

【作者】 谷永清

【导师】 张海林;

【作者基本信息】 南京大学 , 中国近现代史, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 1888年,上海建立了中国第一家棉纺织工厂,近代民族棉业发展就此揭开序幕。1894年的甲午战争对民族棉业影响深远。日本通过《马关条约》获取了大量战争赔款及在华投资设厂的权利,棉纺织业从此成为日本在华投资的重点。青岛腹地植棉条件优越,棉货销售市场广阔,但因其为德国势力范围,日人只能通过棉货贸易方式与中国民族资本争夺市场份额,无法将纱厂直接移建于此。德占青岛期间,中日两国棉利之争主要在长江中下游地区。德人对青岛及其腹地的利源挖掘具有全局意识和战略眼光。他们不仅对青岛和胶济铁路的建设进行了详细规划,拨付了巨额帝国财政,还在此注入了西方近代社会的文化精神特质,使其成为“模范”的殖民地。1904年,胶济铁路的修筑完成极大地促进了口岸腹地间贸易的发展。在经济领域,德占当局推行了分余润与华商的商贸策略,以求联华制日;在政治领域,德人与山东地方政府达成部分妥协与合作。此举对口岸与腹地间的贸易往来及山东推行近代化事业都有积极作用。第一次世界大战爆发后,德国无暇顾及东亚殖民地,日本趁机利用地缘优势和英日同盟关系对德宣战,并很快占据了青岛和胶济铁路,东亚的“德——日——华”三足鼎立关系就此瓦解。一战后期,强势的日本在胶州湾兴建了一批近代化棉纺织企业。德人在口岸及腹地兴建的基础建设为日资棉纺织业快速发展提供了极大便利。为构筑产业链条、实现产业优化,进而获取更大剩余价值,日商除加快棉制品生产外,还在腹地开设货栈,倾销棉纱,积极推广棉种改良工作。面对日商咄咄逼人的竞争态势和突如其来的商机,中国实业精英当仁不让,周学熙、潘复等人多方筹资在青岛、济南等地创建了民族棉纺织工厂。北京政府和山东地方政府也出台了鼓励植棉、振兴土纱土布等捍卫利权的措施。青岛及其腹地就此成为中日棉战的新战场。这样,中日棉战范围由长江中下游地区扩展到青岛及其腹地。中日两国在青岛、济南等地的棉制品销售之争推动了山东美棉种植业,棉花商品化种植水平明显提高。1923年,中国政府收回了青岛和胶济铁路主权,但大量利权滞留在日人手中,青岛及胶济铁路的优势为中日双方所共有。由于中资企业在资金、技术上处于劣势,青岛棉货利源多半操于日商之手。为挽回利权,中国政府将推广美棉种植、提升原棉价格作为遏制日商获取棉业链条利润的重要手段。1924年后,青岛腹地战乱频仍,自然灾害持续不断,中国政府美棉推广工作遭受挫折,青岛与腹地间的棉货贸易也因中日民族矛盾激化和张宗昌祸鲁而大为减退。国民政府取建立后,中国棉业受到空前重视。中央颁布了一系列振兴棉业的政策法律,筹设了棉业统制委员会、中央棉产改进所等专门机构,并在全国发起了棉业合作运动,国家棉业形势明显好转。青岛市长沈鸿烈为了挽回棉业利权,积极进行工商保育工作,在李村、高密、安丘等地附设植棉试验场、分场,以扩人美棉种植区。在政府支持下,青岛华资纱厂顶住众多日资企业的竞争,捍卫了棉业利权,成为近代中国弱势民族资本成功发展的典范。在青岛、济南棉纺织业崛起的同时,山东棉花种植业也在韩复榘、张鸿烈等政界人物的积极作为下获得了长足进步。山东棉花种植的崛起首先得益于韩复榘对城乡治安秩序的整饬;其次得益于山东交通、县政及乡村建设工作的快速发展;再次得益于韩氏对构建“独立经济体系”的努力。1930年代,梁漱溟、于鲁溪等人在邹平推行的美棉种植及运销合作事业,是近代中国美棉推广和运销事业的典范。随着邹平模式的推广,山东棉花品质及声誉快速提升。这有力地支持了青岛、济南民族棉纺织业的发展。青岛、济南华资棉纺织业的进步反过来又刺激和推动了相关制造业的兴起,进而形成了以铁路为载体的邹平(种植)——济南(运销)——青岛(纺纱)——潍县(织布)——周村(印染)的棉业链条运转格局。在这一产业链带动下,青岛及其腹地经济呈现出良性发展的态势。青岛棉业进步及口岸腹地间棉货贸易的推进对山东城乡社会影响是多方面的:其一,推广植棉使更多的农民告别旧时田园生活,主动融入到由机器大生产构建的棉业链条中。随着棉业链条的转动,青岛的资本主义经营理念、意识形态开始向腹地逐次渗透。这对推动山东区域近代化是有重要推动作用的;其二,为提高棉花品质、扩大种植范围,一大批新知识精英从城市回归到乡村,发起了棉业合作运动,这极大地促进了乡村经济复兴;其三,各级政府为取缔棉花搀水、搀杂弊病和规范棉花交易市场,采取了诸多干预手段,这有助于增强国家对乡村的重视和建设。竞争能促进行业发展。一个行业、一个企业如果没有外部竞争很快就会丧失活力。与日本棉界持续不断的竞争在一定程度上推动了青岛棉业的进步。空前的民族危机和产销困难迫使青岛及其腹地棉业人士积极探求合乎自身特点的经营模式,努力捍卫棉业利权,进而达到了迟滞日本经济渗透的效果。抵制日纱、日布运动是民族资本与日商资本竞争的重要内容。这种运动要最终取得胜利单靠热情不行。提高企业经营理念和创新能力才是民族正确的抉择。

