

The Communist Party of China’s Thoughts of the People’s Livelihood in New Democratic Period

【作者】 王慧

【导师】 宋进;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 马克思主义中国化研究, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 “民生”是一个富有中国特色的词汇,一般解释为百姓的生计。然而,民生不仅与作为个体的人相关,连接着民心,它还连接着党心。因而,民生在一定意义上是一个与政党相关联的政治问题。中国共产党作为马克思主义的政党,不仅在建国后,改革开放以来,以执政党的身份把关注民生、实现民生、改善民生放在重要位置。而且在新民主主义革命时期,作为革命党的中国共产党,自诞生之日起就以解决中国人民的民生问题为己任,将民生作为“一根红线”,贯穿在新民主主义革命的历史进程中,始终坚持从人民的民生利益出发,将实现民生幸福的新中国作为中国共产党不懈的追求,进而赢得民心,取得新民主主义革命的胜利,实现由革命党向执政党的转变。本文将时域、视域、场域置于新民主主义革命时期,探索中国共产党在这一历史时期的民生思想。论文从中国共产党民生思想的理论溯源和文化资源切入,考察了马克思主义经典作家的民生思想、中国传统民本思想以及孙中山民生主义思想的基本内容。在此基础上,论文将视角置于新民主主义革命时期,从这一时期凸显的民生问题着手,回答中国共产党民生思想何以被需要。可以说,问题,既是面向本体与前提的反思,也是面向现实生活世界的反思。近代中国,传统社会危机的“内忧”与帝国主义侵略的“外患”,使人民的生活苦不堪言,种种民生问题日渐凸显。作为革命党的中国共产党若实现引领中国革命走向胜利,需要立足于解决当时的民生问题,改善人民的民生境况,这成为中国共产党民生思想产生的社会因素与现实需求。一方面,思想进程反映与默写着历史进程,新民主主义革命时期中国共产党民生思想始终根据每一历史阶段的主要矛盾与革命重心的变化,体现为动态的发展性,历经萌发、形成、成熟、推进的四个过程。中国共产党根据人民群众具体的民生需要,提出切实有效的民生政策,这不仅极大地激发了人民群众的主体意识,充分调动了民众参与革命、支持革命的热情,也使中国共产党获得了人民群众的信仰与政治认同,为实现新民主主义革命的胜利奠定群众基础。另一方面,思想进程蕴含着逻辑与历史的统一,其展现的是被科学思维整理、加工、凝炼过的思想进程。因而,中国共产党民生思想具有立体化的多维结构:即以人民群众的利益为中国共产党民生思想的逻辑起点,以“底线民生”、“政治民生”、“文化民生”为民生思想的逻辑展开,呈现为由国民与人民的混同向人民范畴确定、由政治革命到现代民族国家建构的运演逻辑。可以说,正是中国共产党将民生思想由“批判的武器”转化为“武器的批判”,实现思想与实践的统一。因此,能够在新的历史起点上建构起中华民族解放民生,实现民生,提升民生的历史图景,引领新民主主义革命的走向,并重建了自十九世纪以降中国崩溃的社会现状。新民主主义革命时期中国共产党的民生思想,若是从静态上看如同一座桥梁,将中国传统民本思想,孙中山民生主义思想与当代中国共产党民生思想相连接;若从动态上看则如同一尊熔炉,注入马克思主义的科学真理,在革命与实践地砺炼中,鉴别过往理论,去其糟粕、取其精华,炼就出新民主主义革命时期中国共产党的民生思想,将理想的迷茫化为实践的理性,并深刻体现了人民群众对民族解放与美好生活的期盼。回顾中国共产党在新民主主义革命时期的民生思想,既有成功的经验,也有失败的教训,但这些都是一笔可贵的思想财富。正如习近平同志所指出的:对我们共产党人来说,中国革命历史是最好的营养剂。从成功中汲取经验,从失误中汲取教训,不断开辟走向胜利的道路,这就是共产党的历史进程。新民主主义革命时期,中国共产党的民生思想,无论是成功的经验,亦或是失败的教训,都能为当下中国的民生建设给予重要的启示与借鉴,并构成当代中国共产党民生思想的理论来源。

【Abstract】 "People’s livelihood" is a phrase of great Chinese characteristics, which can be interpreted as life of the people. However,"people’s livelihood" associates not only with the individuals, but also with the Party.Thus, it is also a political problem mattered with the Party. As a Party of Marxism, the Communist Party of China has devoted much attention to the concerns of people’s livelihood, the realization of people’s livelihood, and the improvement of people’s livelihood since the reform and opening to the outside.During the New Democratic revolution, the Chinese Communist Party had made it his mission to solve the problem of people’s livelihood in China, which had been seen as a clue through its revolution of this period ever since its foundation. The CPC always proceeds from interests of people, and seeks to realize the happiness of people, so as to win people’s hearts and minds and the victory of New Democratic revolution, and finally realize the change from a revolutionary party to a ruling party. This paper will place its time, sight and place in New Democratic Period and explore the CPC’s thoughts of the people’s livelihood.This paper will study the basic content of classical Marxism writer’s thoughts of people’s livelihood, the traditional people-oriented thoughts and Sun Zhongshan’s thoughts of people’s livelihood.The dissertation will provide reasons why the thoughts of people’s livelihood is needed by the CPC from the perspective of exceptional issues of people’s life during the New Democratic period.The problem is not only an introspection to the ontology and precondition, but also to the real world.In modern history, the Chinese lived a hard life because of the internal problems of traditional society and external problems of imperialism invasion.The mind’s course reflects and writes the historical course. The CPC’s thoughts of people’s livelihood varied according to principal contradiction and focus of revolution of each period, which had experienced four stages:rudiment, formation, maturity and improvement.The CPC proposed a series of effective polices about people’s livelihood according to the special needs of people, which had stimulated people’s subjective consciousness to participate in the revolution and laid a foundation for the victory of New Democratic revolution.Meanwhile, proceeding of thoughts is the result of unification of logic and history. It is organized, processed and condensed by scientific thoughts.Therefore, the CPC’s thoughts of people’s livelihood possessed a stereo structure:people’s interest as the logical starting point,"political livelihood" as the precondition;"the bottom line of livelihood" as the root,"cultural livelihood" as the promotion. Finally, it presented a picture extended from the confusing of nation and people to subject of people’s livelihood qualified by the category of people, and change of the concept’s extension of people’s livelihood from period of political revolution to foundation of modern country.It is the very fact that the CPC transformed the "critical weapon" to the "critic of weapon" that lead to the unification of thought and practice. For all the reasons above, the CPC can liberate, realize and promote the people’s livelihood, lead the New Democratic revolution, and save the country from a dangerous state.From a static perspective, the CPC’s thoughts of people’s livelihood during the New Democratic revolution period connected the Chinese traditional people-oriented thoughts with Sun Zhongshan and the CPC’s thoughts. And from a dynamic perspective, it infused itself with Marxism scientific truth getting rid of its shortcoming and taking its advantage, and ultimately came the CPC’s thoughts of people’s livelihood.Looking back the history, there’s both disadvantage and advantage in the CPC’s thoughts of people’s livelihood, all of which is a valuable treasure for us. Xi Jinping has pointed out that the success of the CPC is the result of learning from mistakes and making its victorious way. Therefore, the CPC’s thoughts of people’s livelihood of this period, either successful or losing, can all provide significant reference to construction of people’s livelihood, and establish theoretical origin of the CPC’s thoughts of people’s livelihood.


