

On the Mathematical Knowledge, Skills and Related Information Technology for the Professional Development of Students in Higher Vocational Education

【作者】 刘姣

【导师】 王建磐;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 学科教育, 2014, 博士


【摘要】 职业教育在中国教育的发展中越来越受重视,高等职业教育是职业教育的高等阶段,高等数学是其公共文化基础课程。目前的高职数学课程,从数学学科内部出发建立课程体系,一方面较少顾及学生的数学基础,另一方面不能满足学生专业学习及工作发展的需求。基于目前高职数学课程与学生水平及需求之间的矛盾,笔者选择某民航职业技术学院运输专业作为研究案例,提出了以下两个研究问题,即:(1)基于某民航职业技术学院运输专业学生职业发展,需要哪些数学知识与技能?(2)基于某民航职业技术学院运输专业学生职业发展,需要哪些与数学知识和技能相关的信息技术?基于研究的问题,笔者从以下几个方面展开研究综述:一,中国高等职业教育的相关研究,了解中国高等职业教育的内涵外延、目标定位及发展情况,高职数学课程的定位及现状,以及高职数学知识技能与相关信息技术的研究;二,工作场所中数学知识技能与相关信息技术的研究,了解这一领域的国际研究机构和团体的研究成果,及其所使用的研究方法等;三,美国与新加坡职业数学课程中的数学知识技能与相关信息技术,AMATYC编制的两份数学课程标准《Crossroads in Mathematics》和《Beyond Crossroads》、美国两年制社区学院的数学课程结构、美国课程基础项目成果,以及新加坡理工学院的数学课程设计;四,课程设计理论,选择内容作为课程设计的第一步,是课程设计的核心环节,Lisa R. Lattuca的社会文化背景下的学术计划和AMATYC与利益相关者合作的框架,构成了本文研究设计的两个维度。本研究采用的研究方法主要有文本分析法、观察访谈与问卷调查等。参与者有某航空公司呼叫中心的工作人员(含已毕业学生)、一年级学生、专业教师、计算机教师与数学教师。笔者根据研究问题的需要编制了1份问卷、1份观察提纲,以及在研究过程中形成的针对不同人员的11份访谈提纲。收集的数据资料有:工作场所中的文本资料、专业教材、数学教材、计算机教材,一年级8个班学生的问卷调查与6名学生的访谈资料,以及工作人员(含已毕业学生)、专业教师、计算机教师与数学教师的访谈资料。笔者使用了SPSS19.0和ATLAS.ti分别对问卷和访谈转录进行数据处理与分析,并形成了概念分析框架(如图),采取二次编码、三角互证、受访者检验等方式提高研究的信度与效度。研究结论:(1)数学知识与技能。某民航职业技术学院运输专业学生专业学习与工作需要的数学知识与技能主要是统计与运筹,但该学院开设的数学课程主要提供微积分相应内容;该专业学生的数学基础薄弱、对待数学的态度消极。(2)相关的信息技术。某民航职业技术学院运输专业学生专业学习与工作需要的相关信息技术主要是Excel的高级管理与分析功能,但计算机课程并不教授Excel高级分析功能,且数学课程并不教授信息技术;该专业学生信息技术基础薄弱。建议:(1)适当削弱微积分的地位,相应增加统计与运筹知识;(2)使用相关信息技术教学,巩固中小学阶段的统计知识,帮助学生掌握大学阶段的统计与运筹知识;(3)以学生专业学习的需求与工作场所的需求为基本出发点选择高职数学课程的内容;(4)将数学学科内容与专业和工作的需求相融合,以工作中的实际数据为背景开发数学教学案例;(5)各类人员对数学课程的必要性达成统一认识,创建适当平台,加强数学教师、计算机教师、专业教师以及行业人员的交流与合作,加强不同课程之间合理衔接或整合;(6)进一步明确“必须够用为度”的“度”,应定位为学生未来的职业发展,而不是最低入职要求。