【Abstract】 The first modern machine cotton spinning factory was established in Shanghai in1890, which marked the beginning of the national cotton and kapok industry in China. The first Sino-Chinese War of1894had exerted great influence on our national cotton and kapok industry. Japan got plenty of war indemnity and the right of investing and building factories in China through "the Treaty of Shimonoseki", and from then on, the cotton and kapok textile industry became one of Japan’s key investments in China. Qingdao, with its superior cotton planting and marketing conditions, was an ideal place for cotton and kapok textile industry and attracted Japan greatly. However, Qingdao was in Germany’s sphere of influence then, so what Japan could do was to input the cotton and kapok product but could not directly build textile factories there. During Germany’s occupation of Qingdao, cotton competition between China and Japan was mainly about the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River.Germany had the overall situation consciousness and the strategic judgment to excavate Qingdao and its natural resources. Not only did they appropriate a large amount of money and make detailed plans to aid the construction of Qingdao and the Jiaoji railroad, but also they injected the Western cultural and mental traits into Qingdao, thus turning it into a "model colony". The completion of Jiaoji railroad (1904) greatly promoted the port-hinderland trade exchanges. In the economical domain, German authority tried to ally China to resist Japan by sharing extra profits with Chinese businessmen; In the political domain, German also achieved partial compromise and cooperation with the Shandong local authority, which had played a positive role in the port-center trade exchanges and the modernization of Shandong.After the outbreak of the First World War, Germany had no time and mind any longer in its far-east colonies. Japan together with its UK alliance declared war to Germany, and then occupied Qingdao by using its geographical superiority. The tripartite confrontation of "Germany-Japan-China" in East Asia disintegrated in light of this. At the end of the war, Japan built one batch of modernizing cotton and kapok textile enterprises in Jiaozhou Bay. The Germany-constructed infrastructure had greatly facilitated the Japanese-invested cotton and kapok textile industry in Qingdao. In order to construct the industrial chain link and to optimize the industry to gain great surplus value, besides speeding up cotton and kapok production, Japan also opened lots of cotton stores in the hinderland, dumped cotton yarn, and promoted the cotton seed improvement work. Facing the aggressive competition from Japan and the overnight business opportunity, the Chinese industry elites didn’t pass on responsibilities, for example, Zhou Xuexi and Pan Fu tried all their best to finance constructing national cotton textile factories in Qingdao, Jinan and many other places. The defensive polices of encouraging cotton planting and boosting local cloth were put in place by Beijing National government and Shandong local authorities. Qingdao and the center in light of this became a new battlefield for China and Japan in cotton and kapok competition. Thus, the cotton war expanded from the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River to Qingdao and the center. The competition stimulated and impelled cotton and kapok production in Shandong countryside, and improved the cotton-planting commercialization.In1923, the Chinese government took back Qingdao and the railroad sovereignty, but the massive economic rights and interests were still detained in Japanese hands. Because the Chinese-invested enterprise were in inferiority in funds and technology, the natural resources of cotton goods in Qingdao were still held by Japanese businessmen. In order to reclaim the economic rights and interests, Chinese government promoted the planting of American cotton and increased price of raw cotton, as a main method to curb Japanese profits in