

Chinese Birth Control and Village’s Women

【作者】 胡桂香

【导师】 姜进;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2014, 博士


【摘要】 自中华人民共和国成立以来,生育问题就一直与国家现代化建设和发展有着千丝万缕的关系。从1950年代中期开始,中国共产党就开始在全国实施计划生育,以使人口增长与经济发展相适应。在计划生育不断取得成绩的过程中,广大农村女性在这一生育政策当中不仅成为重要的节育动员对象,而且是这一政策主要的身体实践者和动力。本论文把农村妇女置于现代化发展和妇女自身解放这一历史语境中,通过口述资料、田野调查与档案、文献资料的交互运用,试图展示计划生育这一历史性事件对农村妇女日常生活的影响以及计划生育政策如何被女性纳入自身的生活轨迹。同时,论文还试图揭示中国的社会性别制度同计划生育政策是如何关联的,并将考察“公”“私”领域之间的交融与冲突。全文共分三个部分,即绪论、正文和结语,其中正文部分共分4章。首先概述西村当地的政治、经济、文化体制,着重考察村落社会传统的性别分工体制、家庭结构形式、妇女的地位以及人口构成;同时通过分析西村村民对身体、生命观、以及对生产方式的理解,我们可以看到50年来在计划生育政策的影响下,传统生育文化所发生的变化。第三章从“妇女的处境”、“计划生育的开端”、“节育知识的传播”以及“不尽人意的结果”四个方面描述了1950-1960年代的计划生育工作在西村的开展情况。第四章从“计划生育工作组入村”、“阻力与压力:计划生育任务的落实”、“对身体的控制:各种节育方法的使用”以及“两位结扎者(绝育者)背后的故事”四个方面阐述了1970年代“晚稀少”计划生育政策对西村的影响,起初,村民们(尤其是妇女们)因为养育的负担,晚稀少的计划生育在一定程度上受到了欢迎,比起丈夫或婆婆等其它家庭成员,妇女本身对生育控制的态度更积极,她们不只是政策的被动接受者,在这场运动中,有时政策和妇女结为同盟,致抵抗传统父权制的多子观念,有效控制了生育,使该村计划生育取得显著成绩。第五章从“家庭联产承包责任制与西村妇女”、“风暴来临:独生子女政策的登场”、“沉重的肉身:妇女们的压力”、“弱者的‘武器’:妇女们的应对措施”以及“家庭结构的变化与新型生育观的形成”分析了1980年代独生子女政策在西村的实施。在这一过程中受独生子女政策以及家庭联产承包责任制的影响,西村的家庭结构与规模都发生了变化,这不仅与80年代的婚姻形式变化有关,也与妇女地位的提高有关,而这最终导致了新的生育观念的形成。通过历史人类学、妇女史和社会生活史的交叉研究,以及与阎云翔的《《私人生活的变革:一个中国村庄里的爱情、家庭与亲密关系(1949-1999)》的对话,论文认为计划生育政策在西村的实施对西村传统生育文化比如“多子多福”的改变并不大,为此我们就要重新评价计划生育的作用,以改变对妇女身体权和生命权的漠视;同时,由国家主导的计划生育政策所推广的节育避孕方法应该向男性倾斜,以改变传统的男优女劣的身体文化;当然考察妇女地位的变化我们不能只从从夫居、从父姓和父系继承的家庭制度考察,而要从私人生活领域来考察,这样我们就能发现妇女的地位不断在变化,在家庭决策中的作用也越来越大;而妇女要提高自己的政治地位,首先要积极参与村庄公共事务,增加女性在村委会中的比例,这样才能掌握话语权。

【Abstract】 Since the Republic of China was founded,there have been countless ties between fertility problems and the construction and development of Chinese modernization all the time.From the middle of1950s,Chinese Communist Party began to carry out the birth control in China,so that population growth can adapt to economic development.In the process of constantly making achievements,a large number of rural women were not only the important mobilized object of birth control,but also the main practitioners and motive of the policy. In this dissertation, the rural women were placed in the historical context of the development of modernization and women liberation.Combining dictating materials, field research and the interactive use between archives and document literatures,it attempts to show that the birth control,a historical event had an impact on the daily life of rural women and how birth-control policies were brought into women’s own path of life.Meanwhile,the dissertation also attempts to reveal that how Chinese gender system is linked with birth-control policies and will investigate the conflict and integration between public and private sphere.In this dissertation,the main structure is divided into three parts introduction, text and conclusion, And the part of text contains four chapters.Firstly,it summarizes the local system of politics,economic and culture in Xi village,emphatically investigates social convention in village:the gender division of labor system,the family structure,the women status and population composition.In the second chapter,it begins with the fertility culture of traditional Xi village.By analyzing the understanding of the villagers of Xi village toward body,life value and production mode,we can see the transformation of traditional fertility culture under the impact of the birth-control policies in fifty years.Thirdly,in the following four aspects of "women’s conditions","beginning of birth control","spread of birth-control knowledge" and "unsatisfactory outcomes",it demonstrates the developing conditions of family planning work in Xi village during the1950s and1960s.In chapter Four,it contains four aspects:"work group of birth control into village","friction and stress:implement of birth-control task","control of body:use of various birth-control ways","the story behind the two sterilization women". And elaborates the influence of "married lately,four-year birth interval,bear less than two" of birth-control policies in the1970s.Originally,owing to villager’s burden of poverty and raising,the birth-control policies of "wan,xi,shao" were popular among villagers to some extent.When the families had different comments,women themselves had more positive attitudes toward birth-control policies than their own husband and mother-in-law.Women were not only the passive receiver of policies.Under the background of complicated power relations in village,they either accept or refuse the policy.Therefore,in the campaign,women made an alliance with the policyconsistently resisting the idea of more children of traditional patriarchy.As a result,controlling birth efficiently,let the birth control of the village make quite remarkable achievements.Finally,in five ways:"the household contract responsibility system with women of Xi village","before the storm:the only-child policy come on stage","heavy body:stress of the women","’weapon’ of the second sex:measures of women " and "transformation of family structure with the formation of new ideology on childbearing". It analyses the implement of only-child policy in Xi village in the1980s.In all these efforts,the family structure and scale of Xi village had both been about to change due to the only-child policy and the household contract responsibility system.They were not only linked with changing marriage patterns in the1980s,but also were related to the improvement of women’s status.However,they resulted in the formation of the new ideology on childbearing.Through the cross-over study of historical anthropology,the women history and the social life history,as well as the dialogue of The transformation of the private life:a Chinese village of love.family and close relationships(1949-1999) written by Yunxiang Yan.The dissertation considers that the implement of birth control in Xi village made little change in Xi village traditional fertility culture such as "more children will result in more fortune". There fore,we should revaluate the effect of birth control in order to change the indifference to the right of body and life of women;meanwhile,in the birth-control policies led mainly by government,ways of birth control methods should incline for man in order to change the traditional body culture of "men are superior to women"; certainly, in terms of investigating the transformation of woman status,we can’t just investigate the family system by patrilocal residence,the same family name as father and patrilineal inheritance which is also called patriarchy.But we should consider it in the field of private life.Only in this way can we find that the status of women are continuously changeable,and women play a more and more important role in family decision;as for women,if they want to improve their own political status,the fatal step is that participating positively in village public affairs,adding the percentage of women in village committee.


