

The Research on Corporate Social Responsibility of Wildlife Resource Development

【作者】 王凯

【导师】 刘俊昌;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 林业经济管理, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 野生动物资源是宝贵的自然资源,自远古时代伊始,就为保证人类生存繁衍、推动社会发展、文化科技进步等作出巨大的贡献。野生动物资源管理及开发的企业作为资源利用的主要途径,在中国有着悠久的历史。作为国民经济重要产业之一,相关企业在国内资本市场上表现活跃。然而,由于我国野生动物资源管理方法与理论研究的不足,野生动物资源企业经营理念长期滞后,引发了一系列的社会问题及矛盾,暴露出产业内企业社会责任意识的不足。野生动物资源利用的管理与开发离不开政府、社区、客户等社会各界的支持,承担并履行企业社会责任是野生动物资源企业寻求可持续经营的必然选择。本文对野生动物资源利用的企业社会责任问题进行探讨,有利于行业内整体对企业社会责任拥有全面认识,对解决现实问题具有指导意义。本研究将野生动物资源利用的企业社会责任问题作为研究对象,野生动物资源企业作为研究样本,构建了野生动物资源利用的利益相关者分类模型,并建立其企业社会责任评价指标,继而在此基础上选取测量指标,讨论野生动物资源利用企业社会责任与企业绩效间关系。运用结构方程模型对野生动物资源利用的企业社会责任评价指标进行了验证性研究,结果显示所构建利益相关者分类模型较好地验证了野生动物资源利用的企业社会责任组成机理。并在此基础上选取适合指标进行面板数据模型研究,探讨野生动物资源利用过程中企业社会责任与企业绩效的关系,以此对研究样本的企业社会责任表现作出评价,并说明企业社会责任建设对相关企业发展的重要性。首先,在文献综述基础上,形成本研究的分析框架,通过对我国野生动物资源现状与特点进行概述,以产业分类的形式阐述野生动物资源利用现状,提出当前资源管理中存在的问题。以此作为企业社会责任问题研究的现实基础,对下文理论分析具有重要实践意义。其次,根据产业分类选取沪深两市的野生动物资源利用企业作为研究样本,对野生动物资源利用的企业社会责任作出基本概念界定,并指出在分析过程中应考虑的因素。随后基于利益相关者视角,本文提出了野生动物资源利用企业社会责任的T-S框架,并将所应承担的企业社会责任划分为四个层次。通过对各层次的理论分析,继而构建了由十一类利益相关者群体所组成的利益相关者分类模型。根据野生动物企业在社会责任方面的表现,对其履行企业社会责任的特点进行简述,并在最后说明积极承担企业社会责任的重要作用。在第四章,拟解决“什么是野生动物资源利用的企业社会责任”的问题,为后续研究铺垫理论基础。再次,在野生动资源利用利益相关者分类模型的基础上,构建企业社会责任评价指标,并选取财务指标与定量指标等可测指标进行实证分析。本研究运用SPSS软件对所构建指标进行信度、效度检验及探索性因素分析,在此之上,运用AMOS软件构建结构方程模型并进行验证性因素分析,验证了指标分类的科学合理性。结果表明模型适配度较好,反映了行业内企业社会责任的内在构成机理,最终确立了由四个维度十三个评价指标所构成的野生动物资源利用企业社会责任评价指标,解决了野生动物资源企业“对谁承担社会责任”以及“承担什么样的社会责任”的问题。最后,以野生动物资源利用企业作为研究样本,利用面板数据的个体固定效应模型,分析企业社会责任与企业绩效的相互影响关系,并对不同样本的企业社会责任表现作出评价。通过研究发现野生动物资源利用企业社会责任与企业绩效间整体上呈正向效应关系,说明企业履行社会责任的重要性,对“为什么要承担企业社会责任”的问题作出解释。此外,野生动物资源利用企业对于不同利益相关者群体所履行的社会责任,与企业绩效的关系间存在差异,从而反映出当前生动物资源利用企业对各利益相关者履行社会责任的成本效益并不合理,各企业间社会责任表现存在差异。在结尾部分总结了本文的研究工作,并进行了对未来研究的展望,同时指出了研究仍然存在的欠缺与不足,希望能够给相关领域内的研究及管理提供借鉴价值。协调野生动物资源保护及利用,保证资源永续地为人类提供服务与价值,是当前野生动物资源管理理论发展的重点,也是关系到多个基础生产部门生存发展、社会稳定的重要问题。本文立足于此,研究野生动物资源利用中的企业社会责任问题,对促进行业发展,改善资源利用状况,及指导社会整体树立正确的资源利用观有重要意义,为相关部门制定资源利用政策提供参考依据,探索人与自然和谐共处之路。

