

A Study on Characteristic and Training of Representation of Large-scale Space in the Blind

【作者】 谌小猛

【导师】 刘春玲;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 特殊教育学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 空间表征是物体位置和空间关系在个体心理中的一种表象化表征。它是个体对环境的认知,并且以用外在符号表示或呈现出来,它对于个体的行走导航具有重要意义。Tolman早在1948年就对老鼠进行了研究,发现老鼠的行为并不是只有刺激反应,而是在二者当中有空间表征的存在,老鼠利用精确的空间表征(也称为心理地图或认知地图)指导其在迷宫中快速准确的找到食物。之后各个学科加入了研究空间表征的行列。在环境心理学领域,盲人的空间表征研究受到了重视,因为失去视觉后,盲人更需要在心中构建精确的空间表征辅助自己在环境中定向行走。然而以往关于盲人空间表征的研究多集中在封闭的实验室进行,很少有人探讨大场景空间表征,而大场景的空间表征研究对于盲人的定向行走具有重要意义。时至今日,盲人大场景空间表征特点仍不清楚,相关的干预训练研究阙如。本文针对盲人大场景空间表征这个议题进行了四个现场研究,前两个探讨了盲人大场景空间表征特点,后两个探讨了盲人空间表征的训练成效。在研究一,采用空间心理模型的研究范式探讨了盲人对熟悉环境空间表征的特点。结果发现绝大部分先天盲的空间表征以路径表征为主。路径表征是一种自我中心参照式的空间表征;而绝大多数明眼人和后天盲的空间表征以精确的场景表征为主,这种表征是一种环境中心式的表征,能够协调好路径距离、方向和形状,空间环境信息以一种整体的方式表征在个体心理中。性别、年级对盲人空间表征能力没有影响;在研究二,采用实地行走导航的范式考察盲人对陌生环境表征的特点,重点探究探路过程——即探路策略对空间表征知识获取的影响。结果发现,大部分先天盲对环境的空间表征仍以较差的路径表征为主,而大部分后天盲及明眼人为环境中心参照的场景表征。在陌生环境中,先天盲运用恰当的策略可以有效弥补视觉缺失带来的损失,运用空间关系策略后,其空间表征能力同后天盲及明眼人没有显著差异,而运用参照点策略的先天盲表现最差。本研究仍没有发现性别对被试陌生环境空间表征能力产生影响。另外,空间表征能力同被试行走效率之间存在显著相关,空间表征能力强的个体行走时间少,偏离次数也少。由于在前面的研究中,大多数盲人,尤其是先天盲采取了低效的探路策略导致其空间表征水平偏低,在接下来的训练研究,研究基于目前新颖的训练手段辅助盲人采取环境中心参照的方式表征环境,使盲人全面整体地认识空间布局,从而有效地实施定向行走。研究三,研究者选取研究二空间表征能力弱的盲人参加实验,将被试分到三个组,触觉地图组、语言描述组和控制组,三组接受不同的训练,并接受空间任务测试。结果发现,触觉地图训练可以提升盲人对陌生环境的空间表征能力,同时,还可以提升被试在陌生环境中的行走效率。而语言描述的方式的效果次之,控制组效果最差。研究四,研究者为进一步确定触觉地图的效果,也为了解计算机虚拟技术辅助盲人建构空间表征之成效,特在另外实验场地选取不同的盲人被试进行实验,研究者将被试随机分配到三个组,计算机虚拟技术组(VR)、触觉地图组和人导组,接受不同的实验,并完成空间任务测试。结果发现,VR组和触觉地图组绝大部分被试空间表征以精确的场景表征为主,而人导组以路径表征为主。在现实行走方面,VR组所有人找到了全部目标,触觉地图组次之,而人导组没有一个找全目标物。说明被试空间表征能力与现实行走效率存在显著关系,即空间表征能力强的被试找到的目标物多。总体结论:无论环境熟悉或陌生,本研究大部分先天盲空间表征以自我中心的路径表征为主,而有视觉经验的后天盲及明眼人以环境参照的场景表征为主,即视觉经验缺失对先天盲人空间表征能力造成了不利影响,这与最近的脑神经科学研究结果相呼应。然而并不是所有的先天盲表现最差,那些在陌生环境中善于使用空间关系策略的先天盲同有视觉经验个体的空间表征没有差异,说明使用适当策略可以弥补视觉经验缺失带来的损失。另外,盲人的空间表征能力同行走效率之间存在显著相关,空间表征能力强的个体在现实环境中走的更快,偏离路径次数更少。针对盲人整体空间表征能力弱的特点,研究利用触觉地图和计算机虚拟训练等手段训练盲人空间表征能力,结果发现效果显著,这对于以后盲人的定向行走训练具有重要意义。最后,研究者对结果进行了讨论,并对今后的盲人定向行走训练提供了针对性的建议,以期促进我国盲人独立出行的能力,最终使其走出家门,融入社会。

