

The Study of Adaptive Landscape Design Responses to Coastal Disasters in Estaury Cities

【作者】 陈崇贤

【导师】 王向荣;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 全球气候变暖、海平面上升、海岸灾害加剧已经成为当代国际社会、政府、学术界普遍关注和研究的重点问题。位于三角洲的河口城市同样面临着气候变化带来的严峻挑战。一方面,河口城市位于特殊的河、海、陆三者交界面对于海岸灾害变化敏感脆弱。另一方面,河口城市高度集中的经济、社会和环境资源更容易受到海岸灾害破坏带来严重后果。因此,如何增强河口城市环境对海岸灾害的适应能力,避免不必要的损失和破坏是当前河口城市建设和发展过程中急需解决的问题。本文首先分析了相关领域的研究背景,并对河口城市、海岸灾害及适应性等核心名词概念做了辨析和研究。在此基础上,提出了河口城市海岸灾害适应性风景园林设计的概念。同时,基于河口城市综合环境特征的研究,明确了海平面上升背景下河口城市的受灾风险和影响因素。其次,论文结合风景园林设计学视角,剖析了风景园林设计理论和实践研究发展过程中与本文灾害适应性理论密切相关的城市绿地防灾设计理念、生态主义设计理念以及引导当代城市建设和发展的景观都市主义理念。在此背景下,本文构建了河口城市海岸灾害适应性风景园林设计的评价模型。通过选取全球范围内十个河口城市的适应性相关策略和措施作为评价指标体系构建的基础,建立相应的指标体系层级,开展评价问卷调查。并根据评价问卷调查结果,通过利用AHP层次分析法研究了风景园林设计与现有适应性策略和措施相关因素之间的关联性。再次,论文以评价的结果为基础结合风景园林设计理论提出了四个不同层面的适应性设计具体实施策略,即基于土地利用模式的适应性设计、基于防御工程基础设施的适应性设计、基于自然动态过程的适应性设计、基于景观技术革新的适应性设计,四个层面从宏观到微观,从整体到局部,结合当前相关理论和实践探索详细分析讨论了具体的适应性设计方式。最后,本文分析了影响河口城市海岸灾害适应性风景园林设计实施的相关因素,分别从设计的政策法规制定、设计的目标动态机制、设计的公众参与机制三个方面详细讨论了如何推动和促进河口城市海岸灾害适应性风景园林设计策略的开展。

【Abstract】 The increasingly serious of global warming, sea level rise and coastal disasters has become a problem which heated debated and researched by contemporary international society, government and academia institution. Estuary cities in delta area are regions with the great challenge from climate change. On the one hand, locating in the boundary of river, sea and land makes it vunarable for coastal disasters. On the other hand, the highly concentration of economic, social and environment resources make it easty to suffer great destruction by coastal disasters. Therefore, how to improve the ability of estuary cities to adapt to coastal disaster avoiding unnessary destruction is one of the most important things which should be taken into account in the development of estuaty cities.Firstly, the paper analysis the related fields background and core concept nouns such as estuary cities, coastal disaster and adaptability. According to this, the concept of adaptative landscape design response to coastal disaster in estuary cities was proposed. Besides, according to the integrated environmental characterastic of estuary cities, disaster vunarable factors and risks by sea level rise are developed. Secondly, the paper combines the perspective of landscape design and disaster adaptation theory, study the relationship between landscape theories such as eco-design, disaster prevention design and landscape urbanism. In this context, the paper builds the evaluation modle of adaptative landscape design response to coastal disaster in estuary cities. By selecting adaptive strategies from the ten estuary cities in the world used as the standard index system. According to the results of questionnaire about evaluation, the paper studied the relationship between adaptation strategies and landscape design by using AHP analysis method. In addition, basing on the results of evaluation, the paper developed four taype adaptative landscape design strategies with different perspective such as land using mode, defense engineering infrastructure, natural process and advanced technology of landscape engineering which are fully explained and discussed by providing specific landscape cases. Finally, in order to improve the effectiveness of adaptative strategies, the paper analysis the relevant factors which possible influence the performance of the strategies. And then making some implemention masures and policies such as regulations and law, dynamic of design plan, public participation mechanism to make sure that improve the development of adaptative landscape design strategies for estuary cities.


