

The Main Town Absorbing Agricultural Transfer of Population Empirical Research

【作者】 张协嵩

【导师】 郑庆昌;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 农业经济管理, 2014, 博士


【摘要】 诺贝尔经济学奖获得者斯蒂格利茨认为,中国的城镇化与美国高科技发展将对21世纪人类发展产生深刻影响。中国进入21世纪面对很多新问题和新挑战,中国小城镇正经历一个急剧变革的时代。2014年3月《国家新型城镇化规划》发布并提出,增强中心城市辐射带动功能,加快发展中小城市,有重点地发展小城镇,促进大中小城市和小城镇协调发展。十八届三中全会提出有序推进农业转移人口市民化。通过具有产业或资源、政策等比较优势的重点镇吸纳农业转移人口,将在中国城镇化进程中起到至关重要的作用。农业转移人口在向大城市转移的过程中面临着被边缘化、候鸟式迁移、留城难度加大等困难与障碍。其在融入城市过程中处于被边缘化的状态,在劳动报酬、子女教育、社会保障、住房等许多方面并不能与城市居民享有同等待遇,且就业并不稳定,时常出现了“有工打、留城市,无工打、返家乡”候鸟式迁移的局面,无法有效保障农业转移人口的权益。与城市相比较而言,重点镇优势在于准入门槛低,特别是生活成本、居住成本和社会成本低等。重点镇发展需要农业转移人口提供支撑,以促进其他要素的集聚,同时重点镇也能为农业转移人口就业与定居提供的较为有利的条件。在此背景下,对重点镇吸纳农业转移人口的研究,显得尤为迫切和必要。本文站在迁入地角度,以重点镇中的农业转移人口为研究对象,将重点镇吸纳农业转移人口,分为“吸”与“纳”两个阶段,即农业转移人口迁入重点镇与定居重点镇两个阶段。基于这两个阶段,本文主要回答两个问题:一是相关制度将会对农业转移人员定居重点镇产生什么样的影响,以及会对农业转移人口定居城镇意愿产生怎样的间接影响?二是农业转移人口定居城镇意愿受哪些因素的影响,与城市相比而言,其有什么样的特点?基于以上两个问题:本文重点从理论层面分析重点镇吸纳农业转移人口的一般性问题,以农业转移人口的视角分析相关制度对试点镇吸纳农业转移人口定居重点镇的影响,重点研究相关制度对农业转移人口定居城镇所需要条件,即对其就业情况、社会保障情况、受教育情况产生的影响,包括对农业转移人口定居重点镇意愿的间接影响,进一步对福州市13个试点镇的农业转移人口定居重点镇意愿的影响因素做实证研究,与已有定居城市意愿的相关文献进行适当的比较分析,探讨影响农业转移人口定居重点镇与城市意愿的个人特征的差异,最后提出加快推进试点镇吸纳农业转移人口的建议。具体来讲,主要形成以下几点结论:1、本文所研究的重点镇,即重点小城镇,是指人口达到一定规模、区位优势明显、经济发展潜力大、服务功能较完善、规划管理水平较高的小城镇。福建省重点镇包括报送国家的全国重点镇与市级以上综合改革试点镇。农业转移人口包括农民工及其赡养的人口。重点镇吸纳农业转移人口分为吸与纳两个阶段:一是“吸”的阶段,指从农村或农业生产转移到城镇或非农业生产的阶段,即迁入重点镇阶段;二是“纳”的阶段,指农业转移人口定居城镇阶段,即定居重点镇阶段。2、改革至今,中国小城镇发展经历了由“重点发展小城镇”到“有重点地发展小城镇”的转变,小城镇对农业转移人口的吸纳也经历了“严格控制农村人流入小城镇”、“允许务工、经商、办服务业的农民自理口粮到集镇落户”、“加快小城镇户籍管理制度的改革与农民进镇落户”、“逐步把符合条件的农业转移人口转为城镇居民”的变化。