

On the Political Dishonest——a Study with the Background of Current China

【作者】 阮博

【导师】 余玉花;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 思想政治教育, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 政务诚信是指政务人员在政务活动中做到诚实守信。政务诚信主要通过政务之“真”、政务之“诚”和政务之“信”三个方面反映出来。政务诚信是中外先贤们思索的重要内容,也是马克思主义经典作家和中国共产党主要领导人关注的重要对象。公仆理论、社会契约理论、政治德性理论和政治合法性理论,都确证着政务诚信。政务诚信有利于实现政治民主,有利于促进政治认同,有利于扩大有序政治参与;政务诚信能够为市场主体提供稳定的心理预期,能对市场诚信产生良好的示范效应,能为经济发展注入生机和活力;政务诚信能够涵育现代政治文化,能够提升国家文化软实力;政务诚信能够净化社会风气,能够维护社会公正,能够促进社会和谐。政务失信是与政务诚信相对应的范畴,指的是政务诚信的缺乏和丧失。当前中国确实存在着政务失信现象,这可以从人性论、媒体报道和广大群众的亲身感受等方面得到很好地说明。从当前中国政务失信的特点、当前中国政务人员的总体政治风貌、当前中国共产党和中国政府对待政务失信的态度来看,政务失信不可能在政治生活中占据主流。当前中国的政务失信现象虽然不占主流,但已经比较严重,这可以从当前群众对于政务诚信的总体感知度不高、对于政务人员的认可度不高、对于政务信息和政务活动的信任度不高三个方面得到充分反映。当前中国政务失信的基本样态是政务失“真”、政务失“诚”和政务失“信”。政务失“真”的典型表现是统计数据失真、形式主义和政务人员学历履历造假,政务失“诚”的典型表现是官僚主义、政务公开扭曲和行政不公,政务失“信”的典型表现是“空头支票”、“朝令夕改”和“新官不理旧账”。当前中国的政务失信现象,可能诱发政治冷漠、群体性事件、“塔西陀陷阱”和社会诚信危机。当前中国政务失信的发生有着制度上的逻辑。制度缺位使得政务诚信的确定性心理维系机制和外在制约机制缺失,从而容易滋生政务失信现象。这可以从政务诚信档案制度的缺位与政务失信、政务诚信考核制度的缺位与政务失信这两个个案分析中得到很好地说明。制度走样使得政府的制度性承诺难以兑现,以及使得政务诚信的维系机制和促进机制失效,从而导致政务失信的发生。这可以从政务公开制度的走样与政务失信、政务人员职务晋升制度的走样与政务失信这两个个案分析中得到很好地说明。制度软化会减少政务失信的成本、激发政务失信的动机以及使政务失信的制约机制和惩戒机制失灵,从而助长政务失信行为。这可以从政务监督制度的软化与政务失信、政务问责制度的软化与政务失信这两个个案分析中得到很好地说明。负面政治文化的存在是政务失信发生的根源。在当前中国,导致政务失信发生的负面政治文化主要是官本位政治文化、人治型政治文化和臣民式政治文化。受官本位政治文化的影响,政务人员从事政务活动的动机是私利主导而不是公益至上,政务人员从事政务活动的法则是权力中心而不是权利中心,政务人员从事政务活动的心态是“官贵民轻”而不是“民贵官轻”,这些都会导致政务失信。人治型政治文化的完美主义人性预设,人治型政治文化蕴含的“人大于法”的价值观念,人治型政治文化所导致的等级主义价值观念,都会消解政务诚信。臣民式政治文化会使得民众的主人翁意识缺乏,这会颠倒主仆关系,从而消解政务诚信;臣民式政治文化会使得民众的政治参与意识缺乏,这会增添政务活动中的神秘主义因素,从而消解政务诚信;臣民式政治文化会使得民众的政治监督功能消弭,这会助长政务人员不负责的行政,从而消解政务诚信。当前中国政务失信的治理可以从多个层面获得突破,教育治理是其中一个极其重要的方面。政务失信的教育治理主要包括两个层面:一是针对政务人员,即加强政务诚信教育;二是针对普通公民,即加强公民意识教育。有效的政务诚信教育,能够使政务人员确立政务诚信价值观。政务诚信价值观的确立,是政务失信的内部约束机制。有效的公民意识教育,能够使广大公民都有健全的公民意识。广大公民具备健全的公民意识,是政务失信的外部压制机制。

