Masson pine were as follows: the vacuum time before impregnating was10minutes, impregnating pressure was0.8MPa, impregnating time was30minutes, and thevacuum time after impregnating was10minutes.3FTIR spectrum analysis showed that composite emulsion interacted with-OH and C=Oon the cell wall and formed Si-O-C and-C(=O)-O-ester bond. According to composite spectrum and untreated wood spectrum, it was found that–OH absorption peak becameweaken,-O-absorption peak had strengthened,-C=O and-Si-O-Si absorption peak were notobvious. TG and DSC analysis indicated that the mass lose rate was decreased and thermalstability of wood composite had improved. Unchanged XRD diffraction peak positionindicated that the lattice parameters of treated wood were not changed. The diffraction peakstrength of treated wood decreased. The crystallinity of treated wood diminished.4MOE, MOR, and flat surface hardness of Chinese fir increased by10.27%,17.26%, and17.75%respectively after impregnated with sicilia sol/acrylate emulsion. The shrinkageefficiency of Chinese fir impregnated with emulsion declined, and the dimension stability hadimproved. Bonding properties will not be affected after wood impregnated with emulsion. Thebonding strength and wood failure were similar to that of untreated wood. The synthesis ofMLR, HRR, and THR results indicated that the fire-retardant property of wood impregnatedwith emulsion was also improved. The TTI of composite was longer slightly than that ofuntreated wood, and EHC declined somewhat. The SEA varied with burning time. The TSR,CO yield, CO2yield of composite were higher than that of untreated wood. Wood impregnatedwith emulsion was no negative effect on thermal conductivity. On the contrary, the thermalconductivity was improved. The film adhesion and hardness of paint membrane of woodimpregnated with emulsion had improved. The results showed that wood impregnated withemulsion was also no negative effect on finishing.5studying on the grain manifestation and application of composite, the results were asfollows: the optimal brushed depth of Chinese fir was0.4mm to0.5mm. In the condition ofsame brushed depth, the effect was related to density of wood. The density was lower, theeffect was better. The spectrum of brushed depth was in accord with the surface grain by eyes.It is viable to access the brushed effect by digital microscope.6The brushed solid wood floor and flat solid wood floor were made from Chinese firimpregnated with sicilia sol/acrylate emulsion. All kinds of performance index were up to thestandards of GB/T15036.1~2-2009.