然而,在现阶段并非任何小城镇都作为当前加快发展与加强建设的重点,依托重点镇建设来吸纳农业转移人口是推进农业转移人口市民化的关键。福建省综合改革试点镇吸纳农业转移人口由经济系统、社会系统、资源系统三大系统的承载能力决定。福建省综合改革试点镇吸纳农业转移人口主要通过三种途径:一是镇区中的原住民,就是小城镇的基础人口。二是就地城镇化。主要指本镇地域或临近乡镇在实现农业现代化、机械化、产业化、规模化后的剩余劳动力转移。三是异地城镇化。这种城镇化主要包括跨县域的“农村—小城镇”转移和“小城镇—小城镇”的人口转移,包括产业发展吸引来的外来新型产业工人、三产服务人员或在城镇就读就业的创业人员等。福建省综合改革试点镇吸纳农业转移人口过程中,面临着“还未建立覆盖农业转移人口的社会保障体系;农业转移人口的身份转化存在诸多障碍;农业转移人口在重点镇归属感低”等困难。3、制度对重点镇吸纳农业转移人口的作用至关重要,现行的制度对农业转移人口定居城镇产生巨大的阻力,它间接影响了农业转移人口定居重点镇的意愿。城乡户籍制度是最主要与综合的障碍之一,使农业转移人口身份角色是与城镇居民不同,对重点镇的归属感降低、容易导致“回流”,严重影响了农业转移人口定居重点镇的意愿。劳动力市场制度使农业转移人口处于非正规就业的状态,增加了其寻找工作的成本且降低了工作报酬,影响农业转移人口经济收入,使赖以定居重点镇的经济基础变得不够扎实,影响其定居重点镇的能力与意愿。社会保障制度使得农业转移人口不能和城镇居民享有同样的养老、就业、医疗、工伤等方面的待遇,使得农业转移人口在重点镇生活存在“后顾之忧”,降低了其定居重点镇的意愿,此外,将农村土地纳入农业转移人口保障的范畴,农村土地流转不畅削弱了农业转移人口定居重点镇的意愿。教育培训制度使得农业转移人口及其子女,未能得到与城镇居民同等教育,制约其人力资本的积累,降低农业转移人口在重点镇可持续性发展的能力,促使其定居重点镇的意愿降低。4、在相关制度分析的基础上,对福州市13个试点镇390名农业转移人口定居重点镇意愿的开展问卷调查分析,提出了农业转移人口定居重点镇意愿受就业情况、社会保障情况、受教育情况、个人家庭特征等方面影响的假设。通过对样本特征进行描述,运用统计、交叉列联表、二分类logistic等方法实证分析,得出一些与城市农业转移人口“定居城市”意愿不同的观点:重点镇中的农业转移人口与城市中的农业转移人口的定居城镇(城市)意愿存在差异,重点镇中男性的农业转移人口定居意愿比女性的农业转移人口定居意愿强烈得多,恰好与城市中的情况相反。重点镇中农业转移人口年龄对定居意愿的影响呈倒“U”型,随着年龄的增大定居重点镇的意愿逐渐增强并趋缓,当年龄进一步增大时,定居重点镇的意愿又开始减弱。此外,住房满意程度、所在城镇是否有朋友、对当地方言的熟悉程度、婚姻状况及等变量对农业转移人口定居重点镇的意愿产生关键的影响,文化程度及绝对收入水平不会对定居重点镇的意愿产生显著影响。5、从社会保障体系构建、定居重点镇资本培育、相关制度创新三个层面系统提升重点镇吸纳农业转移人口的能力。构建以住房保障为首要的重点镇农业转移人口社会保障体系,着力强化农村土地社会保障与经济保障功能;培育农业转移人口定居重点镇的社会、人力、经济、政治资本;加快推进户籍、劳动力市场、教育培训等制度创新,夯实制度基础。

