

The Constitutionalism Functions of the Governance by Civil Society

【作者】 李炳辉

【导师】 周叶中;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 宪法学与行政法学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 在当代中国,宪政是许多人所孜孜以求的目标,它之所以艰难,不在于其本身有着怎样的理论困境,而在于缺乏必要的根基。本文认为,宪政的根基存在于民间社会之中。我国宪法之所以权威性有所不足,实因民间社会力量弱小使然。因此,要发展中国的宪政,当从民间社会出发,以民间治理夯实宪政之根基。民间治理在两个方面对宪政有所推动,其一,在处理民间社会与国家的关系问题上,民间治理既可以生长民间社会控制国家的力量,也可以巩固国家的合法性,重塑国家权威;其二,民间治理以培育公民意识、发展阶层共和与塑造政治共同体的形式,为宪政提供坚实的基础。因此,当代中国的宪政发展,必须从民间社会开始。全文共分四章。第一章讨论了宪政的根基问题。在当代中国宪法学界,规范宪法学与政治宪法学对实现宪政的路径进行了广泛的探讨。由于宪政之依据并不仅仅是宪法文本,而且也包括政治现实,故而纯粹从规范角度出发来讨论宪政问题是不合适的。从根源来说,我国立宪史上之所以存在数部宪法,然而却始终未能有宪政,其原因不外于精英操纵与人民不在场这两方面。而宪政之基础存在于社会之中,存在于人民之中,唯有立足于社会的宪政方能稳固。第二章引出民间治理的概念。当代中国处于一个特殊的历史时期,国家权力仍难以受到控制,而社会的力量难以发挥。一些学者引入治理概念试图解决国家权力的控制问题,实现国家与社会的权力分工和权力的多元化。由于治理有着特定的主体,而公民社会正是这样一个适格主体,因而治理理论与公民社会理论常常相伴而行。但公民社会论脱胎于西方话语体系,在中国语境中难以完全适用,相反,扎根于传统与现实的民间社会的概念,倒是可以成为治理的主体。民间治理,即是以民间社会为主体的治理。第三章探讨民间治理的外部效应。民间治理的外部效应集中体现在民间社会与国家的关系之中。在当代中国的政治与社会生态中,国家与社会处于交融而非对立的立场之中,故而民间治理对国家治理具有重要意义。这种意义表现为两个方面。其一,以民间社会的力量向国家的渗透为基础,弥合国家权威内部分裂的态势,重塑国家权威,并以民间社会参与国家管理的民主过程为依托,巩固国家的合法性基础;其二,民间社会通过特定的民主程序,对国家权力进行有效的外部制约,防范公权力滥用的风险。第四章探讨民间治理的内部效应。宪政的基础存在于社会之中,并且要落实到具体的人身上,宪政之实现,有赖于公民对宪政的要求和支持。但在当代中国,公民性与公共性的缺乏使得宪政与民间社会严重脱节,无法为人民所理解与拥护。为此,民间社会应通过自我治理,通过三个步骤为宪政奠定基础:第一,通过治理与维护社会资本,将原子式的个人转化为公民;第二,通过阶层整合与阶层对话,实现社会秩序的稳定与各阶层的共和;第三,公民、阶层与利益群体以共同善为诉求,形成政治共同体,从而为宪政提供唯一合法的基础。

【Abstract】 In contemporary China, constitutionalism is a desirable purpose that many people pursue. The fact that it is difficult to fetch is not because of its theoretical dilemma but the lack of its foundation. This paper believes that the foundation of constitutionalism consists in civil society. The reason why the authority of China’s constitution is not esteemed is the weakness of the power of civil society. Therefore, if it is desirable to develop China’s constitutionalism, we should consolidate the foundation of constitutionalism by the governance by civil society. The governance of civil society may propel constitutionalism in two ways. On one hand, when dealing with the relationship between state and society, the governance may not only strengthen the power of civil society to control state but also consolidate the legitimacy of state and rebuild the authority of state. On the other hand, the governance by civil society may provide a sound basis for constitutionalism by cultivating the consciousness of citizenship, developing the republicanism of classes and shaping political community. Therefore, the development of contemporary China’s constitutionalism should be started in civil society. The whole paper is composed of four chapters.Chapter One dicusses the foundation of constitutionalism. In contemporary China, the theory of normative constitution and political constitution discuss the approach to realize constitutioanlism. Because the basisi of consitituionalism is not only the constitutional text but also political reality, it is improper to discuss constitutionalism only from the aspect of consitutional norms. There are several constitutional texts in the history of China’s constitution, but constitutionalism never exits. The reasons are the handing of elites and the absence of the people. While the basis of constitutionalism exists in the society and the people, only rooting in the society may constitutionalism be solidate.Chapter Two dicusses the concept of governance by civil society. Contemporary China is in a special historical period, the power of state is out of control while the power of society is hard to express. Some scholars introduce the theory of governance to try to solve the problem of uncontroled power of state and realize the cooperation of state and society and the diversification of power. Because civil society is a proper subject of governance, the theories of governance and civil society are often combined. But the theory of civil society roots in western world, it is not absolutely proper in China’s context. So it is necessary to apply the concept civil society with a comprehension according to our tradition and reality,that is, minjian. The governance by civil society(minjian), is the governance whose subject is civil society(minjian).Chapter Three discusses the external effect of governance by civil society. The external effect of governance by civil society chiefly appears in the relationshi between civil society and state. In the political and social environment in contemporary China, state and society mingle but not oppose to each other, so the governance by civil society is important to the governance of state. The importance can be decribed as two aspects. First, the power of civil society may filter into state so as to restore the fragmented authority, while the democracy process in which civil society can participate in the governance of state will consolidate the legitimacy basisi of the state. Second, civil society will control the state power from outside the state and prevent the danger of the abuse of power by some democracy procedures.Chapter Four discusses the internal effect of governance by civil society. The basis of constitutionalism roots in society, and the realization of constitutionalism needs the requirement and support by citizens. But in contemporary China, because of the lack of civicness and publicity, constitutionalism is far from civil society and can not be comprehended and supported by the people. Therefore, the governance by civil society should lay the foundation of constitutionalism through three steps. First, converting atomic individuals into citizens by governing and preserving social capital. Second, realizing the stabilization of the society and the republic of all strata by the conformity and dialogue among strata. Third, forming a political community where the common good is respected by all citizens, strata and interest groups, so as to provide the only legitimate basis for constitutionalism.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期

