

A Study on Flannery O’ Connor’ S Fiction from the Perspective of the Freudian Psychoanalysis

【作者】 郑素杰

【导师】 曾艳兵;

【作者基本信息】 天津师范大学 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 弗兰纳里·奥康纳是20世纪美国著名的小说家,同时也是二战后富有争议的南方天主教作家,由于其一生命运多舛,形成了丧父和恐惧死亡等多种精神创伤,南方农场的隐居生活束缚了她的创作,无形中也潜抑了她的本能欲望。奥康纳的作品自问世以来一直受到评论界的高度关注,她的创作宗教主题和地域色彩突出,罪恶感和救赎意识浓重,充斥了大量的畸形人格和暴力事件,剖析了人性,表现了人的内在本质,批判了美国南方社会顽疾及落后的传统文化,对现代社会精神迷茫的人有一定的启示。奥康纳宣称她的创作是一种“救赎”行为。国内外奥康纳研究基本上从宗教、南方性、女性、暴力、种族等角度对奥康纳小说进行阐释,认为其不拘泥于传统的创作是南方文学的变体。对于奥康纳精神层面的研究,基本沿袭了新批评字面意义上的分析范式,对比分析作品人物行为与奥康纳本人生活经历的共同点,这些研究都从某一个侧面解释了奥康纳小说中的一些现象和诗学成因,但在不同程度上也忽视了对奥康纳精神活动过程的探究,未从弗洛伊德“升华”说等理论层面对其写作动因、人物怪诞的内在因素进行挖掘。本论文将奥康纳创作置于弗洛伊德精神分析学说视域,在细读文本的基础上,运用弗洛伊德精神分析理论,通过文化与文学文本互为参证式的论述,切入其文本精神症候,深入剖析作者和人物内在的思想本质,力求形式与内容上的完美统一,以达到在宏观上对奥康纳诗学的整体把握。精神分析不仅是一种文学批评方法,更是一种看待世界的方法和角度。弗洛伊德精神分析美学中的无意识、精神结构、俄狄浦斯情结、创伤理论等重要概念有助于研究者对不同时代的作品现象做出同质异类的解读,也有助于我们在一定程度上解析奥康纳诗学的本质和成因,使我们得以从奥康纳作品的外部走进内部,能够实现进一步深入挖掘其文本潜在意蕴的可能。本文分为导论、正文、结语三个部分。导论部分首先回顾了国内外奥康纳研究所取得的成果,明确了其中有待商榷和值得进一步探讨的问题,分析了我国学术界及西方评论界运用弗洛伊德精神分析理论研究奥康纳滞后的原因。其次介绍了弗洛伊德精神分析学说的主要理论和在美国的传播应用及其对奥康纳的影响。第三简述了论文研究的意义、创新点及框架。论文中的正文分为四章。第一章从奥康纳文本的创作背景和动因分析了其小说生成的因素,阐述了奥康纳的成长语境、创伤与挫折,剖析了第二次世界大战前后时段美国的社会形态和作者的社会身份属性,及奥康纳所处的宗教语境和文学语境是形成她创作动机的内外因素。第二章围绕奥康纳文本的自我精神投射展开,分析了小说中塑造的美国南方社会的代表性人物——强悍的女农场主、仇母恋母的男青年、极具掌控欲的老者、孤傲的女博士、充满幻想的女作家、男性情结的小女孩等人物的思想意识,阐释了奥康纳的创作过程是其自我宣泄化、自我理想化和自我限制化的达成。第三章运用弗洛伊德的创伤经验、压抑、焦虑、俄狄浦斯情结、力比多等理论分析了奥康纳小说人物的心理、精神和性格,解读了其文本中的心理范式形成的内在精神因素。第四章根据弗洛伊德的梦是梦者愿望的达成及其梦分为显梦和隐梦的理论观点,分析了奥康纳小说中关于梦境的描述——女农场主的焦虑梦、男青年的死亡幻觉、女作家的白日梦,探讨了这几个梦的象征、意象以及小说人物在梦境中所反映出来的焦虑、潜意识冲动与现实环境的矛盾和道德意识,揭示了他们的梦是其内在灵魂的梦幻展示的本质。结语部分,对奥康纳研究中一些有待商榷的观点予以阐释,概括了弗洛伊德精神分析理论视域中奥康纳小说的暴力美学意义,对奥康纳后续研究进行了展望。

