

Researches on Lyric Group Ou

【作者】 马强

【导师】 朱惠国;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 民国词研究是当下词学研究的热点之一,越来越多的研究者将目光投向了这里。民国词社是民国词学的重要组成部分,但是目前这一方面的研究还很薄弱,本文选取民国词社中的沤社作为研究对象。沤社是民国时期的重要词社,1930年秋冬之际成立于上海。沤社社员二十九人,来自于全国各地,社员身份多样化,包括了民国时期著名词学家、清代遗老、民国政要、书画名家、大学教授等。沤社词人的词作具有鲜明的特色,他们在词集文献整理、词选编纂、词话写作、词学研究等方面也均有杰出的成就。本文主要研究沤社词人的词作与词学。本文首先考察沤社与民国诗社、词社的联系,然后探讨他们的词作特色与词学研究,最后探讨沤社对民国时期词学发展的重要意义。绪论部分回顾学界对沤社的总体研究现状,以及本文的研究思路与方法。本文主体分为三部分:第一部分探讨沤社整体情况,这一部分分为两章,第一章探讨民国前期的词学发展,以及沤社成员与民国诗社、词社的联系,第二章考察沤社成立及集会情况与社集《沤社词钞》。第二部分探讨沤社成员的创作,这一部分根据他们的词学师承分为疆村门人、散原门人、沤社其他词人三类,分别进行探讨。第三部分探讨沤社成员的词学成就,这一部分从沤社词人对倚声之学的研究、词选编选、词话理论三个方面分别加以研究。结语部分回顾总结沤社对民国词学发展的推动作用,及其在词史上的地位和意义。

【Abstract】 Studying lyrics written in the Republic of China is a research hotspot in nowadays. More and more scholars are paying their attentions to this field. As we know, lyrics written in this period are making a very important of part of lyric literature, while the related studies are still weak. To make up to this, the thesis chooses Lyric Group Ou as the research object.Lyric Group Ou is a very important lyric group in the Republic of China, which was established in the autumn of1930. There were29members coming from all over of the country. Some of them are famous lyric researchers in their time, some are literati sticking to principles of the past time, and some are politics, painters, and professors with various backgrounds. What is more, lyrics written by them were also very outstanding. Those members contributed greatly in lyric collation, selection, edition, and theories researches. The thesis tries to focus on their lyrics and lyric theories, making clear of their relationships with poem groups and other lyric groups, and their significances of lyric development in the Republic of China.The introduction is to review the present research situations, research methods and the framework. The thesis is made of three chapters. The chapter one is to investigating the whole lyric status, including the development of lyrics in the Republic of China and the connections to lyric groups and poem groups. The chapter two is to divide all members into four kinds of disciples, and study on them separately. The chapter three is to investigate establishment, activities and Lyric Collection of Lyric Group Ou, including their achievements on lyric criticism, lyric selection and tones in lyric theories. The epilogue is to make a conclusion of the importance and status of Lyric Group Ou in the Republic of China.

  • 【分类号】I207.23
  • 【下载频次】276

