

A Study on the Rhyme of Epigraphy in Sui, Tang and Five Dynasties

【作者】 劉本才

【导师】 臧克和;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 漢語言文字學, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 隋唐五代是漢語語音發展的重要時期,其語音結構的真實情況一致是學界阴注的重點,因為研究這一峙期的語音结構,封於嘹解漢語語音燮化歷程,建立完整祥實的漢語音史有著極其重要作用。這一時期的語音研究的材料非常豐富,主要有詩文用韻、韻害韻圖、直音反切、域外譯音等等,這些已经得到充分的重視。與上述材料相比,隋唐五代碑誌铭文以其時問地點明確、文献真實性強、韻段数量鹿大、反映語音真實面貌等因素更應受到人们的重视,但因其材料處理的特殊性,目前的利用、研究明顯不足。输文首次穷盡式地蒐集了業已公怖的10774方碑誌材料,大幅度地增補了該時期的韻文材料。在此基礎上,封照圖版拓本、参考各家錄文,進行了韶真的校勘,確保語料的真寅面貌,並確定韻例,判断韻字。我们建立了《隋唐五代碑赫銘文用韻數據庫》,除去有誌無铭、有铭燕韻、铭文残泐的碑誌外,可作為用韻考的碑誌有8980方,並摘錄韻段23637個。除探用了傅统的絲贯牵係法外,我們還使用了計算機輔助的方法,封碑誌銘文電子文本造行標注,摘錄韻字,生成韻段,编寫韻譜。依託這個數字化工作平臺,以碑誌铭文用韻為研究封象,加以分類、歸纳、排比,藉此呈现出隋唐五代語音在韻颊上的特色,總結如下:一、根據碑誌銘文用韻實隙,可以将隋唐五代漢藉韻部演燮史分成隋初唐、盛中唐和晚唐五代三個時期。從隋初唐31部韻系到盛中唐26部韻系、晚唐五代21部韻系,韻部的發展趨势是逐步簡化,胡部的分合基本限制在同攝之内,陽聲韻部始终维持與入聲韻部相配的格局。晚唐五代才出现跨摄韻部合流现象:蟹摄齊祭部併入止攝支微部,曾攝蒸登部、職德部分别併入梗攝庚青部和陌锡部。二、碑誌铭文用韻的主要特點有:部分佳韻字丢失韻尾押入麻邪部;部分尤侯部唇音字押入焦模部;江摄隋初唐併在通攝、盛中唐以後饼入宕韻;元魂痕隋初唐獨立為一部,盛中唐以後元韻歸入山攝,魂痕歸入臻摄;支焦通押、歌麻通押、蕭尤通押、焦尤通押是普遍特點;-m、-n、-ng有相混现象;入聲韻-p、-t、-k有相混现象。

【Abstract】 Sui,tang and five dynasties are an important stage for Chinese phonetics developing. Cohort phonetic research of this period is also of great importance for understanding changes and establishing the history of Chinese phonetics. There are plenty of materials available for studies, ranging form rhyming materials of poetry and verses, rhyming dictionary and rhyme tables to zhiyinfanqie (直音反切), extraterritorial diaphone etc. In comparison with the above-mentioned materials, rhyming in epigraphic rhymes have special value. First of all, it has accurate carving time and unearthing place and its documents are highly authentic. Secondly, it’s freely rhymed, free from restrictions of Gongling (功令) and reflecting the actual conditions of spoken language. Thirdly, the works have a wide range of time and a large number of rhyme section, which can mirror the status of rhyme categories system. Previous scholars have made great achievements in related studies. Yet, disagreements can still be found among them due largely to objective situations and research means. Take if for example, research objects are mostly focused on specific regions or groups of poets, and the materials are particularly limited to classical documents, paying little attention to unearthed documents.The present dissertation has thoroughly collected10774epigraphy materials already in existence and has greatly added verse materials of this period. On such basis, the author has made careful corrections through comparing catalogue and referring to various recorded words to keep language materials as they are and specify rhyming patterns as well as judge rhyming words."Rhymic database used in epigraphy of sui, tang and five dynasties" has been built. Altogether,8980epigraphy can be used as the reference for rhyming exclusive of epigraphy without verses, verses without rhyme and incomplete verses. In addition,23637rhymic parts have also been excerpted. With traditional method in use, computer assistance is also employed to biaozhu electronic text of epigraphy, excerpt rhymic words, form rhymic part and editing rhymic lists. With the digital work platform as assistance and rhymes in epigraphy as research objects, the author has made classifications, summarizations and arrangements and presented as follows the characteristics of sui, tang, five dynasties in rhyme classifications.The evolution of rhyme categories in sui, tang and five dynasties can be divided into three stages like sui and early tang, prosperous middle tang and late tang-five dynasties.31rhymic system of the first period,26rhymic system of the second period and21rhymic of the third period show that phonology development tends to be gradually simple, but the mergers of rhyme groups were limited in the same rhyme class, and the pattern of matching yangsheng rhymes with rusheng rhymes has been maintained. It was till five dynasties that rhyming among different rhymes classes emerged, the combination and disintegration are mostly confined to tongshe;1. Rhymes in muzhiming have the following features. The character of Jia rhyme catepory fall into Ma-Xie catepory. And some labial initial characters in You-Hour fall into Yu-Mo catepory. Jing class fall into tong class in sui and early tang, fall into dang class from prosperous tang and middle tang. Yuan-Hun catepory divided into two parts:from prosperous tang and middle tang, Yuan rhyme fall into Shan class, Hun hen rhyme fall into Zhen class correspondingly.