【Abstract】 Nobel prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz considered that China’s urbanization and the high-tech development will have a profound influence on19th century human development. China’s facing many new problems and new challenges in the21st century, the small cities and towns are experiencing a rapid changeable era.The National Model Town Planning has issued in March,2014, in which it proposed mang suggestions, such as increasing the radiation function of central city, speeding up the development of small and medium-sized cities, focusing on the small towns and promoting the coordinated development of large and medium-sized city and small town.18th Central Committee of the Communist has put forward that we should promote the urbanization of population, and transfer of agricultural population to urban residents gradually, which will play a crucial role in the urbanization process through absorbing the transferring agricultural people by the key towns who have comparative advantages in industrial policy or resources.The transferring agricultural people have some difficulties and obstacles such as be marginalized, frequent migration and the difficulty of stay in the city. At present, the peasant laborers are actually suffering from labor remuneration, education, household and others social exclusions. This kind of institutional exclusion hindered peasant laborers’ city integration and unable to effectively guarantee the rights and interests of these people.Comparing with big cities, The advantage of key towns are depending on its low barrier to entry, especially in the low cost of living. On the one hand, the development of these key towns need supports from the transferring agricultural people in order to promote the accumulation of other factors, on the other hand, these key towns will offer favorable conditions for agricultural people at the same time.Under these conditions, the research on key cities and towns to absorb agricultural labor force migration became particularly urgent and necessary.This paper discusses this question from the view of immigration, taking agricultural labor force migration(according to the important towns)as a research object, divided into two stages:"immigration" and "settlement", that also means how agricultural labor force migration moved into towns and settle down.Based on the two stage, this article is mainly to answer two questions:firstly, how laws and regulations will affect agricultural labor force migration when moved into towns and settle down here, and what’s the attitude about settle down in towns around these specific groups.Secondly, Which factors will influence their choices, and compare with big cities, what kind of characteristics exists there.Base on the two questions above, the article will focus the general problems about key cities and towns to absorb agricultural transfer of population at the theoretical level, and analyze the influence from the perspective of agricultural labor force migration, and how laws and regulations will affect agricultural labor force migration to settle down in towns, including the employment, social insurance, education background and their attitude, then author will further do the empirical research about the influence factor which based on the willing of labor force migration to settle down in towns(according to the data of13experimental town in Fuzhou), and with comparison and analysis the related articles about the data which are concerning about the people who willing of settle down to big towns and cities.Article will discuss the discrepancy of different attitude, then put forward the suggestion about accelerate the construction of experimental town to absorb agricultural labor force.Here have some main conclusions as follows:1.The key towns and cities in the paper which should satisfy the following requirements:have large population, location advantage, development potential, convenient services, high planning and management level.The key towns including national key towns, the district center comprehensive reform towns and some particular cities. The labor force migration will cover migrant workers and other dependent family members living together.The key towns to absorb eligible workers who have left agricultural work will divided into two stages:part A is"immigration", that means turn agricultural production into non-farming work, or we can say "move into towns"part B is "settlement", it mainly refers to the eligible workers who have left agricultural work to become urban residents gradually, so it’s also means the stage of "settle in towns and cities." 2. Since the reform and opening up, the development of the small towns has experienced the great change from "focus on the small towns"to "have the plan to develop the small towns ", and as to the absorb eligible workers, we have experienced some changes from "strict control of the rural people into the small towns","allowing farmers who’s work as workers, businessman and services to settle down in towns","accelerating the reform of household registration of the towns and let migrant workers to settle down"to"letting eligible rural migrant workers become urban residents".But at this stage, not any small towns which can be seem as the key point that should be speed up the development and strengthen the construction at present.The key to promote the progress of the peasant’s citizenship is relying on the trial of the comprehensive reform of towns and cities. And all of these are according to the bearing capacity of economic systems, social system and resource system. Here lists three ways to take in eligible workers who have left agricultural work:first part is permanent resident in the town, also refer to the elementary population in small towns.The second part urbanization locally.lt means the transformation of surplus agricultural labor force after realize agricultural modernization, mechanization, industrialization and scale expansion in own town or nearby the town.The third part is urbanization from home.These kind of urbanization including urbanization of cross-regional as "rural areas—small town" and urbanization of population transfer as "small town—small town", including new industrial workers, service workers and self-employed who has studied and work here.But in the process of the trial of the comprehensive reform of towns and cities, there still exist some difficulties like the current imperfect social security system, the problem of the transformation of farmers’ status, low sense of belonging in immigrant city.3.System is paly a vital role in absorb agricultural people into key towns, the current system have a great resistance in this part, and it indirect impact people’s willing of whether to settle down the key towns. Household register system has become one of the major barriers, it have a strong impact on people’s choice of "settle down in key towns."The system of the labor market let agricultural people in the state of non-standard employment, increasing the cost of getting a job and reduces the work rewards, influencing the economic income, wavering their willing of stay in key towns.Social insurance system is also a big problem, the imperfection of which influence the agricultural people to enjoy the same treatment with urban residents, so as to lower the willing of settle down towns.Besides, there exist a lot of problems in the moving of rural land circulation which reduces the enthusiasm of agricultural people into key towns, and unfair education and training system is also a big trouble that Inhibition of people’s willingness to settle down in key towns.4.0n the basis of the analysis, the article make a investigation in paper to13experiment towns,390agricultural people in Fuzhou about their willing to settle down in towns and proposed some assumption concerning with several part as the employment situation, social security situation, education background, personal family characteristics and so on.Through some empirical analysis like described the sample characteristics, statistical techniques, cross-column table, logistic and so on, it is concluded some different views from agricultural people’s willing of settle down in big cities.There have some population differences between agricultural people and the city, male from agricultural people are more like to settle down in city than female, and it’s counter to the population in city. With the increase of age, people more likely to stay in city, but when they get older or to a particular age, this tendency is receded.In addition, some variable of satisfaction about housing conditions, whether have a friend in town, familiarity with local dialect, marital status have much impact on agricultural people’s willing, from the other side, degree of education and absolute income level have not impacted performance significantly.5.Approached from three major issues to improve the ability of absorb agricultural labor force in key towns:social security system construction, social capital of cultivating people to settle down in key towns and the relevant system innovation.To be specific, it is necessary to build housing security system; strengthening the countryside land social security systems and economic security function;accumulating people’s social capital such as society, human resource, economy, politics;accelerating the innovation in household registration system, labor market, and educational training so as to consolidate system base.

  • 【分类号】F323.6;F299.21
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】906
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