

Multiple Systems Coupling and Countermeasures Based on Wetland Resources Dependence and Carrying Capacity in Dongting Lake Area

【作者】 李姣

【导师】 温亚利;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 林业经济管理, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 湿地生态系统为全球三大生态系统之一,生产力极高。全球发展需求加剧了湿地压力,湿地状况的局部改善和整体恶化趋势并存,严重削弱了自然资源基础和生态系统服务功能,也极大地损害了人类福祉。长江中游的洞庭湖生态经济区,具有重要的生态地位和经济地位。目前该区面临天然湿地减少、湖泊生态系统服务功能退化等问题,生态状况与区域发展存在着突出矛盾。2014年4月14日,国务院批复洞庭湖生态经济区规划,其建设正式上升为国家级区域发展战略。考察生态经济区内以湿地为核心的生态系统状况及变化,分析生态-经济系统之间的相互作用和应对策略,有利于促进区域协调发展和复合系统良性耦合。本研究综合运用了定性和定量分析方法,以反映生态-经济系统的规律性动态关联。全文以湿地为核心资源类型,针对洞庭湖生态经济区“资源贡献(供给)→资源依赖(需求)→环境与水的承载力(生态系统状况与变化)→生态-经济系统耦合状况→区域协调发展对策”这一思路,进行了递进式研究。①从生态系统服务功能与价值角度,考察了湿地生态服务的贡献,反映出湿地供给的巨大价值。②从发展引起的资源需求出发,分析了湖区对湿地的依赖性利用,不仅证实了湿地生态服务的重要贡献,也表明资源利用对生态系统形成了明显压力。③评价了生态经济区2002-2011年的环境和水资源承载力,体现出湿地在生态-经济系统作用下的动态承载力水平,为判断生态系统状态提供了实据。两类承载力评价结果较为统一,反映出区域生态状况不容乐观,需提高管理效率并加大水环境治理。④进一步对区域2002-2011年生态-经济系统的动态发展进行了跨尺度耦合协调研究。结果显示,复合系统发展状况较为理想,但湿地资源有明显恶化趋势,抗逆能力的改善反映出政府在湿地管理中的关键作用。⑤基于区域复合系统耦合协调的研究结论,评述了湖区三类管理政策(保护类、发展类、协调发展类),分析了政策实施效果及存在的问题,并从综合立法等方面提出了具体的对策建议。

【Abstract】 As one of three global ecosystems, wetland ecosystem is of top productivity. However, since the1970s, the worldwide demand for wetland resources has induced serious ecological disasters and social problems, threatening sustainable development not only in one country but the whole world. The Dongting Lake Ecological-Economic Zone in Hunan Province has the same story, encountering problems as decrease of natural.wetland area, simplification of wetland structure and landscape, as well as degradation of wetland ecosystem function. On Arpil4th2014, the State Council gave an official approval for the planning over the lake region, signifying the construction of the region has become an important part of national development strategy. Thus this research aims to understand the running state and dynamic change of wetland ecosystem in Dongting Lake area, analyze inter-system interactions and its growing tendency, and adopt relevant policies to promote regional coordinated development and multi-system high-graded coupling, which has great value for solving conflicts between wetland conservation and regional development. The research employed qualitative and quantitative analysis methods, adopting system analog simulation for better reflecting regular dynamic relevance between ecological and economic systems.The paper made progressive research based on the following clue:wetland value, wetland resources dependency, wetland carrying capacity, ecological and economic system coupling, and countermeasures supply:(1) Analyzed wetland eco-service value in Dongting Lake area, reflecting great contributions of wetland resources for regional development.(2) From the perspective of wetland resources dependency, the paper made quantitative analysis of local wetland dependency. The assessment result indicates wetland eco-service has contributed greatly to Dongting Lake area, while local people’s activities have induced significant pressure upon wetland, particular on water, land and biological resources.(3)Respectively analyzed environmental carrying capacity and water resources carrying capacity in Dongting Lake area, which indicates though the index of carrying capacity on the rise, future regional development is not optimistic enough because environmental deterioration tendency may create great uncertainty.(4) Assessed inter-systems interaction and dynamic trend over2002-2011at different spatial scale, which has provided sufficient evidence for policy interference. The result shows current state of ecological-economic system coupling is better than expected, and wetland resources have comparatively sufficient supporting capacity for regional development. However the deteriorating tendency of wetland resources has negative influence on overall system coordination. The ssessment result also indicates the government’s key role in wetland governance.(5) On the basis of system coupling conclusion, the papaer analyzed the implementation effects and existing problems of three kinds of policies, and raised specific policies as integrated legislation system construction, natural conservation system construction, and coordinated industrial development, etc.