【Abstract】 The political integrity refers to the civil servants be honest and trustworthy in the political activities. The political integrity reflected mainly through three aspects. One is the political honest, namely political personnel be honest administration. The second is the political sincerity, namely political personnel to administrative sincerely. Three is the political sincerity, namely political personnel to credit administration. The political integrity is an important content of domestic and foreign ancient thinkers’ works, but also a significant component of classic Marxism’s writers’. The political integrity is proved by the theory of public servant, the theory of social contract, the theory of political virtue and the theory of political legitimacy. The political integrity is beneficial to realize political democracy, political identity, and political participation. The political integrity is beneficial to provide stable expectations for market main body, have demonstration effects on business integrity, and promote economic growth. The political integrity can cultivate modern political culture and promote national cultural soft power. The political integrity is beneficial to purify the social atmosphere, maintain social justice, and promote social harmony.The political dishonest is corresponding to the political integrity, refers to the lack and loss of political integrity. The political dishonest phenomenon does exist in China at present. This can be proved by the theory of human nature, media reports and the experience of the broad masses. Because our country is the people’s democratic and socialist country, the party and the government has always been committed to democratic politics construction, which makes China’s current administrative personnel’s overall style is good. Therefore, the political dishonest phenomenon s only happened quietly and secretive, which can’t be in the political life to occupy the mainstream. The current form of China’s political dishonest is lack of the political honest, the political sincerity and the political sincerity. The typical performance about lack of the political honest is inaccurate statistics, formalism and fake degrees. The typical performance about lack of the political sincerity is bureaucracy, government distortions and administrative injustice. The typical performance about lack of the political credit is’bad check’,’constantly changing’ and ’new broom ignore old scores’. The political dishonest may bring about the political apathy, the mass incidents, the political crisis of confidence and the social integrity crisis.There are institutional reasons for the happening of the political dishonest. The lack of systems make the certainty psychological support mechanism and external restriction mechanism of the political integrity break down, which is easy to breed political dishonest behavior. This can explain by lack of the file system and lack of the appraisal system of the political integrity. The deformation of systems make the maintaining mechanism and promoting mechanism of the political integrity break down, which is easy to breed political dishonest behavior. This can explain by deformation of the government’s open system and deformation of the political appointees’promotion system. The softening of systems may reduce the cost of the political dishonest, inspire the motivation of the political dishonest, and make the restriction mechanism and punishment mechanism of the political dishonest break down, which is easy to breed political dishonest behavior. This can explain by the softening of the administrative supervision systems and the softening of administrative accountability systems the political integrity.The occurrence of the political dishonest has cultural roots. By the influence of the official standard culture, Political appointees’ administrative motivation is self-interest instead of public welfare, political appointees’ administrative law is the power center rather than the right center, political appointees’ administrative mentality is that officials are more important than the people, which is easy to breed political dishonest behavior. The preset of perfectionism human nature, the officials’ will is more important than the law, and the obsession of hierarchy in the culture with rule of man, which may dissolve the political integrity. By the influence of the culture of the subjects, people are without the consciousness of master, the consciousness of participation, and the consciousness of supervision, which may dissolve the political integrity.The governance of the political dishonest can get breakthrough from multiple perspectives, the governance of education is one of the most important aspect. The the governance of education about the political dishonest includes two aspects. One is the political integrity education which is for political appointees, the other is citizenship education which is for citizens. The effective political integrity education can make political appointees establish the values of political integrity which are the internal constraint mechanism of the political dishonest. The effective citizenship education can make citizens establish the sound civil consciousness which is external suppression mechanism of the political dishonest.