【Abstract】 Spatial representation is the spatial image of object location and spatial relationships in the mind, which is the perception of the environment, and can be usesed as external symbols or revealed, it is important for individuals’navigation. Tolman conducted a study on mice in the1948, and found that not only stimulus-response behavior of the mice, but there is room for both of them to characterize the presence of mouse use precise spatial representation (also known as mental maps or cognitive maps) and to guide their food quickly and accurately in the maze. Since then, spatial representation became an important theme in many disciplines. In environmental psychology, the study of spatial representation in the blind was emphasized. Because the loss of vision, blind people need to form a more precise representation of the space in the brain to support their orientation and mobility. However, previous studies on spatial representation of the blind mainly concentrated on a closed laboratory, few researchers explored the representation of large-scale space, this representation was important for the orientation and mobility. Today, the representation of large-scale space remains unclear in the case of blind, lacking training and research-related interventions.In present paper, the representation of large-scale space for the blind is a core topic, comprising four experiments. The first two studies discussed the characteristics of spatial representation, while the last two studies investigated the training of spatial representation In Study1, the mental model of spatial research paradigm was used to investigate blind’s spatial representation of the environment which they are familiar. The results showed most of congenital blind were characterized by a route representation, which was an egocentric spatial representation. In the mean time, most adventitiously blind and sighted acquired spatial representation of the survey representation, which was an environmental reference type that coordinating path distance, direction and shape of the space environment integratedly. Neither gender, nor grade had effects on the ability of spatial representation in all subjects.In Study2, we used navigationg paradigm to investigate the characteristics of spatial representation in the environment which is unfamiliar to the subjects. The study focused on exploring wayding process that is, wayding strategy to characterize the impact of spatial knowledge acquisition. The results showed that most congenital blind’s representation of large-scale space were still characterized by a route representation, and most of adventitiously blind and sighted were characterized by a survey representation. In a strange environment, congenital blind using appropriate strategies can effectively compensate for the loss caused by lack of vision. After using the spatial relationship strategy, the ability of congenital blind were equal to the adventitiously blind and sighted subjects. In this study, gender had no effect on representation of unfamiliar environment. Spatial representation ability was significantly related to walk efficiency.In Study3, the researchers selected blind subjects with weak representation capability in the cognitive mapping to participate.According to the capability of spatial representation, they were assigned to three groups, tactile maps group, verbal description and the control group. Subjects of different groups received different training and accepted the spatial test, The results showed that tactile maps for the can significantly improved the subjects’ capabilities in a unfamiliar environment. Meanwhile, the subjects can also walk efficiently in an unfamiliar environment. The effect of the language description was the second in performace, with control group the worst; In Study4, to further determine the effect of tactile maps and to understand the effect of virtual reality technology to construct spatial representation fot the blind. We selected different blind subjects to participate experiment. Subjects were randomly assigned to three groups, the human guide group, virtual reality group (VR), and the tactile maps group. Subjects in each group accepted different training and tests. The results showed that VR group and the tactile maps performed equally, with human guide group performing the worst. VR group and most of subjects in tactile map group had precise spatial representation of the environment which benefited navigation In the real environment. During navigation, VR group found all the targets, with the tactile map group performing the second. The human guide group found the fewest targets..In conclusion, in both familiar and unfamiliar environment, most congenital blind’s spatial representation was a route representation. And most adventitiously blind and sighted characterized by a survey representation. That is, lacking of visual experience adversely affected the ability of blind’s spatial representation. However, not all congenital blind behaved worst, those who used effective strategies in the congenital blindness in a strange environment was equal to adventitiously blind and sighted in the spatial representation, indicating the use of effective visual strategies compensated for the loss caused by lack of experience. In addition, the walk efficiency significantly correlated to spatial representation ability. Individuals who navigated faster, had fewer deviation from the path in the real environment. Overall, blind’s spatial representation was weak. Training then how to use tactile map and VR can significantly improve their ability of spatial representation. It is important for the future of the blind orientation and mobility training.In the end, present study provides recommendations for orientation and in the future, in order to promote the ability of blind people to travel independently. This will bring the blind out of their houses into the real society.


