

Study on Analysis Method of County Agricultural Technical Efficiency Based on GIS

【作者】 岳慧丽

【导师】 诸叶平;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业科学院 , 信息技术与数字农业, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 技术效率问题一直是区域经济研究的热点问题。在农业生产面临资源约束的背景下,如何充分利用有限的资源,提高农业技术效率,确保现代农业经济实现快速、健康的可持续发展,便成为农业经济发展中的重要问题,同时地理信息技术作为一种有效的空间分析手段,在区域经济研究中的作用日益彰显。根据已有的研究发现,近年来我国农业技术效率一直处于下降趋势,并且区域间技术效率差异显著,严重影响农业经济的发展。因此,本文在区域经济、农业技术效率以及地理信息系统等相关理论及技术基础上,从县域微观视角出发,以农业技术效率为研究对象,将传统农业技术效率评价方法和GIS探索性空间数据分析技术相结合,开展对农业技术效率时空动态分析的方法研究。在此基础之上,以河北省为例进行实证研究,系统地评价了河北省140个县(市)自2001至2010年间的农业技术效率差异及时空动态演化趋势,分析了县域农业技术效率的主要影响因素,提出提高县域农业技术效率的对策建议。本文开展的主要研究工作如下:(1)首先对国内外农业技术效率问题的研究现状进行了调研,对农业技术效率的研究范围、内容以及研究方法进行了分析述评,并结合我国农业技术效率研究中存在的问题,提出应加强对农业技术效率的空间分析方法的研究。(2)从演化经济地理视角出发,研究了县域农业技术效率分析相关理论,为研究农业技术效率问题奠定理论分析基础。将县域农业经济看作一个复杂的系统,综合农业区位理论、县域经济理论、空间集聚理论、农业技术效率理论、演化经济地理理论、地理信息系统等多学科领域知识,综合研究县域农业技术效率问题。实证研究结果证明,对农业技术效率的演化研究的理论思想能够更全面、更深入地从时间和空间双重维度分析县域农业技术效率问题。(3)提出利用基于超越对数的随机前沿生产函数模型与效率因素分析模型来同步研究县域农业技术效率以及影响因素问题。实证分析结果表明,基于超越对数生产函数的随机前沿分析模型及效率分析模型研究县域农业技术效率具有较好的拟合性。(4)提出了将GIS技术的探索性空间数据分析方法与传统农业技术效率模型相结合的方法来动态研究县域农业技术效率问题。该方法注重对技术效率的发展演化趋势以及空间分布规律的研究。实证研究结果表明,时空结合的动态农业技术效率分析方法既能分析县域农业技术效率的时间演化趋势,又能掌握县域之间农业技术效率差异以及空间分布规律,而且本研究从微观的县域层面研究,有利于掌握各省内区域间农业经济发展差异,极大地增强了样本的真实性和实用性。(5)根据本文提出的农业技术效率相关理论与分析方法,对河北省140个县的农业技术效率进行了实证研究。结果发现,自2001-2010年间河北县域农业技术效率存在效率损失,并且农业技术效率整体水平较低;在阐述了河北县域农业技术效率的时空演化规律之后,进一步分析了影响河北农业技术效率的因素,以及效率影响因素与农业技术效率之间的空间相互作用机制,最后提出了提高河北县域农业技术效率的对策和建议,并指出该方法具有通用性,可用于开展对其他省以及全国范围内的县域农业技术效率的广泛研究,为解决区域经济发展不平衡问题提供辅助决策支持。

【Abstract】 Technical efficiency has long been a hot issue of regional economic research. Under thebackground of agricultural production facing natural resources constraints problem, how to make fulluse of limited resources, to improve the level of agricultural technical efficiency, and to ensure modernagricultural economy undergoing steady, fast and healthy growth, which has been a crucial issue inagriculture economic development. According to previous studies, we found that the Chineseagricultural technical efficiency has been in a downward trend in recent years, and the regionalagricultural technical efficiency differences were conspicuous, which has impeded the development ofagricultural economy. Therefore, based on the relevant theories and technologies about regionaleconomy, agricultural technical efficiency and geographic information system, proceeding from themicroscopic perspective of the county, taking agricultural technical efficiency as study object,combining the traditional agricultural technical efficiency evaluation methods and GIS-basedexploratory spatial data analysis techniques, this thesis conducted dynamic analyzing methods studies ofagricultural technical efficiency. On this basis, we took Hebei Province as an emipirical study,systematically evaluated the agricultural technical efficiency of140counties in Hebei Province from2001to2010, analyzed the dynamic agricultural technical efficiency evolution trend and differencesamong the counties, in addition, it also analyzed the main influencing factors which affected the countyagricultural technical efficiency, and put forward the countermeasures and suggestions to improve theagricultural technical efficiency. The main research work in this thesis are as follows:(1) The thesis firstly investigated the overseas research status of agricultural technical efficiency,analyzed the range, contents and methods of related studies. Aiming at the existed problems in domesticagricultural technical efficiency research situation, the thesis proposed that researchers shouldstrengthen the study on agricultural technical efficiency spatial analysis methods.(2) In view of the evolution economic geography, to build the theoretical framework of countyagricultural technical efficiency analysis, which laid the theoretical foundation for studying theagricultural technical efficiency. Taking county agricultural economy as a complicated system, the thesisintegrated agricultural location economy theory, county economy theory, spatial agglomeration theory,agricultural technical efficiency theory, evolution economic geography theory, and geographicinformation systems techniques and other knowledges of multi-disciplinary fields to syntheticallyanlayze the agricultural technical efficiency. The empirical results showed that the theoretical ideas canmore comprehensively and thoroughly analyze the essence of county agricultural technical efficiencyfrom dual dimensions of time and space.(3) The thesis proposed the method of combining stochastic frontier production function modelbased on the translog function with efficiency influcing factor analysis model to synchronously studythe county agricultural technical efficiency, the empirical analysis results showed that this model has apreferable fitting. (4) For the first time,the thesis put forward that the method combining the exploratory spatial dataanalysis method based on GIS technology with traditional agricultural technical efficiency model todynamiclly analyze county agricultural technical efficiency, which focus on analyzing the evolutiontrends and spatial distribution in the economic activity. The empirical results showed that thedynamic agricultural technical efficiency time and space analysis methods not only analyzes thetemporal evolutionary trends of county agricultural technical efficiency but also mines differences andspatial distribution features of agricultural technical efficiency among different counties. Andfurthermore, the study conducted from the county-level microcosmic perspective, which is in favour ofgrasp the within-province regional agricultural economic disparities, and tremendously enhancesauthenticity and practicality of samples.(5) According to the above theories and methods, the thesis conducted empirical analysis of theagricultural technical efficiency of140counties in Hebei province. The results found that there existedagricultural technical efficiency loss in counties from2001to2010, and the overall level of agriculturaltechnical efficiency is lower. The research described temporal and spatial evolution rule of countyagriculture technical efficiency in Hebei, and further analyzed the factors affecting the agriculturetechnical efficiency and spatial interaction mechanism among them, and finally some countermeasuresand suggestions to improve the county agriculture technical efficiency of Hebei are proposed. It is notedthat the methods has strong versatility, and can carry out other provinces and even national scaleresearch of agriculture technical efficiency, which will provide effiective decision-making support forresolving the problem of the unbalanced development of regional economy.

【关键词】 县域农业技术效率GIS探索性空间数据分析
【Key words】 CountyAgricultureTechnical EfficiencyGISESDA

