

Research on the Benefit Evaluation of Soil and Water Conservation and Construction of Ecological Compensation System in Chaobaihe River Basin

【作者】 仲艳维

【导师】 陈建成;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 林业经济管理, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 水土流失问题是我国最为严重的环境问题之一,严重影响生态环境的建设和社会经济的发展,通过水土保持可以改变地表环境,改善生态环境,促进区域社会经济发展,达到防治水土流失的目的;若水土保持工作开展得当,可以增加当地群众的收入,促进经济发展,具有良好的生态、社会和经济效益。潮白河流域是首都的生态屏障和重要水源地,近半个世纪以来城市扩张较快,导致北京市水资源利用形势严峻,因此对潮白河流域的水土保持状况和生态环境的研究和保护十分重要。本文针对潮白河流域水土保持工作现状,结合了水土保持学、生态学、经济学、评价学多学科理论知识的融合,通过对水土保持各项效益的内涵和功能进行分析,并从功能和内涵出发选取了用于水土保持综合效益评价的27个评价指标,根据主成分分析法进一步筛选最终确定了22个评价指标构成水土保持效益评价指标体系。在建立评价指标体系的基础上,结合层次分析法确定各指标特征向量和权重,并确定了生态、社会和经济效益相对于综合效益的权重,确定了水土保持效益的层次分析评价模型。此外本研究还尝试运用了统计数为权法和灰色关联法,对潮白河流域的水土保持效益进行评价,为层次分析模型的结论提供支撑和对比。同时,本研究采用水土保持效益价值量估算方法,对潮白河流域水土保持的生态、社会和经济效益进行价值估算,将效益价值化。本文在计算水土保持效益价值的基础上对生态补偿的必要性、意义、计算方法、补偿方式和补偿途径进行了阐述,并针对潮白河流域的水土保持生态补偿机制进行了初步构建,在此基础上对潮白河流域水土保持工作政策措施提出了建议,以保障潮白河流域水土保持政策的顺利实施。主要的研究结论有:(1)2000年——2012年潮白河流域水土保持生态效益在波动中上升,说明经过治理,潮白河流域的水土流失状况得到改善,生态环境正在不断优化,地表覆盖率逐渐增加,侵蚀面积减小,当地气候条件得到改善,宜居程度增加,水土保持的生态效益显著。(2)潮白河流域水土保持的社会效益除了2004年至2006年间出现短暂的下降外,一直保持着较为稳定的增长趋势。水土保持措施的修建能够修护危险坡面,减少自然灾害的发生,保障当地居民生活环境安全,并且减少洪水灾害的发生,减少群众的损失,同时能够蓄水减轻旱灾,控制面源污染,提高土地生产率,带来很大的社会效益。(3)潮白河流域的经济效益只有在2002年下降,之后保持稳定的增长趋势。通过修建水土保持措施改造原有低利用率土地,增加可利用土地面积,能够提高粮食产量,植树造林增加林产品产量,提高草场质量增加畜牧产量,同时高标准的基本农田能够大大提高当地劳动生产率,这些都是与当地居民利益息息相关的经济收入。(4)潮白河流域水土保持的综合效益只有在2002年出现下降,其余年份均保持较为稳定的增长趋势。且综合效益趋势同生态效益趋势最为接近,表明潮白河流域水土保持的综合效益受生态效益的影响最大。(5)对潮白河流域2001年——2012年水土保持效益产生的价值进行估算,2001年——2012年共产生价值为336.64亿元,2001-2012年综合效益价值分别为14.48亿元、21.68亿元、19.85亿元、24.9亿元、27.7亿元、31.69亿元、31.93亿元、27.71亿元、33.28亿元、34.47亿元、34.33亿元、34.36亿元。2001年——2012年潮白河流域水土保持效益价值变化趋势呈现2002年急剧增加,随后一年缓慢减少然后迅速增加的趋势,但是水土保持效益的价值在2008年有显著下降,随后逐年增加;各项指标中占总价值量最多的价值是增加的木材储量的价值和保存水资源的价值;同时各指标价值量占各年度总价值量的比重年差异显著,增加木材储量价值、保存水资源价值和提高生物多样性价值各年度均占总价值量较大的比重。本文的创新点:第一,当前关于潮白河流域的系统研究十分缺乏,无从获悉流域水土保持工作产生的效益,更无法对流域水土保持工作成效进行科学评价。鉴于此,本研究以潮白河流域水土保持效益评价指标体系的构建作为核心内容,所形成的指标体系为潮白河流域相关研究中富有探索性的工作。因此本研究对于评价流域水土保持效益与价值具有相应的学术示范价值。第二,本研究针对潮白河流域水土保持工作提出的流域生态补偿制度建设具有一定的探索性。本研究采用了流域生态补偿机制的理念,尤其是构建区域保护与公平的理念,对于潮白河地区流域生态补偿制度的构建进行了探索。由于潮白河流域上游和下游地区的经济社会水平存在较大差别,本研究所构建的生态补偿制度具有针对性。但是由于作者的研究水平和研究资源有限,水土保持效益评价研究工作中还有很多的不足,比如评价指标体系对于水土保持能够带来的景观效益涉及很少。由于数据的可获性,本研究在投资方面的分析略显薄弱,没有将水土保持相关的成本进行系统和全面的分析,因此可能使得分析出的成本值略小。由此,对水土保持的成本进行更为准确的计量,可以成为下一步的研究关注点。