【Abstract】 Flannery O’Connor is an outstanding American novelist in the20th century and a controversial southern Catholic writer after the World War Ⅱ as well. She suffers many mishaps in her life, especially her father’s death and her own lupus which lead to her mental traumas. Her life as a hermit in a southern farm makes her writing and her instinctive desire restrained unconsciously. The literary critics have been talking over her fiction since her first novel being published. There are prominent religious motifs, regional characteristics in her creation. What’s more, her fiction contains not only the strong sense of redemption and guilt, but also freaks and violence which are used to analyze humanity and disclose the nature of human being. Also her creation criticizes both the southern social problems and its unenlightened culture. Meanwhile her stories practically present spiritual apocalypse to the confused. O’Connor herself declares that her writing is a kind of redemption.Scholars who are engaged in O’Connor study in both China and in America mainly concentrates on interpreting the significance of the religion, the feature of south, the feminism, violence and race in her fiction. They have already made a conclusion that her special way of creation is a kind of innovation to the southern literature. As far as O’Connor’s mental perspective is concerned, it generally follows the literal way of the New Criticism to analyze her fiction by finding the common between her own life and the characters’experience in her works,which can help to understand the phenomena and the causes of her poetics. However, to some extent, it neglects to trace the mental change while she creates and it doesn’t mine her writing motivations as well as the inner factors of her offering grotesque with Freud’s sublimation theory. Based on close reading her stories and combined with Freud’s psychoanalysis, my dissertation is to explore the essence of the innermost mind of the author and those heroes’ thought as well through looking into the relation between the southern culture and her literary expression. By this, we will be able to have better knowledge of her creating principles and a perfect union in form and content.Psychoanalysis is not only an approach to comment on literary works but a way to observe the world as well. There are many critical concepts such as unconsciousness, mental structure, Oedipus complex, trauma theory in Freud’s psychoanalytical theory which can help explain the literary works in different times and her poetics. With Freud’s psychoanalysis, we have the possibility to enter into the nuclear of her stories and mine their implication.This dissertation consists of three parts:introduction, body and conclusion. Starting with the survey of O’Connor study home and abroad in the introduction, it makes clear the problems to be discussed and something to be further investigated, and it analyzes the reason why Chinese and the Western critics didn’t make timely use of Freud’s psychoanalysis in studying her fiction. Secondly, it introduces the main concepts in the Freud’s psychoanalysis, its being accepted in America and its influence on O’Connor’s writing. Thirdly, it briefly introduces the significance, innovation and the structure of the paper. There are four chapters in the body. Chapter One analyzes the mental motivations that inspire her creation and the background which appears in her creating, introduces the surroundings of her life and her traumas, discloses the social situation before and after the World War II, defines the author’s social identity and concludes that the religious environment she lives in and the literary atmosphere she feels constitute the inner and outside motives of her creation.Chapter two is mainly to study O’Connor’s self-projection in her fiction. From the typical southern heroes she created such as the self-conceited women farm owners, the young man who has strong love and hatred to his mother, the stubborn old man who does not bear any other’s challenge, the proud girl who has got her PhD, the female writer with unconscious illusion and the boyish girl we can see that her creating is just the course to meet her desire of catharsis, idealization and freedom of creation by analyzing these characters’mind.Chapter Three focuses on the mental paradigm in O’Connor’s writing. Freud’s theories such as trauma, stress, anxiety, the Oedipus complex and Libido theory are adopted to analyze their mentality and personality; it explains the innermost cause of shaping the mental paradigm in her stories.The Chapter Four centers on interpreting the dreams in her stories. According to Freud’s theory of dream interpreting, the dream is to meet one’s desire which includes two forms:manifest dream content and the latent dream thought. This chapter analyzes the aging woman farm owner’s anxious dreams, the young man’s death illusion, the female novelist’s daydream creating and explores the symbols, the images, the anxiety, the contradiction between the reality and her unconscious impulse and her moral awareness, from which we can see that the nature of the dreams is a kind of illusion of their inner spirit.The conclusion part explains some viewpoints which deserve to be discussed on O’Connor study. Simultaneously, it summarizes the aesthetic significance of the violence in her fictions within Freud psychoanalysis field. What’s more, the forecast on further O’Connor study is offered here.


