

RFIC/MMIC Design Used in Phase Array Transmit/Receive Module

【作者】 杨小峰

【导师】 郝跃;

【作者基本信息】 西安电子科技大学 , 集成电路系统设计, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 本文重点研究了不同工艺下用于相控阵雷达和通信系统的射频/微波单片集成电路设计。首先采用三维电磁场仿真方法建立了TSMC0.18um工艺的传输线的模型,根据此模型,采用传输线匹配的方法设计了工作在X波段(8-12GHz)的低噪声放大器(LNA)和功率放大器(PA),LNA的噪声系数小于4.5dB,小信号增益大于20dB,PA输出功率大于18.3dBm,功率增加效率为15%,并设计了SPDT开关,插入损耗2.5dB,隔离度大于20dB,最终实现收发模块。根据多层金属耦合的方法采用金属4和金属6设计了Balun结构,并在此基础上设计二极管环形混频器,混频器在17dBm的LO功率驱动下带内变频损耗小于14.2dB,最小变频损耗12dB。提出了一种高隔离度低损耗的CMOS工艺开关设计方法,设计了工作在S波段的隔离度为39.27dB,插入损耗1.03dB的高性能射频单刀双掷开关(SPDT),并设计了工作在3.1-10.6GHz的噪声系数小于3.55dB,增益大于15dB的超宽带低噪声放大器。采用GaAs0.25um工艺设计了两种类型的六位数字移相器,分别工作在S波段和C波段。由于两种移相器的电路结构相同,文章中只讨论了S波段移相器的详细设计,分别对各个移相单元180°、90°、45°、22.5°、11.25°、5.625°进行了详细设计。并对移相器的级联散射抑制和降低相位误差的方法进行了详细说明。S波段移相器测试结果表明在2.1-2.7GHz频率范围,移相器以5.625°为步进,相位均方根误差(RMS)小于1.7°,插入损耗小于6.3dB,输入输出反射系数小于-10dB。C波段移相器工作在3.6-4.2GHz频率范围,测试相位RMS小于1.73°,插入损耗小于6.4dB,波动小于0.4dB。输入输出驻波比分别为小于1.58和1.52。论文研究了基于GaN工艺的微波晶体管开关建模,提出了基于开关GaNHEMT晶体管物理结构分析的等效开关模型,对模型中各种本征和寄生参数进行了详细分析,并验证了模型的正确性,为在GaN基板上设计微波控制电路比如数字移相器、数控衰减器等打下基础。论文还研究了GaN MMIC工艺的器件建模,分别对电容、电感、微带线以及接地通孔进行建模。最后采用E/D模工艺设计了TTL电平转换电路,将数字控制信号的TTL电平转换成一组高低电平,电压分别为0V和-4V,实现数字电平直接控制耗尽型微波控制器件。

【Abstract】 Radio Frequency Integrated Circuit (RFIC) and Mo nolithic Microwave IntegratedCircuit (MMIC) design used in phase array radar and communication syste m areinvestigated in this dissertation.Microstrip transmission line model in TSMC0.18μm CMOS technology wasfound using3-D electromagneticm field simulation method. Transmission line matchmethod was used in X band (8-12GHz) lower noise amplifier (LNA) and poweramplifier, the NF of the LNA is less than4.5dB, and small signal gain is above20dB.The P1dB output power of PA is high than18.3dBm and power add efficiency is15%.The SPDT switch is design, which insert loss is2.5dB and ports isolation is high than20dB. Transmit and receive module including two SPDTs, a LNA and a PA wasimplemented. A balun was designed in metal4and meral6layer coupling method witchreduce the loss and the chip area. The diode ring mixer contains4diode and2baluns,with17dBm LO driver power, the mixer’s frequency conversion loss is less than14.2dB, and the least conversion loss is12dB. The mixer can use in up frequencyconversion and down frequency conversion at the same time, which reduce the systemdesign。High isolation and low insertion loss performance CMOS T/R switch designtechnique was proposed and an S band high isolation and low insert loss switch wasdesigned, the switch isolation is39.27dB and insert loss is1.03dB. Finally wedemonstrate a SiGe HBT ultra-wideband (UWB) low-noise amplifier (LNA), achievedby the current-reused technique. Input matching ameliorated by Miller effect and simplematching network are used. Feedback technique produce a pole-zero, which canimprove the voltage gain flatness and extend bandwidth. The SiGe UWB LNA achievesS11below9dB and S22below10dB for frequencies from3.1to10.6GHz, S21above15dB and gain flatness undulate less than0.84dB, noise figure of2.32and3.55dB atthe UWB frequency range.An S-band and a C-band6-bit digital phase shifter are presented, which adopted byGaAs0.25μm technology. The S-band phase shifter was discussed particularly becauseof the same structure adopted in two phase shifters.180°、90°、45°、22.5°、11.25°、5.625°bit are designed. The series scatter restrain and the phase shifter error debasemethod are also discussed. The relative phase shift varies from0to360at the step of5.625°. The S-band phase shifter test result shows Over the design band of2.1–2.7GHz, the minimum rms phase error is1.13°, and a low insertion loss of less than6.3dB, ofwhich amplitude fluctuate less than0.4dB, the input and output scatter parameter lessthan-10dB at all conditions. The C-band phase shifter achieves less than6.4dB ofinsertion loss, with an rms phase error of1.73°. The relative phase shift varies from0to360in step of5.625°. The phase shifter the input and output VSWR are less than1.6atall conditions. The chip size is4mm×1.95mm.The symmetrical property GaN high-electron mobility transistor (HEMT) as acontrol transistor has widely investigated, and the equivalent model is proposed. Themodel was verified with experimental data taken on test HEMT devices. The on-stateresistance and the off-state capacitance are measured. The measurement data show quitegood agreement with the simulation results, demonstrating the effectiveness of theproposed model.The passive device model was research in GaN MMIC technology, andthe capacitance, inductance, microstrip line and the grounding hole model were found.At last, the TTL Voltage Convertion circuit was designed using E/D mode in GaNMMIC technology, which transmit the TTL voltage into0V and-4V, this can realizedigital voltage control exhaust microwave device.

【关键词】 相控阵T/R组件MMIC移相器开关模型
【Key words】 Phasearray T/R moduleMMICPhase shifterSwitch model

