

International Comparison of Soybean Research Level

【作者】 杨光明

【导师】 李锁平;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业科学院 , 农业经济管理, 2014, 博士


【摘要】 中国是大豆原产国,在很长时期内也是大豆净出口国。然而从1996年开始,中国成为大豆和大豆产品的净进口国,并且随着需求量的不断增加,进口量越来越多。大豆自给率由2003年的47.6%降至2013年的15.0%。中国大豆产业的振兴到了关键时刻。因土地资源受限,通过研发提高单产是提高大豆自给率的重要途径。因此,如何提高我国的大豆科技发展水平受到普遍的关注。本文基于Web of Science核心合集数据库(简称WOS)和中国知网(CNKI)数据库,采用文献计量学方法,对发表于1995-2013年的国内外大豆科技论文进行统计分析,从发文机构、研究人员、高被引论文、发文学科、发文期刊和发文质量等方面对比了世界大豆主产国美国、巴西、阿根廷、中国和印度的大豆研究水平。借助CiteSpaceIII信息可视化软件绘制大豆研究论文的共被引聚类时间线图谱,直观地展示和分析了大豆研究的前沿领域。同时,以美国农业部所属机构和艾奥瓦州立大学为标杆机构,分别与中国科学院和中国农业大学作对比,分析中国和美国的研究院所和大学两类研发实体在大豆研究方面的水平差异。结果显示,1995-2013年WOS数据库共收录17576篇大豆研究论文,发文的36190位作者来自122个国家的5879个机构,发文量呈波动增长态势。从发文量来看,位居前5位的国家是美国、巴西、中国、日本和韩国。从总被引频次看,位居前5位的国家分别是美国、日本、中国、巴西和加拿大。从篇均被引次数看,位居前5位的国家是英国、法国、澳大利亚、德国和美国。从综合位次看,位居前5位的国家是美国、日本、中国、巴西和加拿大,是大豆相关研究领域的强国。从研究机构看,全球发文最多的20个研究机构中,有12个来自美国,显示了美国的研究机构在大豆相关研究中的领先地位。其次,巴西的4个研究机构,加拿大的2个,中国的1个和日本的1个研究机构也进入了全球前20名。从研究人员看,全球发文最多的前20位作者中,美国科学家11位,加拿大3位,日本2位,中国2位,巴西1位,韩国1位。发文最多的作者是来自美国的Hartman GL。从高被引论文看,美国作者Schmutz J等发表在Nature上的论文“Genome sequence of thepalaeopolyploid soybean”被引次数最高,在WOS数据库内被引用了646次,在Google Scholar中被引用了1014次。在国际排名前20位的高被引论文中,美国研究人员发表了15篇,居世界首位,其中有8篇排名在前10名之内,充分显示了美国在大豆研究方面的实力及国际影响力。巴西、中国、印度和阿根廷尚没有引用次数进入世界前20名的论文。从载文期刊看,刊载世界大豆相关研究论文数目前20位的期刊平均影响因子为2.024。中国载文最多的前20种期刊平均影响因子最高,为2.418,美国、巴西、印度和阿根廷分别是2.313、0.712、1.319和1.884。从涉及的学科看,美国大豆相关研究涉及的学科最多,为121个,巴西、中国、印度和阿根廷分别涉及83、104、60和58个学科。从发文量前20名的学科来看,各大豆主产国的研究学科分布有很大的相似性,但是各个学科的起点不同,演变趋势也有很大差异。从研究前沿看,美国在大豆种质资源、植物保护、转基因大豆、大豆基因组、大豆加工与品质、大豆饲料和大豆生理生态研究方面引领了世界大豆研究前沿。巴西紧密跟踪世界大豆研究前沿,但是在分子生物学领域的研究还有待加强。阿根廷重点关注大豆栽培生理、品质与加工等方面的研究。印度侧重于大豆土壤营养研究。中国比较注重大豆加工、转基因技术、分子生物学、大豆生理和大豆饲料等方面的研究,而大豆植物保护和生物柴油方面还没有足够的研究力量,今后应该重点关注一下这两个领域。以上研究结果表明,世界大豆研究发展迅速,学科分布广泛,出现了一批发文数量和质量都较高的研究机构和作者。美国是全球大豆科研实力最强的国家。中国大豆相关研究的发文量位居世界第2位,但进入发文量世界前20名的研究机构和研究人员还很少,尚没有进入世界前20名的高被引论文,大豆科研的国际影响力有待进一步提升。