【Abstract】 Wildlife resources are as valuable as the forest resource. It has made tremendous contributions which ensured the survival of humanity, promoted the development of society and advancement of culture and technology since ancient times. Wildlife resources development has a long history that is the main way of resource utilizagtion in China. As one of the important industries of the national economy, and the Wildlife resources enterprises are active in the domestic capital market. However, the animal population appeared an uneven and unreasonable development situation, because the wild animal resources’development and utilization is unscientific in the long-term. Besides, management methods have stagnated. Lastly it takes a series of social problems and conflicts that due to the lack of corporate social responsibility in development. The development of wildlife resources development must search the support of development, government and the community, therefore, CSR is an inevitable choice for sustainable management in wildlife resource companies. This paper researched CSR in wildlife resources development deeply in favor of industries has a comprehensive understanding which is going to solve the practical problem.This paper set CSR in wildlife industries as an objest of study, the wildlife companies was set as samples, and it constructed stakeholder classification model and evaluation system about CSR in the wildlife resoucrces development. It used structural equation model to confirmatory study for researching the wildlife industy CSR evaluation index system. The results showed that the constructed model better mechanism to verify the composition of wildlife resources development corporate social responsibility. Furthermore, Based on studies of listed Chinese medicine companies using panel data model, this paper took a stakeholders’perspective to analyze the effect of stakeholders’satisfaction on the enterprise performance, this paper described the construction of CSR that was important about industrial development.First of all, this paper bases on literature review that was through the systematic learn and summarize to related literatures both in home and overseas. The research discovered the status and role of resources from the wild animal resources development and utilization in relevant industries. It dug into the problem and appearance, in addition, the paper would think about how to develop reasonably and moderately in resources.Secondly, the research selected wildlife enterprise as the research sample in Shanghai and Shenzhen stock market, it though the situation analysis to CSR that found the process problems and industries’characteristics. In conculation, this paper presented a T-S framework about CSR in wildlife resources development, that the framework divided CSR into four levels. Then through the various levels of theoretical analysis, this paper constructs a class of eleven stakeholders that constituted wildlife resources development stakeholder classification model base on the stakeholder perspective. Incorporatly, it pointed out the key in the study of CSR that is so important, this research paved the way for the later study.Thirdly, based on the stakeholder classification model, this paper selected financial indicators and quantitative indiactors that constructed CSR evaluation index system for empirical analysis. This study used SPSS software to analysize rerliability, validity and exploratory factor analysis to the index system. On top of this, the study used AMOS software to construct structural equation model for confirmatrory factor analysis that was verifying the classification of index. This result showed a good fit of the model to reflect the composition of CSR in wildlife development.Finaly, based on studies of listed wildlife resources companies using panel data model, this paper took a stakeholders’perspective to analyze the effect of stakeholders’satisfaction on the enterprise performance, and then came to the conclusion that participation in resource protection by medicine corporations is insufficient, and thus, the input/output ratio, which determined stakeholders’satisfaction, had yet to be maximized. Through the empirical research on development, it reflected some urgently resolve problems of wildlife resources sustainable management in current policy and system.At last, it established the wildlife development CSR evaluation index system that was composed by the four dimensions and thirteen evaluations. In the end, the paper concluded the research work of the thesis and made the prospect of research. At the same time, it indicates that studies are still deficient in the area. The goal was hoped to be able to provide the reference value for scientists and management fellows in related field.They are not only emphasis of the development of wildlife resource management theory currently, which are coordinating of protecting and using of wildlife, and ensuring sustainable resources to provide the service for human, but also be relating to the survival of a number of basic industries and social stability. In this paper, it researched CSR of wildlife resources development for promoting industrial development, improving the utilization of resources, and establish a correct view of resource utilization in society. The study would provide references for development of resource management and policies about industial development, the aim was exploring the harmony life between human and nature.


