

Effects and Evaluation of Vegetation Recovery for Limestone Quarry Wasteland in Western Beijing

【作者】 石丽丽

【导师】 赵廷宁; 赵永军;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 工程绿化, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 人类对矿产资源的开采不可避免地会对植被和土地产生破坏,由此造成了严重的生态问题,如何进行矿山废弃地生态系统恢复,进而更好地进行生态文明建设,成为当今社会探讨的热点之一。2004年开始在北京市门头沟区妙峰山镇担礼村实施了生态恢复工程,在对其进行地形测量、整地、填客土的基础上,分别种植了火炬(Rhus typhina)、油松(Pinus tabuliformis)、银杏(Ginkgo biloba)、槐树(Sophora japonica)、连翘(Forsythia suspensa)、桃树(Amygdalus persica)、黄栌(Cotinus coggygria)、杜仲(Eucommia ulmoides)、侧柏(Platycladus orientalis)、丁香(Syringa oblata)等树种纯林及侧柏与桧柏(Sabina chinensis)混交林。2012年对不同恢复措施及自然荒坡、破坏后未治理荒坡设置标准地并进行调查,对各标准地的植物群落结构、昆虫群落结构、土壤理化性质、土壤酶及各标准地的生态功能进行了分析,并对各恢复措施标准地的综合生态功能进行了评价。本研究的主要结论如下:(1)树种黄栌林、银杏林、油松林、火炬林以及桃树林对京西石灰石采石场迹地环境的适应性较强。各标准地都有演替更新幼树存在,各造林地群落短期内有可能发展成以造林树种占绝对优势种,伴有少量榆树、臭椿等乡土阔叶树种的群落,种源缺失是影响各标准地林下物种演替的重要因素。银杏林、国槐林、油松林等标准地草本物种丰富度较高,侧柏林物种丰富度较低,和自然荒坡及破坏后荒坡较为相似;丁香林、黄栌林、连翘林林下草本物种多样性指数较大,破坏后荒坡、火炬林、侧柏林等值较小。(2)在不同标准地的昆虫亚群落中,害虫所占比例较大,天敌也相对丰盛。刺吸类害虫是害虫的主要类群,对害虫的调控捕食性天敌起主要作用。人工恢复植被的标准地中昆虫物种相对较丰富,多样性指数较高,各物种数量分布较分散,没有严重危害的类群,表现较好的生态效应。相关性分析表明草本多样性指数和昆虫丰富度呈显著相关,草本多样性指数和天敌丰富度呈极显著相关,昆虫多样性指数和天敌丰富度呈极显著正相关。(3)0-20cm厚度土层碱解氮、速效磷、速效钾、有机质含量、蔗糖酶、磷酸酶、过氧化氢酶和脲酶活性普遍较20cm以下土层含量高;不同植被恢复措施标准地土壤碱解氮、速效钾、有机质含量差异相对较大,速效磷含量差异不大。土壤综合肥力指数计算结果表明,土层未受破坏自然荒坡肥力最强,新造林地相差不大且较自然荒坡值低。各标准地0-20cm层土壤蔗糖酶活性差异较20cm以下层大。(4)植被截留能力最大的是火炬林,其次为杜仲林和连翘林,破坏后荒坡和自然荒坡植被截留能力小。火炬林和连翘林枯落物持水能力较大,侧柏林、侧柏与桧柏混交林、自然荒坡及破坏后荒坡,持水能力较小。自然荒坡的土壤蓄水能力最大,其余标准地土壤蓄水能力相差不大,都处于较低水平。火炬林植被固碳释氧能力最强,自然荒坡和破坏后荒坡最小为零。油松林吸收二氧化硫能力最大,其次依次为杜仲林、国槐林、银杏林,连翘林、桃树林、黄栌林较低。(5)选取涵养水源、保育土壤、固碳释氧、保育生物多样性、营养物质循环和净化大气环境等6类共18个指标,利用层次分析法和TOPSIS法对各标准地综合生态功能进行分析并排序,两种方法得分值较高的林地都为杜仲林、火炬林、国槐林、银杏林、黄栌林、丁香林和桃树林;侧柏林和破坏后荒坡得分都为最低。利用两种方法评分值进行线性回归,相关系数R2达到0.82,拟合程度比较高。