【Abstract】 China is the home of soybean, and it has been a net export country for a long time. Yet the supply anddemand of soybeans in China have dramatically changed since the year of1996, when the the import ofsoybean exceeded the export for the first time in the country due to increased demands for soybean oiland soybean meal. The soybean self-sufficient rate rapidly decreased from the47.6%of2003to15.0%of2013. It is the critical period to promote the soybean industry in China. Considering the constrainedcultivated land areas, the improvement of soybean yield is one of the best ways to increase the soybeanproduction. In this case the development of soybean science and technology attracted more extensiveconcern.We compared the soybean research levels of USA, Brazil, Argentina, China and India using bibliometricanalysis. The soybean related articles retrieved in the WOS database and CNKI database during1995-2013were analyzed from the aspects of institutions, authors, most cited articles, categories,journals and article quality. Literature co-citation timeline maps associated with soybean research weregenerated by CiteSpace III information visualization software, and it directly demonstrated the soybeanresearch forefront. USDA and Iowa State University were set as the benchmark organizations, and thecase analysis was carried out to determine the soybean research levels of different organization types.The results indicated that a total of17576soybean research articles from122countries were retrieved,with36190authors belonging to5879organizations. The number of articles increased year by year ingeneral.USA, Brazil, China, Japan, and South Korea ranked the top five counties by the number of articles, andthe top five counties by the total citation were USA, Japan, China, Brazil, and Canada. Based on theaverage citation rate, the top five countries were the United Kingdom, France, Australia, Germany, andUSA. Considering the weighed indicators, USA, Japan, China, Brazil, and Canada ranked the top five,which can be classified as the dominant countries in soybean related research.Among the top20organizations by the number of articles,12come from USA, suggesting the leadingrole of USA. The other organizations include four from Brazil, two from Canada, one from China, andone from Japan, respectively. And the top20authors by the number of articles include11from USA,three from Canada, two from Japan, two from China, one from Brazil, and one from South Korea.Hartman GL from USA published the most articles in the world.The paper entitled “Genome sequence of the palaeopolyploid soybean” has the highest citation, with atotal of646citation in WOS database and1014in Google Scholar. Among the top20articles by citation,15were published by American researchers, including8of them ranked top10. This indicated theinternational impact of USA in soybean research. To the present, no articles from China, Brazil, India orArgentina ranked top20by citation.The averaged impact factor for the top20journals by publication number of the world is2.024. Theaveraged impact factor for the top20journals by publication number of China is2.418. And that for USA, Brazil, India and Argentina were2.313,0.712,1.319, and1.884, respectively.USA had121disciplines associated with soybean research and Brazil83, China104, India60, andArgentina58. Comparison of the top20disciplines with highest publication suggested that there was asimilar discipline distribution of soybean research between these countries in spite of the differentstarting point and changing patter for each discipline.USA is the leading counties for soybean research, and Brazil closely follows the world research frontalthough it lags behind in molecular biology field. Argentina focused on cultivation and physiology,quality and processing. India paid more attention to soybean soil nutrition. China conducted a lot ofresearch on soybean processing, soybean transgenic techniques, molecular biology, soybean physiology,and soybean meal, but limited efforts were put on plant protection and biodiesel.We concluded that the world has witnessed a rapid development in soybean research, represented by awide coverage of categories, and a high level of quantity and quality of the research articles. USA ranksfirst for soybean research level in the world. China takes second in the world in terms of publicationnumber, but the number of high-impacted research organization, researchers and articles wasinsufficient. It was proposed that more efforts should be put on soybean research in China to improve itsinternational influence.

【关键词】 大豆科研文献计量可视化CiteSpaceIII
【Key words】 SoybeanScientific researchBibliometricVisualizationCiteSpaceIII