【Abstract】 Through the development of Chinese education, growing importance has been attached to the Vocational Education (VE) with Higher Vocational Education (HVE) as its advanced stage. Higher mathematics is the foundation common course of HVE. However, the course is established mainly from the perspective of mathematics itself, ignoring, more often than not, students’ mathematics foundation and their demands in terms of further study and career development.Based on the current contradiction between HVE mathematics curriculum and students’ foundation and demands, I choose the transportation major of a Civil Aviation College as a case study and put forward the following two questions for research, namely,(1) What kind of mathematical knowledge and skills is needed based on the future career development of students of the above-mentioned college?(2) What kind of information technology that is related to mathematical skills and knowledge is need based on the future career development of students of the above-mentioned college?Based on the above research questions, I first did a research overview from the following aspects.1)1present a review on China’s HVE, including its connotation and denotation, target location and development trends of China’s HVE, as well as the positioning and status quo of HVE mathematics course. The review also covers the existing research on mathematical knowledge and skills and the related information technology in HVE curriculum system.2) I give a summary about international researches on the mathematics knowledge and skills and the related information technology used in working places, introducing certain research institutions and teams in this field and the research achievements they made and the research methods they used.3) I probe into mathematics knowledge and skills and related information technology from mathematics curricula in America and Singapore. In particular, two American mathematics curriculum standards----Crossroads in Mathematics’ and Beyond Crossroads compiled by AMATYC, the mathematics curriculum structure adopted by American two-year community colleges, and the results of American curriculum’s basic projects. I also consider the mathematics curriculum design of Singapore Polytechnic.4) Certain related curriculum design theories are also included here. One of the theory shows that content selecting is the first step and the core of curriculum design. Lisa R. Lattuca’s academic plan putting forward against the background of sociocultural environment and the framework cooperating with stakeholder set by AMATYC are two dimensions according to which this paper is written.The main methods in my research are text analysis, observation, interviews and questionnaire survey. As needed, I make up a piece of questionnaire, a copy of observation outline and11copies of interview outline targeted at different people in the course of research. Participants in the research include call center staff (including graduated students) from some airline company, freshmen, professional teachers, computer teachers and math teachers. The data I have collected are as follows:documents from various sources related to my research, HVE textbooks (major-related textbooks, mathematics textbooks, computer course textbooks), questionnaires from freshmen who are from8different classes, interview transcriptions of6students, staff (including graduated students), professional teachers, computer teachers and math teachers.I have done data processing to the questionnaires and interview transcriptions by means of SPSS19.0and ATLAS.ti and formed a Conceptual Analysis Frame Diagram (see below). In the course, to make the research more credible and valid, I have adopted the following methods:VBR, triangulation, respondents verifying. Research conclusions:(1) Mathematical knowledge and skills:this research reveals that the mathematical knowledge and skills the students of transportation major from some Civil Aviation Vocational Technical Institute need in professional study and work are mainly statistics and operation, but the institute mainly provides mathematics courses like Calculus for students; students of this major are weak at mathematics and take a passive attitude toward mathematics;(2) Relevant information technology:the relevant information technology the students of transportation major from some Civil Aviation Vocational Technical Institute need in professional study and work is advanced Excel management and analysis, but in computer science class, teachers do not teach advanced Excel analysis; likewise, in mathematics class, no trace of knowledge about information technology can be seen; students of this major know little about information technology.Suggestions:(1) Duly weakening the position of Calculus and increasing the teaching of statistics and operation knowledge;(2) adopting relevant information technology in the course of teaching; consolidating primary and secondary school students’knowledge about statistics to help them master statistics and operation knowledge needed in college;(3) proceeding from students’ need in professional study and work to select what should be taught in HVE mathematics curriculum;(4) integrating the content of Mathematics with students’need in study and work and developing mathematics teaching cases according to the practical data from work;(5) All members shall reach a consensus on the necessity of mathematics curriculum, and set up appropriate platform to strengthen the communication and cooperation between mathematics teachers, computer teachers, teachers of this major and other staff, and at the same time, enhance the connection and integration among different curricula;(6) further making clear the "scale" from "Theories-sufficiency Scale". Here, scale means that the curriculum shall aim at students’ need in future career development but not in the minimum entry requirements.


