

Studies of the Congress Petition Movement in Late Qing

【作者】 丁业鹏

【导师】 杨国强;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 国会请愿运动是对清末政治格局和近代中国民主的发展都有影响的重要事件。以往关于国会请愿运动研究的主流观点认为,国会请愿没有达到“即开国会”的目的,所以,请愿运动是失败的,但是另一方面,国会请愿运动产生了积极而深刻的影响,传播了民主主义观念,加速了清政府的灭亡。本论文指出,国会请愿运动使得清政府妥协,答应“缩短三年”开国会期限,从这方面来说,并不能称作失败。另外,对于国会请愿运动所产生的积极而深刻的影响,也不宜高估。本论文认为,国会请愿运动的真正“失败”之处在于,一方面,在中国急需统一的时候,国会请愿运动使得本来就四分五裂的中国社会更加支离破碎,另一方面,国会请愿运动中,成立国会的功利性,对国会理论肤浅甚至歪曲的理解,应该要对近代中国民本的坍塌和民权的迷失而负责。批评国会请愿运动“失败”,并不是要否认国会请愿运动中立宪派的爱国精神和追求民主的精神,也并不是说立宪派根本就不应该进行请愿。所以,对于国会请愿运动的“失败”,清政府和立宪派都有责任。在国会请愿运动中,载沣的优柔寡断和清政府的腐败无能,使得国会请愿运动从一件小事,最后闹得不可收拾,不仅使立宪派对清政府失望而去,也加剧了清政府内部的分裂和冲突。在立宪派这一方,他们一直把国会当作可以建立“如臂使指”的强有力现代化政府的工具,正因如此,他们才认为国会有富强和救亡的功效。这样的国会思想一方面严重忽视了个人的权利,另一方面,鼓吹国会有各式各样的功效,对于推动国会的成立是有用的,但是在成立之后,国会肯定无法满足人们的期望,这对国会制度的发展又是有害的。

【Abstract】 Congress Petition Movement is an important event in late Qing Dynasty,which has influenced both the political situation of the late Qing Dynasty and the development of democracy in modern China.The conventional wisdom was that on the one hand,Congress Petition Movement was failed achieve its purpose,on the other hand, Congress Petition Movement had a positive and profound impact on spreading the democratic idea and accelerating the demise of the Qing government.However,the dissertation pointed out that on the one hand, Congress Petition Movement was not failed achieve its purpose because it made the Qing government to compromise,promised to shorten the duration three years to establish the Congress,on the other hand,the positive and profound impact of the Congress Petition Movement should not be overestimated. The dissertation pointed out that the Congress Petition Movement made the China society more be reduced to fragments.Furthermore,in the Congerss Petition Movement,it was responsible for the democracy is leaded in the wrong direction that constitutionalist asked to establish the Congress with the utilitarian purpose and they misinterpreted Congress theory.Both Qing government and constitutionalist were responsible for the failure of Congress Petition Movement.Zaifeng was incapable of taking strong decision and Qing government was corrupt and incompetent,which made Congress Petition Movement got out of hand finally.As for the constitutionalists,they considered the Congress as a tool which could establish a strong modern government all the time.Because of this,they thought that Congress had the efficacy of prosperity and saving the country.Constitutionalists had seriously neglected the personal rights.Moreover,it is harmful to the Congress that constitutionalists advocated Congress had the efficacy of prosperity and saving the country because the Congress had failed to achieve them.