cotton and kapok industry. After1924, the Qingdao center chaos caused by war and the natural disasters were frequent, the Chinese government suffered the setback in American cotton and kapok promotion. In addition, cotton trade exchanges between Qingdao and the center also greatly decreased due to the intensification of Chinese and Japanese conflicts and Zhang Zongchang calamity.After the Kuomintang took power, China’s cotton industry got unprecedented attention. The central authorities issued a series of cotton revitalization policies and laws and established related agencies to set up their control of the cotton industry, along with launching a cooperative movement, so the cotton industry had a much improved surrounding. Sheng Honglie, the mayor of Qingdao, actively carried out industrial and commercial conservation work to rescue the cotton industry. With the governmental support, the national mill-factories withstood the competition of many Japanese companies, defended the cotton industry and succeeded in national cotton industry survival and development.At the same time, the cotton-planting in Shandong province also made the great strides with the support of Han Fuqu and Zhang Honglie. This progress should be attributed to the following reasons:first, the improvement of law and order of the urban and rural areas; second, the rapid development of rural construction and transportation; last, Han’s efforts to build an independent economy. With the promotion of Zouping mode, Shandong greatly improved cotton quality and reputation, which strongly supported the development of the national textile industry in Qingdao and Jinan and in turn stimulated and promoted progress in the rise of the related manufacturing sectors. In the last, the cotton chain came into being with railway as the carrier, which included Zouping (plant)-Jinan (marketing)-Qingdao (spinning)-Wei County (cloth)-Zhoucun (dyeing). Driven by this industrial chain, economy in Qingdao and the hinterland developed in a sound and smooth way.The rapid development of Qingdao cotton industry and the frequent cotton goods trading between port and center had manifold impact on Shandong rural society. First, the quick development of cotton industry made more farmers quit their old pastoral life, taking the initiative into the construction of large-scale production by the cotton plant industry. With the cotton chain rotation, Qingdao capitalist operational conception and ideology began to penetrate into the interior land, which greatly promoted the modernization of Shandong province. Second, in order to improve cotton quality and expand the planting areas, a large number of new elites from the cities went back to the countryside and launched a cooperative movement in the cotton industry, and this revival of the rural economy had a positive meaning. Third, governments at all levels took plenty efforts to ban watering, adulteration and regulate the cotton market, which helped call for the government’s attention and the construction of village.Competition can promote the development of an industry. An industry without external competition will soon lose vitality. With the Competition from Japanese cotton industry, the business continued to promote the progress of the cotton industry in Qingdao. Unprecedented national crisis, production and marketing difficulties forced the hinterland of Qingdao and the cotton industry to actively explore the characteristics of the business model in line with their own efforts to defend the cotton industry, thus achieving the hysteretic effect against penetration of the Japanese economy. But it had to say that the success was with the mistakes, for example, resistance to Japanese yarn and cloth was irrational in some extent. Boycott must be combined with the improvement of national business ideas and creativity in order to get the final victory.

【关键词】 棉业青岛近代化
【Key words】 CottonQingdaomodernization
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南京大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 11期

