

The Road to Heaven: a Reasearch on Chinese Famine Using a Multidimensional Perspective

【作者】 葛玲

【导师】 韩钢;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2014, 博士


【摘要】 1959-1961年饥荒是中国当代史上的重要事件,学界围绕这场饥荒的规模和原因也有过持续研究。本文主要以皖西北临泉县为中心,考察1959-1961年饥荒在县域范围内的形成过程,重点观察乡村政策实践中的饥荒生成逻辑。文章认为,饥荒的发生不是某一个独立因素所能解释的,需要放入一个多元的政策背景中去思考。同时,此次饥荒虽主要发生在1959-1961年,看似1958年大跃进的直接后果,但对临泉饥荒四个相关因素统购统销、稻改、水利以及生产救灾实践的历时性研究表明,上述四因素与饥荒的关系,早在大跃进前,甚至如统购统销和生产救灾在制度设计之初就蕴含了饥荒的种子。稻改和水利虽然更多是一种地方性政策实践,未上升到制度层面,但每次的实践过程,对基层都是一次政治训练,正是经过不断的训练,饥荒来临时基层才会出现各种隐匿瞒报现象,最终助长了饥荒蔓延。从临泉的饥荒过程看,饥荒相关四因素中,统购统销和生产救灾是全国性制度安排,水利和稻改是地方工程。虽如此,却很难确定到底哪一个是最主要因素,事实上抽走了其中任何一个,饥荒都会是另外的样子。尽管这些因素都可算作“人祸”,但仍可将其大体分为两类,一是人为的制度设计和政策制定,如统购统销和生产救灾均属此类;再就是制度运行和政策执行中具体人的行为选择,稻改和水利则属此类。如果统购统销和生产救灾更多反映了制度的内在问题,那稻改和水利则揭示的是实践问题。制度的设计者主要是高层,实践者则在最基层,1959-1961‘年饥荒的发生显然是两者合力的结果。全文有六章和结束语等七个部分。第一章绪论,主要交待论文选题及全文的写作基础和背景;第二章为“临泉的灾与荒”,是全文的立论基础,也是所有讨论的逻辑起点。重点讨论1950年代的灾荒史和三年饥荒中的人口损失,以此展现饥荒程度和规模。第三章为“水利之殇:河网化与饥荒”,主要讨论1950年代的临泉水利建设。本章在简要讨论治淮和打井后,重点分析了大跃进时期的河网化及其和饥荒的关系,认为河网化至少在农田占用、劳力占用及粮食浪费三个方面与饥荒有密切关联。第四章为“稻改之灾:誓叫淮北变江南”,稻改兴起于1954年,从1957年起开始大面积推广。本章重点分析了稻改对饥荒的影响。研究发现,稻改不仅因脱离地方实际,致使劳力过度占用而影响了其他作物生产,同时还因不合理规划导致大量土地荒芜,两者都影响了粮食产量,最终助长了饥荒形成。第五章为“命悬余粮:统购统销与饥荒”,主要讨论统购统销与饥荒的关系。本章回顾了统购统销临泉实践的三个阶段,从开始的“缺粮供应”到中期的“余缺调剂”以至最后的“缺粮自筹”。指出临泉实践中的统购目标并不是想象中的余粮,而是实实在在的口粮,这样与统购相伴的便是始终难以挥去的粮食短缺,高征购后的粮食危机就是这种常态化短缺的极端化。第六章为“救而仍荒:临泉的灾荒与救助”,本章以临泉1955年和1959年及1963年三次灾荒为例,检讨了基层救灾对饥荒和人口死亡的影响。研究发现,灾荒中的生产自救,即便没有减轻政府救济职责的考虑,也暗含了灾情规避之意,对整个饥荒缓解非但不会有所助益,反会遮挡视线从而人为扩大灾情。最后为结束语,先以王庄为例回应了开篇困惑,接着总结了临泉饥荒的生成过程。重点强调了本文结论,一是饥荒的多因素特征,再就是饥荒产生的远因。最后指出了饥荒中的“人祸”至少包含了两层意思,一是制度内在问题;二是制度实践中人的心理趋向和应对策略问题。

【Abstract】 The Great Famine is the important historical events in the Chinese contemporary history,and There has been a lot of research. The paper studies on the formation of famine in the Linquan county during1959-1961. The article thinks that the reason of the famine must think in the multi perspective. The famine is not a consequence of the great leap forward.In the Linquan county, State monopoly for purchase and marketing of grain; helping relief work through production; water conservancy and replantling rice,it is that they led to the famine. The first two reasons are the institutional factors,but The other two reasons are policy factors. Furthermore, four factors play a role also is the result of long-term.In four kinds of factors, state monopoly for purchase and marketing of grain and helping relief work through production are the arrangement of the central level system, and the other is the local engineering. One is the design of the system static,and another is the choice of system of human behavior. The famine suggested two things. One is the internal issue system,and another is a practical question of policy. Both of them led to famine.This paper consists of six chapters and the ending. The first chapter is introduction. It introduces the background of the article. The second chapter is the history of disaster. It is the theoretical basis of the article,and it disscuses the history of Linquan’s famine during the1950s and the death toll of the famine, in order to show the degree and scale of the famine.The third chapter analyzes the relations between water conservancy and famine, In this chapter,we first introduce the Huaihe governance and drilling,then analyze the relation between The Movement of Drainage Networks in the great leap forward and the famine. And it included cropland occupation, labor occupation and food waste.The fourth chapter analyzes the relations between replantling rice and famine. In the county of Linquan, Replantling Rice rised from1954,but since1957it began to spread. In the promotion, Replantling Rice divorced local reality. It is a result that the labor occupation and barren land Finally. All two affected grain yield, ultimately contributed to the famine.The fifth chapter is the history of the state monopoly for purchase and marketing of grain. We review of the three stages of state monopoly for purchase and marketing practice in Linquan. From the beginning of the "short supply" to the middle "adjust surplus and deficiency" and final "food self’.In practice, the object of government is not the surplus grain, but the ration grain. There were problems from the start.The sixth chapter introduces three famine relief and analyzes the relations between relief system and famine. The production of self-help can not play relief effect, but will also aggravate the disaster.The last part is the conclusion. The first is with Wang Zhuang back to the beginning of confusion, then points out that the famine is generated by many factors and long periods. Finally, we emphasizes two aspects of man-made. One is the internal factors of system, and another is the human factors in the practice.