【Abstract】 Water and soil erosion is one of the key environmental problems, seriously affecting the development of China’s ecological system, nature environment and social economy. The water and soil conservation can achieve the purpose of prevention of soil erosion by change the surface environment and improve the ecological environment, and they also can promote the regional economic and social development, increase the income of local people and promote economic development. Chaobai river basin is the ecological barrier and important water souce of the capital. Fast urbanization in recent half a century lead to severe situation for water resource utilization of the capital hence it is important to study on the water and soil conservation in Chaobai river basin. This study based on the current work status of water and soil conservation, and combined with theroretical knowledge of ecology, economics, evaluation and so on, analysed the meaning and function of different benefits of water and soil conservation, and selected27appraisal indexes. Further filtering by principal component analysis, final indexes reduced to22. Based on the appraisal indexes, this paper ensured the eigenvector and weight of different index, and also ensured the relative weight of ecolocal, social and economic benefit of total benefit. Besides, this study also used the statistic model of grey relational degree to evaluate the benefit of water and soil conservation. Meanwhile, this paper used the proper method to estimate the value of ecological, social, and economic benefit, it is convenient for the inverstors.Major conclusions are as follows:1) ecological benefit of water and soil conservation in Chaobai river basin have increased with fluctuation during the period of2000-2012, indicating that after governance, the situation of water and soil erosion has been improved and ecological environment has improved., surface coverage rate increased gradually, erosion area decreased, local weather condition improved.2) Social benefit of water and soil conservation in Chaobai river basin kept steady increasing trend, except for2004-2006. Water and soil conservation measures can repair dangerous sloping land, reduce natural disasters, and ensure the safety of local residents’living environment, and reduce the flood disasters, reduce the loss of residents, improve the land production rate.3) Economic benefit of water and soil conservation in Chaobai river basin kept steady increasing trend after2002. Such measures can increase food output, increasd forest products output, improve the pasture quality, incre the local labor productivity, all of these related to local residents’imcome.4) Comprehensive benefit of water and soil conservation in Chaobai river basin kept steady increase except for2002. The trend of comprehensive benefit is similar to the trend of ecological benefit, indicating that the comprehensive benefit is affeced by ecological benefit mostly.5) Total value of water and soil conservation in Chaobai river basin during2001-2012is33.66billion RMB. Comprehensive benefit value increased sharply in2002, and then decreased slowly, and then bagan to increase and fell down in2008. Timber reserve value and water conservation value takes up the majority of the total value.This paper also discussed about the necessity, meaning, caculation method, compensation way of ecological compensation, and brought about some policy suggestions of water and soil conservation in Chaobai river basin from the following aspect:policy measures, legal system, management regime, economic policy, public propoganda, paticipating policy, and technique supporting policy. Because the study level and resource is limited, there are many insufficiency of the study, for example, the appraial system little discussed about landscape benefit. Besides, whether this appraisal model can be used to other areas is also a question.

  • 【分类号】X321;S157.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】746
  • 攻读期成果