【Abstract】 Damages caused by strip mining give rise to serious ecological problems which become one of major issues needing to be solved. Different vegetative restoration methods were applied in waste land produced by strip mining in Mentougou of Beijing, including pure forest of Cotinus coggygria Scop、 Platycladus orientalis、Rhus typhina、Eucommia ulmoides、Pinus tabuliformis、Ginkgo biloba、Sophora japonica、Forsythia suspensa、Amygdalus persica、Syringa oblata and mixed forest of Platycladus orientalis and Sabina chinensis. Plots were conducted aiming at different restoration methods as well as natural slopes and damaged ones in2012. Investigation including community structure of vegetation and arthropod animals, chemical properties of soil, enzymes and ecological functions was analyzed. Results were as follows:(1) Cotinus coggygria Scop forest, Ginkgo biloba forest, Pinus tabuliformis forest and Rhus typhina forest showed good Environmental adaptation in limestone Quarry Wasteland in West Beijing. There were succession species appeared in all plots forest, the succession species included Robinia pseudoacacia、Ailanthus altissima、Salix matsudana、Populus tomentosa with a low density. Species richness of herb in plots of Ginkgo biloba forest、Sophora japonica forest、Pinus tabuliformis forest was higher and Platycladus orientalis forest had a lower species richness.(2) Pest accounted for a larger proportion among plots of arthropod animal communities. Natural enemy was rich due to large number of pests. Sucking pests are the main groups, playing an important role in regulating predatory natural enemy. The arthropod species are relatively rich, with higher diversity index and scattered species distribution in plots undergone vegetation restoration. These plots had no serious pest communities, performing a better ecological effect. Correlation analysis showed that there was a significant positive relation between the herb diversity index and insects richness. Arthropod diversity index was significantly related with natural enemy richness.(3) Alkali-hydrolysable nitrogen, available phosphorus and available potassium, organic matter content, sucrase, phosphatase, catalase and urease activity in soil with thickness of0~20cm is higher that thickness below20cm. Soil alkaline hydrolysis n, available k, organic matter content in plots with different vegetation restoration measures showed a larger difference. Calculation results showed that natural slope had the strongest soil fertility in all plots. Sucrase in soil of0~20cm was higher than below20cm, catalase activity was similar between both soil layers.(4) The largest Vegetation retaining capacity happened in Rhus typhina forest, followed by Eucommia ulmoides forest and Forsythia suspensa forest. Damaged slope and natural slope had the smaller vegetation retaining capacity. Rhus typhina and Forsythia suspensa had the larger litter water-holding capacity but Platycladus orientalis forest, mixed forest of Platycladus orientalis and Sabina chinensis forest, natural slope and damaged slope had smaller water-holding capacity. Water holding capacity of the natural slope was the largest, followed by damaged slope. Rhus typhina forest had the strongest carbon fixation and oxygen release ability, and smallest in natural slope and damaged slope. Pinus tabuliformis forest had the largest sulfur dioxide absorption capacity followed by Eucommia ulmoides forest、Sophora japonica forest、Ginkgo biloba forest, Forsythia suspensa forest、 Amygdalus persica forest、Cotinus coggygria Scop forest.(5) Selection of Analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and TOPSIS methods were used to analyze and sort the comprehensive ecological function of each plot by selecting a total of18indicators, including water conservation, soil conservation, carbon fixation and oxygen release, biodiversity conservation, nutrient cycle and purification of atmospheric environment. Results showed that plots with higher scores using two methods was as follows:Eucommia ulmoides forest, Sophora japonica forest, Rhus typhina forest, Ginkgo biloba forest, Cotinus coggygria Scop forest, Syringa oblata forest and Amygdalus persica forest. Scores using AHP to calculate the comprehensive function had a higher correlation coefficient R2of0.82with that through the TOPSIS method.

  • 【分类号】X171.4;X82
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】254
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